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При сравнении двух предметов одного качества употребляется союз than [дэп ] чем.
Your father is older than mine. Ваш отец старше моего.
Если перед сравниваемым существительным в качестве определения употреблено другое существительное в притяжательном падеже, то сравниваемое существительное опускается:
My flat is larger than Peter's. Моя квартира больше квартиры Петра.
Вместо смыслового глагола во второй части сравнительной конструкции употребляется соответствующий вспомогательный глагол, который, однако, может опускаться.
I woke up earlier than my brother (did). Я проснулся раньше брата.
Exercise 11. Transform these sentences according to the models.
a) Nick is nice. And John? John is nicer than Nick.
1. Ben is young. And Dick? 2. His brother is short. And Ben's brother? 3. Lesson 14 is easy. And lesson 13? 4. Our team is good. And their team? 5. My father is old. And Ted's father? 6. Peter has many English books. And Max? 7. Ann has few friends at college. And Mary?
b) Does John get up as early as Ben does?
I think he gets up earlier than Ben does.
1. Did John come home as late as Dick did? 2. Does John speak French as well as Bill does? 3. Can he play hockey as well as football? 4. Can she speak French as well as English? 5. I don't like oranges as much as apples.
c) This novel isn't as interesting as that one.
That novel is more interesting than this one.
1. This exercise isn't as difficult as that one. 2. This film isn't as exciting as that one. 3. Mary's father isn't as old as John's. 4. It is't as hot today as it was yesterday. 5. It isn't as cold today as it was last Sunday. 6. He hasn't as much free time as John (has).
Exercise 12. Translate into English.
1. Я написал более длинное письмо, чем вы. — У меня было меньше времени, чем у вас. 2. Г-н Грин так же хорошо говорит по-испански, как и г-н Смит, не так ли? —Я думаю, что г-н Смит говорит по-испански лучше г-на Грина. — Я не знал этого. 3. Как вам понравился матч? — Не очень. (Мне он не очень понравился.) В воскресенье игра была интереснее. 4. Садитесь, пожалуйста. Кстати, это кресло удобнее того. 5. Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. Пойдемте погулять в парк. 6. У Анны меньше друзей в институте, чем у Елены, не так ли? — Да. Но у Анны больше друзей по школе. 7. Я слышала, что Чехов (Chekhov) — один из наиболее популярных русских писателей в Англии.— Да, его книги очень популярны. 8. Это был самый увлекательный матч, который я когда-либо видел.
5. The Use of the Article with Nouns "morning", "day", "evening", "night" (Употребление артикля с существительными mornmg, day, evening, night)
1. Перед существительными morning, day, evening, night употребляется определенный артикль:
а) когда речь идет об определенном, данном периоде суток.
The morning is wonderful. Утро (это утро) чудесное. The day was warm. День (тот день) был теплый.
б) когда существительные morning, evening употребляются в сочетании с предлогом in.
Let's go for a walk in the evening. Пойдемте погулять вечером.
2. Эти существительные употребляются без артикля:
а) в функции предикатива и иногда дополнения. It was evening. Был вечер.
I like early morning. Мне нравится раннее утро.
б) в сочетаниях с предлогами at (at night ночью), by (by day днем), from... to (till) (from morning to/till night с утра до вечера).
Не came back at night. Он вернулся ночью. Не read the book from morning till night. Он читал книгу с утра до вечера.
3. С этими существительными употребляется неопределенный артикль, если перед ними стоит описательное определение (за исключением прилагательного early).
It was a wonderful black night. Это была чудесная темная ночь. Н о: It was early morning. Было раннее утро.
6. "То get", "to become", "to grow", "to turn", "to look", "to feel" as link-verbs (Глаголы to get, to become, to grow, to turn, to look, to feel в качестве связок)
Глаголы to get, to become, to grow, to turn в значении становиться, to look в значении выглядеть, to feel в значении чувствовать употребляются в качестве глагола-ввязки составного именного сказуемого.
Не felt very tired yesterday. Он чувствовал себя очень усталым вчера.
You look quite ill. Вы выглядите совсем больным. It is getting cold. Становится холодно. It is growing hotter. Становится жарче. My father is growing old. Мой отец стареет. Your daughter has become a very good teacher. Ваша дочь стала очень хорошим преподавателем. Не turned red. Он покраснел.
Exercise 13. Read and translate these sentenses.
