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1. Our guest (meet) before so we didn’t need to introduce them to one another.
2. The old man (be) a great traveller in his youth and could tell a tale about many strange places.3. Mary (prepare) our meals on the previous day so she was able to visit her sister in the country. 4. They (not eat) for twenty-four hours and were very hungry. 5. The ground was under water because it (not stop) raining for six days and nights. 6. He lived quietly on a little money he (save) before his retirement.
VI. Join the pairs of sentences, using the conjunctions in brackets. Put one of the verbs into the Past Perfect.
Example: I had a bath. I went to bed (after),
After I’d had a bath, I went to bed.
1. I read the letter. I threw it away (when). 2. He passed his driving test. He bought a car (as soon as). 3. I took the book back to the library. I finished reading it (when). 4. I spent all my money. I went home (when). 5. I read the book. I saw the film (before).
VII. Open the brackets using Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous or Past Simple.
1. They (drive) in the car for many hours before they (come) to the crossroads. 2. The scientists (carry) out dozens of experiments before they (achieve) satisfactory results. 3. At last the postman (bring) the letter which I (expect) several weeks. 4. He told me he (not see) much of her since he (move) to another place. 5. He (consult) his watch nervously several times before he (see) her at the end of the platform.
VIII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Present Perfect and Past Perfect Tenses.
1. The scientists and engineers have built an apparatus which makes it possible to test materials which will be used in cosmos. 2. He had collected some information about modern discoveries in the branch of chemistry by the end of the year. 3. Chemists have discovered how to break down compounds which occur naturally into their elements.4. The foundation of the Dubna Institute had played an important role in the development of the world science. 5. They have not solved this problem yet. 6. We have not seen him since he graduated from the Institute. 7. Our scientists have given great attention to the development of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. 8. Chemists have made special steels which are widely used in industry. 9. The members of the expedition have collected much material; they may start their research work.
IX. Open the brackets using the correct tense.
1. Every day our research workers (carry on, have carried on) great research work. 2. This year our plant (has produced, produces) many new products which are better than those which (are produced, were produced, have been produced) last year. 3. They (solved, have solved) that problem two months ago.
4. They already (completed, have completed) their investigation. 5. He (hasn’t worked, didn’t work) at the problem since he left our Institute. 6. Last year they (applied, have applied) that new method. 7. The tourists (to walk) a long way before they reached the sea. 8. She said she (to change) her plans. 9. By this time tomorrow I (to bring) you the magazine. 10. The rain (to stop) and the sun was shining brightly.
X. Open the brackets using the Future Perfect.
1. I (to do) my homework by six o’clock tomorrow.
2. When you come to my place tomorrow, I shall be reading your book.
I (to do) my homework by the time you come.
3. You (to do) this work by next Sunday?
4. How many pages you (to read) by five o’clock tomorrow?
5. She (to leave) by then.
6. I (to take) all my exams by the end of the next week.
7. I (to finish) my English courses by the end of this year.
8. They (to complete) the experiment by Monday.
XI. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
1. Люди поняли важность коллективной работы. 2. Мы иногда заканчивали работу раньше. 3. Она думает, что сделает всю работу к пяти часам. 4. Я живу в Москве уже два года. 5. Производительность наших заводов сильно увеличилась в этом году. 6. Мы не встречали его с тех пор, как закончили университет. 7. Более десяти лет прошло с тех пор, как мы виделись друг с другом. 8. Студенты уже повторят грамматику до начала экзамена.
9. Старые методы производства изменились. 10. К сентябрю прошлого года строители построили в нашей области две школы.
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