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1. It … not make much difference. 2. … you mind repeating it once again? 3. I … be only too glad to see you again. 4. They … gladly accept the invitation. 5. In other circumstances we … not pay any attention to it. 6. It … be so kind of him to help us. 7. What … I do here without you? 8. She … be very sorry to hear that. 9. He … be very much pleased with the results. 10. It is a pity we have no time. We … go to theatre together. 11. … you go to the country on Sunday?
Упр. 94. Замените инфинитив глагола в скобках нужной формой сослагательного наклонения. Переведите предложения.
1. It is necessary that the students (to take part) in the seminar. 2. It was suggested that we (to start) at dawn 3. It was ordered that the project (to submit) in a week. 4. It is doubtful that anything (to change) before we come back. 5. It is strange that he (to say) such a thing, it is not like him. 6. It is requested that the ticket (to retain) till the end of the performance. 7. Is it possible that it (to be) the same man? 8. It is hardly possible that the weather (to remain) so fine during the whole month. 9. It is desirable that the letter (to write) by all the students of the group. 10. Is it necessary that the evidence (to present) in time?
Упр. 95. Перифразируйте предложения, используя сослагательное наклонение после безличных оборотов.
1. It is very unusual for him to have made such a mistake. 2. It is advisable for everybody to consult a doctor before taking part in the competition. 3. It is unbelievable for the tourists to have crossed the river at this time of a year. 4. It was suggested to put off the meeting. 5. It is necessary for the children to spend more time in the open air. 6. It is doubtful for him to be still working in the lab at such a late hour. 7. It is strange for you not to know such simple things at your age. 8. Is it possible for the child to have done such a thing all by himself? 9. It was quite unnatural for her to protest against those words. 10. Isn’t it surprising for the director to have given his consent at once? 11. It was very strange for him to have said such a thing. 12. It is very important for you to do it according to the instructions.
Упр. 96. Замените инфинитив в скобках соответствующей формой сослагательного наклонения.
1. The coach insisted that the team (to start) training for the coming competitions. 2. He suggested that we (to leave) everything as it is. 3. The doctor insisted that the patient (to take) the medicine in time. 4. My friend proposed that the work (to do) together with him. 5. We agree that the report (to make) by Professor H. 6. The teacher required that the test (to take) in written form. 7. Who demanded that we (to come) to the station at 9 sharp? 8. He suggested that we (to meet) at the entrance of the theatre. 9. We propose that the aim of the conference (to declare). 10. The guide recommended that the tourist (to keep) to the right side of the corridor.
Упр. 97. Перифразируйте предложения, используя сослагательное наклонение в соответствующей форме.
1. He suggested my taking part in this experiment. 2. The demonstrators demanded freedom for the arrested patriots. 3. The doctor strongly recommended the woman to keep to the diet. 4. The majority insisted on the matter being taken to a special committee. 5. The chief ordered the work to be done as soon as possible. 6. The prosecutor demanded the accused to be sentenced to imprisonment. 7. I suggested our starting early in the morning. 8. He insisted on being given a chance to prove his point of view. 9. He commanded everybody to listen to him. 10. We requested dinner to be served after 7.
Упр. 98. Переведите на русский язык.
1. But for Nora something horrible might have happened. 2. But for the letter Lanny had sent her Mary wouldn’t feel so strong and calm. 3. He would have done the work in time but for his friend who called and kept him talking for an hour. 4. But for the importance of the matter I should have stayed at home. 5. I should join you but for my relatives who are coming tonight. 6. But for this funny man we should feel awkward in this company.
Упр. 99. Замените инфинитив в скобках соответствующей формой сослагательного наклонения.
1. But for the toothache I (to enjoy) the concert. 2. But for him we still (to sit) here waiting for the car. 3. But for my smile he (to believe) me. 4. The children (to sleep) in the open air but for the rain. 5. Nobody (to recognize) him but for the scar on his cheek. 6. But for his angry look the child (not to begin) crying. 7. But for his accent nobody (to say) he is Russian. 8. One (may take) him for a Russian but for the accent with which he speaks. 9. But for the late hour I (to stay) here longer. 10. But for the darkness they (not to lose) their way. 11. But for the fog we (to continue) our way. 12. But for the heavy bag she (to go) there also on foot. 13. I (to read) the book sooner but for the small print. 14. But for his assistance it (to be) impossible to do the work in time. 15. But for the hot climate he (to go) there together with us.
Упр. 100. Составьте предложения, используя конструкцию “but for + существительное\местоимение”.
1. He wants to go fishing but he has a bad cold. 2. He couldn’t see the play as he had some work to do. 3. She wasn’t alone in the house, her husband was asleep in the next room. 4. I don’t want to tell you this, but I promised to. 5. In the end he went to see the doctor. His wife made him to. 6. He didn’t die. The operation saved him. 7. We didn’t have a good time after all. The weather was too bad. 8. Of course I want to help you but I have a conference today. 9. He had a good guide, so he could climb the mountains. 10. You cannot do it only because of your tiredness.
Сослагательное II по форме совпадает с Past Indefinite, если действие относится к настоящему или будущему времени, или с Past Perfect, если действие относится к прошлому.
Eg.: She listened to me as if she wanted Она слушала меня так, будто
to cry. хотела заплакать.
She listened to me as if she Она слушала меня так, будто
had heard the story. уже слышала эту историю.
1. Глагол “to be” в сослагательном наклонении имеет одну форму “were” для всех лиц и чисел для настоящего или будущего времени.
Eg.: I wish I were with you now. Я бы хотел быть сейчас с тобой.
2. Модальные глаголы “may” и “can” в сослагательном наклонении имеют форму “might” и “could”.
Eg.: I could join you. Я бы мог присоединиться к вам.
Сослагательное II употребляется в следующих случаях:
1. В простых восклицательных предложениях, начинающихся со слов “If only …!” (Если бы только …!)
Eg.: If only I knew the truth! Если бы только я знал правду!
2. В придаточных предложениях после глагола “wish ”. Данные предложения часто переводятся на русский язык “Жаль, что + конструкция, противоположная английской, т.е. если английское предложение утвердительное, то русское будет отрицательное, и наоборот.
Eg.: I wish you had come in time. Жаль, что ты не пришел вовремя.
I wish he had not fallen ill. Жаль, что он заболел.
3. После оборотов “It is time…” (“Пора бы… ”), “It is high time…” (“Давно бы пора…”).
Eg.: It is time we had a rest. Пора бы нам отдохнуть.
4. После слов “as if”, “as though” (“Как будто…”, “Словно…”).
Eg.: She behaved as if she were a child. Она вела себя словно
5. В придаточных условных (нереальное условие).
Существует 4 типа придаточных предложений, выражающих нереальное условие.
а) Условие и следствие относятся к настоящему.
Eg.: If I weren’t so tired, I would Если бы я не был таким усталым,
play with you. я бы поиграл с тобой.
б) Условие и следствие относятся к прошлому.
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