Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...

Fractions (Дробные числительные)

2020-05-08 242
Fractions (Дробные числительные) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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В простых дробях числитель выражается количественным числительным, а знаменатель — порядковым числительным: 1/3 — one third, 1/8 — one eighth, 1/9 — one ninth.

Если числитель больше единицы, знаменатель принимает окончание -s: 2/3 — two thirds, 3/5 — three fifths, 5/7 — five sevenths.

Существительное, следующее за дробным числительным, употребляется в форме единственного числа: 3/4 mile (произносится: three fourths of a mile).

Существительное, перед которым стоит смешанное число, употребляется в форме множественного числа: 2 1/3 miles (произносится: tmo and a third miles или two miles and a third). Exercise 10. Read these fractional numerals.

a) 1/4, 1 /2, 1/5, 2/5, 5/9, 7/12, 3/8, 1/25;

b) 1/4 mile, 2/5 km, 4/7 mile, 5/8 km, 3/28 km;

c) 2 2/3 miles, 3 1/2 km (kilometres), 4 3/5 miles.




Learn these words and word combinations



Names of continents and some European and Asian countries



Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

1. The USA consists of fifty states. 2. The total area of Finland is over 337,000 sq km. 3. The Urals separate Europe from Asia. 4. Canada is washed by the seas of the Arctic Ocean in the north. 5. In the South Mongolia borders on China. 6. The Irish Republic occupies two thirds of the island of Ireland. 7. Most of the Siberian rivers flow into Arctic Ocean. 8. The USA is rich in mineral resources. 9. There are vast deposits of oil and gas there. 10. The population of the USA is over 237 mln. 11. Czechoslovakia is a highly industrialized state. 1.2. In the past three decades Mongolia has changed beyond recognition, many new industries have been developed, new industrial centres have been built» 13. Israel has always politically and financialy been dependent on the USA.


The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands. Their total area is over 244,000 sq km.

The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland. It borders on the Irish Republic in the south.

The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts: England (the southern and middle part of the island), Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the west) and Scotland (the northern part of the island).

There are no high mountains in Great Britain. In the north the Cheviots (the Cheviot Hills) separate England from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England almost along its middle, the Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains Ben Nevis, the tallest peak of the Highlands, is only 1,343 m high.

There is very little flat country except in the region known as East Anglia.

Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Thames is the deepest and the longest of the British rivers, it is over 300 km long. Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey, Tyne, Clyde and Bristol Avon.

Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources, it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.

The warm currents in the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. Winters are not severely cold and summers are rarely hot.

The population of the United Kingdom is over 55 mln people. The main nationalities are: English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants (black and coloured) from former British Asian and African colonies.

Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. New industries have been developed in the last three decades. The main industrial centres are London (Greater London), Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol. The capital of the country is London.


East Anglia ['aenglia ] Восточная Англия

the Mersey ['ma:zi] p. Мерси

the Tyne [tain] p. Тайн

the Clyde [klaid] p. Клайд

the Bristol Avon ['bnstl 'eivn] p. Бристольский Эйвон,

p. Эйвон, в устье которой расположен г. Бристоль Birmingham ['Ьэ:тирт] г. Бирмингем Manchester ['meentjista] г. Манчестер Liverpool ['hv3pu:l ] г. Ливерпуль Glasgow ['gla:sgou] г. Глазго

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text

Exercise 3. Find in the text Engiish equivalents for these word combinations.

1. и большого числа небольших островов. 2. южные две трети о-ва Ирландия. 3. Пеннинские горы тянутся. 4. самая высокая вершина. 5. длиной более 300 км. 6. которые были обнаружены. 7. новые отрасли промышленности. 8. изменилась до неузнаваемости.

Exercise 4. Give Russian equivalents for these sentences.

1. Their total area is over 244,000 square km. 2. The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts. 3. There is very little flat country except in the region known as East Anglia. 4. It has vast deposits of oil and gas. 5. Summers are rarely hot. 6. New industries have been developed.

Exercise 5. Write out from the text all the sentences containing verbs in the Passive Voice and translate them.

Exercise 6. Study the text and answer these questions.

1. What islands do the British Isles consist of? 2. What oceans are the British Isles washed by? 3. How many parts does the island of Great Britain consist of and what are they called? 4. What country does Northern Ireland border on? 5. Where are the main mountain ranges situated in Great Britain? 6. What sea do most of the rivers flow into? 7. What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in? 8. What is the climate like in Great Britain? What currents influence the climate of Great Britain? 9. What is the population of Great Britain? 10. What nationalities live in Great Britain? 11. What are the names of the main industrial centres? 12. What kind of state is Great Britain?

