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1. Some acronyms are just (plain/plainly) useless. 2. Recent attempts to remedy this under the Capital Requirements Directive have been disappointing from a banking point of view, even though it was quite (plain/plainly) the best that could be achieved politically. 3. “We thought our traffic from the United Kingdom was indicative of the English sense of humor. Now we conclude that it is because the U.K. is (plain/plainly) the most bored nation on the planet.” 4. This is (plain/plainly) wrong. (=obviously) 5. Every footstep could be (plain/plainly) heard. 6. The incentive to sell more is large - and it (plain/plainly) works. 7. The government has (plain/plainly) lied. (=obviously) 8. I mean, taking the wrong equipment with you – that's just (plain/plainly) stupid. (=completely) 9. I can (easy/easily) be home early tonight, if you want. (=with no effort) 10. For me, Venice is (easy/easily) the most beautiful city in Europe. (=without doubt) 11. Ever since the illness I get tired very (easy/easily). (=more quickly than usual). 12. My doctor's told me to take things (easy/easily) for a while. 13. I lost £500 in a card game last night, but that's life – (easy/easily) come, (easy/easily) go. 14. They took turns riding Harry’s Nimbus Two Thousand, which was (easy/easily) the best broom.
1. so as to be very thin or in very small bits: Cut up the vegetables very fine. / The cloth was woven of the fine-spun silk. 2. infml very well: It suits me fine. / The camera works fine. 3. cut/run it fine = to allow only just enough time and no more: You’re cutting it a bit fine if you want to catch the 8:20 train. | 1. so as to be very thin or in very small bits: finely cut vegetables 2. closely and delicately: These instruments are very finely tuned. 3. fml very well, esp. in a moral sense: We all behaved finely. |
1. without payment: Are babies allowed to travel free on buses? 2. in an uncontrolled manner: Don’t let the dog run free on the main road? 3. in a loose position; so as to be no longer joined: Two screws in this old wooden door have worked themselves free. / The window swung free. Set expressions with the adjective free: Set somebody free Postage free: The goods will be sent to you postage free. Rent free: She lives there rent free. Make free with = to use something as it is one’s own: She made free with my food during my absence. | 1. willingly; really: I freely admit that what I said was wrong. 2. openly; plainly; without hiding anything: You can speak freely in front of me; I won’t tell anyone what you say. 3. without any limitation on movement or action: Oil the wheel; then it will torn more freely. 4. generously: People have given very freely to the fund for victims of the flood. |
Ex. 16. Choose the correct word in brackets. Translate into Russian.
1. For the first time in months she could move (free/freely). (= without being controlled or limited) 2. She (free/freely) admits that she's not as fast a runner as she used to be. (=willingly) 3. We encourage the victims to talk (free/freely) about their experiences. (=talk a lot and honestly) 4. I let the dogs run (free/freely) in the park. (=having unlimited movement) 5. She walked (free/freely) after the charges against her were dropped. (=not a prisoner any longer, or having unlimited movement) 6. The elderly travel (free/freely) on public transport. (=without charge) 7. We will install your washing machine (free/freely). (= without charge) 8. Both bookcases stand (free/freely) of the wall. 9. The bolts have worked themselves (free/freely) because of the vibrations. 10. Rescuers took several hours to cut the survivors (free/freely) from the wreckage. 11 Remember to apply plenty of oil so that the wheel can rotate (free/freely). 12. Then he dismissed the thought as unworthy and impossible and yielded himself (free/freely) to the music. (J.London) 13. Only allowing half an hour to get from the station to the airport is cutting it (fine/finely), isn't it? 14. "Will a loan of $500 be sufficient?" "That will suit me (fine/finely)." 15. It was working (fine/finely) yesterday. 16. Chop the herbs very (fine/finely). (=into very thin or small pieces) 17. She arrived ten minutes before her flight, so she was cutting it a bit (fine/finely).
1. go wild = to be filled with strong feeling, esp. eagerness, joy, or anger: The critics went wild over his new book. 2. run wild = to behave as one likes, without control: They let their children run wild. | In a wild manner: The mob ran wildly through the town. |
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