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Упр. 54. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму Participle I.

2017-09-30 508
Упр. 54. Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на форму Participle I. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The man standing by the window is Ben. 2. They passed groups of people working in the fields. 3. From time to time you will get letters informing you about my success. 4. There is a paragraph in the text describing Russian Literature of the beginning of the century. 5. He spoke like a man having made a decision. 6. Having had dinner we went for a walk. 7. The man having brought the letter is waiting for you in the hall. 8. We are glad having come to an agreement. 9. I want to tell you about the research being conducted in our laboratory. 10. He is happy being awarded the prize. 11. Being told the news he will be more careful. 12. He knows about the book being written by the scientist. 13. Having been done the room is looking nice. 14. Having been explained the material he is able to write the test. 15. We told him about the problem having been discussed at the last meeting. 16. Having been passed the exams don’t seem so difficult.



1. What we really want is a good article showing all our drawbacks. 2. Being asked about the conference he said he liked it. 3. Having been examined by the custom’s officer, he was let to the country. 4. Having got what he wanted he took his hat and went away. 5. He spoke like a man having his opinion on everything. 6. Being watered the flowers grow well. 7. The method being employed is rather complex. 8. In the evening they got some fish, eating some of it and saving the rest for the breakfast. 9. You cannot do it being absolutely honest. 10. We don’t know about the vase having been broken. 11. Having known him from school, I have always respected him.


Упр. 55*. Переведите словосочетания на английский язык, используя Participle I.

а) Переводя текст; слушая радио; отвечая на вопросы; обедая; покупая продукты; обсуждая проблему; читая газету;

b) переведя текст; послушав радио; ответив на вопросы; пообедав; купив продукты; обсудив проблему; прочитав газету;

с) текст, который переводят; концерт, который слушают; вопросы, на которые отвечают; посуда, которую моют; проблема, которую обсуждают; газета, которую читают;

d) текст, который перевели; концерт, который прослушали; вопросы, на которые ответили; посуда, которую вымыли; проблема, которую обсудили; газета, которую прочитали;

e) ученик, стоящий у доски; посещая занятия; письмо, которое написано; при написании письма; придя домой; заканчивая школу; после того, как вся работа была сделана; учитель, объясняющий новый материал; при изучении этого предмета; когда ей показывают город; будучи уставшим;


Упр. 56*. Замените придаточные предложения причастным оборотом.

1. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw Robert who was talking to an old man. 2. As we were very tired we refused to go for a walk. 3. A large tree that had been broken by the storm lay across the road. 4. I’ll show you the article that has been written by my brother. 5. The ship that was charted for the transportation of the cars will arrive tomorrow. 6. As he thought that it would rain he put on his raincoat. 7. Yesterday the secretary sent off all the letters that had been signed by the chief. 8. While I was going to the Institute I met one of my old friends. 9. As he was very absent-minded he made some mistakes in his dictation. 10. The letter of guarantee that had been submitted by the bank, was studied by the director of our company. 11. When he came home he immediately called his mother. 12. When he saw me he came up and shook my hand.

Упр. 57. Раскройте скобки, используя соответствующую форму Participle I.

1. We came up to the man (stand) at the corner of the street and asked him the way. 2. Did you see in what direction the man (stand) here left? 3. (Tell) everything he knew the witness left the box. 4. (Push) the door he felt that it was not locked and (open) it he looked inside. 5. The conference now (take place) at the University is devoted to the problems of International Law. 6. He couldn’t come to the conference (organized) by the Students’ Club. 7. The people (await) for the doctor have been sitting here for 20 minutes. 8. The people (await) for you have just gone. 9. (Come) here only a few years before he knew the city life quite well now. 10. (Come) to the hotel he found a telegramme awaiting for him. 11. Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (turn) in the lock. 12. (Put) into the water the flowers opened their petals. 13. (Keep) without water for a long time the flowers faded. 14. We spent the whole day by the river (return) back when it became dark. 15. I felt very tired (work) in the sun the whole day.


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