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По способу образования Simple Past Tense глаголы делятся на стандартные (standard) и нестандартные (non-standard). Стандартные глаголы образуют форму прошедшего времени путем прибавления к инфинитиву глагола (без to) окончания -(e)d.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ: 1. В глаголах, оканчивающихся на букву у с предшествующей согласной, буква у заменяется буквой i и прибавляется окончание -ed: to try — tried [traid].
2. Согласная буква удваивается, если ей предшествует краткая гласная: to stop — stopped [stopt].
У нестандартных глаголов сохранились архаичные формы Simple Past, образованные главным образом с помощью изменения корневой гласной. Эти формы следует заучивать наизусть.
Запомните 3 основные формы следующих нестандартных глаголов. (Вторая форма — Simple Past, третья — Past Participle).
to be — was [woz, wsz], were [ws:, ws] — been [bi:n]
to buy — bought [ЪуЛ ] — bought
to come — came [keim] — come [клт]
to do — did [did] — done
to drive — drove [drouv] — driven [dnvn]
to get — got [got ] — got
to give — gave [geiv ] — given [givn ]
to go — went [went ] — ' gone [дэп ]
to have — had [haed, had] — had
to hear — heard [ha:d ] — heard
to know — knew [nju:] — known [noun]
to learn — learnt [font] learned [fond] — learnt, learned
to leave — left [left] — left
to make — made [meid] — made
to pay — paid [peid] — paid
to put — put [put ] — put
to read — read [red ] — read [red ]
to say — said [sed] — said
to see — saw [so: ] — seen [si:n ]
to take — took [tuk] — taken [teikn]
to teach — taught [to:t ] — taught
to tell — told [tould] — told
to think — thought [Bait] — thought
to wake — woke [wouk] — woken [woukn]
to write — wrote [rout] — written [ritn]
2. The verb "to be" in the Simple Past Tense
Все глаголы, за исключением to be, образуют вопросительную и отрицательную формы с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do, в прошедшем времени — did.
Did you go to see them last Sanday? Вы навещали их в прошлое воскресенье?
Yes, I did. Да.
No, I did not. (No, I didn't.) Нет.
He did not (didn't) go to the department store yesterday. Вчера он не ходил в универмаг.
They didn't have lunch at home yesterday. Вчера они не обедали дома.
Глагол to have в своем основном значении иметь (обладать) обычно употребляется в вопросительной и отрицательной форме без вспомогательного глагола to do.
Had you that textbook last year? Был ли у вас этот учебник в прошлом году?
Не hadn' t any friends there. Там у него не было друзей.
Н о: We didn't'have a French class last Friday. В прошлую пятницу у нас не было занятия по французскому языку.
Глагол to be образует вопросительную и отрицательную форму без вспомогательного глагола to do.
"Were they at home yesterday?" "Yes, they were." "No, they were not (weren't)."
Simple Past обозначает действие как факт прошлого. Оно употребляется:
1) для выражения прошедшего действия, время совершения которого обозначается следующими наречиями времени: yesterday ['jestadi] вчера, the day before yesterday позавчера, yesterday morning (afternoon) вчера утром (днем), last night [nait] вчера вечером, last week (month [тлп9], year [ja:]), на прошлой неделе (в прошлом месяце, году), an hour (a week, a month, a year) ago [э'дои] час (неделю, месяц, год) тому назад.
Не worked in a factory last year. В прошлом году он работал на фабрике.
They lived in Tomsk two years ago. Два года тому назад они жили в Томске.
Was he busy yesterday? Был ли он вчера занят?
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В вопросительных предложениях, начинающихся с наречия when когда, всегда употребляется Simple Past Tense.
When did he buy that textbook? Коща он купил этот учебник? Не bought it a week ago. Он купил его неделю тому назад.
2) для выражения ряда последовательно совершавшихся действий в прошлом.
Не opened the window, did his physical exercises, shaved and washed and then had breakfast. Он открыл окно, сделал зарядку, побрился и умылся, а затем позавтракал.
3) для выражения обычного, повторяющегося действия в прошлом.
Не always played chess on Sunday mornings. Он всегда играл в шахматы по воскресеньям утром.
