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The Past Perfect Continuous Tense

2020-05-08 300
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Форма Past Perfect Continuous употребляется для выражения длительного действия, которое началось ранее какого-либо момента в прошлом или ранее другого действия в прошлом и либо продолжалось в момент совершения этого действия, либо закончилось непосредственно перед моментом его совершения. Момент может выражаться либо обстоятельствами времени с предлогами for (for two years, etc.), by (by that time, by the first of June, etc.), либо определяться контекстом. Past Perfect Continuous обычно переводится на русский язык прошедшим временем глагола несовершенного вида.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: В отрицательных предложениях вместо Past Perfect Continuous обычно употребляется Past Perfect.

Не had not worked for ten months before he became manager. Он не проработал еще и десяти месяцев, как стал директором.

Exercise 7. Read these sentences and translate them into Russian. Pay attention to the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. John told Nick he had been waiting for him for half an hour. 2. They were very tired as they had been walking since early morning. 3. I wondered what he had been doing since I saw him last January. 4. She had been sitting for about half an hour when the doctor came in. 5. At that moment the young man who had been writing in his notebook got up and ran out of the room. 6. The Nelsons had been living in London for ten years before they left for New York. 7. George said he had been boating since four in the afternoon.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. We (to drive) for three hours before we came to Coventry. 2. By the time the train arrived they (to wait) already for an hour and a half. 3. He knew where the Browns lived but he never (to be) there. 4. When I first met him he (to lecture) at Cambridge University for ten years. 5. It was in Bristol that I first met Peter Black. I was fifteen and I just (to come) back from school for the summer holidays. 6. Before Ann came to college she (to study) French for quite a while. 7. She realized that it was now completely dark and that she (to walk) for a long while. 8. She (to look) at him since they sat down; and he wondered what she (to think) about all the time. 9. It (to snow) all day when I left home. 10. At lunch Peter told them about New York and what he (to do) there.


The Future Perfect Tense



Форма Future Perfect выражает действие, которое будет продолжаться до некоторого момента в будущем и каким-то образом связано с данным будущим моментом.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Данная форма характерна для официальной речи. В разговорной речи вместо нее обычно употребляется Simple Future.

Exercise 9. Read these sentences and translate them into Russian. Pay attention to the Future Perfect Tense.

1. He will have started on his way back by the time you return. 2, You will have returned the book to the library by this time tomorrow. 3. I suppose by then they will have settled all the problems. 4. They will have gone for a walk by the time I have finished the job. 5. "Don't be late," he said. "He won't have gone when you come back." 6. When my thoughts are written down I shall have finished with them and I shall haVe time to think of other things.




Learn this speech pattern

a) He had no idea that the train slowed down. Он не имел представления (не знал) о том, что поезд замедляет ход.

b) Have you any idea when he is coming back? Имеете ли вы представление (знаете ли вы) о том, когда он возвращается?

Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 2. Translate into English.



Learn these words and word combinations


Exercise 3. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.

1. "I can't understand the sentence. I think some words are missing here," said John. 2. The news has probably upset him, he looks so gloomy. 3. You should not be angry with the coach, he did not want to hurt you. 4. You needn't worry about him. He is very smart and always manages to deal with anything and anybody. 5. I am not going to ask him for help. He failed me last time. 6. The captain was badly hurt just as he was trying to hit the ball. 7. You should not miss the opportunity to see the match. 8. Unfortunately she has injured her hand with the knife. 9. "You are still very ill," said the doctor. "You should be taken to hospital." 10. I have no idea why he disappeared so suddenly. 11. When German students delegation came to Moscow they were warmly welcomed by University students. 12. Have you any idea whether they have handed the documents to the director?


The hockey match between the Wolves and the Eskimos1 was to take place at 7 p.m. By late afternoon when Johnny was still missing, we all began to worry. We wondered where he had disappeared to. By five o'clock we were all in a panic.

When we were in the dressing-room we heard something that upset us completely. Someone had seen Johnny at the railway station. He had gone down to the train with two of Abe Gravot's boys, who stayed with him till the train left. Gravot, the Eskimos' coach, had probably handed Johnny a good sum of money to get him out of the game. We knew that he had dealt with some of his rivals before in that way.

It was a smart deal. The next station was forty miles away so Johnny could not get back before the next morning.

I was afraid Matt, our coach, would go crazy. He even tried to reach Johnny but failed. He was not just angry — it was a knife in his heart, as he had built all his hopes on the boy since last year when Bucko was badly injured. What could we do? We had to go on the ice. Oh, we played tough hockey2 and managed to score a goal in the second period. But by the end of the period the Eskimos shot two pucks past our goalkeeper. In the dressing-room the boys sat gloomy. Suddenly the door opened and Johnny ran in.

Nobody said a word as Matt walked across the room. "You, double-crosser, where have you been?" he shouted.

"What difference does it make3 where I've been? I'm back and you needn't worry. The score is only two to one, I'll show them how to play hockey!"

And he really did. I know that I will never see hockey as we played it that last period. When we appeared on the ice I thought the roof would go up with shouts4 as the crowd welcomed Johnny. I looked at Abe. His mouth was open, the cigarette fell from it and he looked sick.

The whistle sounded and the game started again. It was a quick game, both teams played tough hockey but the Eskimos could do nothing against Johnny. We were beginning to win when I saw Guff Hibbing ready for his gang-up act5. Johnny was going along the boards just as Bucko had been going that night a year before when Guff and another Eskimo player hit him. But Johnny saw in time what was coming. He stopped short. Guff missed him and smashed against the boards. With a bad injury he was carried away from the field.