Exercise 7. Say if these statements are true or false.

1. Northern Ireland is part of the Irish Republic. 2. The total area of the British Isles is over 300,000 sq km. 3. Scotland is situated in the southern part of Great Britain. 4. Ben Nevis, the tallest peak of the Highlands, is only 1,343 m high. 5. Most of the British rivers flow into the Irish Sea. 6. No deposits of oil and gas were discovered in the North Sea. 7. There are a lot of immigrants from former British colonies in Great Britain. 8. Great Britain is still the leading imperialist state.

Exercise 8. Make up ten questions based on the text and answer them. Exercise 9. Make the necessary substitutions and translate the dialogues.

1. A: Where's Mongolia situated?

B: It's situated in Asia.

(A: France, the USA, Angola [агд'доиЬ]; В: Europe, North America, Africa)

2. A: What is Mongolia rich in?

B: In tin and copper*.

* tin олово, copper медь


(A: Cuba, Norway, Great Britain; B: iron ore, copper and nickel; iron ore, copper and nickel; oil, gas and coal)

3. A: Do you know what's the area of France?

B: It has an area of over 551,000 sq km.

(A: Hungary, Norway; B: 93,000 sq km, 324,000 sq km)

Exercise 10. Give a summary of the text "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland".

Exercise 11. a) Insert articles wherever necessary, b) Give a summary of the texts.

1.... USA occupies... southern part of... North America and stretches for... thousands of kilometres from... Pacific Ocean in... west to... Atlantic Ocean in... east. It has... area of over 9.8 mln sq km.

In... north... USA borders on... Canada and in... south it borders on... Mexico ['meksikou].

... Rocky Mountains* in... west have many high ranges.... high at peak is... Mount Whitney ['witni], 14,495 feet.

* Rocky Mountains Скалистые горы


Among... longest rivers is... Mississippi ['misi'sipi] which flows into... Gulf of Mexico*.

* Gulf of Mexico Мексиканский залив


... population of... USA is over 237.2 mln.

... USA is... highly industrialized country. It is... leading capitalist state.

2.... Netherlands is situated in... north-western Europe.... country has... area of over 41,000 sq km.

... Netherlands borders on... FRG in... east and on... Belgium in... south. It is washed by... North Sea in... west.

... population of... country is over 14 mln.

.. Netherlands Is not very rich in... mineral resources. It is a highly industrialized capitalist state.

Exercise 12. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense end voice form.

1. The island of Sakhalin [sahA'lji:n ] (to wash) by the Sea of Okhotsk [A'ha:tsk] in the east and by the Gulf of Tatary ['tartan] in the west. 2. Kamchatka [kAm'tJaitka] (to separate) from Alaska [s'teska] by Bering Strait ['benn 'streit] 3. The climate of Murmansk (to influence) by the warm currents of Gulf-stream. 4. Many new industries (to develop) in Siberia in the last two decades. 5. Vast deposits of oil and gas (to discover) there. 6. Most of the Siberian industrial centres (to situate) along the Transsiberian [,traenssai'bi3ri3n ] railway line. 7. Two-thirds of the island of Ireland (to occupy) by the Irish Republic. 8. Many new factories (to build) in the country in the last decade.

Exercise 13. a) Give English equivalents for these words and word combinations, b) Make up sentences with these words and word combinations using forms of the Passive Voice where possible.

отделять от, омывать, занимать территорию, оказывать влияние, развивать промышленность, располагаться (находиться), остров, полезные ископаемые, огромные запасы, течение, десятилетие, в настоящее время, ведущее государство, зависимый от

Exercise 14. a) Translate these texts, b) Give summaries of the text.

1. Азербайджан (Azerbaijan [a:'z3:bai'd3a:n] расположен на юге Европы. Его площадь — более 86 тыс. кв. км. Столица республики — Баку. На юге Азербайджан граничит с Ираном, Турцией и Арменией (Armenia [a:'mi:nj3n]), на западе с Грузией (Georgia ['d3o:d3J3] и на востоке омывается Каспийским морем.

Страна богата полезными ископаемыми: нефтью, железной рудой и др.

За последнее время в Азербайджане было построено много фабрик и заводов, появились новые отрасли промышленности.