Exercise I. a) Give the Simple Past Tense form of the following standard verbs. Transcribe and pronounce them.
to close, to excuse, to listen, to live, to open, to receive, to shave, to show, to play, to stay, to collect, to dictate, to translate, to start, to help, to like, to look, to pass, to smoke, to thank, to work, to wash, to watch
b) Give the Simple Past Tense form of the following non-standard verbs. Transcribe and pronounce them.
to be, to buy, to teach, to think, to come, to give, to do, to get, to go, to have, to hear, to leave, to know, to make, to learn, to pay, to put, to read, to take, to tell, to wake, to write, to drive.
Exercise 2. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the use of the Simple Past Tense.
a) 1. His elder brother worked in a big factory two years ago. 2. Her younger sister lived in Kiev a few years ago. 3. They watched TV last night. 4. Mary helped us to type the letters yesterday. 5. They got to the department store in the afternoon. 6. They went to see the Browns last night. 7. Peter's mother taught French to us last year. 8. He did his homework and then went for a walk in Hyde Park. 9. My elder brother was ill last week.
b) 10. He did not receive any visitors yesterday. 11. They did not translate the new text the day before yesterday. 12. She did not listen to the latest news last night. 13. Peter did not write a letter to his father last Monday. 14. Jane did not tell us about that yesterday. 15. He did not teach French last year. 16. She was not ill last week.
c) 17. "Did you show them your new pictures yesterday?" "Yes, I did." 18. "Did Peter stay in the college library the day before yesterday?" "No, he didn't." 19. "Did they look through the newspapers yesterday morning?" "Yes, they did."20. "Did he buy the new textbook yesterday?" "No, he didn't." 21. "Did you read the book last week?" "Yes, I did." 22. "Did you have lunch in the factory canteen yesterday?" "No, I didn't." 23."Did they leave for work at half past seven yesterday morning?" "Yes, they did." 24. "Was he very tired yesterday?" "Yes, he was."
Exercise 3. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.
1. A: Mary showed me her new gloves yesterday.
B: Did you like them!
A: Yes, I did.
(A: hat, coat, watch; B: it, it, it)
2. A: Did they have a German class last Friday?
B: No, they didn't and did you?
A: I didn't either.
(A: watch TV, translate the new text, look through the magazines)
3. A: Peter went for a walk lasl night, didn't he?
B: Yes, he did.
(A: last Sunday, after dinner, after classes)
4. A: How long did it take you to get to the office"!
B: It took the half an hour.
(A: the ministry, the airport, the factory; B: forty minutes, an hour and a half, twenty minutes)
5. A: You had lunch in our factory canteen yesterday, didn't you?
B: Yes, I did.
A: How did you like it?
B: It was very good.
(A: last Tuesday, two days ago)
6. A: Mr Brown is in London, isn't he?
B: No, he isn't. He was there a month ago.
(A: Paris, Moscow; B: a week ago, two months ago)
7. A: The people there were wonderful, weren't they?
B: Yes, they certainly were.
(A: very, good, very nice)
Exercise 4. Transform these sentences into tag questions and give answers to them.
He stayed at home last Sunday.
"He stayed at home last Sunday, didn't he?" "Yes, he did."
1. He liked your new picture. 2. John dictated a few letters to the secretary yesterday morning. 3. My younger brother collected foreign stamps last year. 4. His mother woke him up at six yesterday morning. 5. They came to see us last night. 6. My brother had a lot of friends at school. 7. Jane was ill last week. 8. He did not watch TV last night. 9. She did not go to school the day before yesterday. 10. He did not know about the textbook. 11. They did not have lunch in the factory canteen last Friday. 12. She was not very tired yesterday. 13. They had no English books last year.
Exercise 5. Make up questions according to the model.
His brother collected stamps last year, (his sister)
Did his sister collect stamps too?
1. His elder sister worked in a big factory two years ago. (his younger sister) 2. He listened to the latest news last night, (they) 3. His friend lived in London last year, (his friend's family) 4. We played chess last night, (they) 5. Peter bought some white and brown bread. (John) 6. Nick did his homework after classes. (Bill) 7. Mr Brown took his children to the Zoo last Sunday. (Mr Smith) 8. He had lunch at one o'clock, (they) 9. He went shopping yesterday. (Mrs Brown) 10. Peter was ill last week. (Ben) 11. Jill was here yesterday. (Jane)
Exercise 6. Answer these questions according to the model.
