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В этом случае за глаголом to be идёт инфинитив смыслового глагола с частицей to, и имеет значение: должен, обязан.

2024-02-15 56
В этом случае за глаголом to be идёт инфинитив смыслового глагола с частицей to, и имеет значение: должен, обязан. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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He is to do it. – Он должен сделать это.


I. Write full sentences. Use is/ isn’t/ are/ aren’t.

1. ( your shoes very dirty) _______________

2.  (my brother, a teacher) ________________

3. (this house, not, very big) ______________

4. (the shops, not opened today) ___________

5.  (my keys, in my bag) _________________


II. Write true sentences, positive or negative. Use is/ isn’t/ are/ aren’t.


1. (I / interested in politics) __________________

2. (I / hungry) _____________________________

3. (It / warm today) ________________________

4. (I / afraid of dogs) ________________________

5. (My hands / cold) ________________________

6. (Canada / a very big country) _______________

III. Make questions with these words. Use ”is” or are”.


1. (at home / your mother)? __________________

2. (interesting / your job)? ___________________

3. (an experienced / engineer)? _______________

4. (the shops / open today)? __________________

5. (why / you / late)? ________________________


 IV. Say the following sentences in the Present ( Past and Future) Indefinite Tense.

1.Victor is free this evening. 2. Jonh is in America. 3. I am very busy. 4. She is at the lecture. 5. The expedition is in Africa. 6. The workers are at the factory. 7. The students are at the Institute.

V.  Answer the following questions.

1. Was last winter cold?

2.Are you at the lesson?

3.Is his answer good?

4. Were you free yesterday?

5. Will you be in town on Sunday?

6. Is mathematics difficult?

7. Will you be present at the lesson tomorrow?

8. Were your summer plans interesting?

       9. Is your University large?


VI. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

A 1. The aim of the conference was to discuss problems of future cooperation.

   2. The plan of the research work is to make some experiments and to study the results.

   3. Our plan was to visit some research laboratories.

   4. Our task is to translate the text into English. 


B 1. Catherina wants to work in France. She is studying French now.

   2. The population of the world is rising very fast.

   3. I was having dinner with some partners.

   4. He will be working in the laboratory from 10 till 2 a.m. tomorrow. 


C 1. The books were taken from the library.

    2. The newspapers are usually brought in the morning.

    3. All the work will be done by automatic machinery.

    4. The young workers are trained at the factory how to use the new equipment.


 D   1. Automobile manufacturers are to meet today and discuss the raw

        material supply problems.

    2. You are to overcome many difficulties.

    3. They were to test the car by February.

    4. The students were to translate some articles into Russian.


VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мой брат сейчас в университете. Моя мама вчера не была на работе. Она была дома.

2. Завтра мы будем обсуждать план работы на следующий год.

3. - Что он делает сейчас?- Он разговаривает по телефону.

4. Цель нашей встречи состояла в том, чтобы обсудить все проблемы, связанные с поставкой нового оборудования.

5. Воздух в городах очень загрязнен.

6. Они должны были подготовить всю документацию.

VIII. Define the function of the verb “to be” in the following sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The meeting is to take place in our Institute.

2. He is a second year student.

3. There is a good library in our Institute.

4. She is speaking to a teacher now.

5. I was very busy yesterday.

6. They were to carry out many interesting experiments.

7. He was to return the book after the lecture.



ГЛАГОЛ “ to have ”

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