Баку, столица Азербайджана, является одним из ведущих центров нефтяной промышленности.

Климат в Баку сухой и жаркий летом, сухой и прохладный зимой.

2. Венгрия расположена в Центральной Европе. Площадь — 93 тыс. кв. км. Население — более 10 млн. человек. Будапешт (Budapest ['bu:dxpest]), столица Венгрии, один из красивейших городов Европы.

Более 4/5 поверхности страны — низменная равнина. На севере расположены Карпатские горы (The Carpathians [ka:'pei8i3nz]). На западе находится большое озеро Балатон (Balaton ['ЬагЬЧэп]), которое венгры (Hungarians) называют "Венгерским морем". Озеро богато рыбой. Многочисленные туристы приезжают отдыхать на озеро. По территории Венгрии протекает одна из крупнейших рек Европы — Дунай (The Danube ['dcenju:b]).

Венгрия — индустриально-аграрная страна.

3. Норвегия расположена на севере Европы. Площадь

Норвегии — 324 тыс. кв. км. Население Норвегии составляет свыше 4 млн. человек.

Норвегия граничит с Финляндией, Швецией и Украиной на востоке и омывается Северным и Норвежским морями на западе.

Климат Норвегии мягкий на западном побережье, но на востоке зима бывает холодной.

Озера и реки занимают 1/25 площади Норвегии, около 5,000 кв. миль. Большую часть территории занимают леса.

В стране имеются залежи меди, железа, никеля и цинка.

Exercise 16. Read the text, give a summary of it and discuss it.


Canada is the world's second largest country. It has an area of 3.8 million square miles (about 10 mln square km).

Canada occupies the whole of the northern part of the North American Continent. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Arctic Ocean in the north, and by the Atlantic Ocean in the east. In the south Canada borders on the United States of America.

Canada has six main divisions: the Appalachian Region*, the Great Lakes — St Lawrence Lowlands**, the Canadian Shield***, the Interior Plains,**** the Western Cordilleras [,fc}:d200'jeira: J, the Arctic Islands.

* the Appalachian [.sepa'teijmn] Region район Аппалачей

** St Lawrence Lowlands [semt 'b:rens 'loutendz] Низменность св. Лаврентия

*** the Canadian Shield J,ka'neidi3n 'Ji:ld] Канадский щит (плато)

**** the Interior [ш'иэпэ] Plains Внутренние равнины


The Appalachian Region, which borders on the Atlantic Ocean, is a series of uplands and of several mountain ranges. The region is covered with forests.

The Great Lakes — St Lawence Lowlands is the Country's smallest region. It stretches from Quebec City [kwi'bek siti ] to Lake Huron ['hjurran], along the US border.

The Canadian Shield borders on the Hudson Bay. The Interior Plains stretch from the province of Manitoba [.msem'toubs ] to the Arctic Ocean. The Plains rise 3,000 feet (about 1,000 m) in three steps. The southern part is grassland, but north of the region is covered with forests.

The Western Cordilleras is a mountainous region, which is washed by the Pacific Ocean. The central section is a plain with hills. The eastern section includes three high mountain ranges. The coast of the Pacific is covered with Canada's tallest forests.

Canada has nearly 15 per cent of the world's fresh water surface. There are so many lakes in Canada that they have never been counted. Canada's major fresh water resource is the Great Lakes system. Lakes Superior [sju'pians], Michigan ['mijicpn], Huron, St Clair (semt 'ккэ], Erie ['lsn] and Ontario [on'tesnou] are the largest group of lakes in the world with an area of 95,000 square miles.

The main rivers are the St Lawrence, the Mackenzie [ma'kenzi ] and the Fraser.

The Niagara Falls* is one of the world's largest falls on the Niagara River which connects two lakes — Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. It is about 1,000 feet wide and 162 feet high. Nearly a million tons of water passes over the Falls every five minutes.

* the Niagara Falls [nai'ffigsra 'fo:lzj Ниагарский водопад


The climate of the eastern and central parts of Canada varies considerably, but in the north-western and southern parts of the country the climate is milder.

Canada is very rich in mineral resources. The most important minerals are nickel, copper, iron ore, zinc, lead, gold, silver, oil, natural gas and coal.

Canada's forests are among her greatest resources. Productive forests cover nearly one million square miles. The waters of Canada's coastal regions and inland lakes are rich in fish.