Did you see Peter in college yesterday?
No, I didn't. He wasn't in college yesterday.
1. Did you see Nick at Bill's birthday party? 2. Did you see Mary in the library last night? 3. Did you see Mr Brown in the canteen? 4. Did you see them at the party 5. Did you see John and Peter in the cafe?
Exercise 7. Answer these questions according to the model.
Do you usually get up at seven o'clock? (yesterday)
I usually do, but I didn't get up at seven yesterday.
1. Do you usually play chess on Saturday? (last Saturday) 2. Does your sister go shopping every day? (yesterday) 3. Do you write letters to Peter every Friday? (last Friday) 4. Do you usually have lunch in the factory canteen? (the day before yesterday) 5. Does Jim go to see his mother every Saturday? (last Saturday) 6. Is your son usually tired after classes? (yesterday)
Exercise 8. Use these sentences in the Simple Past Tense. Add adverbial modifiers of time given in brackets.
The bread and the cakes are fresh, (yesterday)
The bread and the cakes were fresh yesterday.
1. He is at home, isn't he? (last night) 2. There are not many students in the library, (last Tuesday) 3. Are there many people in the sports goods department? (yesterday afternoon) 4. Is Dick there, too? (last Saturday) 5. Jane is ill. (last month) 6. He works in an office, (last year) 7. I often go to the theatre on Sunday, (last Saturday) 8. Jane goes shopping three times a week, (last week)
Exercise 9. Use the italicized verbs in the Simple Past Tense. Give a summary of the text.
Peter is a student at Moscow University. He usually gets up at seven o'clock, shaves and washes in the bathroom and has breakfast. At a quarter to eight he leaves for college. He goes there by bus. It takes him half an hour to get there. He usually has lunch in the University canteen. Peter often stays in the library till nine o'clock in the evening. At half past nine he comes home.
Exercise 10. Translate into English.
1. Они жили в Москве два года тому назад. 2. Вам ведь понравилась его новая книга? — Нет. 3. Какие журналы он хотел показать мне вчера вечером? 4. Мы ведь не переводили этот текст на прошлой неделе? — Нет, переводили! 5. Работал ли он на заводе три -года тому назад? 6. Просмотрели ли вы эти документы вчера? — Да. 7. Сколько писем вы напечатали вчера? — Двенадцать. 8. Вы ведь поблагодарили его? — Да. 9. Он ведь показал вам свою новую картину? — Да. 10. Он ведь работал на заводе в прошлом году? — Да. А сейчас он учится в институте (студент колледжа).11. Когда он вернулся из Санкт-Петербурга? Неделю тому назад.— Сколько времени он там пробыл? — Пять дней. 12. Куда вы ходили вчера после занятий? — В универмаг. Я хотела, чтобы Анна пошла со мной, но ее не было дома. 13. Кто купил подарок для Джейн? — Билл.
3. Complex* Sentence (Сложноподчиненное предложение)
* complex ['korspleks]
Сложноподчиненное предложение состоит из главного и одного или нескольких придаточных. Придаточное предложение присоединяется к главному при помощи соединительных союзов. Например: that что вводит дополнительные придаточные предложения, союз ifесли — условные придаточные предложения.
I saw that he was very happy. Я видел, что он был очень счастлив.
If Tom can't do that, let Nick do it. Если Том не может сделать это, пусть сделает Ник.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В разговорной речи союз that, вводящий дополнительные придаточные предложения, часто опускается.
I saw he was very tired.
Learn this speech pattern
She goes to school by bus (by tube, etc.). Она ездит в школу автобусом (на метро и т. д.).
Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.
Learn these words and word combinations
Exercise 2. Read these sentences and translate them. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. The Volkovs returned home from London last month. 2. Did Jane's father return to Moscow from Kiev last week? 3. Who teaches geography to you? 4. He did his physical exercises and then took a shower. 5. He always brushes his teeth in the evening. 6. When did they start work? 7. You went to college by tube yesterday, didn't you? 8. He made a few phone calls last morning. 9. When did he go back to his office? 10. Did you go out last night? 11. Did they drive to the office in Peter's car?
