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Unit 5. Radio communication at sea

2024-02-15 69
Unit 5. Radio communication at sea 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Communication at sea is the essential part for the effective and safe running of the ship. It takes place within the ship herself, between the ship and shore stations, between the ship and other ships and sometimes between the ship and aircraft. All the mariners need to be sure that their speech communications are as precise, simple and unambiguous as possible and that language confusions and errors are avoided. Thus, Essential English for International Marine Use is required according to the International Agreement.

There are different methods and techniques to provide efficient communication at sea: radio telephony, internal telephone systems, telegraph, e-net, visual or sound signals, etc.

Communications over long distances are sent by radio. Radio communications on board some ships are responsibility of the Radio department, although, in gen­eral, the Deck Officer performs duties of the Radio Officer. He’s responsible to the Master for the efficient communication and maintenance of the communication equipment on board. A large part of the Deck Officer’s duty is taken up with trans­mitting and receiving radio telegrams, navigational and weather messages, time sig­nals for checking the ship’s chronometer, social telegrams and press reports.

The use of VHF radio at sea is regulated by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The person holding the authority of the ship must require each opera- tor to comply with the ITU radio regulations and ensure that the radio station is al­ways used in accordance with those regulations. The ITU conventions include: - proper selection of suitable radio frequency bands or channels, - standard ways of identifying oneself and addressing other ships or stations, - conventional ways of pronouncing the letters of the alphabet, numbers and other quantities, - also internationally-agreed conventions for speaking the time and for defining positions and bearings, - standard phrases and patterns.


An aircraft - летательный объект

To avoid - избегать

A confusion - путаница

Effective - качественный, эффективный

An error - ошибка

Essential – необходимый

Precise - точный

Unambiguous – недвусмысленный

To check the ship ’schronometer - выверять показания хронометра

 A distance - расстояние

To maintain - содержать, поддерживать в рабочем состоянии

Internal telephone system - внутренняя телефонная система связи

 Maintenance - обеспечение, обслуживание

То take up with - справиться с ...

Visual and sound signals - визуальные и звуковые сигналы

То comply with - выполнять

DSC (Digital Selective Calling) - цифровой избирательный вызов, использование цифровых кодов для установления связи с другой станцией для передачи сообщений

 GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System)- глобальная морская система связи

ITU- Международный Союз Радиосвязи 



Ex.1. Read and translate the words from the left column. Find the appropriate synonyms from the right column

1. exact                                    a) to avoid

2. unequivocal                  b) a confusion

3. to keep away                 c) effective

4. striking                           d) an error

5. obligatory                          e) essential

6. an embarrassment        f) precise

7. a mistake                          g) unambiguous


Ex.2. Retell the text, using the expressions listed below

a) The text is headlined... .

b) The text deals with .... The aim of the text is to provide some information on....

c)  The text describes... Further it is said that.... In conclusion ....


Ex.3. Study the diagram      


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