Canada is a highly industrialized and agricultural country. The main industrial centres are Montreal [-nontri'Dil], Toronto [t3'onto(u) ] and Vancouver [v£en'ku:v3 ]. The capital of Canada is Ottawa ['Dtawa].

Exercise 17. Speak on these topics.

Russia, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, the USA.




Conversations: A. Suggestions about What a Person Should See. B. Impressions of a Visit.


Learn this speech pattern

Did you happen to visit any other places in the Far East? Вам доводилось бывать еще в каких-нибудь местах на Дальнем Востоке?

Не happened to buy a very interesting book about the Far East. Он случайно купил (оказалось, что он купил) очень интересную книгу о Дальнем Востоке.

Exercise I. Change these sentences according to the models and translate them.

a) He knew Mr Brown's phone number.

He happened to know Mr Brown's phone number.

1. He bought two tickets for the final match. 2. John had a guide-book to Oxford. 3. He went the wrong way. 4. He was in when George called.

b) Do you know Mary's phone number?

Do you happen to know Mary's phone number?

1. Do you know the Smiths? 2. Did you meet John in London when you stayed there? 3. Do you know what film is on at the local? 4. Did you see Nick yesterday?

Learn these words and word combinations


A. Suggestions aboat What a Person Should See


At a reception in the Russian Embassy Mr Mitchell, a British journalist, meets George Danilov, a Russian journalist. They have met several times before.

Mr Mitchell' Hello, George.

George Danilov: Good evening. How are you?

M: I'm fine, thank you. And what about уои?

D: Fine, thanks.

M: Haven't seen you for ages.1 Have you been away?

D: Yes. I've just returned from my holiday.

M: Where did you go for your holiday?

D: Yes. My wife and I made a tour of Central Asia.

M: How very interesting! I was just going to ask your advice about a visit there. You see,2 my wife is a historian. For many years she's been planning a trip to Samarkand and Bukhara. Have you ever been to these cities?

D: Yes, certainly. The architectural monuments of these two cities are fascinating. In the past Arab poets called Samarkand "the Eden of the ancient EastV j.think your wife should try to see these cities.

M: I wonder how long the trip will take her.

D: If she wants to really get to know Samarkand and Bukhara it'll take her about a couple of weeks. I would strongly recommend your wife to see some modern cities, too.

M: That sounds interesting. I'll speak to her about it. Thanks a lot. Your advice was most helpful.4

D: It's a pleasure.


Nicbolai Stepanov, a teacher of Russian, has beea staying in London for a few months. Next Saturday morning he is leaving for Edinburgh. Last Tuesday Nicholai saw Bernard Law, a London University lecturer and asked his advice.

Nicholai Stepanov: Bernard, could you do me a favour?5

Bernard Law: I'll be glad to if I can.

S: Next Saturday morning I'm going to Edinburgh by car. What would you advise me to see on my way there?

L: Well, it's going to be a long journey. When are yoa» expected in Edinburgh?

S: Next Monday afternoon.

L: You should try to see Oxford though it's a little out of the way. I suggest you should also spend at least a few hours in Coventry and see the Cathedral.

S: Is Robert Burns's birthplace far from Edinburgh?

L: I'm sorry to say I've never been there. You see Burns isn't as popular in England as (he is) in Scotland and abroad. I'm sure you'll easily find it out in Edinburgh.

S: I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

L: It's a pleasure.

B. Impressions of a Visit

Jim Brown: Hello, Henry.

Henry Sloan: Hello. How are you feeling?

Jim: I'm OK, thank you. And what about you?

Henry: I'm well, thanks. Have you been away? I phoned you several times but there was no answer.

Jim: Yes, I've just returned from a conference in Khabarovsk.

Henry: Where's that? In Africa?

Jim: Oh, no. It's in the Far East.

Henry: How very interesting! What were you doing there?

Jim: I attended the UNESCO6 conference of geologists. It was sponsored by our branch.

Henry: You must be full of impressions.

Jim: Yes, indeed. That was a very interesting conference. Russian colleagues told us about the

prospects for the development of the Far East. The discussion was lively and fruitful.

Henry: Did you happen to visit any other places in the Far East?

Jim: Yes. The participants made a fantastic tour of the Far East. We visited the Kolyma, taiga, a hydroelectric station. Yakutsk, Chukotka and Sakhalin.

Henry: Did you meet many Russian people?

