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A nation is a group of people who sharecommon history and usually a language and usually, but not always, live in the same area. Culture can be described as our everyday life: how we communicate, what makes us happy and sad. It also includes our language, religion, traditions, behavior, way of life – in other words, what we do each day. People that belong to various nations may differ and they always differ from one another.
For example, the Germans are regarded as scientifically-minded and industrious, they’re always considered solid, intelligent and mathematical. There is a big amount of examples we can listabout national character of different people. Proving the difference of the national stereotypes I want to compare Russian and English nations. There are a lot of features that vary. The Russians are industrious, tough, brave, progressive and suspicious. They are also considered to be over – patriotic (because of this reason they’re good soldiers), we are willing to respect opinion of other people.
Speaking about Englishmen I may note that they’re reserved, tradition-loving, courteous, honest etc. To my mind, they have a specific sense of humor. They say that they can’t understand our jokes and anecdotes not only because of the different meanings of the words, but because their humor is more delicate. Looking at these features of the Russians and the Englishmen it is not hard to mark out the differences. The Englishmen are reserved, but the Russians are open-hearted and communicative. The Englishmen are tradition-loving and the Russians, to my mind, don’t keep their traditions in such a degree. There is a great majorityof factors that influence the nation’s stereotype and its people’s character. People who live in the southern countries have less problems than those who live in the North and because of this they’re more cheerful and artistic. The history also has a great influence on the national character.
The National Character exists. It is not a myth, it’s a reality. But the National Character doesn’t describe the character of every person, it describes the character of people of nation in general. Every person has its own character, but according to the person’s belonging to some nation manytraits of character are similar and these features may be explained as the national character.
Ø Напишите 3 черты вашего характера (положительные). Сравните их со стереотипными чертами характера русских из текста/стереотипными чертами характера вашей национальности.
Ø Ответьтенавопросы: Are there any differences? How do you think, why? Can we judge people of the other nation, thinking only about stereotypes? Why?
Используйтеэтифразы: In my opinion/view…; To my mind…; It seems to me that…
III.Переведите текст на русский язык и ответьте на вопросы: Whatisyourfavouriteholiday?
Whatway do you celebrate it?
Many people in the world, every January 1st, celebrate New Year. It is a very colourful festival. People also see it as a chance to get together with their family and exchange presents.
In our country, preparations for New Year begin in December, when shop windows are decorated with New Year ornaments such as colourful streamers, silver tinsel and golden bells. Glittering lights are hung in the streets and on the trees. Most families also decorate their homes. They put up a New Year tree full of brightly-coloured lights and stars at the top. Weeks before New Year people start buying gifts for their friends and family. Children write New Year lists to Father Frost.
On December 31st the New Year cake is in the oven, its delicious aroma fills the house. The family, dressed in their best clothes, sit down at 10 o'clock to enjoy a delicious meal. Everyone has a smile on the face. At 12 o'clock when the chimes of the famous Spasskaya Tower ring out everyone wish each other a happy and healthy new year.
On New Year morning, the tearing of wrapping paper is heard as gifts are exchanged, opened and admired. If it is a "white" New Year, fresh snow covers the city and snowmen are made. Families relax and enjoy the gifts they have received. The warm feeling of New Year spirit fills the home as the children play happily with their new toys and the adults relax. This is the time when family members feel closest to each other, after sharing a day of love and joy.
I'll never forget the New Year party we had every year when I was a little girl. On 1st January, everyone in our family used to celebrate this holiday with dancing, food and fun! One of the things I liked best was dancing. My friends made a circle around the New Year tree covered with balls and toys, pretty ribbons.After the dancing we always had delicious food. There was a huge buffet in the hall, with mountains of sandwiches, cakes and biscuits. At the end of the party, there was never any food or drink left, because we were so hungry after all the dancing and party games.
Today, not many families celebrate this holiday in the traditional way we used to. I always had a great time though, and I feel happy when I remember that. The Festival is perfect for a fun day out for the family. I had a great time and I am really excited about next year's festival.
