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Попугаи, канарейки (Parrot, canary)

2017-06-02 367
Попугаи, канарейки (Parrot, canary) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Parrot - попугай

Canary - канарейка

Pointy, curved beak – Острый, изогнутый клюв
Clawed feet – Когтистые лапы
They can bite you with their beak – Они могут клюнуть тебя
Imitate human voices – Копировать человеческий голос
Keep silence – Сохраняй тишину
Brightly colored – Ярко раскрашенный

They are flying around the cage – Они летают по клетке
Their feathers are soft and fluffy. – Их перья мягкие и пушистые
Move very smoothly when it flies – Двигаются очень плавно во время полёта
The canary is singing such a beautiful and attractive melody – Канарейка поёт такую красивую и привлекательную мелодию
He can make all kinds of neat sounds. – Он может издавать все самые прекрасные звуки

These are parrots. They are so beautiful. Look at that one’s beak. It is so big and pointy. Parrots have curved beaks, strong legs and clawed feet.

Be careful, they can bite you with their beak. They can imitate human voices, they can speak too. Ask them something, like “Hello?” They are keeping silence, maybe they are scared. Ok, never mind.
The parrots are brightly colored! Do you like them? They can fly. They are flying around the cage. Parrots eat seeds, nuts, fruit, and buds.

Their feathers are soft and fluffy. The feathers help regulate the bird’s temperature and help the bird move very smoothly when it flies so it can travel easily through the air when flying.

And these are canaries. The canary sings such a beautiful and attractive melody. Just listen to it. He can make all kinds of neat sounds.

Now, they are sitting on the stick. Don’t move the stick. Just enjoy the birds.

Turtle – морская черепаха
Tortoise – сухопутная черепаха
Shell – Панцирь
Shield – Щит
A shield is wide and smooth. – Щит широкий и гладкий

Predator – Хищник
The turtle moves very slowly – Черепаха двигается очень медленно
Turtles dig holes in the sand to lay their eggs there – Черепахи выкапывают ямы в песке, чтобы отложить туда свои яйца
Cover eggs with the sand – Засыпают яйца песком
Hatch – Вылупляться
They have to live on their own – Они должны жить самостоятельно
Tap on its shell. – Постукай легонько по его панцирю
It’s very tough. – Он очень жесткий

What animal is this? It’s a giant turtle. Look! It’s moving. I’m so thrilled to see it’s moving.
The Turtle has a hard shell that protects it like a shield. A shield is wide and smooth.

The shell is the turtle’s house. If a predator attacks a turtle, then the turtle can hide its head inside its shell. It has four legs and a little tail. The turtle moves very slowly. Turtles dig holes in the sand to lay their eggs there. Then they cover all their eggs with the sand and leave them there to hatch on their own.

Turtle likes to eat vegetables. When the baby turtles are born their Mummy is not there to help them. They have to live on their own without a Mummy.
Touch it, don’t be scared. Tap on its shell. It’s very tough.

Fish – Рыба или рыбы (одного вида)
Fishes – Рыбы (разного вида)
Aquarium – Аквариум
Fin – Плавник
Pretty fishes – Милые рыбки
They are so different to each other – Они так отличаются друг от друга
They are of all different sizes – Они все разного размера
It uses its fins to swim in the water – Она плавает в воде с помощью плавников

Log – бревно
Which fish do you like best? – Какая рыба тебе больше всего нравится
Fish with stripes? – Рыба с полосками?
It opens and closes its mouth – Она открывает и закрывает свой рот
Where does the fish swim to? – Куда плывёт рыба?
What does the fish eat? – Что ест рыба?
What are they doing? – Что они делают?

Look at those pretty fishes in the aquarium! They are so different to each other and colorful. They are of all different sizes; little ones and big ones. Which fish do you like best? That big fish with stripes? Right! It’s so cute. It has two fins at the side and a tail. What does the fish do? It opens and closes its mouth. The fish swims. It uses its fins to swim in the water.

Where does the fish swim to? Where does the fish live? Where is its house? There it is, under the log. The fish live together, they like to swim together. What are they doing? They are talking with each other.

How nice it is to swim together. Where is mummy fish and where is baby fish? What does the fish eat? The fish eat special food from a pet store and all kinds of things from the water.