Jim: Quite a few! Among them scientists, workers and students. I must say the people were friendly and


Henry: What did you talk with them about?

Jim: A lot of things including the present state of affairs in the world. I have the impression that all the Russian people want peace. I found that peace is discussed everywhere nowadays, at international forums and over a cup of tea7 at home.


Samarkand ['ssemarkaend] г. Самарканд Bukhara [Ьи'кшгэ] г. Бухара Coventry fkovsntri] г. Ковентри Khabarovsk [hA'ba:rafsk ] г. Хабаровск Kolyma [кл'ктэ] р. Колыма Yakutsk [je'ku:tsk] г. Якутск Chukotka [iju'ko:tk3] п-ов Чукотка


1. Haven't (I haven't) seen you for ages. He видел вас тысячу лет. (Давно не видел вас.)

2. You see... Понимаете ли... (Видите ли...)

3. the Eden of the ancient East Эдем (рай) Древнего Востока

4. Your advice was most helpful. Ваш совет был очень полезен. (Благодарю вас за совет.)

5. Could you do me a favour ['feiva ]? He могли бы вы сделать мне одолжение?

6. the UNESCO [ju:'neskou] = the United Nations Educational [.edju'keijnl ], Scientific [.saisn'tifik] and

Cultural Organization [,D:gsnai'zeiJn ] ЮНЕСКО, Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры 7. over a cup of tea за чашкой чая

Exercise 2. Read and translate the dialogues.

Exercise 3. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. He видел вас тысячу лет. 2. попросить у вас совета 3. я очень рекомендовал бы ей. 4. Когда вас ожидают в Эдинбурге? 5. по крайней мере несколько часов. 6. как в Шотландии, так и за рубежом. 7. Я был на конференции. 8. о перспективах развития. 9. дружелюбные и гостеприимные. 10. Все русские люди хотят мира.

Exercise 4. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the dialogues.

to make a tour of, fascinating, to get to know, to sound interesting, advice, to advise, way, at least, popular, to find out, to be full of, development, situation, peace

Exercise 5. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Mr Brown, could you do me a favour?

В: I be glad to if I can.

(A: Ben, Bill; B: Yes, certainly. You are welcome.)

2. A: Haven't seen you for ages. Have you been away?

B: Yes, I've just returned from my holiday.

(J3: a business trip, Kiev, London)

3. A: We made a tour of Central Asia last month.

B: How very interesting! I was just going to ask your advice about a trip to Samarkand.

(A, B: Siberia, Scotland, Wales, Armenia)

4. A: What towns would you advise me to see on my way there?

B: You should try to see Coventry and Birmingham.

(JS: Vladimir and Suzdal, Bradford and Leeds)

5. A: I've just attended a conference of geologists.

B: You must be full of impressions.

(A: attended a conference of physicists, returned from the tour of Central Asia)

6. A: How did you find the new teacher!

B: I think he's very good.

(A: student, manager)

Exercise 6. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them.

1. Fedorov: Good morning, Mt Besners.


F: I'm all right, thank you. And how are you?


F: Yes, the morning is wonderful. Spring has corne at last. Now it's time to plan one's holiday. I hear you're going on a tour of the Caucasus.


F: My wife and I made a tour of the Caucasus lastyear. It was fascinating. I'd recommend you to go there.


F: If you go by air, it may take you about three weeks. There are a lot of ancient monuments in Georgia and

Armenia. I'm sure you'll enjoy the trip.


F: It's a pleasure.

2. Ben Morris: Could you do me a favour, Peter?

Peter Volgin:...

Ben: I'd like to take my family on a car tour to your country.


Ben: We'd like to make a tour of the "Golden Ring".


Ben: How long will it take us?


Ben: Thank you very much.


3. Nina Andreeva: Could you do me a favour, Bill?

Bill Brown:...

Nina: I'm going to Edinburgh by car next Friday.What would you advise me to see on my way there?


Nina: Thank you very much.


4. Christopher Adams: Hello, John.

John Reeves:...

Chris: I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?


Chris: Yes, I've been away for a week. I've just returned from St.Petersburg.


Chris: I attended the International Forum of physicists that was held there.


Chris: One of the main problems that was discussed by the scieatists was the prospects for the peaceful use of nuclear energy.*

* peaceful ['pi:sfgl] use of nuclear ['nju:klis] energy ['enad3i] мирное использование атомной энергии



Exercise 7. Think of situations in which these sentences can be used. Dramatize them.