Johnny scored two more goals before the referee's final signal sounded. The crowd roared when their favourite was leaving the field.

In the hotel Gravot came up to Johnny and said angrily, "You, dirty double-crosser! You should be thrown out of hockey!"

"Double-crosser? I took the train as we agreed, didn't I?" Johnny smiled. And then he hit Abe with his open hand across the mouth.6 "That," he said, "is for Bucko."

In the room we heard his story. "I wanted to hit Abe where it hurt the most7. So I hit him in the pocket-book. He paid me two thousand to take that train out of town tonight. He had no idea that the train slowed down at Crocket Junction8. So I jumped off and ran back. I knew I'd be in time for the last period to help you win the game."

After a while Johnny added, "Bucko Mackey needs money. You, boys, paid his hospital bills. I'm sending him Abe's two thousand in the morning."

Old Matt was happy. "I knew you would take Bucko's place when I first saw you on the ice, kid."

Johnny gave us a real smile then and his face looked boyish and friendly. "Take his place, Matt? I came here to take his place. And I also wanted to pay back for Bucko's injury. I'm Bucko's brother."

(After "Double for Trouble" by В. В. Fowler)


Abe Gravot [eib дго:'лэ: ] Эйб Граво

Guff [gAf ] Hibbing Гафф Хибинг

Bucko Mackey ['Ьлкои ms'kei ] Бако Маккей


1. the Wolves [wulvz] the Eskimos ['eskimouzj — названия канадских хоккейных команд

2. Oh, we played tough hockey. Am. Мы играли грубо. (Мы играли с применением большого числа силовых приемов.) Br. It was a tough game.

3. What difference ['difrens] does it make... Какое это имеет значение...

4. the roof would go up with shouts крыша разлетится от криков

5. a gang-up act умышленное травмирование игрока; хулиганская выходка на поле

6. then he hit Abe with his open hand across the mouth затем он ударил Эйба ладонью по лицу.

По уголовному кодексу Канады, США и некоторых «других стран за удар ладонью по лицу ударивший не привлекается к уголовной ответственности, поскольку считается что такой удар не может причинить серьезной физической травмы.

7. I wanted to hit Abe where it hurt the most. Я хотел нанести Эйбу удар по самому уязвимому месту.

8. the train siowed down at Crocket Junction при проходе (узловой) станции Крокет поезд замедлял ход

Exercise 4. Read and translate the text.

Exercise 5. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. Джонни все еще не было (все еще не появлялся). 2. Мы все начали беспокоиться. 3. Тренер «Эскимосов», возможно, вручил Джонни солидную сумму денег. 4. Это была блестящая сделка. 5. Ребята сидели с мрачным видом. 6. Толпа приветствовала Джонни. 7. Он выглядел больным. 8. Гафф проскочил мимо. 9. он не имел ни малейшего представления.

Exercise 6. Give Russian equivalents for these sentences.

1. We wondered where he had disappeared. 2. We heard something that upset us. 3. He had dealt with some of his rivals in that way. 4. He tried to reach Johnny but failed. 5. He was not just angry — it was a knife in his heart. 6. We managed to score a goal is the second period. 7. What difference does it make? 8. With a bad injury he was carried away from the field. 9. You should be thrown out of hockey. 10. I wanted to hit Abe where it hurt the most.

Exercise 7. Study the text and answer these questions.

1. Why did the Wolves worry before the beginning of the match? 2. Why was Johnny missing? 3. How did the Wolves play in the first two periods? 4. Did Johnny explain to his coach where he had been? Why? 5. Why did the Eskimos decide to injure Johnny? 6. Why did Abe, the Eskimos' coach, call Johnny "dirty double-crosser"? 7. How did Johnny decide to use the money he got from Abe? Why?

Exercise 8. Explain or comment on these statements.

1. The Eskimos' coach had probably handed Johnny a good sum of money. 2. It was a smart deal. 3. Matt had built all his hopes on Johnny. 4. We (the Wolves) played tough hockey. 5. "I wanted to hit Abe where it hurt the most," said Johnny.

Exercise 9. Say if these statement are true or false. Give your reasons.

1. By late afternoon when Johnny was still missing the Wolves did not worry. They hoped Johnny would be back in time. 2. Matt, the Wolves' coach, was very angry with Johnny. 3. The Wolves were winning the game when Johnny appeared on the ice. 4. The Eskimos managed to injure Johnny and he was taken to hospital. 5. Johnny took the money from the Eskimos as he really wanted to go away. 6. Johnny wanted to give the money to Bucko.

Exercise 10. Make up twelve questions based on the text and answer them. Exercise 11. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1. A: Sorry, I've upset your plans.

B: It's all right, you needn't worry. I can manage as it is.

(A: your preparations, everything here)

2. A: What difference does it make how he managed W.

B: You're quite right. Now it makes no difference at all.

(A: who handed the letter, who injured him)

3. A: I wonder why he missed the game.

B: Unfortunately he was taken to hospital.

(A: the final, the English class)

4. A: You should call Mr Brown's office. They dealt with such problems last month as far as I know.

B: Did they? I'll be glad if they help me.

(A- last week, some months ago, last year)

Exercise 12. Insert the words given below.

