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1. The Master ___ be responsible for the ship, her cargo and crew.
2. All the navigators ___ keep watch on the navigating bridge.
3. ___ I go ashore?
4. ___ I come in? – Yes, you _____.
5. I’m a sailor. I ___ swim very well.
6. The boatswain ___ keep the ship’s hull, holds and tackle in good condition.
7. He is skilled navigator. He ___ operate a ship very well.
8. Our engineers ___ maintain and repair the equipment.
9. Only well-qualified sailors ___ perform their duties properly.
10. Radio-officers ___ maintain the radio –communications. They are responsible for the equipment in the radio –room.
11. Every ship ___ have a lot of complex equipment.
12. You ___ see many cargo ships in the port.
13. The Chief Officer ____ be always ready to replace the Master.
14. Our motormen and electricians ___ keep watch in the engine – room.
15. Every navigator ____ know how to define the ship’s position.
16. ___ you plot our course on the chart, please.
17. Usually one ______ find at least two departments on board a cargo ship.
18. Your report ______ consist of two parts.
19. The navigators _______ relieve each other of watch every 4 hours.
20. I think, the Master _____ be very experienced navigator.
21. She ____ speak German well.
22. Excuse me _____ you tell me where the port is?
23. ____ I help you? – Yes, do please.
24. He ____ (not ) translate this text without a dictionary.
25. I _____ learn to take bearing tomorrow.
26. The crews’ training is very important. We ____ study well.
27.The Boatswain ordered to paint the hull. You ____ do it!
28. _____ you repair the transmitter? – Yes, I ___.
29. What equipment ___ radio officers repair and maintain?
30. We ____ (not) leave the bridge when we are on watch.
Ex.13. Fill the blanks with proper verb Can/ Could(+not)
1. I ___ repair this pump.
2. When I was a child, I ___ swim very well.
3. I wasn’t hungry yesterday, so I ____ eat at all!
4. The text is difficult. Nobody ___ translate it!
5. How ___ I get on board a passenger liner?
6. The Radio Officer ___ transmit the radiogram yesterday.
7. When ___ you relieve each other of watch?
8. Last year we ____ learn to repair the radio – communications.
9. Now we ___ plot the route on the chart.
10. Last week they ___ take bearings.
11. Our Chief Mate always ___ replace the Master.
12. We ___ do it yesterday. We were very busy!
13. When I was a child, I ___ go shopping.
14. Now we ___ define the ship’s position
15. I wasn’t good at English, so I ___ pass the entrance examinations.
Ex.14.Make up the questions
1. I can perform my duties properly.
What ____?
What duties___?
2. Our motorman must operate a ship, when he is on watch.
What ___?
When ___?
3. The Captain can show us a cargo ship now.
What ___?
When___ ?
What ship ?
Who ___?
4.He can repair the equipment in the engine room.
What ___?
What equipment ___?
Who ___?
Where ___?
Ex.15.Translate from Russian into English
1.Мой друг умеет хорошо играть в футбол.
2. Он закончил Академию в прошлом году и сейчас может водить суда.
3. Мы должны взять на борт лоцмана.
4. Курсанты должны изучать английский язык в училище.
5. Он не может перевести этот текст.
6.Лайнер отправляется через 5 минут. Вы можете опоздать.
7. Когда судно заходит в порт, нам можно сойти на берег.
8. Мне нельзя сойти на берег, когда я на вахте.
9. В этом году я должен сдать пять экзаменов!
10. Я не смог прийти, так как был очень занят.
11.Где ваш капитан? –Он должен быть на мостике.
12. Не могли бы Вы нам помочь? Мы должны определить местоположение судна.
13.Я не умею наносить курс судна на карту, но я должен научиться это делать.
14. Можно мне взять Ваши журналы?
Be ready to speak on the duties of the officer of the watch.
Unit 3. Shipboard training
The cadets of maritime colleges usually have their practical studies either on board training vessels or merchant ships. Now summer is coming and the cadets are going to have their shipboard training. The cadets of the Navigation Department will keep watch at the wheel, paint the hull, deck superstructures, masts, wash and scrub decks. They will launch and hoist life-boats, learn how to use life-saving appliances. They are going to work in the wheel-house as helmsmen.
Skilled officers will instruct our boys how to handle a sextant and other navigational instruments. The apprentices will learn how to take bearings of some light-vessels, lighthouses, different coastal objects and define the ship’s position on charts. They must also know how to use echo- sounders, logs, finders and satellite navigation systems.
During their shipboard training the cadets of the Radio Engineering Department will work in the radio-room transmitting and receiving radiotelegrams, weather reports and navigational warnings. They will learn how to tune and repair the ship’s radio equipment in case of trouble.
The cadets of the Engineering Department will work in the engine-room. They will learn how to maintain the main engine, auxiliary machinery, how to lubricate and repair the engine-room equipment.
The cadets of the Port Operation Department will work in ports and on board ships during their training. When in ports' they will learn how to load, unload and stow cargo.
All the cadets must work hard to master their profession.
shipboard training плавательная практика
to have shipboard training проходить плавпрактику
either ... or или ... или
neither ... nor ни ... ни
either on training vessels or merchant ships или на учебных или на торговых судах
wheel [wi:l] п руль
a wheel house п рубка
superstructure п надстройка
mast [ma:st] n мачта
launch v спускать (на воду)
to launch and hoist life-boats спускать и поднимать шлюпки
helmsman n рулевой
handle v управлять; обращаться
to handle a sextant обращаться с сектантом
apprentice n практикант
light-vessel n плавучий маяк
lighthouse n маяк
coastal object береговой объект
echo-sounder n эхолот
log [log] n лаг
finder n пеленгатор
transmit and receive weather reports передавать и принимать сводки погоды navigational warning навигационное предупреждение
in case of trouble зд. в случае повреждения
auxiliary machinery вспомогательные механизмы
stow [stou] v (cargo) размешать (груз)
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