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Ex. 4. Use the verbs in brackets in the active or passive form.

2022-10-03 65
Ex. 4. Use the verbs in brackets in the active or passive form. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. This type of coal (doesn’t burn/isn’t burnt) very easily.

2. Joan of Arc (burnt/was burnt) at the stake.

3. The toast (has been burnt/has burnt).

4. The pupils of the eyes (dilate/are dilated) as darkness increases.

5. The crowd (spilled/was spilled) into the street.

6. The meat (spoilt/was spoilt) when we left it out of the fridge all night.

7. This fabric will (spot/be spotted) easily.

8. Word (spread/was spread) quickly about the accident.

9. Tangerines (peel/are peeled) nicely.

10. The software (loads/is loaded) quickly.

11. The book (reads/is read) well.

12. The commodity (sells/is sold) well.

13. The movie (watches/is watched) easily.

14. The music (is playing/is being played) too loud.

15. The company (has relocated/has been relocated) to Liverpool.

16. The barking dogs (quietened/were quietened) (down) when they recognized me.

17. Finally the protests of Indians, anthropologists, and others became so insistent that the program (decelerated/was decelerated) in 1960.

18. This bus was making a grinding noise when it (decelerated/was decelerated).

19. Clubs B 1903 and KB (merged/were merged) into FC København in 1992 and the number of titles for København includes titles for all three teams.

20. We (boil/are boiled) at different degrees.

21. We trust that our marmalade (will sell/will be sold) well in your country.

22. A freshly baked loaf (doesn’t cut/isn’t cut) easily.





Subjunctive I


be, come, go, have, etc


Subjunctive I represents an action as problematic but not as contradicting reality.


The Use of Subjunctive I


Simple Sentence

1. in expressions of wish and hope:

Be it so! Come what may! Success attend you! Long live the chief!

2. in oaths and imprecations:

Manners be hanged! Confound the flies!

Complex Sentence

1. in Subject Clauses introduced by the anticipatory “it”:

It is necessary that all be ready at 7 o’clock.

2. in Object clauses


a) after expressions of order and suggestion: We demand that you be present. We suggest that he be chosen as our delegate.
b) after expressions of fear: She feared lest she be mistaken.

3. in Adverbial Clauses

a) of purpose: We shall start early lest we be late.
b) of concession: Whatever the reason be, the fact remains.
c) of condition: If John come in time, we shall start.


Ex. 1. Translate into Russian.

1. Far be it from me to go back on my word! 2. Suffice it to say we lost our way in the forest. 3. Long live peace and friendship! 4. Confound the politics! 5. Happen what may, we must remain cheerful. 6. Cost what it may, we shall not yield. 7. Come what will, I shall not return.  8. If need be. 9. ‘ Follow what may, great deeds are not lessened in worth,’ said Legolas. 10. Perish the thought! 11. Blessed be he who invented sleep, a cloak that covers a man’s thoughts. 12. One will rarely err if extreme actions be ascribed to vanity, ordinary actions to habit, and mean actions to fear. (Nietzsche) 13. All right, if you think you know better than Lockhart, you can get on with it, and woe betide you if there is a single gnome in that garden when I come out to inspect it. 14. Be that as it may. 15. Truth be told, I am a better person. 16. Work be hanged!


Ex. 2. Translate into English.

1. У меня и в мыслях не было вас обидеть, всё это ваше больное воображение. 2. Достаточно сказать, что на прошлом саммите китайская делегация выразила готовность выделить $900 млн. на проекты в рамках ШОС (The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation = 上海合作组织). 3. Если бы потребовалось, я взял бы всю ответственность на себя. 4. Будь что будет, но пусть это будет хорошо. 5. Да здравствует мыло душистое, и полотенце пушистое, и зубной порошок … (К.Чуковский) 6. Что бы ни случилось, я приду на лекцию.

Subjunctive II


  Non-continuous forms Continuous forms (express action in process)
Non-perfect forms (express simultaneous-ness with the action of the verb in the principle clause) were,  came,  had were coming, were having
Perfect forms (express priority to the action in the principle clause) had been, had come, had had had been coming,  had been having


 Subjunctive II represents an action as contrary to reality.


The Use of Subjunctive II


Simple Sentence

in expressions of wish:

If only he were here now! If only he had been here the day before yesterday!


Complex Sentence

1. in Subject Clauses after the expression “It is (high) time”:

It is high time we went home.

2. in Predicative Clauses:

It looks as if it were going to rain.

3. in Object clauses

a) after expressions of wish:

I wish she were here now. I wish she had been here yesterday.

NOTE: The modal verb would + infinitive is used after the verb “ wish ” when (1) the fulfilment of the action depends on the will of the person represented by the subject of the object clause, (2) the sentence refers to the present or the future, (3) and if the subject of the principal clause is not the same as the subject of the object clause. It usually expresses request or annoyance.

I wish you would mind your own business.

b) after the expression “ would rather ” (with different subjects)

I’d rather you went now. She’d much rather you had stayed.

4. in Adverbial Clauses

a) of comparison or manner: You speak Swahili as if you had lived all your life in Zanzibar.
b) of concession: Even if it were raining, I should go.
c) of condition: If I were the prime minister, I would be sleeping the whole day. If I had been at the lesson, I would know the material. Had I known it before, I would have come to you.

NOTE: The modal verb would + infinitive is used in sentences expressing polite request.

If you wouldn’t litter in the room, I should be very grateful.



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