This fish is long and that fish is short. It’s also yellow with colorful stripes. There are so many fishes in the aquarium. Let’s count them all! Good.

Занятие на ипподроме

Groom\stableman – конюх
Stableboy\girl – помощник конюха
Stableboy grooms the horse to make them clean and beautiful – помощник конюха чистит лошадь, чтобы она была чистая и красивая
Stable – конюшня
It is the horse’s breathing and snorting – Это дыхание и фыркание лошади
Let’s take a look at these horses – Давай посмотрим на этих лошадей
Here they are – вот они

Stall – стойло
I have never seen such a big horse in my life – Никогда в своей жизни не видел такой большой лошади
You can touch its long muzzle and rub it – Ты можешь потрогать его длинную мордашку и погладить её
It’s licking the wood of its stall – Она лижет стойло (его доску, на которой должна быть еда)
The groom wants to open the stall to let the horse out to run around the field/paddock – конюх хочет открыть стойло, чтобы выпустить лошадь погулять по полю\загону

Let it pass, step back! – Позволь ей пройти, отойди!
Look at how the horse is walking – посмотри как лошадка ходит
It has long legs with hoofs – у неё длинные ноги с копытами
The hoofs are shod – Копыта подкованы

It’s rolling around on its back on the ground – она катается на спине по земле
Here are two rails have been put up as a barrier – Это две «ставни», установленные как перегородка
Not to let the horse back in again – чтобы не дать лошади вернуться назад
Let’s take a little heap of hay and call the horse over – давай возьмём небольшую кучу сена и позовём лошадь

Put the little heap of hay on the ground – положи небольшую кучу сена на землю
It has swallowed the hay – она проглотила сено

Let’s cut them into little slices and feed them to the horse – давай порежем их на маленькие кусочки и покормим ими лошадь
Can you hear them snorting? – Ты слышишь как они фыркают?
Don’t feed only one horse – не корми только одну лошадь
Just put a slice of apple carefully on this ledge – просто положи осторожно кусочек яблока на борт (край доски стойла)

They like fruit and vegetables – their favorite treats! – Они любят фрукты и овощи – их любимые лакомства
Go over there and feed them – Иди туда и покорми их
There is no more food left – Больше не осталось еды

Just take a little pile of hay and give it to the horse – Просто возьми маленькую кучу сена и дай её лошадке
Which horse do you want to go for a ride on? – На какой лошадке ты хочешь покататься
Hold the reins tightly – держись за поводья крепко


Do you know what that is? That is a building in which horses are kept.It is called a stable. Let’s go inside. Can you hear that strange noise? Don’t be scared, that is the horses breathing and snorting. When the horses call they neigh.

Don’t stop, keep moving. Let’s take a look at these horses. Here they are, in their stalls. They are so magnificent!

That horse is so big! I have never seen such a big horse in my life. Shall I lift you up to take a closer look? The horse is beautiful. It’s quite kind. You can touch its long muzzle and rub it.

It’s licking the wood of its stall. I think it might be hungry. Oh, the groom wants to open the stall to let the horse out to run around the field/paddock.

Let it pass, step back! Look at how the horse is walking. It has long legs with hoofs which make a loud sound because the hoofs are shod (they have put shoes on them). Listen! Click-clack, click-clack.

Now, the horse is in the field. It’s so happy to be free. It’s rolling around on its back on the ground and enjoying the fresh air. Here two pieces of wood (two rails) have been put up as a barrier, to keep the horse out. The horse must stay in the paddock.

The horse is not near us now, so, let’s take a little heap of hay and call the horse over. See, it’s coming.

Careful, put the little heap of hay on the ground. The horse is eating it, now. Look at how it’s eating the hay. It has a big mouse and strong teeth. It has just gobbled it all up. It has swallowed the hay. Where is the hay? In its tummy!

But we have some apples and carrots here. Let’s cut them into little slices and feed them to the horse. Oh, the other horses can smell the apples and carrots and they are looking at them. Can you hear them snorting?

So, it’s better to share them with all the horses. Don’t feed only one horse. Let’s feed this one and that one there too. Just put a slice of apple carefully on this ledge.

