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Ex.6. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect tense.

2024-02-15 76
Ex.6. Open the brackets using the Present Perfect tense. 2.00 из 5.00 2 оценки
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1. He (just/to phone) you.

2. The Radio- Officer (already/to transmit) the radiogram.

3. We (not/to receive) the weather reports yet.

4. He (not /to tune) the transmitter yet.

5. They (already/to show) the auxiliary machinery to us.

6. We (not/to stow) the cargo yet.

7. The apprentices (already/to learn) how to take bearing on different coastal objects.

8. He (not/ to lubricate) the engine-room equipment.

9. They (not/to unload) the ship yet.

10. We (already/to study) satellite navigation system.

11. Our officer (to instruct) the cadets how to use echo sounders lately.

12. We (not/to see) the life-saving appliances.

13. He (just/to receive) a short telegram.

14. He (to live) in Madrid for 5 years.

15. You (to see) this film yet?

16. This is the first time I (to see) this film.

17. That’s the eighth time you (to sing) that song today.

18. This is the only time this week I (to feel) happy.

19. This is the third serious mistake you (to make) in this job.

20.This is the only time I (ever /to see) her cry.

21.That’s the tenth cup of coffee you (to drink) since breakfast.



Ex. 7. Make up general questions to the given sentences

1.We have just plotted the ship’s position.

2.They have already relieved each other of watch.

3.The cadets have already come.

4.He has just received the navigational warning.

5.I have never used finders.

6.I have never been to Africa.

7.He has tuned the equipment today.

8.They have just approached the ferry.

9.We have already unloaded the ship.

10.We have never seen satellite communication devices.

11. I have already overhauled the emergency transmitter.

12.The ship has been on regular service since 1982.

13.The motor-man has lubricated the pump.

14.The Captain has just decreased the ship’s speed.

15.We have already repaired a radio direction finder.



Ex. 8. Use the Present Perfect or Past Simple in the following sentences.

1.The deck is clean now. The sailors (to scrub) the deck.

2. The dockers (to load) the cargo two hours ago.

3. Our ship (to call) at London port several times.

4. Last year our ship (to call) at this port.

5. I (never/to see) the Houses of Parliament.

6. I (to see) the Capitol several times.

7. The Romans (to build) the first bridge over the Thames and since then London (never/to stop) growing.


Ex.9. Translate the following into English

1. Докеры только что погрузили ящики.

2. Мы уже подготовили судно к от­правке.

3. Вы уже отремонтировали двига­тель? - Нет еще.

4. Я не видел моего друга с прошло­го воскресения.

5. Судно только что покинуло порт.

6. Вы когда-нибудь были в Третья­ковской галерее?

7. Я только что настроил аварийный передатчик.

8. Этот капитан очень опытный. Он никогда не ошибается!

9. Я уже получил радиограмму. Вот она.

10. Мы только что сменили друг дру­га на вахте.

11. Мы недавно научились пользо­ваться секстантом.

12. Матросы только что открыли люки.

13. Я знаю нашего боцмана уже 6 лет.

14. Что случилось? Вы уже вызвали полицию?       

15. Я только что встретил нашего ка­питана.

16. Недавно они спустили на воду но­вое судно.



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