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1. "I've been in London for a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Tower," said Rupert.
2. "I'll come with you as soon as I'm ready," she replied.
3. "You haven't given me quite enough. The bill is for $14 and you've paid me only $13," he pointed out.
4. "We like working on Sundays because we get double pay," explained the builder.
5. The advertisement said, "If you answer the question correctly you may win $100. "
6. "Yesterday Tom and I went to look at a house that he was thinking of buying. It was rather a nice house and had a lovely garden but Tom decided against it because it was opposite a cemetery," said Celia.
7. "I wrote to him the day before yesterday. I wonder why he hasn't rung up," she said.
8. "I was intending to do it tomorrow," he said, "but now I don't think I'll be able to."
9. "I found an old Roman coin in the garden yesterday," he said," and I'm going to take it to the museum this afternoon."
10."If it rains this afternoon it'll be too wet to play the match tomorrow," said the captain.
11."If you see my father, you'll recognise him at once. He's the most extraordinary man," she said to me.
12."I don't know what your father will say when he sees what a mess your puppies have made of this five-pound note," said my mother.
Exercise 3 Use the correct form of "say." or "tell" in these sentences.
1. She... me she didn't agree.
2. He... "Have we met before?"
3. Who... that?
4. I... them I wasn't happy with their work.
5. She... me a story about her parents.
6.... me what you need.
7. He... "Are you feeling OK?"
8. "Have you... the doctor about it?"
9. She smiled, and... to me, "I'm very pleased to meet you. "
10. I didn't hear: what did he...?
11. Mary... her mother she was going to the office.
12. Could you... me the time, please?
Exercise4. Put the following into indirect speech.
1. "Is a return ticket cheaper than two singles?" said my aunt.
2. "Do puppies travel free?" asked a dog owner.
3. "Have you reserved a seat?" I asked him.
4. "Did they understand what you said to them?" he asked me.
5. "Are you leaving today or tomorrow morning?" said his secretary.
6. "Have you done this sort of work before?" said his new employer.
7. "Did you borrow my dictionary?" he asked.
8. "Do you want to see the cathedral?" he asked.
9. "Have you ever seen a flying saucer?" said the man.
10. "Did any of you actually see the accident happen?" said the policeman.
Dialogue 3.
Week 11.
Text 11. Obtaining And Using Credit
Grammar: Modal Verbs.
Communicative practice: “Education”
Text 11.
Obtaining And Using Credit
Credit is an arrangement that enables us to receive cash, goods or services now, with the understanding that we will pay for them in the future. Charge accounts, credit cards, installment plans, car loans and household mortgages are some of the best known forms of credit. Like so many things, credit has its advantages and disadvantages.
The principal advantages of credit are:
· Immediate possession. Credit enables us to enjoy goods and services immediately.
· Flexibility. Credit allows us to time our purchases so as to take advantage of vale items or other bargains even when our funds are low.
· Safety. Credit cards and charge accounts provide a safe and convenient means of carrying our purchasing power with us while we are shopping or traveling.
· Emergency funds. Credit gives us a cushion in an emergency (like an automobile breakdown when money is needed to get back on road).
· Here are some of the disadvantages of buying on credit: Overspending. Sometimes, credit cards and charge account make it too easy spend money. Then, as the debts mount, it is often difficult to make the necessary monthly payments.
· Higher cost. It usually costs more to buy on credit than for cash.
One reason is that stores offering credit often charge more than those that sell only for cash. Another is that interest or other charges are often added to the cost of goods sold on credit.
· Untimely shopping. Credit shoppers often ignore sales and special prices because they can buy what they on credit whenever they want it.
Who Can Borrow?
Lenders expect their money to be repaid along with the interest and other fees they charge for the use of their money. For that reason lenders will investigate the credit history of all loan applicants to determine that they are credit worthy. A credit history is the record of how individuals pay their bills and repay loans.
Модальные глаголы
В английском языке есть особая группа глаголов, которые называются модальными глаголами (Modal Verbs). Это следующие глаголы: can/could, may/might, must, ought, need.
Модальные глаголы не употребляются самостоятельно, а только в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола. Они не выражают действие или состояние, а обозначают способность, возможность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия, выраженного смысловым глаголом.
Модальные глаголы являются недостаточными глаголами, так как не имеют все форм, которые имеют другие глаголы. Они не имеют неличных форм – инфинитива, причастия и герундия.
Инфинитив, следующий за модальными глаголами (кроме модального глагола ought), употребляется без частицы to.
В 3-м лице единственном числе настоящего времени модальные глаголы не имеют окончания –s.
Модальный глагол can/could
Модальный глагол can имеет два времени: настоящее и прошедшее. Формы can – для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа настоящего времени, формы could – для всех лиц единственного и множественного числа прошедшего времени:
I can speak English. Я могу (умею) говорить по-английски.
I could speak English. Я мог (умел) говорить по-английски.
Для образования вопросительной формы глагол can/could ставится перед подлежащим. Для образования отрицательной формы после глагола can/could ставится отрицание not:
Утверждение | Вопрос | Отрицание |
I canspeak English. Я могу говорить по-английски. | CanI speak English? Могу ли я говорить по-английски? | I can notspeak English. Я не могу говорить по-английски. |
I couldspeak English. Я мог говорить по-английски. | CouldI speak English? Мог ли я говорить по-английски? | I could notspeak English. Я не мог говорить по-английски. |
В разговорной речи вместо полных форм can/could not употребляются сокращённые: can’t [ka:nt] / couldn’t [′kudnt].
Модальный глагол can употребляется для выражения возможности или способности совершить действие и переводится на русский язык как могу, умею.
Так как глагол can имеет формы только настоящего и прошедшего времени, то для выражения физической возможности совершения действия в будущем употребляется выражение to be able [′eibl] «быть в состоянии» + инфинитив смыслового глагола с частицей to:
I shall be able to go to the theatre tomorrow.
Завтра я смогу пойти в театр.
He will be able to help me.
Он сможет помочь мне.
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