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Ex.4 Read and translate the dialogues

2024-02-15 61
Ex.4 Read and translate the dialogues 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Dialogue 1. A: Have you any vacancies? B: Yes, we have a vacant room on the third floor. You are lucky, sir, it has been vacated only this morning. A: How much is it? B: ₤40 (forty pounds) a night. A. Can I see it, please? B. Certainly. Would you come this way with me?

Dialogue 2.
A: Have you got a single room for two nights?
B: You can have room 11 on the first floor.
A: How much is it?
B: ₤45 with a private bath and a TV set.
A: Can I see it, please?
B: Yes, of course. The porter will take you there. You’d better fill in this form, please.
A: Yes, certainly. (He fills in the form and hands it to the clerk.)

Dialogue 3.
A: What can I do for you, sir?
B: My name’s Mr Bean. I have a reservation.
A: Just a minute, sir. You want a single room, don’t you? We reserved room 35 for you.
B: Can you show it to me?
А. Of course. Just follow me.

Dialogue 4.
A: Excuse me. My name is George Green. A single room must be reserved for me.
B: Just a minute. I’ll check in… Yes, a double room is reserved in your name. Fill in this form, please.
A: Here it is.
B: Thank you. Here is the key.

Dialogue 5.
A. Have you a single room for two or three nights?
B. Unfortunately not. But we have a small suite. It is not much more expensive.
A. What is the rate?
B. ?50 a night, including breakfast.
A. Fine.

Dialogue 6.
A. Is that room service?
B. Yes, can I help you?
A. It is room 300. We’d like to have a few more blankets, if we may.
B. That’s all right, the maid will bring them right away. Anything else?
A. Yes, we would like to be called at eight o’clock and have breakfast in the room.
B. I’ll see to it, don’t worry.

Dialogue 7.

 Jane: Good morning! Is that the Savoy Hotel?

Receptionist: Yes, that`s right. What can I do for you?

Jane: I would like to book a double room with air conditioner, bath and phone.

Receptionist: For how long you require this accommodation?

Jane: I need accommodation for four nights.

Receptionist: When will you arrive here?

Jane: I will arrive a day after tomorrow in the early morning. I think I`ll be at the hotel at about six a.m.

Receptionist: All right. And what floor would you like to book a room on?

Jane: I always prefer the first floor.

Receptionist: All right. I book a room in the first floor for you.

Jane: Thank you very much. And what is the charge?

Receptionist: It is ninety pounds a night.

Jane: Fine, thank you.

Dialogue 8

В.: Good morning. I’d like to check in.

Reception Clerk.: Do you have a reservation with us?

В.: Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last night.

R.C.: Your name, please?

В.: Brian Mitchell from San Francisco.

R.C.: Would you spell your name, please?

B.: M as in «Marry», I as in «Isaac», T as in «Tommy», С as in «Charley», H as in «Harry», E as in «Edward», double L as in «Lucy».

R.C.: Okay. Let me see. You have a reservation for single room. Is that correct?

В.: Perfectly correct.

R.C.: Have you already decided how many nights to stay?

В.: At least until Wednesday. But I may stay longer than that. When should I inform you about it?

R.C.: Let us know about your decision Tuesday night. You can give us a ring until 11 pm.

В.: All right. What’s the price of the room?

R.C.: 75 dollars per night. Please, fill out the registration card. Print your name and home address.

В.: Should I sign my name?

R.C.: Put your signature right here. Okay, will you pay cash or by credit card?

В.: By credit card. Do you need it right now?

R.C.: You can give me your credit card before checking out.

В.: By the way, what’s the checking out time?

R.C.: One o’clock in the afternoon.

В.: Thank you. I have some additional questions.

R.C.: I’ll be glad to answer them.

В.: What about room service?

R.C.: Room service is available from 6 am to 10 pm. You can dial your order from the telephone in your room.

В.: Where is your restaurant?

R.C.: The restaurant is on the 25th floor. We also have a coffee shop. It’s right here in the lobby.

В.: Thank you for the information.

R.C.: You are welcome. A bellboy will help you with your luggage. Your room is number 1215. Enjoy your stay.

B.: Thanks.

Dialogue 9.