IV. Заполните пропуски словами: customhabitbelief
1. It is a common __that breaking a mirror brings bad luck.
2. It is the __in England to give children chocolate at Easter.
3. Smoking is a very unhealthy __.
V. Разыграйтедиалог: You are going to invite friends to a New Year party and you are thinking of the best way to do it. Discuss the following options with your friend and choose the only one you both like most of all:
- personally
- mobile phone
VI. Сделайте сообщение на английском языке на одну из тем:
Ø Праздникииобычаи Великобритании.
Ø Праздники и обычаи США.
VII. Заполните пропуски 1-5 частями предложений, обозначенными буквами а – e:
a. to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession
b. and protection for teachers' rights
c. educating and inspiring future generations
d. patience in spite of the tiring and stressful job
e. conferences and local celebrations
World Teachers` Day is celebrated on October 5th since 1994 to acknowledge teachers' hard work and _1_. Teachers around the world strive to enlighten students and work effortlessly to make a difference, _2_. The aim of the celebration is to mobilize support for teachers and to ensure that the needs of future generations will continue to be met by teachers. On this day various events take place to honor the role of the teachers. This may include classroom activities, _3_.
UNESCO calls for a stand for teacher and urges world communities to show support for the efforts teachers display to reach a better future for humanity. The day is also a significant token of the awareness, understanding and appreciation shown for the important contribution that teachers make to education and development. For these reasons, decision makers have the responsibility to provide adequate training, ongoing professional development,_4_.
Over 100 countries observe World Teachers' Day. The efforts of Education International, which is a global union federation of teachers' trade unions, and its 401 member organizations have contributed to this widely spread recognition. Every year, EI launches a public awareness campaign _5_.
Ø Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE? Justify.
1. World Teachers Day was used to be celebrated before 1994.
2. Less than a hundred countries celebrate World Teachers' Day.
3. Organizations such as UNESCO and Education International have contributed to the recognition of the celebration.
VIII. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя слова из таблицы только 1 раз:
honour | celebrate | mark (an event) |
take part | take place | hold (a ceremony) |
1. Mary and Peter are having an evening out in order to __ Mary's 30thbirthday.
2. The Olympics __every four years.
3. He's training hard because he wants to __ in this year's marathon.
4.Presidents' Day is the day when people in the USA __the memory of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
5.Their wedding reception was __ in the village hall.
6.In order to __the occasion of his retirement, Mr. James' employers gave him a gold watch.
IX. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя слова из таблицы только 1 раз:
celebrated | honour | displays | feast | fasting |
Orthodox | gather | religious | march | decorate |
worldwide | dress up | exchange | turkey | send |
1.Both the carnival in Rio and Halloween are festivals where people __.
2.__ is part of the traditional meal eaten at Christmas and on Thanksgiving day.
3. Christmas and Easter are __ by Christians worldwide.
4. Ceremonies in the__church differ from Catholic and Protestant churches.
5. I always __cards at Christmas and for Valentine's day.
6. There was a minute's silence to __all the soldiers who had died in the war.
7. Although Guy Fawkes' Day is British and the 4th of July is American, both include firework __.
8. In a carnival parade people often dance but in a military parade the soldiers __.
9.Many religions mark a religious event with a __that includes many carefully prepared dishes.
10.My family always __ presents on Christmas morning.
11.At Christmas we __ a tree but at Easter wepaint eggs.
12Christmas is a __festival.
13.On holidays all the members of my family__togetherin my grandmother's house.
14. New Year's Eve is celebrated in various ways __.
X. Согласитесь или опровергните данные утверждения:
What do you know about Easter?
1. Easter is Britain's biggest festival.
2. People eat buns with crosses on because Jesus died on a cross
3. Most people give painted eggs as presents.
4. People roll chocolate eggs down hills.
5. Easter is a time to be away from the family.
6. Jesus died but came alive again.
7. Easter is a four day holiday.
What do you do on May Day in your country? Doyou do any of these things?
1. Have traditional dances.
2. Wear traditional clothes.
3. Go on a march.
4. Have a holiday.
XI. Подготовьте презентацию о любом известном человеке из Великобритании, США или России. Расскажите о его биографии, карьере и достижениях. Также вы можете добавить дополнительные факты, которые показались вам интересными.
XII. Прокомментируйте следующее высказывание (100-150 слов):
Lotsofpeopleenjoycelebratingholidays. However, for some people a holiday is just a day off. Which way of spending holidays do you find more enjoyable?
