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Ex. 22. Choose the correct word in brackets.

2022-10-03 75
Ex. 22. Choose the correct word in brackets. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Her comment hit (close/closely) to home. 2. I hate people standing too (close/closely) to me. 3. Emma looked (close/closely) to tears. (=almost going to cry) 4. Don't get too (close/closely) to that dog, Billy! 5. English and German are (close/closely) related. 6. Phil was furious with the manager – I think he came (close/closely) to blows. (= almost began fighting) 7. I think there are (close/closely) on three million unemployed at present. (=almost) 8. You were sailing a bit (close/closely) to the wind there when you made those remarks about his football team. 9. He set off around the edge of the lake, and Harry followed (close/closely) behind him. 10. Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry (close/closely) out of the corners of his small sharp eyes.


1.  in a loose manner: 2. not tied or packed together: I bought these sweets loose, not in a box. Set expressions with the adjective loose: Let somebody loose on = to allow somebody to deal with in their own way: Don’t let him loose on the garden; he’ll pull up all the flowers. Cut loose = a) to break away from a group or situation 2) AmEinfml to stop carefully controlling one’s actions: Soon the music took hold of them and they cut loose, dancing uninhibitedly. Break/turn/let loose = free from control: The animals broke loose and ran away. / I turned/let the other animals loose. Let loose something = a) to release: The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border. b) to suddenly make a sound or speak in an uncontrolled way: He turned round and let loose a torrent of abuse. Hang/stay loose AmE infml = to be calm and relaxed Have a screw loose infml = to behave in a strange way and seem slightly mentally ill. in a loose manner: Loosely translated, the word means ‘important’. / The jacket hung loosely on his thin body.

Used indiscriminately with the verbs clasp, clench, close, grip, hold, press, etc.

He holds his breath and shuts his eyes tight. (D. Brooke) / The prince shuts his eyes tightly and prays. (D. Brooke).

Emphasizes the result of an action: Hold on tight when we go round this corner. / Check that windows and doors are shut tight (= completely closed) before youleave. / The plastic cover was stretched tight (= stretched as much as it could be) across the tank. Set expressions: Hold tight! Sleep tight! Sit tight = a) to stay where you are: You'd better sit tight and I'll call the doctor. b) AmE to refuse to change one’s mind: My parents tried to persuade me not to go alone, but I sat tight. Refers to the manner of the action: Many commuters are forced to stand, tightly packed in, like sardines.      a tightly knit community = closely connected


Ex. 23. Choose the correct word in brackets. Translate into Russian.

1. The parcel had only been (loose/loosely) wrapped, and the paper had come off. 2. The film is (loose/loosely) based on the novel by Kundera. 3. One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke (loose/loosely). 4. She let her horse (loose/loosely) in the field. 5. The nails in the bridge had worked themselves (loose/loosely).       6. The prisoners were so thin that their skin hung (loose/loosely).       7. Her hair was hanging (loose/loosely) about her shoulders. 8. This phrase can be (loose/loosely) translated as 'Go away'. 9. Pandemonium broke (loose/loosely) in the courtroom. 10. Hold on (tight/tightly) when we go round this corner. 11. Check that windows and doors are shut (tight/tightly) before you leave. (=completely closed) 12. Many commuters are forced to stand, (tight/tightly) packed in, like sardines.         13. You'd better sit (tight/tightly) and I'll call the manager.


1. without going to one side or the other; exactly: The arrow flue straight and true into its target. 2. old use in a true manner; truthfully Set expressions with the adjective true: Ring true = to seem true: His excuse was rather unusual but it rang true, and I accepted it. Come true = to happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt: When I won the competition it was as if my dreams had come true. 1. exactly; in accordance with the truth: A spider cannot truly be described as an insect. 2. really: There was a truly beautiful view from the window. 3. sincerely: I am truly grateful for all your help. / He is truly sorry. Set expression: Well and truly = infml completely: George was well and truly drunk.


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