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XV. Поставьте глаголы в скобках

2022-10-03 67
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A) в Past Simple:

1. King John … (to sign) the Magna Carta on June 15, 1215.

2. The Magna Carta … (to protect) aristocracy and not the ordinary citizens.

3. The Magna Carta … (to limit) the power of the monarch and … (to establish) the principle of limited monarchy. It … (to stipulate) that nobody could punish a citizen or keep him in prison without a fair trial.

4. The Magna Carta … (to have) its development in the Bill of Rights and in the Habeas Corpus Act.

5. The Bill of Rights … (to prohibit) the monarch from exercising key powers without the consent of the Parliament.

6. The Bill of Rights … (to eliminate) royal interference in parliamentary matters.

7. Oliver Cromwell … (to create) a written constitution “the Instrument of Government” but it was effective (имела силу/действовала) only for a few years. By 1660 it … (to become) clear that this paper could not help to avoid the chaos (избежать хаоса) in the country and the old traditional unwritten constitution was restored.

Б) в форме страдательного залога (Passive Voice):

1. The Magna Carta, or Great Charter … (to sign) by King John in 1215.

2. Under the Magna Carta the power of the monarch … (to limit), citizens … (to protect) against unjust punishment, the loss of life, liberty and property except after a fair trial.

3. The Bill of Rights … (to sign) after a long struggle between the Stuart kings, the Parliament and the English people.

4. Under the Bill of Rights royal interference in parliamentary matters … (to eliminate).

5. The two basic principles of the English system of government … (to guarantee) in the Magna Carta and in the Bill of Rights.

6. Before World War II the blacks … (to allow) to enlist (записываться, вступать в ряды) in the United States Navy.

7. The Hessian soldiers (гессенские наемники) hired by the British to fight the colonists during the Revolutionary War … (to pay) about 25 cents a day.

XVI. Подготовьте пересказ текста “ B ” на английском языке.


XVII. Прочтите и перескажите своим друзьям на английском языке приводимые ниже басни Эзопа, шутки и любопытные исторические факты:


One day while walking in the forest a man and a lion began to boast of their strength. Each of them said that he was stronger than the other. While disputing they passed a statue carved in stone. The statue represented a Lion strangled by a Man.

The Man pointed to it and said: “Have a look! How strong we are, and how we prevail over even the king of beasts”. The Lion answered: “This statue was made by a Man. If Lions make a statue we will place the Man under the paw of the Lion”.

One story is good, till another is told.


while – в то время как

to boast of one’s strength хвастаться о своей силе

to pass a statue carved in stone – пройти мимо высеченной из камня статуи

to represent – представлять, изображать

strangled – задушенный

to point to smth – указать на что-либо

to prevail over – превосходить, брать верх над

а beast – зверь

a paw - лапа

* * *


A Lion was awaked from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught her and was about to kill her, when the Mouse said in a piteous voice:

“If you spare my life I will be sure to repay your kindness.”

The Lion laughed and let her go.     

Soon after that the Lion was caught by some hunters who bound him with strong ropes. The Mouse recognized his roar and came to the Lion. She gnawed the rope with her teeth, and set him free.

Then the Mouse exclaimed:

“You laughed when I promised to repay your kindness. Now you know that it is possible for a little Mouse to save a big Lion.”


to awake (awoke – awoke, awaked) – будить

rising (to rise - rose - risen) up angrily – гневно вскочив

he caught (to catch – caught - caught) her and was about to kill her – поймал ее и собирался уже убить ее

in a piteous voice – жалобным голосом

If you spare my life I will be sure to repay your kindness. – Если ты пощадишь мою жизнь, я обязательно отплачу тебе за доброту.

let her go – отпустил ее

to bind (bound – bound) smb with strong ropes – связывать кого-либо крепкими веревками

She gnawed the rope with her teeth, and set (set - set) him free. – Она перегрызла  веревку зубами и освободила его.

* * *

    Believe it or not but…

…the Tower of London is not one particular tower, but a group of buildings covering 13 acres along the north bank of the Thames River. The central “White Tower,” built in 1078 and used as a fortress, a royal residence, and finally as a prison, is the “tower” of which the English so often spoke in horror.

…during the Renaissance, fashionable aristocratic Italian women shaved their hair several inches back from their natural hairlines.

…to preserve their elaborate coiffures, geishas in ancient Japan slept with their heads on bags filled with buckwheat chaff.

…In eighteenth-century England, women’s wigs were sometimes 4 feet high. These remarkable headdresses were dusted with flour and decorated with stuffed birds, plates of fruit, or even model ships. Sometimes the wigs were so elaborate they were worn continuously for several months. People also had to preserve their wigs from mice, insects and rats. The wig craze died out quite suddenly in England in 1795, when a hair-powder tax made their upkeep too expensive.


in horror – в ужасе

to shave – брить(ся)

to preserve – сохранять, оберегать

elaborate coiffure – зд. изысканная прическа

buckwheat – гречиха, гречневый

chaff - мелко нарезанная солома, сечка

a wig – парик

mice, insects and rats – мыши, насекомые и крысы

powder – пудра

* * *

“Who is the best lawyer in the town?”

“Henry Brown when he is sober.”

“And who is the second best lawyer in the town?”

“Henry Brown when he is drunk.”


sober - трезвый

drunk – пьяный

* * *

“Do you have anything to say before I pass the sentence?” the judge said to the pickpocket. “What good have you ever done for the mankind?”

“Well, Your Honour,” said the prisoner,” I’ve kept four or five detectives working regularly and I’ve helped several reporters, prison guards, and you keep their jobs.”




Active vocabulary

to rule – править, управлять

a representative – представитель

to elect – избирать

to establish – устанавливать, учреждать

basis – база, основа

to amend – вносить поправки

to change – менять, изменять

to mean (meant, meant) - значить, означать

state – штат, государство

to give (gave, given) - давать

power - власть; powers - полномочия

to divide – делить, разделять

branch - ветвь; филиал

to consist of – состоять из

main – главный, основной

to administer – отправлять правосудие, применять нормы права

in addition to – наряду с

a department - отдел

staff – штат сотрудников


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