1. We are planning a tour of the "Golden Ring" towns. 2. It was a fascinating tour. 3. I would strongly recommend you to go there in early autumn. 4. Your advice was most helpful. 5. Could you find out his phone number? 6. Do you happen to know when the show starts? 7. You must be full of impressions. 8. What are the prospects for the development of the gas deposits? 9. After all San Francisco isn't so far across the Pacific. 10. I found that everyone is interested in the problem of peace. 11. What are the prospects for the development of oil deposits in the Arctic regions? 12. I appreciate your help. 13. Do you really want to get to know them?

Exercise 8. Reproduce the dialogues "Suggestions about What a Person Should See" and "Impressions of a Visit" in pairs.

Exercise 9. Insert articles or some, any where necessary. Translate the sentences.

1. I hear you have collected... important information. 2. "This is... very important piece of... information," he said. 3. I do not think... information they collected is interesting. 4. Could you give me... piece of... advice? 5. What do you think of... advice Mary gave them? 6. "Do you expect him to make.... progress in English?" "I hope he'll make... good progress." 7. "Did he listen to... latest news last night?" "I don't think he did." 8. Here are... interesting pieces of news. 9. I wonder if we have... enough information.

Exercise 10. Act as interpreter.

1. Mr Jacobs: Good morning, Mr Pavlov.

Павлов: Доброе утро. Как вы себя чувствуете?

J: I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?

Р: Спасибо, тоже хорошо. Чудесное утро, не так ли?

J; Yes, the morning is wonderful. By the way, is this your first visit to this country?

P: Нет. Три года тому назад я был в Бристоле. Послезавтра я выезжаю в Глазго на машине. Не мог бы я попросить вас об одолжении, г-н Джекобе?

J: I'll be glad to if I can.

P: Что бы вы посоветовали мне посмотреть по дороге в Глазго?

J: Well, yours will be rather a long journey. There are a lot of interesting places on the way. I advise you to spend at least a few hours in Coventry and see the Cathedral. I also advise you to see Birmingham, Sheffield and Leeds, the oldest industrial centres in this country.

P: Я признателен вам за вашу помощь. Спасибо. J: It's a pleasure.

2. George Osborne (correspondent of the "Daily World"): Hallo, Helen.

Елена Иванова (корреспондент "Комсомольской правды"): Доброе утро.

George: Haven't seen you for ages. Have you been away?

Елена: Да, я уезжала в Сибирь.

George: Did you spend your holiday there?

Елена: Нет. Я ездила в Новосибирск на конференцию геологов.

George: How very interesting! What was the subject of the conference?

Елена: Перспективы развития сибирских месторождений полезных ископаемых в ближайшие двадцать лет.

George: The subject is very interesting. You must be full of impressions.

Елена: Да, впечатлений очень много. Геологи рассказали о запасах полезных ископаемых Сибири, о том, что их трудно разрабатывать, поскольку в Сибири неблагоприятные климатические условия. Ученые говорили о том, что нужно сделать, чтобы было легче разрабатывать ископаемые, которые нужны нашей стране.

Exercise 11. Translate into English.

1. — Доброе утро.

— Доброе утро. Не видел вас тысячу лет. Уезжали куда-нибудь?

— Да. Я только что вернулся из отпуска.

— Надеюсь, вы довольны своим отпуском. Где вы провели его?

— Мы с женой совершили поездку по Украине и Крыму.

— Погода была хорошая?

— Да. Было не очень жарко, но вода в море была теплая. В Крыму мы много купались, катались на лодке и ходили в горы. Это было изумительно.

— Мог бы я попросить вас об одолжении?

— Да, конечно (пожалуйста).

— Я знаю, что вы много путешествовали по своей стране, и я слышал, что в прошлом году вы провели отпуск в Средней Азии. Мое хобби — Древний Восток. Мы с женой давно уже собираемся поехать в Самарканд и Бухару. Сколько времени может занять эта поездка?

— Я думаю, по меньшей мере неделю, если вы полетите туда.

— Когда лучше всего туда ехать? Боюсь, что летом там очень жарко.

— Да, очень. Летом температура поднимается до 45° (по Цельсию). Я бы посоветовал вагл поехать либо в начале осени, либо в начале весен.

— Спасибо. Очень признателен вам за вашу помощь.

— Пожалуйста.

2. — Я слышал, что вы только что вернулись из поездки по России, г-н Грин.