1. Everyone is here except Johnny. He is still.... 2. The Wolves were... with Johnny as they thought he... them. 3. I wonder why he... the opportunity to see the match last Saturday. 4. Don't.... Everything is all right. 5. She could not... for the book. 6. You have got to apologize* to the coach. Your words... him as far as I could see. 7. They... the idea to see the match. 8. He... his leg during the last football match. 9. Will you please... the documents to the director? 10. Have you paid the hotel...? 11. What does this book... with?

angry, to miss, bill, missing, to hurt, to deal, to reach, to injure, to fail, to hand, to welcome, to worry.

* apologize [a'pabdsaiz] извиняться, просить прощения


Exercise 13. a) Insert prepositions or adverbs, b) Give a summary of the story and discuss it.

This is our family... all grown-ups. Father is the oldest. Mother does not consider herself old. My wife Jane is quite young.

For the weekends Father usually gets his ideas. Last Saturday when he was reading the newspaper he noticed an article which dealt... skiing contests. "Just think how much attention is given... sports now," he said, "and we haven't put... skis or skates... ages. Shall we go skiing or skating tomorrow?"

Everybody welcomed the idea.

"Good," Father concluded. "So tomorrow we can go... the park to skate there."

That's how it began. We started to look... proper clothes to put.... Mother took Father's old trousers* and started to change them. Jane was worried... her sweater which she thought was missing. I was sent to buy skating caps. When I was... about half an hour later and handed the caps... Mother she got very angry... me. "Why," she exclaimed, "what did you think about when you were buying the caps? They are all the same colour! We'll have to keep away from each other if we are... the ice!"

* trousers ['trauziz] брюки


... two o'clock... the morning we went... bed.

When I woke...... the morning the weather was bad.

"Wake... everybody!" I shouted. "Are you crazy?" my wife said angrily still half asleep. "Oh, he always jokes in a silly* way," my mother remarked... her bedroom. "It's eleven o'clock," I said. "It's time to go... the park to skate, don't you think so?" Father appeared... the bathroom. He looked tired, almost sick.... breakfast Father reached... his newspaper and took it up. "Look," he suddenly exclaimed, "they say swimming is the best way of losing weight.** Don't you think we should go......swimming?" We all agreed with him.

* silly ['sill] глупый

** to lose weight худеть


Exercise 14. Make up ten sentences using these word combinations.

to worry about smth. (smb.), to hand smth. to smb., to deal with smb., to be (to get) angry with smb., to reach for smth., to be in hospital, to take smb. to hospital, to injure smb. with smth.

Exercise 15. Give Russian equivalents for these word combinations.

a) to manage to do smth., to manage a child;

b) to want smth. badly, to hurt smb. badly, badly injured;

c) to be (to come) back, to bring back, to take back, to send back, to give back, to throw back, to pay back;

d)' a smart deal, a smart answer, a smart person, a smart dress;

e) to miss the train, to miss the opportunity, to miss classes, to miss the ball; to be missing

Exercise 16. Translate these sentences into English using words and word combinations given in exercise 15.

a) 1. Я надеюсь, мы сможем добраться туда до темноты.

2. Не беспокойтесь, я уверен, что она справится с детьми.

3. Я думаю, что сумею достать билеты без вашей помощи.

b) 1. «Волки» очень хотели выиграть, и они сумели добиться победы (выиграли). 2. Хотя он очень сильно ушиб ногу во время матча, он продолжал игру.

c) 1. Я думаю, он вернется в понедельник. 2. Когда вы сможете вернуть книгу в библиотеку? 3. Он сказал, что отошлет назад документы на следующей неделе. 4. Пожалуйста, верните мне учебник, он мне очень нужен. 5. Джонни считал, что отплатил за брата.

d) 1. Она очень элегантна. 2. У него всегда найдется остроумный ответ. 3. Он очень ловкий (хитрый) человек. 4. Мери очень толковая девочка.

e) 1. Боюсь, мы опоздали на поезд. 2. Интересно, почему она пропустила занятие. 3. Не понимаю, почему они упустили возможность съездить в Санкт-Петербург. Это была такая интересная поездка.

Exercise 17. Give responses according to the model. Use modal verbs.

They didn't manage to reach the station in time.

a) They should have started earlier, b) They needri t hurry now — they will have to wait for another train, c) They had to help their friends, that's why they didn't manage to reach the station in time, d) They were to be taken to the station by a taxi but the taxi did not come.

1. He missed the football match yesterday. 2. The captain hurt his leg when he was hitting the ball. 3. I see she is worried about something. 4. The team lost the game and it upset the coach very much.

Exercise 18. Give a summary of the text "I Am His Brother".

Exercise 19. Translate into English.

1. Тренер сказал, что Джонни, возможно, вернется к пяти часам. 2. Какая разница, чем она порезала руку. Сейчас ей нужно идти к врачу. 3. Я не имею ни малейшего представления о том, что расстроило его планы. 4. Эта статья о последних спортивных событиях. Вам следует ее прочитать. 5. Вам не следовало упускать возможность передать профессору свою работу. 6. Хоккеист получил травму во время матча, и его отправили в больницу. 7. Я был очень огорчен, когда мой любимый фигурист не появился на льду. 8. Интересно, почему тренер сердится на вратаря? 9. Моего учебника нет. Он был на письменном столе, когда я уходил в институт. Интересно, где бы он мог быть? 10. Когда Бако должен был оплатить больничный счет? 11. Его ответ был очень остроумным. 12. Мальчик потянулся за мячом, но не смог достать его.

Exercise 20. Read these texts, give summaries and discuss them.

1. Olympic Games

The Olympic Games have a very long history. They began in 776 B.C.* and took place every four years for nearly 1,200 years, at Olympia, in Greece. They included many different kinds of sports, among them running, boxing and wrestling. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to the city of Olympia to compete in the games. Thousands of people from all parts of Greece came to see the games.

