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Transmission of measurements and quantities

2024-02-15 65
Transmission of measurements and quantities 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Measurements must always be given in the following order:

- what is being measured (length, draught, speed, etc)

- the numbers(e.g. two-five-zero, etc)

- the units of measurements (metres, knots, tones, etc) e.g. length: two-five-zero metres

NB: bearings and courses are measured in 360-degrees/ three figure nota­tion.

Never use 9° =nine degrees! Always use 009° =zero-zero nine degrees!

2. Quantities of items (e.g. cylinders, brushes) must be expressed by the word quantity followed by the number and the name of the item.

e.g. 24 cylinders would be spoken as: quantity: two-four cylinders

3. Different ways of expressing the thing measured: If the measurement or quantity e.g. for draught: salt water draught, draught forward, draught aft, maxi­mum draught, loaded draught; then the category used must be stated.

e.g. My salt water draught is: two-five metres

Ex.12. The following pieces of information are not expressed in a form suitable for transmission. Convert each one to the form suitable for VHF proce­dures. Write them down and then practise transmitting the items orally

Example: 9 = zero-zero-nine degrees

Twenty-five metres deep= depth: two-five metres

Reduce speed to 5 knots = reduce speed: new speed five knots

1. 90

2. one-hundred and twenty nautical miles

3. 250 metres (length)

4. twenty four coils of горе

5. 10 knots (wind speed)

6. increase speed to 10 knots

7. 10 metres (salt water draught)

8. 18 metres (draught)

9. My tonnage is 30000 GROSS

10. My ETA at buoy 25 is 17.00 GMT



Ex.13. Convert the following items of information into the form suitable for VHF in writing

1. We proceed at a speed of 14 knots.

2. We’ll get the anchorage in half an hour.

3. The depth at the anchorage is 18 fathoms.

4. My draught now is 8.2m. fore, 8.8m aft, length is 140m.

5. The total amount of bags is 3717.

Time, Periods of time and dates

General rules

Time is given in the same way as other measurements. The word time or a phrase containing the word time (e.g. ETA, ETD) will precede the numbers used.

The unit of time may be GMT, UTC or local

e.g. time: One-five-zero-zero

GMT at sea, prior to entry to a port, harbour

time: One-five-zero-zero UTC

e.g. time: One-five-zero-zero local} inside a port, harbour

E.g 10.30 GMT

 ETA: one - zero - three - zero GMT.

Periods of time are to be given in the same way as other measurements. The word period will precede the numbers used.

4. The units are hours and minutes.

e.g. a delay of thirty minutes is to be spoken as: delay is period: three-zero minutes.

Dates are used with prefixes year, month, day, in that order

e.g. Sunday 13 May 2004

year: two-zero-zero-four, month: zero-five, day: one- three

NB: the day of the week (Sunday) is not used!!!

Ex.14. Convert the following items of information into the form suitable for VHF. Check your answer with the speaker. Practice transmitting them


1. local time 15:45.

2. one o’clock in the morning local time.

3. ETA (in UTC) 13:30.

4. ETA (local time) 11:00.

5. a delay of 45 minutes.

6. a delay of one and a half hours.

7. Estimated Time of Departure, two thirty in the afternoon.

8. local time 02:30.

9. Wednesday, 3rd October, 1984.

10. Thursday, April 19, 1984

Unit 6. My next voyage

Ex.1.Marcus , an engineer, is thinking about his next voyage. Answer the questions

1. Where is he going to go?

2. When is he going to leave?

3. How is he going to travel?

4. What is he going to take?

Ex.2. Marcus is going to go to sea and making a list of all the things to do before his voyage. Listen and write each person is going to do

1. Laura is going to__________________________________________________

2. The office manager is going to________________________________________

3. The children are going to____________________________________________

4. Tom is going to ___________________________________________________

5. Marcus is going to _________________________________________________

Ex.3. Look at the pictures. Write about what is going to happen. Use the given verbs.

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