XIII. Напишите письмо личного характера (100-140 слов).
ü This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.
… By the way, we`re doing a project on the fashion industry in different countries. It would be nice if you could tell me what clothes are popular with students in Russia. What kind of clothes do you prefer? Allmylove, Jessica. |
Write back to Jessica.
In your letter:
ü answer her questions;
ü ask 3 questions about her tastes in clothes.
Theme 4.Travel and tourismas a means ofcultural enrichment
I. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы:
Probably nobody can imagine modern life without travelling. Now the words "travelling", "tourism" and "holidays" have the same associations. Some years ago travelling abroad was very rare and only few people could afford it, but now thanks to the travel revolution, longer holidays, bigger salaries and the change of the policy of the country more and more people visit other countries. More and more people are fond of travelling. Millions of people travel around the globe to see other countries and continents, modern cities and ruined ancient towns. Many people think that holidays are a wonderful chance to relax, have fun and explore new places, to enjoy picturesque places or just have a change of scene.Some people travel on business, others for pleasure to spend their holidays in a warm country. Many people enjoy visiting foreign cities, museums and galleries. Travelling is an excellent way of gaining knowledge of other countries' history and therefore tourism plays an important role in breaking down negative national stereotypes.
The best way to study geography is to travel and the best way to get to know and understand the people is to meet them in their own homes. Going sightseeing is a very good way of spending a holiday. Every city or country has something special such as archeological sites or famous landmarks. It's wonderful to see those places for yourself, not just in books or on TV. If I had a chance, I'd go to London. I have learnt a lot of interesting things about this marvelous city and, of course, I'd like to see everything with my own eyes: St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the Tower, famous bridges and Trafalgar Square with its Nelson's Column. I'd like to take a tour around the city sitting in a red double-decker bus or just wander around the streets enjoying the historical buildings, modern grand hotels, theatres, shops or just people. Of course, I'd like to have a rest in one of the famous London parks breathing fresh air, feeding the birds and animals. On such a trip I'd take a camera, a pair of comfortable shoes, a couple of guide-books and a map.
There are a lot of types of holidays. Some people prefer skiing holiday or mountaineering holiday. Others like seaside holiday or scuba diving. For others it'd be something extreme. For example, going on a safari to discover Africa by Land Rover seems a rather attractive idea. Teenagers enjoy camping holiday.If I went to the seaside, I'd take a swimming costume, suntan lotion, sunglasses, a cap, light clothes, a camera and a first-aid kit. I think such holidays should last for a fortnight (two weeks). But if you decided to go to the mountain skiing resort, you should take warm clothes, a skiing costume, skis, goggles, a camera and first-aid kit. You can enjoy your stay in beautiful chalets with real wood fires to keep you warm even in the worst snowstorms.
There are different forms of travelling. You can choose everything depending on your preferences, mood and wishes. Probably the most comfortable are package holidays.These are holidays organized by a travel company where the basic price includes flight, accommodation and food. Going on such holidays you can settle everything beforehand and fully relax during the holidays. Unfortunately such holidays are expensive.Not all people prefer relaxation during the holidays, some people prefer active holidays.They are fun, practical and a great way to make new friends who share your interests. These interests can include foreign languages, cycling, cookery, sailing and others. If you haven't got enough money, you can go on working holidays.You can work on a farm picking fruit in France or Israel, or if you want to go to the USA, you can work in a summer camp for kids. There are hundreds of them all over the US every summer and many of them employ foreign students to help organize games and events. It is a hard work, but you are paid and get free time at the end to travel around America. More and more people want to experience real life when they are abroad, that is why they prefer Home stay holidays.Instead of staying in hotels, you live with a family in their own house. It is cheaper than package holidays and much more interesting.
