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The Officer of the Watch (OOW)

2024-02-15 56
The Officer of the Watch (OOW) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The officer of the watch is the master's representative and his primary responsibility at all times is the safe navigation of the ship. The OOW shall comply at all times with the applicable regulations for preventing collisions at sea. He shall ensure that a good lookout is maintained at all times using all means available, including but not limited to, visual, audible and electronic. He shall always comply

with the master's written standing and special orders. The OOW shall ensure that the members of the bridge team are informed and updated on occurrences during the watch that are of significance to the safe navigation of the vessel. He shall comply with vessel's

Safety Management System (SMS).

The officer of the watch shall once every watch check:

— the manual steering at times when the autopilot is in use;

— the gyro and magnetic compass errors and the synchronization between the compass repeaters and the main gyro;

— lights and signals; and

— the operation of the GMDSS equipment.

Whenever required he shall call for reinforcement of the watch.

The OOW shall immediately call the master:

— in accordance with the master's standing orders;

— when visibility deteriorates below the limit stated in the master's standing orders;

— when in doubt regarding the intentions of other vessels;

— if having the slightest doubt of the vessel's true position;

— at the breakdown of the engines, steering gear or any essential navigational equipment; and

— for any other reason causing doubt about the safe navigation

of the vessel.

Watchkeeping is teamwork and must be organised to meet the special requirement of the vessel and her trade.

Ex.1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the primary responsibility of the officer of the watch?

2. What should be used to ensure a good lookout?

3. When shall the OOW comply with the master's standing orders?

4. What should the members of the bridge team be informed and updated on during the watch?

5. What does SMS stand for?

6. When shall he check the manual steering?

7. In what cases is he to call for reinforcement of the watch?

8. According to what papers is he to call the master?

9. In what weather conditions should the master be called immediately?

Ex.2. Look through the text and find English equivalents of the following

words and word combinations :

представитель капитана; основная обязанность; действовать согласно соответствующим правилам; вести надлежащее наблюдение; все имеющиеся в наличии средства; звуковой; распоряжения; быть важным; система управления безопасности; поправки гиро- и магнитного компасов; оборудование ГМССБ; усиление вахты; гироскоп; ухудшаться (о видимости); ручное управление; имея малейшие сомнения; поломка двигателя; важное навигационное оборудование; соответствовать требованиям; вызывать обеспокоенность.


Ex.3. Are the following statements true or false according to the text? Correct any false statements.

1. The officer of the watch is the master's assistant.

2. His primary responsibility is the safety of the ship.

3. The OOW shall ensure that a good lookout is kept using all available means.

4. He shall inform the bridge team members on any events during the watch which are of importance.

5. The OOW shall once every watch check the manual steering when the autopilot is not operational.

6. The watch must be reinforced when it is necessary.

7. The officer of the watch shall immediately call the master when visibility improves.

Ex.4 . Match the words from the text in the left column with their

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