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Text. Investigation of crime.

2017-06-19 1746
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Criminal investigation is the keystone of the police service and in the structure of the detective function. Investigation means a search. It means a search for the truth, for the offender, for witnesses who help to reconstruct the happening and will present evidence of it in court. As for the police work the investigation is an inquiry into the facts surrounding the commission of the criminal offence, i.e. what it is, where it was, who the offender was, when, why and how he was committing the crime.

No successful investigation is available without participating highly professional policemen - patrol officers, detectives or investigators - who possess such attributes of the policeman's profession as dedication, courage, intelligence, competency, self-command, specialized investigative aptitudes and professional instinct, i.e. some sleuthing powers. To ferret out serious crimes and detect those who commit them a police officer should do his best in performing his job. He should be knowledgeable not only in theoretical fundamentals of law enforcement but he should also be skilled in such policeman's functions as marksmanship, driving a patrol car, communicating with the public. All that helps him in maintaining proper police/public relations and in his decision-making judgement.

Thus frustrating the efforts of professional criminals and quick and accurate solution of crime depend very much on proper special training, education and selection of police officers. It also depends on their skills in undercover work - laying an ambush and conducting surveillance, penetrating the underworld, work with the informants, their choosing, cultivating and usage. The informant is a person who gives the police officer confidential information about a crime as his civic responsibility and duty. A police officer operating in plain clothes often comes to know personally the offenders of the specific criminal specialty, their friends, their relatives and close associates and becomes familiar with salient features of their modus operandi.

In case the investigating officer works at the crime scene he defines the crime quickly and examines the scene very carefully before he touches and disturbs anything. He takes active measures to detect the offender, that is to identify, locate and apprehend an evil- doer. He usually takes pictures of the scene and its objects and makes a plan on which he records the position of any trace. He collects and protects evidence, interviews witnesses and persons for discovery of stolen property and instruments of the crime. Then the investigator examines all the evidence to establish proof of guilt against the person responsible for a crime, and if so brings a charge against the suspect and presents the criminal case for the prosecution in court.

No doubt quick and accurate crime investigation and solution catching, neutralizing and bringing the criminal to justice is essential. At the same time a very much more important and difficult thing is crime prevention. In order to function effectively in crime prevention the professional policeman establishes contact with the public and maintains positive attitudes about the citizens he serves. If understanding is lacking, then decision-making judgements and general performance of the policeman in the field will be less effective. The better he understands the people, the better he manages to perform his duty.


1. Кунина М.Н.Учебное пособие для курсантов, слушателей и студентов по специальностям 030505.65 – Правоохранительная деятельность, 030501.65 – юриспруденция по темам:«Работа полиции. Расследование преступлений. Осмотр места происшествия. Борьба с незаконным оборотом наркотиков. Допрос. Вещественные доказательства». Краснодар: Краснодарский университет МВД России, 2009г. – 166 стр.

2. Справочник по грамматике английского языка для юристов // Смирнова М.И. – Симферополь, 2016

3. Словари: англо-русский, русско-английский.

Тема 17. Осмотр места происшествия

New Words

area – площадь,район,область

point - указывать

circumstances - обстоятельства

significant – значительный,важный,существенный

enable – давать возможность

frequently - часто

narrow – суживать(ся),уменьшать(ся)

preliminary - предварительный

detain - задерживать

witness – зд. понятой

participant - участник

urgent – срочный,крайне необходимый

summon - вызывать

overlook - 1.проглядеть; 2.не заметить

blood - кровь

stain - пятно

instrument - орудие

stub - окурок

ash – зола,пепел

striking – поразительный,замечательный

dress - одеваться

behave – вести себя


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