1. Your brother has become a very good hockey player. 2. I Moscow is becoming more and more beautiful. 3. She turned red when she Heard the news. 4. The trees in your garden have grown quite tall. 5. These flowers look beautiful, dpn't they? 6. It's getting dark, isn't it? 7. I hope you feel guife comfortablein this armchair. 8. I feel very tired today.
1. Adjective-forming suffixes "-al", "-ful", "-y"
-al, -ful, -у — суффиксы, при помощи которых образуются прилагательные, -al служит для образования относительных прилагательных от основ существительных:
national ['nasjnl] национальный, -ful служит для образования прилагательных от основ существительных, а также от некоторых глагольных основ со значением «обладающий (в полной мере) качеством», выраженным основой: beautiful красивый, прекрасный, awful ['э:й ] ужасный, wonderful замечательный, -у служит для образования прилагательных от основ существительных со значением «имеющий качество того, что обозначено основой»: rainy дождливый, sunny солнечный.
Exercise I. Point out the suffixes in these adjectives and translate them.
fruitful ['fru:tfl], happy, frosty, musical, political [pa'litikl], wonderful, busy, easy
Exercise 2. Form adjectives from these nouns and translate them.
a) -ful: use, help, thank;
b) -y. cloud, fog, snow, luck, glass, ice., flower, wind;
c) -ah continent, music, industry
2. Adverb-forming suffix "-ly"
-ly — суффикс наречий. С его помощью образуются качественные наречия от основ прилагательных, сохраняя в большинстве случаев значение прилагательного: usually обычно, easily легко, badly плохо.
Exercise 3. Form adverbs from these adjectives and translate them.
occasional, real, bad, fruitful, happy, useful, helpful, beautiful, bright, slow, nice
Learn these words and word combinations
Exercise 1. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to active words and word combinations.
1. The climate of Scotland is not as mild as the climate of England. 2. The warm winds of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans do not influence the climate of the greater part of his country. 3. The July average temperature in London is lower than in Paris. 4. Strong frosts are rare in this part of the country. 5. "It's as frosty today as it was yesterday, isn't it?" "I think the frost was even worse yesterday." 6. It snows more in February than in March in Moscow 7. In Great Britain the weather changes from day to day. 8. It rained hard all day yesterday. 9. About 80 per cent of Russia is in the temperate zone. 10. Winters in the south are not as cold as they are in the central part of the country. 11, Siberia has a more continental climate, summers are hotter and shorter, winters are colder and longer. 12. The tundra occupies the extreme north of the country. 13. Winters are milder and summers are hotter on the Black Sea coast. 14. It is rather cool here in early spring. 15. The temperature is around 40° С above zero.
Western winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain. The climate is mild and strong frosts are rare. The January average temperature is higher and the July temperature is lower than in most European countries.
The coldest part of the country is the Highlands of Scotland. It is as frosty in Scotland as it is in St. Peterburg. In January south-western England (Devon and Cornwall) is the warmest part in Great Britain. There snow is rare and it never lies for long. In summer the south-eastern part of England is the warmest.
Britain has rain almost in every month of the year. In Great Britain the weather changes from day to day or even during the day. It may be sunny in the morning and it may start raining hard1 in the afternoon.
About 80 per cent of Russia is in the temperate zone, 18 per cent in the Arctic and 2 per cent is subtropical.
The greater part of the country is not influenced by the warm winds2 of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There are no mountains in the north to protect the country from the cold north winds. Vast masses of cold air from the Arctic flow over the land and lower the temperature in the northern and ceatral regions of the European and Asian parts of the country. In most regions the climate is continental with hot, short summers and cold, long winters.
The tundra is a cold bare region, it occupies the extreme north of the country.
The lowest average winter temperature in the tundra is around 30°C below zero.3
In the European part of the country the coldest months are January and February and the hottest months are July and August. There is often a lot of rain in autumn.
In St.Petersburg the climate is less continental, summers are cooler and winters are warmer than in the central regions of the European part of the country.
Siberia has a more continental climate than the European part of the country, winters are colder and longer, summers are hotter and shorter.