* B.C. (before Christ [kraist]) до нашей эры


In 394 A.D.* the Games stopped and the temple at Olympia was destroyed. Fifteen hundred years later, in 1894, a Frenchman, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, addressed a circular to all the governing bodies of sport in which he pointed out the educational value of sport to modern peoples.

* A.D. (anno Domini) нашей эры


The first of the modern series of Games took place in Athens two years later, in 1896, on the site where the ancient festivals had been held 1,500 years before.

In 1896 the International Olympic Committee was set up. It is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement. AH nations, which take part in the Olympic Games, are represented in this Committee. The Committee decides where next Olympic Games will take place. They ask a city (not a country) to be the host — one city for the Winter

Olympics and one for the summer Olympic Games. Nearly 150 countries are represented on the International Olympic Committee now.

In 1952 the Soviet Union sent athletes to the Olympic Games for the first time. Then four years later, in Australia, the Soviet Union won more medals than the other countries. Soviet athletes won thirty-seven gold medals and twenty-nine silver medals.

2. Sports in Great Britain

The English are great lovers of sports and when they are neither playing nor watching games* they like to talk about them.

* when they are neither playing nor watching games когда они не играют и не смотрят игру


The game especially associated with England is cricket. Organized amateur cricket is played between club teams. But for the great mass of the British public the eight months of the tootball season are more important than the four months of cricket. There are plenty of amateur football (or "soccer") clubs, but professional football is big business. Every large town has at least one professional football club. The players have not necessarily any personal connections with, the town for whose teams they play. They are bought and sold between the clubs, and the "transfer fees-"-* can be much more than £ 30,000. The Cup Final, played in May each year in London, is the culminating event of the season.

* transfer ftrasns'fa:] fees суммы, за которые перекупаются игроки


Rugby football (or "rugger") is played wjth the egg-shaped ball, which may be carried and thrown. Rugby is mostly played by amateurs. It is also the game played at the great majority of "public schools"* though more and more grammar schools are adopting it. International matches, involving England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and France, are played in capital cities.

* public schools частные школы в Великобритании


Most secondary schools have playing fields, and boys normally play rugger or soccer in winter and cricket in summer; schoolgirls play tennis and rounders (a sort of baseball) in summer and netball and hockey in winter though hockey is now becoming more and more popular also at boys' schools, and there are many men's amateur hockey clubs.

Golf and tennis are played by great numbers of people. There are plenty of tennis clubs in Great Britain.

Next to football, the chief spectator sport in English life is horse racing.*

* Next to football, the chief spectator sport in English life is horse racing. Ha следующем месте после футбола среди зрелищных видов спорта стоят бега.


Athletic sports and gymnastics are practised at schools, but not many towns have running tracks for public use. Rowing occupies a leading place in the sporting life of schools and universities which have suitable water nearby. Exercise 21. Speak at these topics.

1. Moscow, the city of the 22nd Olympic Games. 2. The role of Olympic Games in the development of sports and friendship. 3. Sport in Great Britain. 4. My favourite sport.




Conversations: A. A Visit to the "Young Pioneers" Stadium. B. Sport in British Schools. С At the Doctor's.

Learn these speech patterns

1. We'll see a lot of children training* there. Мы увидим, как дети (много детей) тренируются там.

* В этой конструкции после существительного в общем падеже или местоимения в объектном падеже могут употребляться как глагол в форме инфинитива без to, так и причастие настоящего времени (Present Participle)


They watch boys play a game of basketball. Они наблюдают, как мальчики играют в баскетбол.

They watch children compete in track and field events. Они наблюдают за тем, как дети участвуют а соревнованиях (соревнуются) по легкой атлетике.

Exercise I. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 2. Translate these sentences using the pattern to see (to watch) smb. do (doing) smth.

1. Я видел, как Петр повернул в первый переулок налево. 2. Джон наблюдал, как пассажиры выходили из автобуса. 3. Видели ли вы когда-нибудь, как Джим играет в шах-матл? 4. Мы наблюдали за тем, как молодой футболист пропустил мяч у центрального нападающего.

2. It does look a bit sore. Оно (горло) действительно выглядит воспаленным. (Оно действительно воспалено.) Do употребляется для усиления при глаголе. I do believe you. Ну конечно, я вам верю. Не did say that. Он действительно сказал это.

Exercise 3. Read and translate these sentences.

1. He did give her a piece of good advice. 2. She did recommend them to go there. 3. They did appreciate your help. 4. He does feel tired. 5. They did settle that problem. Exercise 4. Make up five sentences using pattern 2.

3. How long do you think I'll have to stay here? Как вы думаете, сколько времени мне придется пробыть здесь? What problems do you think they'll discuss tomorrow? Как вы думаете, какие проблемы они будут обсуждать завтра?

Exercise 5. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.



Exercise 6. Translate these sentences.



Learn these words and word combinations



A. A Visit to the Spartak Stadium

(In the hotel lounge)

Gromov: Hello, Mr Adams.

Mr Adams: Hello. It's a beautiful morning, isn't it?

G: Yes, it's warm and sunny. How are you today? You had a very busy day yesterday, didn't you?

A: Oh, yes. But I had a good night sleep and I'm OK now. What shall we start with?

G: What about visiting the "Spartak" Stadium? It's a stadium for children and teenagers.

A: No objection. Is it far from here?