People can travel on foot, by car, by bus, by train, by bike, by air, by sea and hitchhiking. But when you are going to visit some place, you must not only think where to go and what to do but also choose a method of travelling, too. While thinking about a means of transport you should take into consideration such factors of travelling as speed, comfort, safety and reliability. Travelling by air is more comfortable, convenient and quicker than any other method. But it's rather expensive. It can be unreliable, too because there might be delays. It'll also take you some time to get to the airport and go through the Customs. Travelling by car is very convenient. You can stop whenever you want and choose the speed. You don't have to share your car with the others. You don't depend on the tickets. But you have to drive in heavy traffic and breathe in car fume. Travelling by ship is very nice. You can enjoy a leisurely voyage. It's very slow. It can be very expensive, too. I prefer travelling by train.Trains are much safer than planes. They are cheaper and tend to be comfortable. You can walk around in a train and open the window. You can do everything you like: read, sleep, listen to the music... Trains are slower than plains, but speed isn't everything. Sometimes things may go wrong during the holidays, so you should be very careful and be ready for the problems. For example, the flight can be delayed, unsatisfied accommodation, bad food, poor hotel service, your passport or money can be lost or stolen, noisy neighbours, lots of mosquitoes, bad weather... But no matter how it can be, people should have a good rest, as many of us work hard during the year and holidays are worth the money you spend on them. You really feel better, healthier, more energetic and full of impressions. I believe that holidays should be a change. Most people like a change of place. If they live in the country, they like to go to a big town. If they live in a city, they like a quiet holiday. When on holiday most people don't like to do things; they have to do them all the year round.
I prefer summer holidays. They are long and the weather is rather nice and warm to enjoy your rest. I try to do everything I want: swim in the river, play active games, enjoy being outside all day long, ride my bike, wear light clothes and plenty of other interesting things I can't afford during the school year. When on holidays I try to be active.We usually spend summer holidays together: my mum, dad and me.
Sometimes our dad joins us later; it depends on the time of his holiday. First, we go to a small town situated on the river where my mother's parents live. We stay there for two weeks. I go fishing with my grandfather. We also visit some museums, go on an excursion to the famous Turkish fortress which was assaulted (conquered) by the Russian Army led by the famous general Suvorov. For at least 10 days we spend time at the seaside. We can go there by bus and stay at a hotel or rent a house. Then we go to the picturesque village where my grand-grandmother lives. We go there in search of a peaceful, relaxing holiday and I am certainly never disappointed. We usually get there by train. It takes us 16 hours to get to the place from Moscow. Of course, we book the return tickets in advance in the booking office at the railway station. It's not a long trip, so I don't feel bored much or tired. I'd like to describe the place. The village is surrounded by marvelous scenery, hills and pine woods. It is situated on the bank of the small clear river. The weather is usually fine during our stay, though we come here in July and sometimes there are periods of showers and thunderstorms. I enjoy swimming, sunbathing, breathing fresh air, walking in the forest, riding a bike, studying the surrounding neighbourhoods. I enjoy eating fresh fruit and vegetables, just baked bread and a glass of milk. But my favourite way of spending time here is fishing. I really feel proud of myself when I am able to catch enough fish to fry it for supper. We usually spend here two weeks, take photos and enjoy spending the time.
So, travelling is the best way of spending your holiday. And if you have a chance, choose the way of travelling for yourself and have fun.
II. Обсудите в парах темы:
III. ЗнаетелиВы, что:
1. The average leisure traveler is about 48 years old.
2. One out of eight jobs in the U.S. depends on travel and tourism.
3. Taking a vacation can lower your risk of heart disease.
4. Studies show that money spent on travel makes you happier than money spent on smthmaterial.
5. France is the most visited country in the world.
6. Monaco is smaller than Central Park in New York City.
7. There are 61,000 people in the air over the U.S. at any given time on any given day.
8. And the longest flight in the world is from Sydney to Dallas. It lasts around 16 hours and covers approximately 8,500 miles.
9. A Boeing 747 is made up of six million parts. The maximum speed of it is 955 km/h.
10. Flights longer than 8 hours require 3 pilots (1 captain and 2 first officers) to rotate flying duties. Flights longer than 12 hours require 4 pilots (1 captain and 3 first officers). They usually fly 3-4 hour shifts. The normal ratio of Flight Attendants to passenger seats is one Flight Attendant for every 50 passenger seats.
11.Each airline pilot flying the aircraft eats a different meal to minimize the risk of all pilots on board being ill.
12.An air traveler can lose approximately 1.5 liters of water in the body during a three-hour flight.
IV. Дайте синонимы следующих слов и выражений:
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