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Text 14.Marketing Management

2018-01-14 452
Text 14.Marketing Management 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Grammar: Word Order

Dialogue 4.

Text 14.


Management is a function of planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling. Any managerial system, at any managerial level, is characterized in terms of these general functions.

Management is a variety of specific activities. Marketing management refers to a broad concept covering organization of production and sales of products, which is based on consumer requirements research. All companies try to look beyond their present situation and develop a long-term strategy to meet changing conditions-in their industry. Marketing management, therefore, consists of evaluating market opportunities, selecting markets, developing market strategies, planning marketing tactics and controlling marketing results.

Strategic planning includes defining the company’s long-term objectives as well as specific objectives, such as sales volume, market share, profitability and innovation, and deciding on financial, material and other resotirees necessary to achieve those objectives.

In problems of market selection and product planning1 one of the key concepts is that of the Product Life Cycle. That products pass through various stages between lifeand death (introduction — growth — maturity — decline) is hard to deny. Equally accepted is the understanding that a company should have a mix of products with representation in each of these stages. Companies can make far more effective marketing decisions if they take time to find out where each of their products stands in its life cycle.

However, the concept of the product life cycle seems frequently forgotten in marketing planning, which Jeads to wrong decision-making. This may well be seen in the following story.

A supplier of some light industrial equipment f elt that the decline in the sales of his major product was due to the fact that it was not receiving the sales support it deserved. In order to give extra sales support to this problem case, a special advertising campaign was run. This required cutting into marketing budgets of several promising products that were still in their «young» growth phase. In fact, the major product has long since passed the zenith of its potential sales, and no amount of additional sales support could have extended its growth. This became quite clear in the end-of-year sales results which showed no improvement. The promising products, however, went into gradual sales decline. In short, management has failed to consider each product’s position in its life cycle.

Word Order

(Порядок слов в предложении)


I II III Дополнение IV  
  Подлежащее   Сказуемое Косвенное без предлога   Прямое Косвенное с предлогом   Обстоятельство
We Мы study изучаем - mathematics математику - -
He Он gives даёт us нам lessons уроки - in this room. в этой комнате
She Она reads читает - her notes свои заметки to Peter Петру every day каждый день

Simple sentences

Простые предложения (Simple sentences) бывают нераспространенными (Unextended Sentences) и распространенными (Extended Sentences).

Нераспространенные простые предложения состоят только из главных членов предложения – подлежащего (Subject) и сказуемого (Predicate).

It is a map. Это карта.

(подлежащие) (сказуемое)

В состав простого распространенного предложеня входят, кроме главных членов предложения, также и второстепенные:

· определение (Attribute)

· дополнение(Object)

· обстоятельства (Adverbial Modifiers).

My pen is bad. Моя ручка плохая.


Send me my map. Пришлите мне мою ручку.

(косвенное (определение) (прямое

дополнение) дополнение)

Exercise 1: Put the words into the correct order (you must get special questions).

1. time / his / always / Who / in / is / lessons / for? 2. going / a / What / her / about / he / week / is / to / in / write / to? 3. about / did / speak / last / in / What / week / class / you? 4. this / you / read / How / month / books / have / many? 5. people / the / to / at / prefer / sometimes / do / study / Why / library? 6. many / France / he / been / How / to / times / has? 7. kind / brave / we / of / call / people / What / do? 8. draws / Which / them / well / of? 9. today / have / the / What / radio / heard / on / news / you? 10. USA / states / in / there / the / many / are / How?

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