The Black Sea coast have a subtropical climate. Winters are mild and summers are hot there.
the Atlantic Ocean Ot'lsentik 'oufn] Атлантический океан European [,jusra'pi3n ] европейский
the Highlands of Scotland ['haitandz sv 'skatbnd] север Шотландии
Devon ['devsn ] Девон
Cornwall ['komworl ] Корнуолл
The Arctic ['a:ktikj Арктика
The Arctic Ocean Северный Ледовитый океан
the Pacific [ps'sifik] Ocean Тихий океан
Siberia [sai'bisria ] Сибирь
1. it may start raining haid может начаться сильный дождь
2. is not influenced by the warm winds теплые ветры не оказывают воздействия (влияния)
3. is around 30°C (thirty degrees [di'gri:z] centigrade ['sentigreid]) below zero около 30° (градусов) ниже нуля по Цельсию
В России и во многих других странах используется термометр Цельсия.
В Англии, США и в некоторых других странах наряду с термометром Цельсия используется термометр Фаренгейта. Точка замерзания воды по Фаренгейту +32°, а точка кипения +212°.
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.
1. оказывают влияние на климат. 2. сильные морозы бывают редко. 3. В Шотландии так же холодно, как и в Санкт-Петербурге. 4. В Англии дожди идут почти в каждом месяце. 5. Около 80% территории России находится в умеренной зоне. 6. чтобы защитить страну от холодных северных ветров. 7. снижают температуру в северных и центральных областях (районах). 8. в большинстве областей. 9. Самая низкая средне-зимняя температура в тундре около 30° ниже нуля. 10. и самые жаркие месяцы. 11. менее континентальный.
Exercise 4. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text.
mild, average, part, snow, from day to day, to start raining, to occupy, the Atlantic Ocean, vast masses of cold air, continental, rain, cool, the European part of the country, the Black Sea coast
Exercise 5. Answer these questions.
1. How do western winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain? 2. What part of Great Britain is the coldest? 3. Is it as frosty in Scotland as it is in St.Petersburg?. 4. What part of England is the warmest in summer? 5. What is the weather like in Britain? 6. What climatic* zones are there in Russia? 7. Why do northern winds that blow from the Arctic Ocean influence the climate of Russia? 8. What is the climate like in most regions? 9. What part of the country does the tundra occupy? 10. What is the lowest average winter temperature in the tundra? 11. What are the coldest and the hottest months in the European -part of the country? 12. Are summers in the European part of the country as hot as (they are) in Siberia? 13. What part of the country has a subtropical climate?
* climatic [klai'mastik] а климатический
Exercise 6. Give the degrees of comparison of these adjectives and adverbs.
mild, strong, high, low, cold, warm, frosty, sunny, large, great, bad, brilliant, good, little, long, short, much, many, badly, well, exciting, thick, thin, hot, cool, continental, temperate, difficult, early, easy, easily
Exercise 7. Transform these sentences according to the models. Translate them.
a) It is not as cold in February as it is in January. It is colder in January than in February.
1. It is not as hot in August as it is in July in Moscow 2. It is not as cool in the morning as it is in the evening here. 3. Winters in Moscow are not as frosty as they are in Siberia. 4. Cold northern winds in the central regions of the country are not as strong as they are in the tundra. 5. Summers in the Highlands of Scotland are not as warm as they are in the south-eastern part of England.
b) I do not like autumn as much as (I like) spring. I like spring more than autumn.
1. She does not like winter as much as summer. 2. It does not rain as much on summer as (it does) in autumn. 3. It does not snow as moch in December as (it does) in January. 4. I do not like rain as much as snow. 5. I do not like the continental climate as much as I like the subtropical climate.
Exercise 8. Insert appropriate form of the adjectives and adverbs given in brackets.
1. The January average temperature in Great Britain is (high) than in some European countries. 2. Wbere are winters (long): in Moscow or in Paris? 3. It rained (hard) yesterday than it is raining today. 4. Today it is (cool) than it was yesterday. 5. There snow lies (long) than in the south of the country. 6. If the climate is subtropical, then sammers are (long). 7. February is (short) month of the year. 8. The climate of Ireland ['aislsnd] is (mild) than the climate of some European countries. 9. Finland has a (coatinental) climate than Norway ['no:wei ].
Exercise 9. Ask questions to which the italicized words are the answers.
1. Siberia has a more continental climate. 2. The winter average temperature in the tundra is around 30°C below zero. 3. The greater part of Australia [o:s'treiljo ] has a subtropical climate. 4. In the south winters are milder than in the central regions of the country. 5. There are four seasons in the year. 6. Spring is the best season of the year in England.
Exercise 10. Insert articles where necessary.
