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Making and maintaining contact | |||
Standard phrase | Meaning | Translation | Response(phrase/action) |
All ships in ... area | I request that all ships receiving this transmission listen to what follows | Всем судам, находящимся в ...зоне | All ships listen(if what follows is an attempt to make contact with an unknown ship, then the ship so addressed should respond in the normal way) |
Calling... | I wish to speak to | Вызываю ... | Respondent replies using name, callsign |
How do you read? | How well are you receiving me? | Как слышите меня? | I read you (1-5) |
Interruption | I am being interrupted. I will take action to deal with it. | Меня прервали | Respondent waits on same channel while the interruption is dealt with. |
Out | I’m terminating the conversation | Конец связи | Respondent switches back to normal watch channel. |
Over | I’ve completed my transmission and I’m ready to receive yours. | Прием | Respondent transmits. |
Stand by VHF channel... | Remain on VHF channel... | Продолжайте слушать на УКВ канале ... | Standing by VHF channel... |
Stop transmitting. | Stop transmitting on this VHF channel | Прекратите передачу на этом УКВ канале. | Respondent ceases to transmit on that channel |
This is... | My name (or call- sign) is ... | Говорит название или позывные | |
Unknown ship...(details)... (always preceded by ‘all ships ’) | I wish to make contact with the ship described. I don’t know its name or call sign. | Неизвестное судно (детали)... | Respondent replies using name, call sign |
Wait... minutes | Wait for ... minutes and do not terminate | Ждите ... минут | Respondent waits for ... minutes |
Ex.4. Choose the right variant
1. Bad | a) плохо b) слабо c) посредственно |
2. Poor | a) плохо b) слабо c) посредственно |
3. Fair | a) плохо b) слабо |
с) посредственно
4. Barely perceptible
а) едва различимо
с) довольно хорошо
Ex.5. Choose the right variant
1. Я вас не слышу/ не разбираю
а) I cannot understand you.
b) I am not ready to receive your message.
c) I cannot read you.
2. Передайте ваше сообщение через судно
a) I am not ready to receive your message.
b) Pass your message through vessel c) I am passing your message for vessel. |
3. Перейдите на радиоканал
a) Change to channel
b) Advice try channel
c) Please use channel
Ex.6.Translate into Russian
1. Call sign.
2. Signal strength.
3. I am passing a message for a vessel
4. I’m ready to receive your message
5. Excellent
6. International Code of Signals.
7. Correction
8. I read you barely perceptible.
9. Wait 10 minutes and don’t terminate.
Ex .7. Translate into English
1. Как слышите меня?
2. Слушайте на радиоканале...
3. Передайте на радиоканал...
4. Пожалуйста, используйте СМНСР
5. Я готов принять ваше сообщение
6. У меня нет канала...
7. Я передаю сообщение для судна.
8. Конец связи.
9. Прием.
10.Прекратите передачу на этом радиоканале.
Ex.8. Choose the synonym (a word, word combination or sentence with the same meaning) from the right column for the following sentences from the left one
1.I read you bad a) I read you with signal strength barely perceptible.
2.Iread you poor. b) I read you with signal strength very good.
3. I read you fair. с) I read you with signal strength good.
4. I read you good. d) I read you with signal strength fairly good.
5. I read you excellent. e) I read you with signal strength weak
Ex.9. Choose the antonym (a word, word combination or sentence with the same meaning) from the right column for the following sentences from the left one
1. I read you bad. 2. I read you poor. 3. I am ready to receive you message. 4. I can read you. 5. I can understand you. | a) I cannot read you. b) I am not ready to receive your message. c) I cannot understand you. d) I read you good. e)I read you excellent |
Ex.10. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding questions in writing
1. (...)?- My ship’s name is ‘Utopia’
2.(...)? - My call sign is UNGR.
3.(...)?-1 read you with signal strength poor.
4.(...)?-1 cannot read you.
5.(...)? - Standing by VHF channel one-two.
6.(...)?-1 read you poor.
7.(...)?-1 cannot understand you.
Ex.11. Which of the standard phrases will you choose if... ?
1.You are being interrupted.
2.You’re terminating the conversation.
3.You wish to make contact with the ship described. You do not know its name or callsign.
4.You advise to change to another VHF channel.
5.You’ve made a mistake.
6.You remain on VHF channel 12
7.You’ve completed your transmission and ready to receive respondent’s
Transmission of numbers
1. Numbers are pronounced as in normal English except for a few numbers listed below.
2. The decimal point is expressed by the word decimal (pronounced as de-seemal)
3. Each digit must be given separately
4. If the number is a whole thousand, e.g. 23000, the number of thousand is given by separate digit followed by the word thousand.
e.g. 23000 - two-three thousand
If it is not a whole thousand, e.g., it is given by separate digits without using the word thousand.
e.g. 25256 - two-five-two-five-six
Figure | Spelling of numbers | Pronunciation guide |
0 | zero | ZERO |
1 | one | WUN |
2 | two | TOO |
3 | three | TREE |
4 | four | FOWER |
5 | five | FIFE |
6 | six | SIX |
7 | seven | SEVEN |
8 | eight | AIT |
9 | nine | NINER |
1000 | Thousand | TOUSAND |
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