They are all so hungry. They like fruit and vegetables – their favorite treats! Wait, you are feeding only these two horses, how about those ones? It’s unfair to them. Take some slices of apples and carrots and go over there and feed them. Good!

There is no more food left. I suppose the horses are very thankful/grateful to you. Do you think that they are still hungry? Well, maybe you’re right. But we don’t have any more food left.

Do you want to feed them with hay, now? Ok, nice idea! There is tons of hay here. Just take a little pile of hay and give it to the horse. Right, put it gently on the ledge. Try again. Yes, just like that. While you’re feeding them I’ll go around the stable.

Which horse do you want to go for a ride on? Maybe that one, the biggest one? Too scary for you. Ok, how about that one, it’s not so big. Ok, I’ll help you to get on it. (=I’ll help you to mount it).

Now, hold the reins tightly, the horse is about to move. Don’t be scared, I’m with you, I’m holding you. This horse is very gentle, so you won’t fall off, just relax and enjoy the ride. Enough? Do you want to get off (=Do you want to dismount)? Ok, slowly, hold my hands. I’m taking you down. That’s it!

You can pat the horse’s neck or nozzle. The horse likes it. Now, it’s time to go home. Say goodbye to the horses. It was so excited. That was the best experience ever!

Swimming pool vocabulary

Swim-suit - купальник
Arm bands - Нарукавники
Mask and flippers - маска и ласты
My mask gets misted, I have to rinse it up - моя маска запотевает, мне нужно ее промыть
Beach bed - лежак
Sun block - американский вариант sun cream, sun protection
Beach umbrella - пляжный зонтик
To sun oneself - Загорать
Dan chose a quiet spot at the beach to sun himself. - Дэн выбрал тихое местечко на пляже чтобы позагорать.
To sunbathe - загорать
To bask in the sun - нежиться на солнце, загорать
Brown, sun-burnt, sun tanned - загорелый
How brown, how bronzed you are! - какой ты загорелый!
Acquire a tan - приобретать загар
Deep end of a swimming pool - глубокий конец бассейна
Shallow end of a swimming pool - Неглубокий конец бассейна
To go for (to take, to have) a dip - искупаться, сходить окунуться
Shall we have a dip before breakfast?
To dip into the water - погружаться в воду
To slip beneath the water - нырнуть, скрыться под водой
To bath, to take a bath - купаться
To swim - плавать
Do you know how to swim? - умеешь плавать?
To rinse - ополаскивать, промывать водой
Give yourself a rinse before going into the swimming pool - ополоснись прежде чем купаться в бассейне
To float - плавать, держаться на поверхности воды, не тонуть
The kids enjoyed floating in the water. - Дети с удовольствием купались в воде.
Уou may bring along the toys which float to play in the swiming pool - ты мжешь взять в бассейн игрушки которые не тонут
To drown oneself, to be drowned - yтонуть
Always put on your arm bands, they help to float and you will not drown yourself - всегда надевай нарукавники, они не позволят тебе утонуть
To save, to resque someone from drowning - спасти кого-л от утопания
To sink: the ball does not sink in the water
To jump into the water - прыгнуть в воду
To plunge down into the water - прыгнуть в воду
She plunged down clutching her nose feeling for the bottom of the pool with one outstretched hand - она нырнула зажав рукой нос и коснулась дна вытянутой рукой.
To take a plunge - броситься в воду
To venture into the water - отважиться
It was not sunny and only the hardest children ventured into the pool - не было солнца и только самые стойкие дети отважились искупаться
To make tricks in the water - проделывать трюки в воде
To make somersaults - делать кувырки
To whirl round in the water - переворачиваться, кружиться в воде
To make a hand stand in the water - стоять на руках в воде
She bounced up into the air, arched her back and entered the water cleanly, hands in a neat point. - Она подпрыгнула ввоздухе, выгнула спину и вошла в воду чисто, сложив руки перед собой.
Her head popped up above the water again - ее голова снова вынырнула
Look at my star jump! - she leaped high into the air with legs outstretched and toes pointed, then brought them together sharply before plunging into the water. - Смотри как я прыгаю звездочкой! - она подпрыгнула вверх с расставленными ногами и вытянутыми мысцами, потом снова соединила руки и ноги вместе перед тем как вошла в воду.
To sweep - грести широкими взмахами
Oar - грести (в том числе и руками)
He oared himself to the shore - он догреб до берега, доплыл
To paddle to the side of the pool - грести к краю бассейна
Splatter - брызгать, плескать
Splash - брызги
To fall into the water with a splash,
To splash into the water - плюхнуться в воду
To have a splash in a baby pool - плескаться, купаться в детском бассейне
To drip water - капать, окраплять водой
To be drippng wet from the pool - быть мокрым только что из бассейна
Take this towel you are dripping wet - возьми полотенце, с тебя течет вода
Spray - Брызгать
Drops of water pattered out my back when shе shook her hair - капельки воды попадали на мою спину когда она тряхнула волосами
To tread the water (trod, trodden)- плыть стоя, делать движения руками, ногами проходя по дну