1.... greater part of Australia has... subtropical climate. Some regions have... tropical climate. In... south of... country... January everage temperature is 20°C above zero and... July average temperature is 9°C above zero. It rains hard in... tropical north in summer. 2. Canada ['k^nsds] is one of... largest countries in... world. It occupies... northern part of... continent ['kontmsnt] of North America [э'тепкэ].... northern winds that blow from... Arctic Ocean influence... climate of Canada. Canada has... continental climate with cold winters and hot summers. 3. It was... frosty morning. 4.... morning was warm and sunny and they went for... hike in... mountains. 5. July is... warmest month in... central regions of... country. 6. Did they come back at... night? 7.... winter is coming. It is getting colder and colder. 8. It was... very cold winter.... average temperature was around 22°C below zero. 9. It was... Friday before he left for... south.
Exercise 11. Insert prepositions or adverbs.
1. Northern winds that blow... Arctic Ocean influence the climate... Finland.... the south-western part... the country the climate is milder. The lowest average February temperature is... 15°C... zero... the north-western part... Finland. Snow lies... 250 days... the extreme north-west. 2. I... 70 per cent... Australia is... the subtropical zone. 3. Snow does not lie... long... the Black Sea coast. 4. The weather changes... day... day or even... the day in New York ['njut'jxk]... autumn. 5. Vast masses... cold air... the Arctic flow... the land and lower the temperature. 6. It rained hard... night. 7. They are going... a drive... the country... the afternoon. 8. They left the town... a sunny Wednesday... May.
Exercise 12. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the proper tenses.
1. "Where you (to spend) your holidays last summer?" "We (to go) to Riga. I (to have) my holidays in July. The weather (to be) wonderful there. It (to be) as hot there as it (to be) in Yalta. I (to enjoy) my holidays." 2. "You (to have got) any plans for the week-end?" "Well, if the weather (to be) fine and it (not to rain) we (to go) for a walk. Would you like to come with us?" 3. It (to rain) hard now. We (not to be able) to go for a hike in the mountains. 4. "You (to be) ever to London?" "Yes, 1 (to be) there last summer." "How you (to like) the weather there?" "Well, the weather (to be).wonderful when I (to be) there. It never (to rain)." 5. I wonder if they (to arrive) at the station before the train (to leave). 6. It (to be) very cold lately. 7. Summer (to come). It (to grow) wanner and wanner. 8. The cold northern wind (to blow) all day long yesterday. 9. Snow (to lie) for about 200 days that winter. 10. It (to be) the best holiday I ever (to have).
Exercise 13. Give a summary of the text "Climate of Great Britain and cur country."
Exercise 14. Translate into English.
1. Какой климат в Шотландии? — Климат в Шотландии не такой мягкий, как в Англии. Зимой в Шотландии идет снег и на севере так же холодно, как и в Санкт-Петербурге. Зима в Шотландии не такая длинная, как в Санкт-Петербурге или Москве. Лето более прохладное, чем в Москве. 2. Погода в Лондоне меняется изо дня в день и даже в течение дня. Утро может быть солнечным, а днем может качаться дождь. 3. 80%территории нашей страт. находится в умеренной зоне. В большинстве районов климат континентальный, лето жаркое и короткое, зима холодная и длинная. Самая теплая часть страны — Черноморское побережье. Там зима мягкая и не очень длинная, а лето очень жаркое и длинное. В Сибири более континентальный климат, чем в Европейской части нашей страны. Зима там холоднее и длиннее, а лето жарче и короче. 4. Северные ветры, которые дуют с Северного Ледовитого океана, оказывают влияние на климат Финляндии. 5. Огромные массы холодного воздуха из Арктики проходят над Канадой и снижают температуру в ее северных районах. 6. Какая сегодня температура? — 23°С выше нуля. Сегодня жарче, чем вчера, не так ли? 7. Я не люблю осени, осенью часто идут сильные дожди и становится холоднее. 8. Приближается весна. Дни стали длиннее, с каждым днем (изо дня в день) теплее. 9. Собираетесь ли вы поехать на прогулку за город днем? — Если день будет солнечный и теплый, мы поедем на прогулку. 10. Какой самый холодный месяц в Москве? — Январь. 11. Он вернется будущей весной 12. Сегодня ветер западный (с запада).
Exercise 15. a) Speak on these topics, b) Write a story on one of the topics.
1. Climate of Great Britain. 2. Climate of our country. 3. Climate of Canada (Australia, Finland, etc.). 4. My favourite season.