Last month George Volkov and his family returned to Moscow from Great Britain. George was Head-master of the Russian Embassy school in Great Britain for four years. Now George is a lecturer at the Teacher Training College.
George and his family lived in London. They had a threeroom flat in a new block of flats in Kensington High Street.
George has a wife and two children — his son Paul is eight and his daughter Ann is twelve. His wife Helen is a teacher of geography. She taught geography at the Embassy school. Paul and Ann went to school.
'George and Helen 'usually 'got 'up at a 'quarter to seven. They 'did their 'physical exercises. 'Then 'George -/shaved and 'took a Ishower. At a 'quarter past seven 'Helen 'woke 'up 'Ann and Paul. 'Ann and Paul 'washed their 'hands and faces, and 'brushed their "Л teeth.
At a 'quarter to height the 'Volkovs had Л breakfast. During -/breakfast they 'listened to the 'latest news.
At 'ten minutes past eight the 'school bus 'took 'Ann and 'Paul to school. Their 'classes 'started at "Mialf past eight.
If 'Helen had a ge'ography class in the -/morning she also went to school by the school bus. If she had a 'class in the.Jafternoon, she 'went to 'school by 'bus or by tube.
'George 'usually 'left for 'work at 'eight o'clock. He 'drove to the 'school in his Var. It 'took him only?ten 'minutes to get there.
George usually had a lot of things to do. Ue looked through class registers, made phone calls and spoke to the teachers and pupils. Twice or three times a week he visited classes.
George often had lunch at home. He usually had salad, roastbeef or steak and a cup of coffee for lunch. After lunch he went back to the school.
In the evening George and Helen sometimes went out or had guests at home.
On Saturdays the Volkovs often went for a walk in Hyde Park.
Kensington High Street ['kensintan hai stri:t] Кенсингтон-Хай-Стрит (название улицы)
Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 4. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.
1. вернулся в Москву из Великобритании. 2. учительница географии. 3. Павел и Анна учились в школе. 4. Они делали зарядку. 4. Без четверти восемь Волковы завтракали. 6. Занятия начинались в половине девятого. 7. Она ехала в школу на метро. 8. звонил по телефону. 9. два или три раза в неделю. 10. После обеда он возвращался в школу.
Exercise 5. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.
last month, for three years, to teach, physical exercises, to take a shower, to wake up, teeth, during, the school bus, a geography class, by bus, ten minutes, phone calls, after lunch, to go out, to go for a walk
Exercise 6. Write out all the combinations in which the verbs to go, to take, to have, to get are used in the text.
Exercise 7. Answer the questions.
1. When did George Volkov and his family return to Moscow from Great Britain? 2. How long did the Volkovs stay in Great Britain? 3. What did George Volkov do in Great Britain? 4. In what street did the Volkovs live? 5. Where did Helen work in London? 6. What subject* did she teach at the Embassy school? 7. Paul and Ann went to school, didn't they? 8. When did George and Helen usually get up? 9. Did George usually take a shower in the morning or in the evening? 10. At what time did the Volkovs have breakfast? 11.They listened to the latest news during breakfast, didn't they? 12. At what time did Ann and Paul leave for school? 13. At what time did their classes start? 14. Did Helen always go to school by the school bus? 15. How long did it take George to get to the school? 16. Where did George usually have lunch? 17. What did he often have for lunch? 18. Did George go back to the school after lunch? 19. Did the Volkovs often have guests? 20. They sometimes went out, didn't they? 21. What did they often do on Saturdays? 22. What is George doing now?
* subject ['SAbdsikt] n предмет
Exercise 8. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.
1. A: Does your geography class start at 8.30?
B: It starts at 8.30 on Tuesday and at 11.30 on Thursday.
(A: English, German, French)
2. A: Did you go there by bus or by tube?
B1: I went there by tube.
A: How long did it take you to get there?
В2: It took me forty minutes (to get there).
