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1. Her comment hit (close/closely) to home. 2. I hate people standing too (close/closely) to me. 3. Emma looked (close/closely) to tears. (=almost going to cry) 4. Don't get too (close/closely) to that dog, Billy! 5. English and German are (close/closely) related. 6. Phil was furious with the manager – I think he came (close/closely) to blows. (= almost began fighting) 7. I think there are (close/closely) on three million unemployed at present. (=almost) 8. You were sailing a bit (close/closely) to the wind there when you made those remarks about his football team. 9. He set off around the edge of the lake, and Harry followed (close/closely) behind him. 10. Uncle Vernon sat back down, breathing like a winded rhinoceros and watching Harry (close/closely) out of the corners of his small sharp eyes.
1. in a loose manner: 2. not tied or packed together: I bought these sweets loose, not in a box. Set expressions with the adjective loose: Let somebody loose on = to allow somebody to deal with in their own way: Don’t let him loose on the garden; he’ll pull up all the flowers. Cut loose = a) to break away from a group or situation 2) AmEinfml to stop carefully controlling one’s actions: Soon the music took hold of them and they cut loose, dancing uninhibitedly. Break/turn/let loose = free from control: The animals broke loose and ran away. / I turned/let the other animals loose. Let loose something = a) to release: The allies let loose an intensive artillery bombardment over the border. b) to suddenly make a sound or speak in an uncontrolled way: He turned round and let loose a torrent of abuse. Hang/stay loose AmE infml = to be calm and relaxed Have a screw loose infml = to behave in a strange way and seem slightly mentally ill. | in a loose manner: Loosely translated, the word means ‘important’. / The jacket hung loosely on his thin body. |
Used indiscriminately with the verbs clasp, clench, close, grip, hold, press, etc. He holds his breath and shuts his eyes tight. (D. Brooke) / The prince shuts his eyes tightly and prays. (D. Brooke). | |
Emphasizes the result of an action: Hold on tight when we go round this corner. / Check that windows and doors are shut tight (= completely closed) before youleave. / The plastic cover was stretched tight (= stretched as much as it could be) across the tank. Set expressions: Hold tight! Sleep tight! Sit tight = a) to stay where you are: You'd better sit tight and I'll call the doctor. b) AmE to refuse to change one’s mind: My parents tried to persuade me not to go alone, but I sat tight. | Refers to the manner of the action: Many commuters are forced to stand, tightly packed in, like sardines. a tightly knit community = closely connected |
Ex. 23. Choose the correct word in brackets. Translate into Russian.
1. The parcel had only been (loose/loosely) wrapped, and the paper had come off. 2. The film is (loose/loosely) based on the novel by Kundera. 3. One policeman drew his gun and then suddenly all hell broke (loose/loosely). 4. She let her horse (loose/loosely) in the field. 5. The nails in the bridge had worked themselves (loose/loosely). 6. The prisoners were so thin that their skin hung (loose/loosely). 7. Her hair was hanging (loose/loosely) about her shoulders. 8. This phrase can be (loose/loosely) translated as 'Go away'. 9. Pandemonium broke (loose/loosely) in the courtroom. 10. Hold on (tight/tightly) when we go round this corner. 11. Check that windows and doors are shut (tight/tightly) before you leave. (=completely closed) 12. Many commuters are forced to stand, (tight/tightly) packed in, like sardines. 13. You'd better sit (tight/tightly) and I'll call the manager.
1. without going to one side or the other; exactly: The arrow flue straight and true into its target. 2. old use in a true manner; truthfully Set expressions with the adjective true: Ring true = to seem true: His excuse was rather unusual but it rang true, and I accepted it. Come true = to happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt: When I won the competition it was as if my dreams had come true. | 1. exactly; in accordance with the truth: A spider cannot truly be described as an insect. 2. really: There was a truly beautiful view from the window. 3. sincerely: I am truly grateful for all your help. / He is truly sorry. Set expression: Well and truly = infml completely: George was well and truly drunk. |
Поперечные профили набережных и береговой полосы: На городских территориях берегоукрепление проектируют с учетом технических и экономических требований, но особое значение придают эстетическим...
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Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...
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