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Grammar exercises : Future Simple

2024-02-15 64
Grammar exercises : Future Simple 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Shall/Will + V1

Future Simple употребляется со следующими обстоятельствами времени: tomorrow завтра, the day after tomorrow послезавтра, soon , next week (month, year) на следующей неделе (месяце, году), in a week (month, year, two hours) через неделю (месяц, год, два часа), in future в будущем, in the near future в ближайшем будущем, in 1998 в 1998 году, one of these days на днях.

Ex.9. Translate from Russian into English

1. I’ll keep watch on the navigating bridge. 2. Will you change the ship’s course soon? — Yes, we will. 3. Motorman Dubov will maintain the engine during his watch. 4. Will the weather be better in the near future? — No, it won’t. 5. Will you get the engine ready in an hour? — No, we won’t. we’ll get it ready in two or three hours. 6. Who will be responsible for the safety of your ship in the coming (в предстоящем) voyage? — The captain will. 7. They won’t call at this port.

Ex.10. Change the following sentences into Future Simple tense

1. The radio-officer transmits a radiogram. (in five minutes)         

2. We lift the life-boat. (in some minutes)

3. I keep watch on the bridge. (in four hours)    

4. The ship leaves the port. (next Monday)       

5. We paint the deck superstructure. (tomorrow)       

6. He goes ashore. (the day after tomorrow)     

7. They prepare the ship for the departure. (in three hours)

8. He is responsible for the safety of the ship. (in the nearest future)     

9. He enters the wheelhouse. (in a minute)        

10. We approach the port. (in some minutes)

11. He arrives at the railway station. (tomorrow)

12. They relieve each other of watch. (in 4 hours)

13. He doesn’t check the life saving equipment. (tomorrow)

14. The dockers unload the cargo. (soon)

15. The Third Engineer repairs the air-conditioning system. (in a week)

16. The Radio officer tunes the radio devices. (one of these days)

17. He plots the course on the chart. (in 2 hours)

18. Our ship puts to sea very often. (tomorrow)


Ex.11. Make up general questions to the given sentences

1. Our ship will make voyage to London.

2. We will call at this port tomorrow.      

3. Our captain will send a short telegram in some minutes.

4. They will take bearings on the approaching ship.   

5. The Third Mate will make entries into the log-book.

6. I’ll show the life saving equipment to the inspector.

7. They will regulate the navigational equipment.       

8. The sailors will clean the holds tomorrow.    

9. The pump-man will lubricate the equipment.

10. I’ll tune the emergency transmitter tomorrow.      

11.We’ll show our satellite communication device to the cadets.

Ex.12. Make up the questions

1.We will learn how to handle a sextant in the near future.

What______________________________________ ?

When ______________________________________ ?

Who ______________________________________ ?

2. The apprentices will take bearings on the light-vessel next week.

Who ______________________________________ ?

What ______________________________________ ?

What object _________________________________ ?

When ______________________________________ ?

3.Our helmsman will navigate the cargo ship in some minutes.

What ______________________________________ ?

What ship__________________________________ ?

Who ______________________________________ ?

When ______________________________________ ?

4.My son will take the entrance exams tomorrow.

Who ______________________________________ ?

Whose son _________________________________ ?

What ______________________________________ ?

What exams ________________________________ ?

When ______________________________________ ?

5.The cadets of maritime colleges will have their practical studies on board training vessels next summer.

Who _______________________________________________ ?

What ______________________________________________ ?

What ship___________________________________________ ?

What cadets _________________________________________ ?

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