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This is strictly based on what I’ve observed in my personal talks with Russian speaking people. The list can go on but I tried to keep it short.
Articles. This is probably the most common error. Russian language does not have the indefinite and definite articles which are a/an and the. Examples: “ I am good person ” corrected: “ I am a good person.” “I liked cake. ” corrected: “ I liked the cake!”
Connecting Verbs. In Russian it is “ Яхочуучиться.”, but we don’t say “ I want learn. ” instead “I want to learn.” We connect two verbs in mainly three ways: we either add “ to ” or a preposition after the first verb or use the second verb in gerund (ING) form. Another example: “ I liked spend time with him ”. Corrected: spending not spend (gerund from after the verb ‘like’). I am thinking of doing it. (connected with preposition)
Using future tense in connected sentences. Example: “If I will see him tonight, I will punch him in the face!” Even the action is in the future, we don’t use will with if. Same goes for this one: “Andrey is going to be mad at me when he will find(s) it out. ”
Negative sentences: Example: “I don’t like this movie too.” Nope. In negative sentences we use EITHER, not too. “I don’t like this movie either.” Another one: “She doesn’t like him and me.” Wrong again! We use OR instead of ‘and’ in negative sentences.
Incorrect use of comma. Two common mistakes:1. “Come here, please”. (сюда, пожалуйста)
2. “It seems, that she is busy”. Writer thinks of “кажется, чтооназанята” and adds a comma. Both sentences should be written with no comma.
Lastly, a fundamental mistake which covers all above. And this is the most important one! “Thinking in Russian”. Example: “I am agree”. Writer thinks in Russian first (Ясогласен) and ends up writing an erroneous sentence. Similar mistake: “I feel myself bad.” (Ячувствуюсебяплохо.) English is a different language, so one should not think in Russian then translate it to English some way to say things. English is English. Learn and follow formulas like “Simple Past Tense: Subject + Verb(2)” until the moment you don’t need formulas. Then you can think in English and say thinks more quickly and properly.
V.Ответьте на вопросы, соединив их с нужными частями текста:
a. What are some strategies for language learning?
b. What is the best way to learn a language?
c. What should I do when I don’t understand something?
d. Can adults learn foreign language?
e. Can I avoid making mistakes?
It is commonly thought that children are the best language learners, and that it is very difficult, if not impossible, for older people to learn a new language. In fact, that is not true. Research shows that there is no decline in the ability to learn as people get older. Except in the case of hearing or vision loss, the age of the adult learner is not a major factor in their ability to learn a new language. In some way, adults are better language learners than children. Adults have developed learning strategies and have more experience in learning. Children give the appearance of learning languages more easily because they are better at pronouncing them. Adults almost always have a foreign accent when they learn a new language, while children are not. The most important factor is not the teacher or the course. The most important factor is you, the learner, and your contribution to the process of learning. Your motivation, your reason for learning the language, your need to communicate and your attitude are all important; we also expect a little from children. When they learn a little, we are pleased, adults, though have high expectations of themselves and others as language learners, and easily become discouraged if they do not learn rapidly.
There is no “one and only” way that works for everybody. Learning a language is a highly individual process and consists of a combination of factors. It helps a lot if you try to find opportunities to practice the language, especially speaking and listening, shyness and fear of using the new language can considerably slow your learning progress.
One of the biggest problems that language learners must solve is their hesitancy to make mistakes. You naturally want to express yourself well; but the truth is there is no way to learn a language without making plenty of mistakes. You must practice to learn and when you practice you will make errors. But usually people can still understand you even with some mistakes and the more you speak the better your
foreign language becomes.
Guessing is a very important part of foreign language learning. Even advanced learners depend on guessing. Therefore, do not get discouraged or frustrated when your guess is wrong. After some practice you will find that it is not necessary to get the meaning of every single word or phrase in order to understand the message. Use the context and the speaker’s intention to guess right. If you do not understand, ask for clarification of words or phrases which are not clear.
Many strategies are helpful in learning a foreign language. For examples, in order to memorize new words you repeat them aloud or you associate them with images in your mind. Control your own learning. Your teacher, your textbook and any other tools are valuable aids but the major responsibility rest within you and always remember the following:
Ø Say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE and justify:
VI. Примите участие в опросе. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы.
Electronic assistant: Hello! We`d like to find out how modern students feel about studying foreign languages. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous. So let`s start. What foreign languages do you study?
Student: ____
Electronic assistant: How many timesa weekdo you have classes?
Student: ____
Electronic assistant: How well-equipped is your English classroom?
Student: ____
Electronic assistant: What aspect of English is the most difficult for you?
Student: ____
Electronic assistant: Do you think English will be useful for you in future?
Student: ____
Electronic assistant: Have you ever practiced your knowledge of English with native speakers? If yes, how did you feel?
Student: ____
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
VII. Заполнитепропуски 1-5 частямипредложений, обозначеннымибуквамиа - е:
a.and while on social activities with the teacher in the afternoon and at weekends.
b.be skilled at welcoming foreign guests into their home.
c.living and learning in an English teacher’s home.
d.discussed in more detail in a following lesson.
e. is the relationship that develops between the student and the teacher.
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