(B1: bus, trolley-bus ['trohbAS ]), underground; B2: half an hour, fifty minutes, fifteen minutes)
3. A: How often did Peter go to the library!
B: Twice a week.
(A: go to see his mother, go for a walk; B: three times, four times)
4. A: Do you often go out?
B: No, not very often. Three or four times a month.
(B: two or three, four or five)
5. A: Did you drive to the office in Peter's car?
B: No, I didn't. I went there by bus.
(A: Nick's, Ben's; B: by underground, by tube)
6. A: Your son is also at college, isn't he?
B: Yes, he is. He's a second'year student.
(A: Peter, John, his son; B: first, third, fourth)
7. A: You also go to the office by bus, don't you?
B: No, I don't. I always go by tube.
{A: tube; B: bus)
Exercise 9. Insert prepositions or adverbs where necessary. Give a summary of the text. Mr Brown is a British business man. He works... a firm. Yesterday Mr Brown woke......seven o'clock. He got... and did his physical exercises.... that he went... the bathroom. He washed, brushed his teeth and shaved. Then he went... the sitting-room. It was half... seven.
His wife brought him his breakfast.... breakfast Mr Brown looked... the "Financial [fai'na^njl] Times."
... ten minutes... eight he left... work. Mr Brown drove... his office. It took him an hour to get there.
Mr Brown said "good morning" to his colleagues. He had a lot of things to do. He dictated letters... his secretary, looked... the letters and telegrams, made phone calls and received visitors.
... half past four Mr Brown finished (['finijt] закончил) work and drove home. He got home... half past five. His wife and children were... home. He had dinner... his family.... dinner he played chess... his son.
At ten o'clock he listened... the latest news. Then he had a shower and went... bed.
Exercise 10. Insert articles or possessive pronouns wherever necessary.
1. "I have... lot of things to do today." "Can I help you?" "I'm afraid you can't. Thank you." 2... classes started at 8.30. 3. We usually listen to... latest news in... morning. 4. "Is Mr Green receiving... visitors now?" "No, he isn't. He's making... phone calls." 5. "Is Peter having breakfast?" "No, he isn't." "He is doing... physical exercises." 6. "Is your sister... teacher of English?" "Yes, she is." "Does she teach English at... school or at... college?" "She teaches it at... college." 7. "Many happy returns of... day." "Thank you very much." 8. You bought... present for your daughter, didn't you? 9. "When do you usually listen to... latest news?" "In.. morning." 10. "Does he drive to... office in... car every day?" "No, he doesn't." "On Monday and Thursday his wife goes shopping in... car." 11. Peter said "goodbye" to... friends and left for... home. 12. "When does... French class start?" "At... quarter to... nine." 13. If she has... class in... afternoon she goes to college by bus. 14. Please wash... hands and face and brush... teeth. 15. He was very tired and went to... bed at half past nine yesterday. 16. My friend is... student at St. Petersburg University.
Exercise 11. Ask twelve questions based on the text and answer them.
Exercise 12. Give a summary of the text "George Volkov".
Exercise 13. Make up questions to which the italicized words are the answers.
1. They returned to Moscow from Sochi two months ago. (1) 2. He has an English class four times a week. (1) 3. My eldest brother can drive a car. (1) 4. The Browns went out yesterday. (1) 5. My father came back from the office at a quarter to seven yesterday. (1) 6. John's wife is also a teacher of French. (1) 7. George Volkov is a lecturer at the Teacher Training College. (1)
Exercise 14. Open the brackets using the verbs in Simple Present or Past, or Present Continuous.
1. "When the Browns (to return) to London from Paris?" "I think they (to come back) two months ago." 2. "When you usually (to start) work?" "I usually (to start) work at nine o'clock in the morning." 3. "He (to drive) to the office in his car every day?" "No, he doesn't. Sometimes he (to go) there by tube." 4. "How long the Volkovs (to stay) in London?" "They (to stay) there for four years." 5. "What Mr Smith (to do) now?" "He (to look) through the letters and telegrams." 6. "Can your younger sister drive a car?" "Yes, she can. She (to drive) to the office in her car every morning." 7. "The Volkovs (to have) breakfast now?" "Yes, they are. They always (to have) breakfast at this time."
Exercise 15. Translate these sentences.