— Да, мы с женой совершили поездку по старинным русским городам. Это турне называется «Золотое кольцо».

— Понравилась ли вам поездка?

— Очень. Кстати, моя жена — журналист, и она собрала интересный материал для статей.

Exercise 12. Make up dialogues based on the pictures (see p. 67). Exercise 13. Dramatize these situations.

I. Your foreign colleague asks your advice about what he should see in Russia. Ask him what he and his wife are interested in, what their hobbies are and recommend them places to see.

2. Ask your English colleague's advice about what you should see on your way to Liverpool (to Glasgow, etc.).

3. You were a participant in an international forum that discussed problems of the development of the deposits of oil and gas in the next two decades. Speak about your impressions with a friend of yours.



British Teacher: What should I see in your country?

The Uzbek: Samarkand.

The Georgian: Tbilisi.



Mary: Goodbye, Nick, and all the best.

Nick: Goodbye, and thanks for everything.



Как видно из таблицы, необходимость (и отсутствие необходимости) совершения действия может выражаться модальными глаголами must,* should, ought to и эквивалентами модальных глаголов have to, have got to, be to need.

* См. часть 1, урок 10.


1. Глагол have to и сочетание have got to указывают, что действие должно совершиться в силу обстоятельств, которые не зависят от говорящего (ему приходится делать что-то). Have to употребляется в Simple Present, Simple Past и Simple Future. Have got to употребляется только в Simple Present.

2. Глагол be to употребляется:

а) в форме Simple Present для выражения действия, которое должно совершиться в будущем в силу предварительной договоренности или намеченного плана. Такое употребление характерно для газетного стиля.

The President is to leave for London next Wednesday. Президент должен выехать (выезжает) в Лондон в следующую среду, (в соответствии с договоренностью)

б) в форме Simple Present для передачи указаний, приказаний, инструкций (как в прямой, так и в косвенной речи)

"You are to stay here for another week," Mr Brown said to him. «Вы должны остаться здесь еще на неделю», сказал ему г-н Браун, (об этом есть договоренность, это указание)

Не says we are to wait till he comes back. Он говорит, что мы должны подождать, пока он вернется, (это приказание)

в) в форме Simple Past для обозначения действия, которое должно было совершиться согласно предварительной договоренности или плана. Вне контекста, однако, невозможно определить, совершилось это действие или нет.

They were to return yesterday. Они должны были вернуться вчера, (вне контекста не ясно, вернулись они или нет)

3. Модальные глаголы should к ought to употребляются со всеми лицами единственного и множественного числа. Они выражают необходимость совершения действия в виде совета, пожелания, мнения. В сочетании с неперфектным инфинитивом они обозначают действие, относящееся к настоящему или будущему времени, в сочетании с перфектным инфинитивом — к прошедшему времени.

На русский язык should u ought to переводятся следует, нужно по отношению к настоящему и будущему времени и следовало бы, нужно было бы по отношению к прошедшему времени.

В современной разговорной речи should u ought to взаимозаменяемы, причем should более употребителен.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Перфектный инфинитив образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have и Past Participle смыслового глагола.



You should have helped him translate the article. He had so little time. Вам следовало бы помочь ему перевести статью. У него было так мало времени.

You ought to have advised her to join them. Вам следовало бы посоветовать ей присоединиться к ним.

4. Глагол need употребляется в отрицательных предложениях в форме needn't + инфинитив без to для выражения отсутствия необходимости, нецелесообразности совершения действия.

You needn't go shopping today. I have bought everything. Вам не нужно идти в магазин (за покупками) сегодня. Я все купил.

5. Обратите внимание на возможные краткие ответы на общие вопросы с модальными глаголами.



ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В разговорной речи можно отвечать только Yes или N0.

Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to modal verbs.

1. "Sorry, you'll have to wait for a short while, Mr Smith is engaged," said the secretary. 2. "Did he have to ask George's advice?" "I think, he did." 3. "Who had to take the letters to the post-office?" "Mr Hopkins did." 4. They have got to complete the plan. 5. John has got to go to the Travel Agency today. 6. "You don't have to find out when the train starts. I've already done that," said Peter. 7. "Did you have to tell him everything?" "No, I didn't." 8. "You are to make a list of students who want to see the film," the teacher said to John. 9. The conference is to start next month. 10. The bus was to arrive in the morning. 11. Tell Mr Smith he is to meet the delegation at the airport tomorrow morning. 12. Did you tell I John he was to book rooms in the hotel? 13. "You should see Lake Baikal, it is one of the world's deepest lakes," Peter Vertov said to him. 14. You needn't come yourself. You may send somebody else. 15. You ought not to have told him that his brother was ill. 16. They should have taken part in the discussion. 17. You should not have advised him to join them.

