История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

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Ex .10. Translate into English

2024-02-15 97
Ex .10. Translate into English 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Что ты вчера делал в 8 часов вечера? — Я играл в футбол. 2. Вчера в это время у нас был урок языка. 3. Я еще не спал вчера, когда ты мне позвонил. 4. Когда я вошел в штурманскую рубку (wheelhouse), вахтен­ный помощник все еще прокладывал курс судна. 5. В кото­ром часу вчера вы проверяли спасательные средства? — В двенадцать. А что вы делали в это время? — Я принимал сводки погоды. 6. Где вы были вчера в 10 утра? — Я был в лаборатории и изучал навигационное оборудование.

Ex.11. Open the brackets using the Past Continuous tense

1. He (to paint) the hull yesterday at 12 o’clock.

2. They (to transmit) the radiogram when I entered the radio-room.

3. The dockers (to load) the cargo yesterday at 5 o’clock.

4. When I came, the carpenter(to overhaul) the life-boats.

5. At that time yesterday we(to define) the ship’s position.

6. When the master came, I (to plot) the route on the chart.

7. We (to keep) watch when the storm began.

8. He (to repair) the equipment at 10 o’clock yesterday.

9. The carpenter (to try) to repair the door, when the boatswain came.

10. When the boatswain entered the chart –room, we (to discuss) our problems.

11. I (to repair) the radio-communications at 5 p. m. yesterday.

12. When the captain came, they (to learn) to use the measuring devices.


 Ex. 12. Open the brackets using the Past Continuous tense

1. We didn’t interrupt him as he (to tune) the training facilities.

2. What ___ you ___ (to do) at 6 p.m. yesterday?

3. He ___ (to overhaul) the satellite communication device, when we entered the radio-room.

4. When the Third Engineer came, we  (to show) the emergency transmitter to the cadets.

5. When we got on board, he (to teach) the cadets how to use a teleprinter.

6. When he came, the guide (to tell) us about satellite communication devices.

7. He (to regulate) he air-conditioning system the whole day.

8. When we saw him, he (to lubricate) the pumps.

9. The Third Officer (to make) entries into the log-book at that time yesterday.

10. The Chief Mate (to talk) to the Master when the storm began.



Ex.13. Make up general questions to the given sentences

1. The crewmen were cleaning the deck at that time yesterday.

2. He was lubricating the equipment at 5 o’clock yesterday.

3. They were receiving a telegram when he came.

4. He was making entries into the log-book when I saw him.

5. The ship was approaching the port when we came.

6. We were tuning the navigational equipment at 10 a.m. yesterday.

7. They were taking bearings on the nearest ship when we came.

8. He was transmitting a radiogram at that time yesterday.

9. When I entered the room, he was translating the text.


Ex.14. Make up the questions

1.They were listening to the records the whole lesson yesterday.

What ________________?


Who ________________?

How long ___________?

2.He was returning on board his ship at 8 p.m. yesterday.

What ________________?


When     ________________?

Who ________________?

3.We were receiving a weather report, when he came.

What _______________?

When     _______________?

What report    __________?

Who _______________?

4.He was regulating the air-conditioning system in the engine-room when I came.

What _____?


What equipment _____?

Where _______?

5.When the captain returned they were decreasing the ship’s speed.

What ___?



Ex.15. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous in the following sentences.

1.We (to work) all the day yesterday.

2. The dockers (to load) the cargo from 10 till 12 o’clock yesterday.

3. Last week the cadets (to receive) reports.

4. He (to enter) the Maritime College last year.

5. The ship (to arrive) yesterday.

6. The ship (to approach) the port at 5 p. m. yesterday.

7. He was busy last month. He (to take) the entrance examinations.

8. We (to see) many foreign ships in the port yesterday.

9. The Radio Officer ( to tune) the emergency transmitter when we came.

10. He ( to make) entries into the log-book yesterday.

11. We decided not to interrupt him, as he (to overhaul) the main engine.

12. We (to spend) two hours on the board the ferry yesterday.


Ex. 16. Open the brackets using the verbs in proper tense.

1. The Officer of the watch (to meet) us, (to take) on board and (to show) the measuring devices.

2. He (to work) at the Shipping Company many years ago.

3. The ship “Vyborg” (to leave) the port yesterday.

4. He (to tune) the radio devices some minutes ago.

5. When we got on board, the sailors (to wash) the deck.

6. We (to take) bearing on the lighthouse from 10 till 11 a. m. yesterday.

7. They (to unload) the cargo the whole week.

8. We (to take) a pilot two hours ago.

9. They (to clean) the holds when I kept watch.

10. When the Master called me, I (to plot) the course on the chart.

11. They (to overhaul) the main engine the whole morning yesterday.

While we (to paint) the hull, the Boatswain (to give) commands.

12. He (to show) us the satellite communication devices last week.



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