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There are three kinds of higher education institutions in Russia: universities, academies and institutes. University covers a wide range of fields of study. They conduct fundamental and applied researches in a wide spectrum of sciences.
Academy differs from the university by a narrower spectrum of specialties connected with a particular industry, e.g. Agriculture Academy, Academy of Economics Academies also conduct research activity.
The status of an Institute requires teaching of at least one discipline. Institutes mainly offer the professional training.e,g. Institute of International affairs and Law of the Novosibirsk State Academy of Economics and Management. There are state educational institutions and private ones in our country. All of them are regulated by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
According to the statistics for the period of 1991 – 1996 the number of universities increased 6 times, and academies – in more than 30 times.
The trend for consolidation began in 2006 when state universities and colleges of Rostov – on – Don, Taganrog and other southern towns merged into Southern Federal University etc.
In 2003 Russia co-signed the Bologna Declaration. According to this Declaration
there will be two levels of higher education:
- Basic higher education (4 years) leading to the Bachelor’s degree, the first university level degree.
- Postgraduate higher education (5-6 years or more).After two years students get a Master’s degree. After graduating, students can continue to study toward a doctoral degree: Kandidat Nauk Degree and Doctor Nauk Degree.
Many Russian universities also offer distance education and provide courses for working professionals for specific professional needs.
The academic year lasts from 1 September to Mid June everywhere, with long summer vacations from July 1st to August 31. Entrance examinations are held in July and August. The applicants must have a Secondary Education Certificate, they are to pass the entrance examinations successfully.
New Words
Professional education – профессиональное образование
To train – обучать
A graduate – выпускник
Pre-service – до службы
Department – отделение
Correspondence department – заочное отделение
Refresher courses – курсы повышения
Men-in-command – командный состав
To move up the promotional ladder – продвигаться по служебной лестнице
An applicant – абитуриент
Entrance examination – вступительные экзамены
To pass examination – сдавать экзамены
According to regulation – согласно уставу
A trainee – обучающийся
To wear uniform – носить форму
Master of Law – кандидат наук
Assistant-professor – доцент
Up-to-date – современный
Lecture hall – лекционный зал
Gymnasium – спортивный зал
Firing range – стрелковый тир
To get a diploma – получать диплом
Tutorials – занятия под руководством преподавателя
To be engaged in – заниматься ч-л
To be at one’s disposal – быть в ч-л распоряжении
Bachelor’s degree - степень бакалавра
Master’s degree - степень магистра
To tare postgraduate courses - поступить в аспирантуру
Text. My university.
Our University was founded in 1977. Initially it was a special, militia school for working militiamen than it became an Institute and then an Academy of the Interior. Nowadays our University is one of the colleges in the system of law enforcement professional education in Russia. Our University trains detectives, investigators, psychologists etc. for Krasnodar and Krasnodar region. But our graduates work in all militia services. Like in all other colleges of the Interior Affairs there are two kinds of training militia personal there: in service and pre-service training. There are two departments at our University - the day department and the correspondence department. There are also refresher courses for veterans of militia service, mostly men in command who are going to move up the promotion ladder..
In order to enter the Krasnodar University an applicant must pass the entrance examinations successfully.
There are routine regulations at our University which all the students are to keep up with. According to the regulations the trainees are to wear a militia uniform because they are future militia officers.
The cadets of our University have all conditions for getting a good education. There are many law enforcement experts of great practical experience, Doctors of Law, professors, Masters of Law, assistant-professors etc. They are doing their best to give the militia cadets professional specialization and general and cultural education.
There are many specially equipped classrooms, up-to-date laboratories, lecture- halls, gymnasiums, libraries, computer classrooms, a firing range which are effective for proper training. There are big conference halls, a complex of sport facilities.
The term of training at the Krasnodar University of the Interior is four or five years depending on a faculty. The cadets study many different subjects such as: Social Sciences, Psychology, Fundamentals of Medicine, Civil and Criminal Law, foreign languages, etc. The student gradually going through freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years of intensive law enforcement and psychological professional training and getting a diploma of a lawyer or a psychologist for law enforcement organs.
Every day the students have lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical exercises. After classes the cadets can be engaged in sports, can have scientific societies, various clubs.
There are comfortable student hostels with all modern conveniences. A shop, a snack bar, post office, medical services, a large Zoo are at our cadets disposal. Our University is the best one in Russia.
1. Английский язык:учеб. Пособие (1 курс 1 семестр)/ сост. И.В. Мятченко, Т.А. Манина. – Краснодар: Краснодар. Ун-т МВД России, 2012. – 146 с.
2. Справочник по грамматике английского языка для юристов // Смирнова М.И. – Симферополь, 2016
3. Словари: англо-русский, русско-английский.
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