Сухой бассейн

Сухой бассейн – это просто замечательное место, в котором можно поиграть в бесконечное количество игр.

1) Первая игра “Знакомство с бассейном и мячами”. Разучивание цветов, счёт мячей, собирание и бросание мячей.

This is a pool with lots of balls – Это бассейн с большим количеством мячей
They are all of different colors – Они все разных цветов
What color is this ball? – Какого цвета этот мяч?
The same color as the one I have -Такого же цвета как у меня
Which one is the blue one? – Какой мячик синий?
There is not enough space in my arms – Недостаточно места у меня в руках
They keep falling – Мячи падают
It’s your turn – Твоя очередь
It’s not that easy to hold them all together for long – Это не так просто удерживать все мячи продолжительное время
Chin – Подбородок
Gather them all – Собери их все
It’s better to gather them one at a time – Лучше собирать их по одному
Throw them into the pool one by one -Бросай их в бассейн по одному
Tell me the color of it – Скажи мне цвет мячика


Look! This is a pool with lots of balls! Let’s play there. Get in! The balls are soft, you can play with them. They are all of different colors.

What color is this ball? Blue. Could you give me the blue one? Right, one more ball, the same color as the one I have. No, that ball is red. Which one is the blue one? That one! Right! Now give me two red balls. And one yellow ball. That’s enough. There is not enough space in my arms for more balls.

Let’s count them! How many balls do I have? One, two, three…six! Good, I have six balls. It’s hard to hold them all in my arms at the same time, they keep falling. Look! They’re going to fall now. I’ll throw them back into the pool.

Now, it’s your turn. Take three balls. Count them first! One, two, three. Then take them in your arms. It’s not that easy to hold them all together for long, right? Now! What color are they? This one is green, this one is … and this one is …

I will add one more ball. Now, try and hold them all. You can hold them with your chin, too! Go like this with your chin! Oh, Ho! Ho! Ho! They are all falling. It’s difficult to hold so many balls at once.

Gather them all now and return them to the pool. It’s better to gather them one at a time and throw them into the pool one by one. Take this one, tell me the color of it as you throw it back into the pool. Right! The next one. Well done!

2) Вторая игра – собирание мячей. Я думаю многие родители столкнуться с проблемой разбрасывания мячей за пределы бассейна. Причём дети врятли согласятся их потом собирать. А вот если превратить всё это дело в игру…

What a mess you’ve made – Что за беспорядок ты натворил
Let’s gather them all up – Давай соберём все мячи
Let’s tidy the room -Давай уберём комнату
The librarian will tell us off – Библиотекарша поругает тебя
It says “silence” in here – Здесь сказано “Тишина”
Let’s make no noise – Давай не будем шуметь
Go very slowly so as not to drop them – Иди очень медленно так, чтобы не уронить их
Don’t try to pick up too many balls – Не пытайся собрать слишком много мячей
So, the word is, “slowly and carefully.” – Как говорится, медленно и осторожно
You forgot to pick up that ball under the table – Ты забыл собрать тот мячик под столом
There are still many balls around the room – Все ещё много мячей, разбросанных по комнате
It’s quite heavy for him – Он довольно тяжелый для него
He is rolling the ball towards the pool – Он катит мячик к бассейну
To lift it up and throw it over the side of the pool – Подними и брось мячик через стенку бассейна
Teddy Bear will help you load the balls – Медвежонок поможет тебе загрузить мячики
Take a ball and load it into the trailer – Возьми мячик и загрузи его в прицеп
Are there any more balls around the room now – Ещё есть мячи, разбросанные по комнате?