Conversations: A. Weather. B. It's Too Wet to Go for a Walk. C. A Visit to an Exhibition.
Learn these speech patterns
1. a) I like it when it is warm. Мне нравится, когда тепло, b) I hate it when it rains. Ненавижу (терпеть не могу), когда идет дождь.
Exercise1. Make up sentences using the table and translate them. 290
Exercise 2. Translate into English.
2. a) "I like it when it is warm." "So do I." Мне нравится, когда тепло.— Мне тоже.
b) "I do not like it when it is cold." "Neither ['naids] do I." Мне не нравится, когда холодно.— Мне тоже.
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Обратите внимание на порядок слов: вспомогательный или модальный глагол обычно ставится перед подлежащим.
Exercise 3. Read these statements and responses to them. Translate them into Russian.
a) 1. "John is fond of French." "So am I." 2. "They are football fans." "So are we." 3. "I go to the football-ground every Saturday." "So does Bill." 4. "We attended the semifinals last Saturday." "So did they." 5. "I was watching a football match on TV at that time." "So was John." 6. "I have read this book." "So has Jane." 7. "He can play chess very well." "So can Jim."
b) 8. "Peter is not a student." "Neither am I." 9. "He doesn't like it when it's hot." "Neither does my father." 10. "Spartak didn't win the game yesterday." "Neither did Tractor." 11. "I didn't have to go there yesterday." "Neither did he." 12. "He hasn't had a holiday yet." "Neither have I."
Exercise 4. Give responses according to the model.
Peter lost a game of chess yesterday. (John) So did John.
1. Spartak won the game last Saturday. {Dynamo) 2. John Henley scored two goals щ the last match. (Peter Brooke) 3. I was translating4 the new text at that time. (Ben) 4. Their goalkeeper is excellent. (Ours) $. He enjoyed every minute of it. (I) 6. I haven't seen this film,yet. (They) 7. John doesn't speak French. (I) 8. She cannot write French. (He) 9. They didn't have an English class yesterday. (We)
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
1. Вчера он был на финальном матче по хоккею.— Я тоже. 2. Она уже посмотрела этот фильм.— Мы тоже. 3. Он очень хорошо играет в теннис.— Она тоже. 4. Мне не нравится, когда стоит очень жаркая погода.— Ему тоже. 5. Он еще не перевел этот текст.— Они тоже. 6. В прошлом году они не умели играть в футбол.— Он тоже. 7. "Спартак" не выиграл игру на кубок.— "Динамо" тоже. 8. В следующую пятницу Петр уедет в командировку. Я тоже. 9. Вчера в 7 часов вечера мы смотрели хоккейный матч по телевидению.— Он тоже. 3. Its too wet to go for a walk. Слишком мокро, чтобы идти на прогулку.
Exercise 6. Make up sentences using the table and translate them.
Exercise 7. Make up four sentences using pattern 2.
Learn these words and word combinations
A: Nice and bright this morning.1
B: Yes. Much better than yesterday.2 I like it when it's warm.
A: So do I. I'm afraid it may cloud over this afternoon.
B: I don't think it'll last.
A: What's the weather like today?
B: It's a lovely day. Let's go for a drive to the country.
A: Fairly mild for the time of year.3
B: Yes. Quite different from the forecast.
A: They say we're in for snow.4
B: What a pity! I shan't be able to go for a hike in the mountains.
A: Cold this morning, isn't it?
B: Yes. And I'm afraid it's going to get even colder.
A: I think the wind's getting stronger.
B: Yes, it's much stronger now that in the morning.
A: Do you know the forecast for tomorrow?
B: Cold and foggy in the morning, rainy and windy in the afternoon.
A: Is it still raining?
B: No, it's stopped at last. I think it's going to be a beautiful day.
A: Oh, there you are. I'm glad you've come. Is Min with you?
B: No, he isn't. I don't know where he is.
A: Oh well, he'll be here in a few minutes, I hope. Come in and take your coat off.
B: Thanks.
A: You're very wet. Is it raining?
B: Yes, it's raining hard. It's too wet to go for a walk. I'm afraid.
A: Oh well, we can go out in the car. There's enough room in the car for all of us. We'll decide when John comes. Would you like some coffee while we're waiting for him?
B: Yes, please.
A: I'll go and get you some. Do you like it black or white?
B: White, please, but without too much milk.
