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Спряжение глагола “ to have ” во временах группы Indefinite .

2024-02-15 54
Спряжение глагола “ to have ” во временах группы Indefinite . 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Present Past Future
I (you, we, they) have He (she, it) has I (he, she, it, we, you, they) had I (we) shall have You (he, she, it, they) will have

Вопросительная форма и краткий ответ:


Have you any lessons today? – Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t.)

Had you any lessons yesterday? – Yes, I had. ( No , I hadn ’ t.)


Отрицательная форма:

I have no lessons today.

I have not any lessons today.

They had no (not any) lessons yesterday.

В предложении глагол “ to have ” может быть:


1. Смысловым со значением “иметь, обладать”.

This mineral has many valuable qualities.

Этот материал имеет много ценных свойств.

We had a meeting yesterday.

Вчера у нас было собрание.


2. модальным со значением “должен, следует, вынужден, придется”.


В этом случае за ним стоит инфинитив смыслового глагола с частицей “ to ”.

We have to make this experiment once more.

Нам  следует сделать этот опыт ещё раз.

We had to use an electronic machine to make these calculations.

Мы должны были пользоваться электронной машиной, чтобы сделать эти вычисления.


Вопросительная и отрицательная формы в Present и Past Indefinite образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола do ( did ).

Do they have to make this experiment once more?

Должны они проводить этот опыт ещё раз?

Did they have to make the experiment once more?

Должны они были проводить этот опыт еще раз?

They do not have to make this experiment once more.

Они не должны проводить этот опыт еще раз.

They did not have to make the experiment once more.

Они не должны были проводить этот опыт еще раз.


3. вспомогательным для образования времён группы Perfect и Perfect Continuous. В этом случае глагол to have не переводится на русский язык, но служит показателем времени, лица и числа смыслового глагола.


He has made an interesting report at the conference.

Он сделал интересный доклад на конференции.

We had finished our work by 9 o’clock.

Мы закончили свою работу к 9 часам.


I. Write the following sentences according to the model.

Model:  He has a car.

         He had a car.

         He will have a car.

1. They have a big house in the country.

2. My friend has many interesting books.

3. His mother has a nice garden.

4. She has a good map of London.

5. I have a beautiful picture.

6. John has good work.

7. These students have four classes every day.

8. We have a good dog.

9. He has many exams this year.

10. He has much work to do.

II. Use a correct form of the verb “to have”.

1. I _____ got a motorbike but I _____ a car.

2. Does Ann _____ a car?

3. I’m not feeling very well. I _____ got a headache.

4. Tim _____ got two sisters.

5. Our car _____ got two doors.

6. We _____ many important meetings when we were in London last month.

7. Schoolchildren _____ the longest holidays in summer.

8. Monasteries were centres of theoretical knowledge. They _____ large libraries. Each of the big monasteries _____ book-making shops.

9. I know that his father _____ many books in different foreign languages.

10. Now his parents _____ a comfortable flat.

11. Next year he _____ many lessons of Latin.

12. Rowing _____ a long history in England.

13. Alfred Nobel never _____a wife or family to love him.

III. Complete the sentences. Use “have to” or “has to”. Translate the sentences into Russian.

A  1. My eyes are not very good. I _____. (wear)

2. At the end of the course all the students _____ a test. (do)

3. Mary is studying literature. She _____ a lot of books. (read)

4. Albert doesn’t understand much English. You _____ very slowly to him. (speak)

5. Kate is not often at home. She _____ a lot in her job. (travel)


B Use “have to” or “had to”.

1. We ______________ home last night. There were no buses. (walk)

2. It’s late. I ______________ now. I’ll see you tomorrow. (go)

3. I went to the supermarket after work yesterday. I ______________ some food. (buy)

4. This train doesn’t go all the way to London. You ______________ at Bristol. (change)

5. We did an exam yesterday. We _____________ six questions out of ten. (answer)

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