G: No, it'll take us about fifteen minutes to get there. It's Sunday today and we'll see a lot of children training there. There are some sports events, too, I'm sure.

(In the car)

A: How do your children's sports clubs function? Who is admitted to them?

G: All sports clubs in this country are supported by the state and trade unions. Any child can be admitted to

the club.

A: What's the fee?

G: No fee at all, it's free of charge.

A: Do you mean to say parents don't have to pay fo coaching at all?

G: That's right.

A: Is this the only stadium for children in Moscow?

G: No, there are children's sports clubs in every stadium. Here we are. Let's get out and walk round the stadium.

(In the stadium)

Mr Adams and Gromov watch boys playing a game of basketball.

A: I wonder what the score is.

G:(asks boys watching the game): 35: 33.

A: Both teams are pretty good and the boys are on form. One can see they're enjoying the game.

G: Yes. Playing a game is the best kind of relaxation for children, I believe.

A: It certainly is. 1 think sport is the best kind of relaxation for any age.

Gromov and Mr Adams walk round the stadium stopping here and there to watch children play football, volleyball, tennis, etc. Then they watch children compete in track and field events.

A: Thank you very much. That was a most enjoyable visit.

В. Sport in British Schools

(Talk between Michael Kovrov, a Russian coach, and George Smith, a British coach)

Michael: What kinds of sports do you have in British schools?

George: Oh, various kinds. Most secondary schools offer some opportunity for playing chief team games. Football is usually played in winter at boys' schools and cricket in summer. Some schools play only rugger and some only soccer. Girls play tennis and rounders (a sort of baseball) in summer ang hockey in winter, though hockey is becoming more and more popular also at boys' schools. Michael: And what about athletics? Are there any facilities for athletic sports?

George: Yes, there are also facilities for some athletic sports.

Michael: I have the impression that most British schools pay a great deal of attention to sport.

George: Oh yes. British teachers think that sport plays a large part in the training not only of the body but of

the character, too.

Michael: That's what Russian teachers think, too.

George: I know sport is very popular in this country. A lot of world records were established by our sportsmen.

Michael: I'd say we're a sports-loving nation.

C. At the Doctor's1

1) At the Physician's

Doctor: Good morning.

Ann: Good morning, Doctor.2

Doctor: Ah, here's your form. Petrova, isn't it?

Ann: That's right, Doctor, Ann Petrova.

Doctor: Well, what's the trouble?

Ann: I feel hot and feverish and I've got a sore throat.

Doctor: Now, let's have a look at you. Slip off your coat and blouse. I'd like to listen to your chest. Breathe in then cough. That's it. Now again. Thank you. Now I'll take your temperature. Put it (the thermometer) under your tongue. Well, it is a bit high. We'll have to do something about it, won't we? Have you been coughing much?

Ann: Yes, quite a lot, and sneezing.

Doctor: I want to examine your throat. Open wide. Say "Ah".

Ann: Aaaaahh.

Doctor: Yes, it does look a bit sore. You've got a cold but not a very bad one. You'd better have a couple of

days in bed.3

Ann: What about the throat, Doctor? Doctor: I'm giving you a course of antibiotics. Take one capsule every four hours.4 Here's the prescription.

Ann: Thank you, Doctor. Goodbye.

2) At the Surgeon's

Two friends help Peter Belov walk into the surgery.

Doctor: "What's wrong with your leg, Belov?

Belov: I'm afraid it's a fracture, Doctor.

Doctor: How did it happen?

Belov: I was playing a game of tennis. Running to get the ball I slipped and fell down on my leg. I felt an awful pain when I tried to get up. My friends had to help me get here.

Doctor:.That's too bad. You should have been careful.

Well, we'll start with the X-ray examination. Now sit down in this chair and the nurse will take you to the X-ray room. (A few minutes later the nurse drives Peter Belov back into the surgery. She passes the X-ray pictures to the doctor.)

Doctor (after examining the pictures): Unfortunately, it is a fracture. You'll have to stay in hospital, Belov.

Belov: How long do you think I'll have to stay here?

Doctor: I think not less than a couple of weeks.


1. at the doctor's у врача (на приеме у врача). Обратите внимание на употребление существительных doctor, surgeon, physician, etc. в форме притяжательного падежа в сочетаниях: to be at the doctor's (at the surgeon's, etc.), to go to the doctor's (to the surgeon's), etc.

2. Doctor пишется с заглавной буквы, если используется как обращение.

3. Сущесвительное bed употребляется без артикля в целом ряде сочетаний: to go to bed ложиться спать, to stay in bed лежать в постели (часто в случае болезни) и др.

4. every four hours каждые четыре часа

Exercise 7. Read and translate the dialogues.

Exercise 8. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.

1. С чего мы начнем? 2. И я уверен, что там также проходят спортивные соревнования. 3. Кого принимают в них? 4. Это бесплатно. 5. единственный стадион для детей. 6. в хорошей форме. 7. Это было очень приятное посещение. 8. Какими видами спорта... 9. В некоторых школах играют только в регби. 10. становится все более популярным. 11. Спорт играет большую роль не только в укреплении физического здоровья, но и в формировании характера. 12. У меня болит горло. 13. Давайте я осмотрю вас. 14. Да, температура немного высоковата. 15. Лучше полежите пару дней в постели. 16. Что случилось с ногой? 17. Я почувствовал ужасную боль. 18. рентгеновский снимок. 19. не менее двух недель.

Exercise 9. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the dialogues and translate them.

objection, to train, to admit, to support, relaxation, various, opportunity, facility, record, nation, trouble, a sore throat, breathe in, to give a course of, wrong, to fall down, X-ray examination, hospital

Exercise 10. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.