A: Here you are. And here's the sugar. Help yourself.
B: Thanks.
A: What did you do yesterday? Did you go swimming?
B: No, it was too cold to swim.
A: I wonder when John's coming. It's unusual for him to be so late.
B: There he is.
A: Oh good. I'll go and let him in.
Bobrov, a Russian businessman, meets Mr Chandler, a British businessman, at the entrance to the Automobile Exhibition in London.
Bobrov: Hello, Mr Chandler.
Mr Chandler: Hello, Mr Bobrov. It's a lovely morning, isn't it?
B: Yes, it's a wonderful morning. It's so warm and sunny. Going to see the exhibition?5
Ch: Yes, I heard so much about it. I'm fond of cars, you know. You're going in, too, aren't you?
B: Yes, I haven't seen it yet. Let's go in.
(They go into the hall.)
Ch: Why, it's crowded! I must say a lot of people seem to be interested in cars.6
B: That's nice to know.
1. Nice and bright this morning, (разг.) = It's nice and bright this morning..
2. Much better than yesterday, (разг.) = It is much better than yesterday. Значительно (гораздо) лучше, чем вчера.
3. for the time of year для этого времени (периода) года
4. They say we're in for snow. В прогнозе говорится, что ожидается снег.
5. Going to see the exhibition? (разг.) = Are you going to see the exhibition?
6. a lot of people seem to be interested in cars кажется, очень многих интересуют автомобили.
Exercise 8. Read and translate the dialogues.
Exercise 9. Find in the dialogues English equivalents for these word combinations and sentences.
1. Гораздо лучше, чем вчера. 2. Боюсь, что небо затянется тучами. 3. Довольно тепло (теплая погода) для этого времени года. 4. Ожидается снег. 5. Ветер становится сильнее. б. дождь и ветер во второй половине дня. 7. Да, идет сильный дождь. 8. достаточно места в машине. 9. Угощайтесь (берите), пожалуйста. 10. впущу его. 11. Чудесное утро, не так ли?
Exercise 10. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used. Translate them.
bright, to last, forecast, to get, foggy, te stop, to hope, to take off, too wet, without, unusual, sunny, to go in
Exercise 11. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.
1. A: Nice and bright this morning.
B: Yes. Much better than yesterday.
(A: cold and foggy, rainy and windy; B: worse, worse)
2. A: I like it when it's nice and bright.
B: So do I.
(B: does Peter, does Jane, do they)
3. A: I don't like it when it's rainy and windy.
B: Neither does he.
(B: does she, does Ann, do we, do I)
4. A: I'm afraid it may cloud over this afternoon.
B: I hope it won't last.
(A: rain, get windy, turn foggy)
5. A: Fairly mild for the time of year.
B: Yes. Quite different from the forecast.
{A: rather cold, fairly warm, very hot)
6. A: Do you know the weather forecast for the weekend?
B: They say we're in for snow.
(B: rain, fog, a snowstorm)
7. A: The wind is rather strong this morning, isn't it?
B: Yes, and it's going to get even stgonger.
(A: frost)
8: A: Is it still snowing?
B: No, the snow has stopped at last.
(A: it raining; B: the rain)
9, A: What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?
B: Sunny and warm.
(B: cold and foggy, rainy and windy, frosty and windy, sunny and hot)
10. A: What's the weather like this morning1.
B: It's a beautiful morning. The sun is shining brightly and it's fairly warm.
(A: afternoon; B: afternoon)
11. A- The weather is awfuf* today, isn't It?
B: Yes. Much worse than yesterday.
(A: nice, bad; B: better, worse)
* awful 1'э:П] а ужасный
12. A: Is there enough room for all of us in your car?
B: Oh, yes.
(A: boat, sitting-room)
13. A: Help yourself to some apple-pie.
B: Thank you.
(A: ice-cream, roastbeef, apples, oranges)
14. A: Why didn't you swim yesterday?
B: It was too cold to swim.
(A: go for a walk, bathe, go for a drive, go out, go boating; B: to go for a walk, to bathe, to go for a drive, to go out, to go boating).
15. A: Michael hasn't come yet, has he?
B: No, he hasn't. It's unusual for him to be late.
(A: John, Peter, Ben)
Exercise 12. Fill in the blanks with missing remarks. Reproduce the dialogues.