Exercise 2. Made the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Does he have to go there today7.

B: No, he needn't.

(A: to collect stamps; to take part in the trip; to find out when the train starts)

2. A: Does Peter have to finish the article today!

B: I'm afraid he does.

(A: to start as early as 5 a.m.; to stay there for another week; to leave on business today)

3..A: Did the Smiths come back yesterday?

B: They were to return yesterday but I don't know if they did.

(A: leave; go to the reception; meet the Browns; B: to leave; to go; to meet them)

4. A: Did she tell John he was to call up Mr Brown!

B: Yes, she did.

(A: to write a letter to Mr Brooks; to prepare everything for the conference)

5. A: He hasn't taken us to the exhibition yet.

B: That's a pity. He should've done so.

(A: shown them round the city, bought a guide-book)

Exercise 3. Respond to these questions and statements according to the models.

a) Can they come next Friday?

No, I'm afraid they have to come this Friday.

1. Can he sign the letters next Wednesday? 2. Can I make an appointment with Mr Brown for next Thursday? 3. Can he book seats for the theatre for next Saturday? 4. Can he go to see them next Monday?

b) Must I really help John?

No, you needn't but he'll be very glad if you do.

1. Must he really go to see them tonight? 2. Must she really help him with the translation? 3. Must he really give her a piece of advice? 4. Must Jim really recommend them the route?

c) What time does your plane leave? (4 p.m., at the airport)

At 4 p.m. but I'm to be at the airport hah5 an hour before.

1. What time does your train start? (2 p.m., at the station) 2. When does the meeting begin? (3 p.m., there) 3. What time do your classes start? (9 a.m., at college) 4. What time does the exhibition open? (10 a.m., there)

d) We didn't tell him about it. I think you should've told him.

1.1 didn't leave a message for him. 2. Bill didn't keep the appointment. 3. He didn't take the children to the Zoo last Saturday. 4. She didn't give him any advice.

Exercise 4. Read this short story and give a summary of it. Use modal verbs.

Once Mark Twain arrived at a small town. He was to give a lecture there. Before dinner he went to a barber's shop.*

* barber's shop парикмахерская


"You're a stranger in this town, aren't you?" the barber asked him.

"Yes," said Mark Twain. "I've just arrived here."

"You're lucky. Mark Twain is giving a lecture tonight. You'll go, won't you?

"Certainly," answered Mark Twain.

"Have you booked a ticket yet?" the barber asked him.

"No, I haven't."

"I'm afraid, you'll have to stand then.. The theatre is sold out."*

* The theatre is sold out Все билеты проданы.


"That's a pity," said Mark Twain. "I always have to stand when that man gives a lecture."

Exercise 5. Read the dialogue and reproduce it. Use modal verbs.

Harry: Were you able to write that letter yesterday, Nora?

Nora: Which letter do you mean?

Harry: The letter to the headmaster of Peter's school. You said you would write a letter and say we wanted to take Peter away on holiday a week before the end of the term.

Nora: Oh, no. I must write it tonight.

Harry: I'm afraid it may be too late. You should have written it yesterday.

Nora: Don't you think you ought to write the letter as Peter's father?

Harry: But you can write that kind of letter better than I can.

Nora: I think you should do it — you know I hate letter-writing.

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Нужно ли мне будет делать пересадку? — Не обязательно, но этот путь длиннее. 2. Вам придется немного подождать. Г-н Брукс занят, он говорит по телефону. 3. Скажите г-ну Смиту, что он должен решить этот вопрос сегодня. 4. Г-н Браун сказал мне, что Джон должен подготовить все для совещания. 5. Действительно ли я должен помочь ему сделать перевод? — Не обязательно, но он будет очень рад, если вы поможете. 6. В котором часу мне нужно быть в аэропорту? — В 4 часа, за полчаса до отлета самолета. 7. Вам нужно было бы позвонить секретарю и передать, что вы не сможете прийти. 8. Им следовало бы давно решить этот вопрос. 9. Что еще мне следует посмотреть? — Посмотрите (вам следует посмотреть) Лужники и новые олимпийские комплексы.


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