1 A: What about visiting the Luzhniki Stadium!

B: No objection. I'd be glad to.

(A attending Dr Brown's lecture, playing a game of chess)

2. A: Playing tennis is the best kind of relaxation for children, I believe.

B: Yes, it certainly is. (A- football, basketball, volleyball)

3. A: Shall we see children training?

B: Yes, I think so.

(B: Yes, I don't think so.)

4. A How long do you think it'll take us?

B: Not more than an hour.

(B: About three,quarters of an hour. An hour and a half.)

5. A: What kinds of sports do you have in Russian schools?

B: Various kinds. Most schools offer some opportunity for playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. (B: football, volleyball and hockey)

6. A: What games are popular at girls' schools in Britain?

B: Tennis and rounders.

(B: Hockey and tennis).

7. Doctor: What's the trouble?

Patient:* I feel feverish.

* patient ['peijnt] пациент, больной


(Patient: I have a sore throat. I've been sneezing and coughing a lot these two days. I'm afraid I have a high temperature now.)

Exercise 11. What would you say if you took part in these dialogues? Dramatize them.

1. A: How are you today? You had a very busy day yesterday.


A: What about visiting the children's sports club in



2. A: I wonder how your children's clubs function. Who supports them?


A: Are there any fees?


3. A Do you have to pay for coaching your children?


A: That's very good.

4. A What do you think of the teams?


A: Yes, they are. I think playing a game is the best kind of relaxation for children.


5. A: What kinds of sports are popular at British schools?


A: Do boys and girls play the same team games?


6. A: Are there any facilities for athletics at Russian schools?


A What athletic sports are popular with schoolchildren?


7. A: I have the impression that British teachers pay a great deal of attention to sports.


8. Doctor: Here's your form. Peter Bobrov, isn't it?


D: What's the trouble?


9. Doctor: You'd better have a couple of days in bed.


D: I'm giving you a course of antibiotics. Here's the prescription.


D: You should take one capsule every six hours.

10. Doctor: What's wrong with your arm*?

* arm рука (от плеча до кисти)



D: That's too bad. You should have been careful. We'll have to start with the X-ray examination.

11. D (after examining the pictures): Unfortunately, it is a fracture. You'll have to stay in hospital.


D: I think not less than a week.

Exercise 12. Think of situations in which these sentences can be used. Dramatize them.

1. What shall we start with? 2. We'll be able to see a lot of children training there. 3. Who's admitted to children's sports clubs? 4. What's the fee? 5. No objection. 6. I think both teams are on form. 7. How many children will compete in track and field events? 8. Most secondary schools offer some opportunity for playing chief team games. 9. Hockey is becoming more and more popular at boys' schools. 10. British teachers think that sport plays a large part in the training not only of the body but of the character too. 11. What's the trouble? 12. Well, the temperature is a bit high.13. Yes, I've been coughing quite a lot, and sneezing, too. 14. It does look a bit sore. 15. You'd better have a few days in bed. 16. I slipped and fell down. I can't walk and there's an awful pain in my leg. 17. Unfortunately, it is a fracture. 18. You should have been careful. 19. How long do you think I'll have to stay in hospital? 20. I've slept well and I'm OK now. 21. He should be taken to hospital.

Exercise 13. Give responses according to the model. Use modal verbs.

He has been feeling ill for the last four days,

a) He should go to the doctor's now. b) He should have gone to the doctor's four days ago. c) He was to be taken to hospital yesterday but he refused, d) He has had a lot of work to do these four days and that's why he was not able to go to the doctor's, e) He needn't go to the doctor's. There is nothing serious with him.

1. He ran to get the ball and injured his leg. 2. Their team were on form and they won the game. 3. John has been awfully coughing for the last five days. 4. He has been staying in hospital for a week now.

Exercise 14. Reproduce the dialogues "A Visit to the 'Spartak' Stadium", "Sport in British Schools" and "At the Doctor's" in pairs.

Exercise 15. Act as interpreter.

1. Mr Sallis: Could you tell me if sport is popular with children in this country?

Ветров: Очень. Дети занимаются спортом в школе и в спортивных обществах.

S: How do children's sports clubs function? Who supports them?

В: Детские спортивные школы входят в спортивные общества, а все спортивные общества финансируются в нашей стране профсоюзами и государством.

S: Do you mean to say that parents don't have to pay any fees?

В: Да, конечно. Это бесплатно. Дети могут также бесплатно пользоваться спортивным оборудованием (sport equipment [I'kwipmsnt]).

S: Are there any special stadiums for children?

В: Есть несколько, но их немного. На каждом стадионе есть детские спортивные школы.

S: Who coaches children?

В: Профессиональные тренеры, которые не только тренируют детей, но и воспитывают (to educate) их.

2. Mr Candlin: What sports are popular with your children?

Макаров: Футбол, хоккей, баскетбол и волейбол — самые популярные виды спорта среди детей и подростков. А какие виды спорта пользуются популярностью у ваших детей и подростков?

С: Football, both soccer and rugby, cricket, golf and tennis.

M: Много ли профессионалов среди взрослых спортсменов?

С: There are quite a few football, cricket and golf professional teams. I wonder if there are any professionals among your sportsmen?

M: Нет совсем. У нас существует только любительский (amateur ['asmstsj) спорт..3. Surgeon: What's wrong with your arm, Mr Fedorov?

