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IV. A asks B some questions. Use the information in the box to write B’s answer. Use “one” in the answers.

2024-02-15 54
IV. A asks B some questions. Use the information in the box to write B’s answer. Use “one” in the answers. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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B: doesn’t need a car ; has just had a cup of coffee;    there’s a chemist in Mill Road; is going to buy a bicycle; hasn’t got a pen; hasn’t got an umbrella      


1. A: Can you lend me a pen? 

       B: I’m sorry, I haven’t got one.

 2. A: Would you like to have a car?            

   B: No, I don’t _____.

 3. A: Have you got a bicycle?                    

        B: No, but _____.

 4. A: Can you lend me an umbrella?            

B: I’m sorry but _____.

 5. A: Would you like a cup of coffee?          

B: No, thank you _____.

 6. A: Is there a chemist near here?                

B: Yes, _____.


V. Use the information in the box to complete these conversations. Use one /


  the coat is black; the shoes are green; the girl is tall with long hair; the pictures are on the wall;  the hotel is opposite the station;      the house has got a red door; the books are on the top shelf; the flowers are yellow; the man has got a moustache and glasses; I took the photographs on the beach last week.

1. A: We stayed at a hotel.              2. A: Are those your books?

B: Which one?                                 B: _________________?

A: The one opposite the station.   A:__________________?


3. A: Those shoes are nice.           4. A: Do you know that girl?

B: _________________?               B: _________________? 

A: _________________.                A: _________________.


5. A: That’s a nice house.            6. A: Those flowers are beautiful.

B: _________________?             B: _________________?

A: ______with________.            A: _________________.


7. A: I like that coat.                   8.  A: Who’s that man?

B: _________________?             B: _________________?

A: _________________.             A: _________________.


9. A: I like those pictures.  

B: _________________?                    

A: _________________.                        


10. A: Have you seen my photographs?

  B: _________________?                       

  A: _________________. 


VI. Finish the following sentences.


1. I consider her to be a good specialist, but I _____.

2. He asked me to check the facts, but she _____.

3. She saw him yesterday, but we _____.

4. We shall go to the meeting, but he _____.

5. I may go home, but you _____.   

6. He can speak English better than she _____.

7. I speak three foreign languages, but my friend _____.




1. Односложные и некоторые двусложные прилагательные и наречия образуют степени сравнения при помощи суффиксов: (сравнительная) – er; (превосходная) – est.

Перед прилагательным в превосходной степени обычно стоит определенный артикль the.


High – higher – the highest

Высокий – более высокий – самый высокий

2. Многосложные прилагательные образуют степени сравнения при помощи наречий

More (сравнительная степень) и most (превосходная степень)


Important – more important – the most important

Важный – более важный – самый (наиболее) важный

3. Некоторые прилагательные образуют степени сравнения от других корней:

Good – better – the best

 (хороший - лучше -наилучший)


Bad – worse – the worst

(плохой – хуже – самый плохой)


Little – less – the least

(маленький – меньше – самый маленький)

Much – more – the most

Many – more – the most

 (много – больше -большинство)


Far – farther – the farthest

   (further – the furthest)

(дальний – более отдаленный – самый отдаленный)

4. Сравнительные союзы:


as … as – так(ой) … как и

not so … as – не так(ой) … как и

as well as – также как и

as well – также


Если после сочетания as … as … стоит числительное, то это сочетание обычно не переводится.


The speed of this plane is as high as 1.200 kilometres per hour.

Скорость этого самолёта 1.200 километров в час.

Сочетания типа: five metres high , three metres long переводятся на русский язык: высотой в пять метров, длиной в три метра.

5. Сравнительный оборот:


The (more) … the (better) …

                                             Чем … тем …

The higher the temperature the more rapid is the motion of the molecules.

Чем выше температура, тем быстрее движение молекул.




I. Give the comparative and superlative of the following.


A  hot, long, short, clever, heavy, weak, interesting, good, small, happy, beautiful, bad, dirty, wide, far, careful, light, attentive.


B   a short story, a high building, much snow, an easy question, a late news, a difficult exercise, little time, many cars, a comfortable flat, a thick dictionary, few mistakes.


II. Complete the sentences. Use a comparative.

1. My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something _____.

2. David doesn’t work very hard. I work _____.

3. Your plan isn’t very good. My plan is _____.

4. I’m not very interested in art. I’m _____ in history.

5. Britain isn’t very big. France is _____.

6. People today aren’t very polite. In the past they were _____.

7. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be_____.

8. You’re talking very loudly. Can you speak a bit _____.

9. You hardly ever phone me. Why don’t you phone me _____.

10. You were a bit depressed yesterday but you look _____ today.


III. Use a superlative.

A  1. It’s a very valuable painting. It _____ the gallery.

2. She is a very intelligent student. She _____ the class.

3. It was a very happy day. It was _____ my life.


B   1. We stayed at _____ hotel in the town. (cheap)

2. What’s _____ river in the world? (long)

3. That was _____ meal I’ve had for a long time. (delicious)


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