1. A: Nice and bright this morning.
2. A: Sunny and warm this morning.
3. A: Cold and rainy this afternoon.
4. A: I don't like it when it's rainy and windy.
5. A: I like it when it's sunny and warm.
6. A: I'm afraid it may cloud over this afternoon.
7. A: I hope it won't rain tomorrow.
8. A: Fairly hot for the time of year.
9. A: Do you know the weather forecast for tomorrow?
10. A: They say we're in for a snowstorm.
11. A: The wind is getting stronger.
12. A: The morning is frosty. Do you like it when it's frosty?
13. A: Is it still snowing?
14. A What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?
15. A: I hope the fog won't get thicker.
16. A: I hope it'll get warmer next week.
17. A- What's the weather like today?
18. A: Is there enough room in your boat for all of us?
18. A: Why didn't you go boating yesterday?
20. A: Mary hasn't come yet, has she?
21. A: I know you're interested in art.
A: Let's meet at the entrance to the exhibition.
Exercise 13. Think of the questions or statements to which the following sentences are the answers.
1. A:...?
B: Yes. Much warmer than yesterday.
2. A-...?
B: It's sunny and warm.
3. A...
B: So do I.
4. A... -..
B: Neither does George.
5. A...
B: I hope the wind won't last long.
6. A...?
B: They say we're in for rain.
7. A...?
B: Yes, the wind is much stronger now than it was in the morning.
8. A...
B: It's a pity. I shan't be able to go boating.
9. A:...?
B: No, it's stopped at last. It's going to be sunny and warm.
10. A...?
B: Rainy and windy in the morning, cold and foggy in the evening.
11. A...?
B: Oh yes. Quite different from the forecast. It's warm and sunny.
12. A...?
B: Yes, I hate it when it's cold and foggy.
13. A...?
B: They say it'll rain all day tomorrow.
14. A...?
B: Yes, there's enough room in the boat for all of us.
15. A:...?
B: It was too cold and windy to go boating.
16. A...
B: It's unusual for him to be late. I hope he'll be here in a few minutes.
17. A...
B: See you at the entrance to the exhibition tomorrow morning.
Exercise 14. Reproduce dialogues in pairs.
Exercise 15. Translate into English.
1. — Чудесное, ясное утро, не так ли?
— Да. Значительно лучше, чем было вчера.
— Вчера весь день шел сильный дождь. Надеюсь, что сегодня не будет дождя.
— Я тоже.
2. — Чудесный день, не так ли?
— Да, день замечательный. Значительно теплее, чем вчера.
— Вы слышали прогноз на сегодня?
— Да. Обещают, что к вечеру небо затянется тучами и пойдет сильный дождь.
— Будем надеяться, он не будет продолжительным.
3. — Довольно холодно для этого времени года.
— Да. Май обычно значительно теплее у нас (здесь).
— Знаете ли вы прогноз погоды на завтра?
— Дождь и туман.
— Надеюсь, плохая погода скоро кончится.
4. — Какой ужасный (awful) день. Совсем не такой, как обещали (по прогнозу).
— Идет дождь, холодно и туманно.
— Если дождь не пройдет до 6 часов, мы не сможем поехать на стадион.
5. — Какая сегодня погода?
— Чудесный день. Солнце светит ярко, тепло. Я думаю, что станет гораздо теплее.
— Какая сейчас температура?
— Около 20°С.
— Поедемте после ленча за город.
— С удовольствием.
6. — Все еще ветрено?
— Да, и ветер усиливается. Сейчас он гораздо сильнее, чем был утром.
7. — Знаете ли вы прогноз погоды на субботу?
— Говорят, что ожидается метель (snowstorm).
8. — Все еще идет дождь?
— Нет. Наконец перестал. Я думаю, что будет хороший день.
9. — Я не люблю, когда холодна и туманно.
— Я тоже.
10. — Становится теплее и теплее.
— Да, очень приятный день. Пойдемте искупаемся и покатаемся на лодке.
11. — Как вы промокли! Идет дождь?
— Да, идет очень сильный дождь.
— Снимайте пальто и садитесь поближе к камину.
— Боюсь, что слишком сыро, чтобы идти на прогулку.
— Я думаю, мы не пойдем на прогулку. Давайте выпьем по чашечке кофе.
— С удовольствием.
— Вы пьете кофе с молоком или без?
— С молоком, но молока очень немного.
— Вот, пожалуйста, ваш кофе. Берите, пожалуйста, яблочный пирог.
— Спасибо.
12. — Катались ли вы на лодке вчера?