Федоров: Когда я спускался по лестнице, я поскользнулся и упал на правую руку. Поднимаясь, я почувствовал ужасную боль в руке. Боюсь, что я сломал ее.

S: You should've been careful. Now, let me examine your arm. Does it hurt here?

Ф: Да, очень.

S: I think we'd better have it X-rayed. Miss Miles will take you to the X-ray room.

(Some minutes later)

Miss Miles: Here are the pictures, Doctor.

S: (to Fedorov): Be seated, please. (After examining the pictures.) Unfortunately, it is a fracture. You will have to stay in hospital for a couple of days.

Ф: Очень жаль. Значит, я не смогу продолжить поездку по стране со своей туристической группой.

S: I'm afraid so.

Exercise 16. Translate into English.

1. Комаров: Это ваш первый визит в нашу страну, г-н Бэрроу (Barrow)?

Бэрроу: Да, я впервые в вашей стране. Я очень рад, что наша профсоюзная делегация была приглашена вашим профсоюзом. Меня интересуют проблемы развития детского и юношеского спорта в вашей стране. Когда дети начинают заниматься спортом?

Комаров: Физическое воспитание (physical ['fizikl] education [.edsu'keijn ]) начинается очень рано — в детских садах. В возрасте пяти-шести лет дети начинают заниматься фигурным катанием (figure ['figs] skating). Большинство детей начинает заниматься отдельными видами спорта в школах на занятиях по физическому воспитанию. Каждое спортивное общество имеет стадионы и на всех стадионах имеются детские спортивные школы.

Б: Всех ли детей принимают в спортивные школы?

К: Да, конечно. Наша основная задача — помочь детям вырасти здоровыми (to grow healthy ['helGi]). Ведь спорт — это лучший вид отдыха для любого возраста.

Б: Да, зто действительно так.

К: Не хотели бы вы завтра поехать на стадион «Спартак» и посмотреть, как работает самая большая детская спортивная школа в Москве? Там можно будет увидеть, как дети тренируются и участвуют в соревнованиях.

Б: С удовольствием. В котором часу?

К: Что если я заеду за вами в 10 часов утра?

Б: Это меня вполне устроит.

2. Анна: Доброе утро, доктор!

Врач: Доброе утро. Ваша фамилия?

Анна: Губина.

Врач: Вот ваша карта. Что с вами?

Анна: Меня лихорадит и, по-моему, у меня температура. Я плохо спала ночь, но утром поехала в институт. После двух занятий мне пришлось уйти — я почувствовала себя очень плохо.

Врач: Давайте я осмотрю вас, но сначала измерьте температуру. (Посмотрев на термометр.) Температура немного высоковата. Покажите горло и скажите: «А-а».

Анна: А-а-а.

Врач: Гортань немного воспалена. Снимите кофточку, я хочу послушать вас. Вдохните, теперь выдохните. Покашляйте. Достаточно. Сколько дней вы кашляете?

Анна: Второй день.

Врач: У вас типичная (typical ['tipikl]) простуда. Нужно полежать несколько дней в постели и попринимать лекарство (medicine ['medsn]). Вот рецепт.

Анна: Сколько раз в день принимать лекарство?

Врач: Три раза в день после еды. Попейте горячий чай с молоком.



Анна: Как вы думаете, сколько времени мне придется пролежать в постели?

Врач: Дня три-четыре. Я уверен, что к концу недели вы будете хорошо себя чувствовать.

Анна: Спасибо, доктор. До свидания.

Врач: До свидания.

3. (В кабинет хирурга двое юношей вводят третьего, правая нога которого перевязана (to bandage ['bjendicfe]).

Врач: Что случилось?

Один из юношей: Наша школьная футбольная команда играла с командой другой школы. Два их игрока сыграли грубо и толкнули Питера. Он упал. Когда он попытался встать, он почувствовал ужасную боль в правой ноге. Мы помогли ему добраться сюда.

Врач: Ну что ж, Питер, давай посмотрим, что с ногой. Здесь больно?

Питер: Да, очень.

Врач: Думаю, что лучше сделать рентгеновские снимки. Садитесь в это кресло и сестра отвезет вас в рентгеновский кабинет.

(Через несколько минут сестра ввозит Питера в кабинет. Она передает снимки врачу.)

Врач (посмотрев снимки): Вам повезло. Это растяжение (strain), а не перелом. Нужно будет полежать несколько дней в постели и все будет хорошо. Сейчас сестра перевяжет вам ногу.

Питер: Спасибо, доктор. До свидания.

Врач: До свидания. Зайдите через неделю.

Exercise 17. Make up dialogues based on the pictures (see p. 101). Exercise 18. Dramatize these situations.

1. You meet Miss Bentley. She is a British figure skater.* She is interested in the development of sport in Russia. Discuss it with her.

* figure ['figa] skater фигурист


2. You are on a tour in Great Britain. One of the tourists has a very bad cold. A doctor is called and you have to act as interpreter.

3. You are on a tour in Great Britain. One of the tourists breaks an arm. You take him to the surgeon's and act as interpreter.





The Participle


1) Forms of the Participle.



1. У непереходных глаголов не имеется форм в Passive Voice.

2. Форма Past Participle Active непереходных глаголов (например, come) употребляется только для образования времен группы Perfect (he has come).

3. Present Participle Active и Passive выражает, как правило, действие, одновременное с действием, выраженным глаголом-сказуемым предложения.

Не stood looking out of the window. Он стоял и смотрел (смотря) в окно.

The problem being discussed now is very important. Обсуждаемая проблема очень важна.