1. Вы делали сегодня утром зарядку? — Да, я делаю зарядку каждое утро. 2. Поедемте домой на моей машине. — Спасибо. 3. Николай поздоровался со своими коллегами и принялся за работу. 4. Хорошо ли Петр говорит по-французски? (Может ли Петр...) 5. Вы можете сейчас продиктовать письма? — Нет. Я собираюсь принять несколько посетителей сейчас. 6. Сколько вам потребовалось времени, чтобы доехать до школы? — Я думаю, полчаса. 7. Должен ли я сейчас сделать домашнее задание? — Нет, ты можешь пойти погулять в парк, а затем сделать домашнее задание. 8. Знаете ли вы, как пройти на площадь Пушкина (Pushkin Square)? — К сожалению, я не знаю.
Exercise 16. a) Make up stories on these topics, b) Write a story on one of the topics.
1. What I did yesterday. 2. What my friend (my son, my brother) did yesterday.
Conversations: A. At a Reception. B. After a Visit to London. С A Cup of Tea.
Learn these speech patterns
1. Could you introduce me to some of your colleagues ['кэ1кдг]? He могли бы вы меня представить некоторым из своих коллег?
Exercise 1. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.
Exercise 2. Translate into English.
2. When could I see you? Когда бы я мог увидеться (встретиться) с вами?
Exercise 3. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.
Exercise 4. Make up six sentences using patterns 1 and 2.
Learn these words and word combinations
Volkov: Mr Shastri, this is Mr Ivanov, a Moscow teacher. He arrived here only the day before yesterday.
Mr Ivanov, this is Mr Shastri, a professor from India.
Ivanov: How do you do, Mr Shastri.
Mr Shastri: How do you do. It's a nice day today, isn't it?
Ivanov: Yes, it's a very nice day. How do you like it here?
Mr Shastri: It is a very interesting country.
Ivanov: By the way, could you introduce me to some of your colleagues, Mr Shastri?
Mr Shastri: With pleasure.
Ivanov: When can I see you?
Mr Shastri: I'm free between ten and eleven tomorrow. Does that suit you?
Ivanov: Perfectly.
A: Where were you last week? I called you up but there was no answer.
В: I was in London.
A: How long were you there?
B: I stayed there for ten days and came back last night. By the way, I met George Volkov there and
we went to the theatre together. A: What did you see? B: Othello [s'Selou] at Covent Garden.1
Jane: Would you like a cup of tea?
Mary: Only, if it's not too much trouble.2
Jane: How do you like it?
Mary: A little milk and no sugar.
1. Covent ['kovsnt] Garden or Covent Garden Royal Гпн(э)11 Opera ['эргэ] House "Ковент—Гарден" (название королевского оперного театра).
2. if it's not too much trouble если это вас не очень затруднит
Exercise 5. Read and translate the dialogues.
Exercise 6. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.
1. Он только позавчера приехал сюда. 2. Очень интересная страна. 3. Не могли бы вы представить меня некоторым из своих коллег? 4. между десятью и одиннадцатью. 5. Я пробыл там десять дней. 6. Какой вы любите чай?
Exercise 7. Quote the sentences in which the following words and word combinations are used in the text.
professor, to suit, before, to call up, how long, sugar Exercise 8. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce tbe dialogues.
1. A: Mr Brown, this is Mr Petrov, a Moscow University professor. Mr Petrov, please meet Mr Brown, a London University professor.
B: How. do you, do.
P: How do you do.
(A Pankov, Pavlov, Popov)
2. A- It's a cold day today, isn't it?
B: Yes, it is. By the way, how do you like it here?
A: Well, it's a very interesting country.
(A: nice, very cold, very nice)
3. A: Could you introduce me to some of your colleagues!
B: With pleasure.
(A: Mr Benson, your brother, Mrs Smith)
4. A: When could I see you?
B: I'm free between two and three in the afternoon.
Does it suit you?
A: Perfectly.
(B: at five o'dock, in the morning)
5. A: Can you come at ten tomorrow morning?
B: Yes, it suits me perfectly.
(A: at two in the afternoon, at five tomorrow, between ten and eleven tomorrow)
6. A: Where were you last night? I called you up but there was no answer.
B: I went to a birthday party.