— Было слишком ветрено, чтобы кататься на лодке.
13. — Достаточно ли места в этом зале для нас всех?
— Думаю, что да.
14. — Интересно, почему Майкл все еще не пришел?
— Обычно он не опаздывает.
15. — Вы уже были на выставке автомобилей?
— Да, я был там вчера. Очень интересная выставка.
16. — Петр интересуется американской школой.
— Я тоже.
17. — Давайте встретимся у входа в театр.
— Хорошо. До скорой встречи.
— До свидания.
Exercise 16. Make up dialogues based on these situations.
1. Speak to your colleague (friend) about the weather. 2. Ask your colleague (friend) about the weather forecast for the weekend and discuss your plans for the weekend. 3. Speak about the climate in Russia (Great Britain, Australia, Canada, etc.).
Exercise 17. Make up dialogues based on this picture.
The Present Perfect Tense
Present Perfect употребляется:
1) с предлогами since с (с какого-то прошлого момента до настоящего времени) и for в течение, в продолжение.
We have had rainy weather since Thursday. Дождливая погода стоит с четверга.
You have lived in Moscow for five years now, haven't you? Вы живете в Москве уже пять лет, не так ли?
Не has been very busy for the last two days. В течение двух последних дней он был очень занят.
Since when have you known them? С какого времени вы знаете их.
2) с наречием since с тех пор.
They left for Tomsk two years ago and I have not seen them since. Они уехали в Томск два года тому назад и с тех пор я их не видел.
3) в главном предложении, придаточное которого вводится союзом since с тех пор, как. В придаточном предложении сказуемое стоит в форме Simple Past.
They have been good friends since they met in St. Petersburg in 1978. Они большие друзья еще с 1978 г., с тех пор, как встретились (познакомились) в Санкт-Петербурге.
Exercise I. Read and translate these sentences. Pay attention to the Present Perfect Tense.
1. I have been a student for a year and a half now. 2. Mr Nelson has been my doctor for a long time. 3. Mr Jenkins has been in Moscow for two weeks now. 4. We have had rainy weather since Wednesday. 5. It has been very hot since June, hasn't it? 6. I have not gone boating since last Wednesday. 7. You have lived in London far two years now, haven't you? 8. "Since when have you had that car, Bill?" "Since 1978." 9. We met in 1979 and have been good friends since.
Exercise 2. Make the necessary substitutions and reproduce the dialogues.
1. A: How long have you known the Greens, John?
J: About five years. I've known them since they came to live here in 1981.
(A: the Browns, the Johnsons)
2. A: Have you seen John lately?
B: No, I haven't seen him since he left for his holiday.
(A: Peter, Bill, Ben)
Exercise 3. Transform these sentences according to the models.
a) Do you know the Smiths? (for five years) Yes, I've known them for five years.
1. Does Mr Brooks work in this office? (for two years) 2. Do they live in St. Petersburg (since 1975) 3. Is it cold here? (for three weeks) 4. Is that film on at our local? (since last Sunday) 5. Is your son at Moscow University? (for a year now)
b) Did it snow last week? (for two weeks) No. It hasn't snowed for two weeks.
1. Did it rain last Tuesday? (for a week now) 2. Did you see John yesterday? (since last Thursday) 3. Was the sky cloudy yesterday? (for a couple of days) 4. Did they score a goal? (since the match began)
Exercise 4. Complete these sentences.
1. I have been awfully busy since... 2. The sky has been cloudy since... 3. It has been very cold for... 4. It has been hot for... 5. The film has been on since... 6. They have lost five matches since... 7. It has not rained since...
Exercise 5. Translate into English.
1. Это у вас новая машина? — Нет, она у меня уже два года. 2. Они были очень заняты в течение этих двух недель. 3. Я не видел несколько лет старшую сестру и буду очень рад, когда она приедет навестить меня этим летом. 4. Сегодня так же холодно, как и вчера, не правда ли?.— Да, холодная погода держится уже неделю (уже неделю холодно). Надеюсь, что на следующей неделе будет теплее. 5.-Сегодня жарче, чем вчера, не так ли? — Да. Весь месяц стоит жара (уже месяц жарко). 6. Я знаком с Петровыми десять лет. 7. Они забили три гола с тех пор, как началась игра. 8. Наша команда выиграла четыре встречи (игры) с конца декабря.
Exercise 6. Make up ten sentences using Present Perfect.
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