Mr Kent: Good evening. My name is Kent. I booked a room last week for my family and myself.
Receptionist: Yes, sir. What did you say the name was, sir?
Mr Kent: Kent. I asked for two double rooms – one for my wife and myself and one for the two children.
Receptionist: Ah yes – here we are, sir. Yes – we got your letter. Rooms 11 and 12. If you’ll sign the register, I’ll ask the porter to show you the rooms and help you with your luggage.
Mr Kent: Thank you. Where do I sign?
Receptionist: Just here, sir – full name, home address, date and signature.
Mr Kent: Right – there we are.
Receptionist: Thank you, sir. I think you’ll find the rooms comfortable. One of them has a bathroom. The other hasn’t I’m afraid, but there’s a bathroom very near – just along the corridor. There’s a radio in each room and of course if you want Room Service just use the telephone.
Mr Kent: Yes – now what about meal times? We’d like dinner of course – and breakfast in the morning before we leave.
Receptionist: Dinner is from 6.30 until 9.30. We start serving breakfast at 7.30 in the morning and you can have morning tea in your room if you wish - from 6.30 onwards. ... You’ll find the dining-room just over there.
Mr Kent: Thank you very much.

Dialogue 10.

Clerk: Front desk.

Martin: Hello. This is Martin Baum. The bathroom light in my room doesn’t work. Could you have somebody come up and take a look at it, please?

C.: Oh, of course, Mr. Baum. What room number was that, please?

M.: Room 615.

C.: Okay, I’ll have a man up there in a minute.

M.: Fine. And another thing -I don’t seem to have a room service menu. Is there one?

C.: Yes, there is. We have 24-hour room service. I’m sorry about that. I’ll have a room service waiter bring you a menu up right away.

M.: Thanks.

C.: If you need anything else, just let me know.

M.: I will. Good night.

C.: Good night.



  • vacancy [ˈveɪkənsɪ] — свободный номер; свободная должность
  • vacant [ˈveɪkənt] — свободный, не занятый
  • vacate [vəˈkeɪt] — освобождать (квартиру, место и т.п.) It has been vacated… - Он (номер) был освобожден… / Его освободили… (конструкция употреблена в страдательном залоге и грамматическом времени Present Perfect)
  • How much is it? - Сколько это стоит?
  • ₤ = pound [paʊnd] – фунт (стерлингов)
  • Come this way. — Пройдемте сюда.
  • You are lucky. — Вам повезло.
  • single – 1. рассчитанный на одного a single room – номер (комната) на одного человека; I’d like a single room, please. – Я бы хотел номер на одного, пожалуйста. a single bed – односпальная кровать; 2. холостой, незамужняя
  • private bath – ванна в номере
  • porter – носильщик (в гостинице)
  • fill in – заполнять; вставлять Fill in this form, please. – Заполните, пожалуйста, этот бланк.
  • hand – передавать, вручать
  • reserve [rɪˈzɜːv] – зарезервировать, заказывать
  • reservation [ˌrɛzəˈveɪʃən] – резервирование, оставление, сохранение, бронирование, предварительный заказ (в гостинице, билета)
  • Follow me. — Пойдемте. (Следуйте за мной.)
  • double – двойной, сдвоенный a double room – номер (комната) на двух человек; a double bed – двуспальная кровать
  • check smth – проверять что-либо
  • Here it is. – Вот он.
  • key [kiː] – ключ; клавиша
  • unfortunately [ʌnˈfɔːtʃnətlɪ] — к сожалению
  • suite [swiːt] — номер-люкс, номер из двух и более комнат; комплект из нескольких предметов
  • the rate — стоимость, тариф
  • to include smth — включать что-либо (в счет, в цену)
  • engaged [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] – занятый (о номере в гостинице); помолвленный; занятый (на рабочем месте)
  • blanket — одеяло
  • to call room service — позвонить горничной
  • to ask for smth — попросить что-либо
  • if (I,we) may — если можно
  • the maid — горничная
  • to see to smth — позаботиться о чем-либо
  • I’ll see to it. — Я сделаю/позабочусь об этом.
  • bill - счёт
  • to get the bill ready - подготовить (для кого-нибудь) счет

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