(A: yesterday morning, last Sunday; B: shopping, for a walk in the park)
7. A: Did you stay there long? B: For ten days.
{B: two weeks, a month, a month and a half)
8. A: Would you like a cup of teal
B: Only, if it's not too much trouble.
(A: a cup of coffee, to have lunch now)
Exercise 9. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues,
1. A: Professor Brown, meet my colleague Professor Tenson.
2. A: How do you like St. Petersburg?
3. A: Could you introduce me to Professor Garin?
4. A: When can I see you?
A: Perfectly.
5. A: Where were you last Sunday? I called you up but there was no answer.
A: Did you stay there long?
6. A: Is Great Britain an interesting country?
7. A- Hello, Tom. Many happy returns of the day.
8. A: Would you like a cup of coffee?
A: How do you like your coffee?
9. A: Are you being served?
A: How much is it?
10. A: How is your mother?
A: Give her my best regards.
11. A: When do you have an English class?
A: Well, goodbye then. See you later.
12. A: I'd like to say goodbye to you.
A: I'm flying home on Thursday.
Exercise 10. Thank of the questions and statements to which the following sentences are the answers.
1. A:...?
B: Yes, it's a cold day today.
2. A-...?
B: They arrived only yesterday.
3. A:...?
B: Canada* is a very interesting country.
* Canada ['kaenadg] n Канада
4. A:...?
B: With pleasure. Would you like to meet Professor Stolbov? He's from Moscow.
5. A:...?
B: No thanks. I'm trying to give up.
6. A:...?
B: I was in Rostov. I arrived only this morning.
B: I stayed there for a week.
7. A:...?
B: They start tomorrow.
8. A:...?
B: Only if it's not too much trouble.
9. A-..?
B: No milk and no sugar.
10. A:...
B: Thank you for the stamps. They're wonderful.
11. A:...?
B: At the cashier's desk over there.
12. A...?
B: I'm afraid so. My mother isn't very well.
Exercise 11. Reproduce the dialogues in pairs.
Exercise 12. Act as interpreter.
1. А: Г-н Стоун, разрешите представить вам моего нового коллегу г-на Петрова.
В: How do you do, Mr Petrov.
P: Здравствуйте.
2. A: When did you arrive in London?
P: 9l прибыл в прошлое воскресенье. Как вам нравится здесь?
A: I like it very much. It's a very interesting country.
3. A: He могли бы вы представить меня некоторым своим коллегам, г-н Смит?
S: With pleasure. When could you come to my office? What about ten o'clock tomorrow morning?
А- Я свободен в это время. Меня это вполне устраивает. Благодарю вас.
S: Goodbye.
А: До свидания.
4. А: Передайте мои самые добрые пожелания вашей супруге.
В: Thank you.
Exercise 13. Translate into English.
1. — Разрешите представить вам г-на Панкова.
— Здравствуйте, г-н Стоун.
— Здравствуйте, г-н Панков.
— Г-н Панков прибыл сюда на прошлой неделе.
2. — Не могли бы вы представить меня некоторым из ваших коллег?
— С удовольствием. Когда мы бы могли встретиться с вами? Свободны ли вы завтра утром от десяти до одиннадцати?
— Да, я свободен. Это время меня вполне устраивает.
— Благодарю вас.
— До свидания.
— До свидания.
3. — Как вам здесь нравится?
— Мне очень нравится здесь. Это очень интересная страна.
4. — Сколько времени вы пробыли там?
— Полтора месяца.
5. — Что-нибудь случилось с Мери? Я не вижу ее здесь.
— Болен наш сын.
— Надеюсь, что ему лучше. Передайте Мери самый сердечный привет.
6. — Звонили ли вы мне вчера?
— Да, я звонил вам три раза, но телефон не отвечал.
— Простите, я ездил навестить своего отца. Он болен сейчас.
Exercise 14. Make up dialogues based on these situations.
1. Introduce your colleague to a foreign colleague. 2. Ask Mr Stone when you could see him. 3. Ask your friend why he did not answer your phone call last Saturday. 4. Offer a cup of tea to your guest.
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