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Unit 4.Ship’s everyday routines

2024-02-15 65
Unit 4.Ship’s everyday routines 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Ordinary Seamen work in all departments: deck, engineering and stewarding. They help with docking and undocking and sometimes stand watch. Most of the time Ordinary Seamen maintain the vessel; chipping, scraping and painting. They also clean the vessel’s interior and help in the galley.

Living conditions for Ordinary Seamen are different from ship to ship. On large ships Ordinary Seamen have private rooms and share bathrooms. Smaller ships have multiple berthing areas.

With experience an Ordinary Seaman can get promotion to Able Seaman.

1) Find a word in the text that means ‘leaving port’.

2) What three things do Ordinary Seamen do to maintain a vessel?

a)                    b)                             c)

3) What word in the text means ‘inside’?                                              

4) What term in the text means crews quarters? (3 words)

5) What word means to go up a rank?

Ex.1. Look at the Bosun’s daily maintenance list. The ratings have not completed all the tasks. A tick( P ) means the ratings have completed the task. A cross ( T ) means the ratings have not completed the task

Maintenance Check List

Date : 23 December               Time: 17: 50

Clean the windows on the bridge P
Secure the pipes T
Seal the bunker pipeline P
Inspect the water pressure valve P
Scrape the rust off the hatch covers T
Paint the poop deck P
Service the fork-lift T
Grease the winches T


Ex.2. Read the questions. Have the ratings completed all their duties? Write the answers. If there is a tick ( P ) on the list, write Yes , they have. If there is a cross ( T ), write No, they haven’t.

1. Have they cleaned the windows on the bridge?

2. Have they secured the pipes?

3. Have they sealed the bunker pipeline?

4. Have they inspected the water pressure valves?

5. Have they scraped the rust off the hatch covers?

6. Have they painted the poop deck?

7. Have they serviced the fork-lift?

8.Have they greased the winches?



Ex.3. Look at the procedure check list for bunkering. The Bargeman is speaking to the Chief on the telephone. He wants to check that the crew has completed all procedures before bunkering. Put a tick ( P ) next to the duties that crew has completed.

Safety Check list for

Bunkering Procedure

The bargeman and the Chief Engineer must check that the crew has completed the following procedures before bunkering can start.

Check the crew has …

Secured all moorings
Confirmed the fenders are in position
Put the main engine on standby
Check the scuppers
Sounded the tanks
Positioned the hoses
Turned on the fire water pumps

Sign this form when the crew has completed all these procedures


Chief Engineer _________________________

Ex.4. Write a paragraph describing your activities today.

Ex. 5. Complete the text with verbs meaning the mornings routines.

Every morning, I ___________ at seven thirty. After five minutes, I ______ and __________ a shower. Then I __________ a cup of coffee. I ______ the eight thirty bus and I __________ at university at nine.


Ex.6. Look at the Chief Officer’s schedule. What does he do at different times of the day? Choose a verb. Complete the schedule.

start       cat         meet       go          watch         hand over


Time Activity Place
8:00 ……………………………..the forenoon watch bridge
10:00 ……………………………………..the Master office
12:00 ………………………………………..the watch bridge
12:30 ………………………………………..lunch messroom
18:00 …………………………………………TV lounge
22:30 …………………………………………to bed cabin


Ex.7. Study this entry in a ship’s log and do the tasks below:

Wed. 5th July           We are at single anchor in Plymouth Sound.

Tues. 10th July 15.00 The pilot comes on board.

15.30                                 We weigh anchor and proceed towards the harbor.

16.15     The ship grounds on the western side of Plymouth Sound.

17.45     Two tugs lash alongside. They put up a head line and a stern line.

18.15     The ship goes into deep water. We make fast to a mooring buoy.

18.30                                 Pilot leaves the ship.


1. Find words in the log that mean:

a) one

b) (to) raise

c) (to) go towards

d) rope/cable

e) (to) tie up (2×)

2) What does the log describe?

a) a ship sinking

b) a ship leaving harbor

c) an accident

3) Which one of these things does not happen in the log of 5th July?

a) towing

b) docking

c) mooring

d) reversing


Grammar exercises : Present Perfect употребляется для выражения действий, которые совершились к настоящему моменту.

I have visited the Moscow Kremlin . Я посетил московский Кремль.

I have not seen this film. Я не видел этот фильм

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

... + have/has + III

Have/has ... + III ?

... have/has not + III

I have (= I ' ve ) played .

Я сыграл. ( уже или ранее )

Have I played?

Я сыграл ?

I have not (=I haven't) played.

Я не сыграл.

He She It has played =(...'s played) Has he she it played? He She It has not played =(hasn't played)
We You They have played =(...'ve played) Have we you they played? We You They have not played =(haven't played)

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