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Слова - заместители глаголов-сказуемых.

2024-02-15 63
Слова - заместители глаголов-сказуемых. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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При необходимости повторить сказуемое в одном предложении, во втором случае используется слово-заместитель, выбор которого зависит от формы сказуемого:


1. если сказуемое состоит больше чем из одного слова, то в качестве заместителя используется первый вспомогательный (или модальный) глагол.


I shall do it better than he will.

Я сделаю это лучше, чем он (сделает).

He could understand the rule. But I could not.

Он смог понять это правило, а я не смогла.

2. если сказуемое не имеет вспомогательных глаголов, тогда употребляется глагол do в соответствующем времени и лице: do - настоящее время, does - настоящее время 3-го лица ед. числа, did - прошедшее время. В русском предложении обычно повторяется сказуемое, особенно если время сказуемого и его «заместителя» не совпадает.


I carry out this work better than he does.

Я выполняю эту работу лучше, чем он (выполняет).

I know English but he did not.

Я знаю английский, а он (тогда) его не знал.

I shall come earlier than she will.

Я приду раньше, чем она (придёт).



 1. Translate into Russian.

1. This idea is different from theirs. 2. He has more friends than I do. 3. He has many books. I like the one on that shelf. 4. One should use a new tool, not an old one. 5. This rule is useful when one is studying grammar. 6. These are very useful rules. 7. One is never old to learn. 8. This is an idea of great interest. 9. This leads to a mistake. 10. I shall have to buy a new coat for myself and another one for my sister. 11. One thing is clear to everybody: one must study hard if one wants to pass one’s examinations well. 12. One never knows what may happen. 13. What other methods will they use? The ones they used were not effective. 14. The more one studies, the more he knows. 15. These trucks are too small; they will need bigger ones. 16. This apparatus is more powerful than the one installed in our laboratory. 17. Your advice is more important for us than hers. 18. The instruments in our laboratory are not so modern as those in yours. 19. Their office is farther away from the University than yours. 20. Mercury revolves round the Sun at the higher speed than other planets. It’s speed is much higher than theirs. 21. These rules are similar to ours. 22. One must know all the properties of this substance. 23. One may expect that this substance dissolves easily in water. 24. One mustn’t cross the street on the red light. 25. One should work hard when studying a foreign language.

II. Translate into Russian. Pay special attention to “that, those”.

1. That he agreed to help his comrades is only natural.

2. The book that you gave me is very interesting.

3. The problem that was discussed at the meeting yesterday is of great importance.

4. That happened the year I graduated from the University.

5. Those children are always very noisy.

6. That was the thing that he wanted.


III. Fill in the gaps. Use one (ones), that (those). Translate the sentences into Russian .

1. This dictionary is very large, show me a smaller _____.

2. _____ should be attentive when taking notes of the lecture.

3. This device is an ordinary _____.

4. The scientist answered _____ they were going to find a new way of getting valuable minerals.

5. This advanced method allows _____ to get good results.

6. They knew ______ building had collapsed.

7. _____ should be very careful when crossing the street.

8. _____ was the distance that they covered in one hour.

9. The properties of gold are different from _____ of iron.

10. _____ never knows what to expect in this case.

11. _____ was one of the reasons for the lengthening of the bus route.

12. The problems of water supply in this town are as important as _____ of lighting.


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