4. Present Participle от глаголов to arrive, to come, to cross, to enter (['ents] входить) и др. может выражать действие, предшествующее действию, выраженному глаголом-сказуемым.

Arriving at the hotel he went to his room. Приехав в гостиницу (предшествующее действие), он прошел в свой номер.

5. Отрицательная форма причастия образуется при помощи отрицательной частицы not, которая ставится перед причастием.

Not knowing his new phone number I was unable to tell him the news. Так как я не знал номера его телефона, я не мог сообщить ему эту новость.

2) Functions of Participles in the Sentence.

Причастия употребляются в предложении в следующих функциях:

1. определения

а) перед существительным:

Will you take away the broken cup? Уберите, пожалуйста, разбитую чашку.

Look at the sleeping child. Взгляните на спящего ребенка.

б) после существительного (в этом случае группа причастия эквивалентна русскому причастному обороту или придаточному определительному предложению):

The actor playing the part of Bernard Shaw is wonderful. Актер, играющий роль Бернарда Шоу, великолепен.

I wonder what Peter thinks of the problem being discussed now. Интересно, что думает Петр об обсуждаемой проблеме (о проблеме, которая обсуждается сейчас).

2. обстоятельства

а) времени:

Having finished the novel the writer asked his brother to read it. Закончив роман, писатель попросил брата прочитать его.

б) причины:

Having never seen John's father I cannot tell you what kind of man he is. Поскольку я никогда не видел отца Джона, я не могу сказать, что он собой представляет как человек.

в) образа действия или сопутствующих обстоятельств:

Не went out of the room laughing. Он вышел из комнаты, смеясь.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЯ: 1. Перед Present Participle в функции обстоятельства времени часто употребляются союзы when, while и as, которые на русский язык обычно не переводятся.

While travelling Bernard Shaw visited India. Путешествуя (во время путешествия), Бернард Шоу посетил Индию.

2. Present Participle от глагола to be обычно опускается во временных обстоятельственных оборотах.

While in London (- while being in London) he attended lectures on modern English literature. Когда он был в Лондоне (будучи в Лондоне), он посещал лекции по современной английской литературе.

3. Причастные обороты (особенно временные обстоятельственные обороты) характерны для письменной речи, в частности для газетного стиля. В разговорной речи обычно употребляются соответствующие придаточные предложения. Сравните:

Письменная речь Разговорная речьHeming this and learning that Mr When he heard this and learned Brooks was in London he went that Mr Brooks was in London there. he went there.

3) Translation of Participles into Russian.

1. Present Participle чаще всего переводится на русский язык причастием действительного залога настоящего времени, оканчивающимся на -щий, или деепричастием, оканчивающимся на -а,-я.

The young mother sat and looked at the sleeping child. Молодая мать сидела и смотрела на спящего ребенка.

Coming to the window he opened it and listened. Подойдя к окну, он открыл его и прислушался.

2. Past Participle обычно переводится на русский язык причастием страдательного залога настоящего времени, оканчивающимся на -мый,-тый, или прошедшего времени, оканчивающимся на -нный, а иногда и целым придаточным предложением.

Не heard the sound of the radio through the closed door. Он слышал звуки радио сквозь закрытую дверь.

The novel written by the young physicist is very interesting. Роман, написанный молодым физиком (который написал молодой физик), очень интересный.

3. Perfect Participle Active часто переводится на русский язык деепричастием, оканчивающимся на -в, или придаточным предложением.

Having done his homework John played a game of chess with his brother. Выполнив домашнее задание (после того, как Джон выполнил домашнее задание), Джон сыграл партию в шахматы со своим братом.

4. Perfect Participle Passive обычно переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением.

Having been written long ago the letter was difficult to read because of a great many Old English forms. Поскольку письмо было написано очень давно, его трудно было читать из-за большого количества древнеанглийских форм слов.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Поскольку английские причастия прошедшего времени действительного залога (Past Participle Active) не употребляются самостоятельно в предложении, русские причастия прошедшего времени действительного залога переводятся на английский язык определительным придаточным предложением. Участники конференции, прибывшие вчера, остановились в гостинице

«Националы». The participants of the conference that arrived yesterday are staying at the National. Человек, написавший это письмо,— мой друг. The man who wrote this letter is a friend of mine.

Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the use of participles. Say in what functions the participles are used.

a) 1. He looked at the smiling children. 2. Novy Arbat is a broad avenue with tall modern buildings housing* offices, stores, bars, cafes and restaurants. 3. When playing tennis he slipped and broke his leg. 4. Entering the room he saw a letter on his desk. 5. John looked out of the window while waiting for her answer. 6. He did not say a word, again looking at his hands. 7. Not being able to read or think she phoned her brother and asked him to come.

* to house вмещать


b) 8. The teacher asked the students to read the sentences written on the blackboard. 9. The problem discussed at the meeting yesterday is very important. 10. The girl stopped before the closed door.

c) 11. They were old friends having been at school together. 12. Having closed the sitting-room door, she sat down in the armchair. 13. Having never been to Canada myself I listened to him with great interest.

d) 14. As a girl she was fond of tennis. 15. While at college he played for the University hockey team. 16. When walking home he met an old friend of his.

Exercise 2. Transform these sentences according to the models and translate them into Russian.

a) The man who is standing near the captain is their new coach.

The man standing near the captain is their new coach.

1. Do you know the name of the man who is talking to Mr Brown? 2. The sea which washes Norway in the south-west is called the North Sea. 3. The new stadium that houses forty five thousand people is a wonderful building. 4. S

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