What a mess you’ve made with all those balls. Let’s gather them all up and put them in their place. (Let’s tidy the room) The librarian will be angry and tell you/us off, she will scold you.

Let’s be quite! You know it says “silence” in here. So let’s make no noise. Walk on the tips of your toes and go very slowly when gathering the balls so as not to drop them and make noise. Shhhhh!

Don’t try to pick up too many balls together in your hands or you’ll drop them. See! You are trying to take too many balls and they are all starting to fall from your hands again. So, the word is, “slowly and carefully.” Now, try again. You forgot to pick up that ball under the table. And this ball here, next to my leg.

There are still many balls around the room. Can Teddy bear help you clean up? Right! Which ball should Teddy pick up? The blue one? Ok, he is picking the blue one up. Wow! It’s quite heavy for him. He is going to roll the ball instead. See! He is rolling the ball towards the pool. Now, we need to lift it up and throw it over the side of the pool. Can you help him? Oo-oof! Pew! Done!

It takes so long to clean up with Teddy Bear. Maybe we can use that big simetrailer instead? And transport a lot of balls together. (carry all the balls at once.) So, Teddy Bear will help you load the balls.

Right? Take a ball and load it into the trailer. Now, the trailer is full! Let’s drive the trailer to the pool now. Stop! Time to unload all the balls into the pool. Let’s lift the semitrailer up together. One, two, three – unload! Are there any more balls around the room now? No? Great!

Well done! Don’t throw them out of the pool again…

3) Ну и наконец третья игра – бросание и ловля мячей. Для детей постарше – подбрасывание вверх и ловля ребёнком. А также подбрасывание вверх, хлопок и ловля мяча.

Let’s play catch – Давай поиграем в мяч
I’ll throw the ball – Я буду бросать мяч
You’ll catch it – Ты будешь его ловить
Hold your hands out like this – Держи свои руки вот так
You’ve missed it! – Ты пропустил его
You caught it – Ты поймал его
I hit you right on the forehead/tummy/leg – Я попал тебе прямо по лбу/животику/ноге
You hit my tummy! – Ты попал мне в живот
You throw the ball very well – Ты бросаешь мяч очень хорошо
I’m going to hide so as you can’t hit me – Я обираюсь спрятаться, чтобы ты не смог в меня попасть
You can’t hit me here – Ты не можешь в меня попасть здесь
Stop attacking me – Перестань атаковать меня
Calm down – Успокойся
Throw the ball up into the air – Бросай мяч вверх
You weren’t able/didn’t manage to catch it – Ты не смог поймать его
You were too slow – Ты был слишком медленным
Try one more time – Попробуй ещё раз


Let’s play catch! I’ll throw the ball and you’ll catch it. Are you ready? Hold your arms out like this! Ok! Catch!

One, two, three! Catch the ball! Oh! You’ve missed it! Let’s try again. Hold both your hands out together (cup your hands together), I’ll try to throw the ball gently. I’m throwing the ball now.

Ready! Oh! You caught it. Great! One more time. One, two, three!
Oh, dear, I hit you right on the forehead/tummy/leg.

Now, it’s your turn to throw the ball and my turn to catch it! Take the ball and try to throw it into my hands. Ready? Throw! Oh, you hit my tummy!
What a great shot you are! You throw the ball very well.

Stop throwing the balls at me now, please! No, no, no. I’m off (or out of the game). I’m going to hide so as you can’t hit me. There’s a big cat. I’ll hide behind the cat. You can’t hit me here

Oh, you’ve come out of the pool! Stop attacking me, attack that toy instead… Calm down now and return all the balls to the pool. Let’s play a more difficult game. You will throw the ball up into the air and try to catch it.

One, two, three – throw! Oh, you weren’t able to catch it. Try again.

Now, let’s try smth even more difficult again. So now, throw the ball up into the air, then clap your hands and try and catch the ball as it comes down.

Throw, clap, catch. Oh, you didn’t manage to catch it, did you? You were too slow, so you got to practice to become faster. Try one more time.

One, two, three – throw, clap, catch! Great! You’ve done it.

Now the game of catch is over.

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Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

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