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Dark chocolate can be good for heart

2022-10-29 72
Dark chocolate can be good for heart 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Older women who eat dark chocolate once or twice a week could be lowering their risk __ (of\with) heart failure, says a US study. People eating chocolate once or twice a week cut the risk of developing heart failure by a third, but those eating it every day did not benefit. Too much chocolate is unhealthy because it contains high levels __ (of \-) sugar and fat which can make people put on weight. But chocolate also contains high concentration of compounds called flavonoids which can lower blood pressure.                                                                                                                           

Dr. Murray Mittleman is a study leader and a director of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at the Israel Medical Centre __ (from \ in)Boston. He said: "You can't ignore that chocolate is a relatively calorie-dense food and large amounts of habitual consumption is going to raise your risks __ (above \ for) weight gain. But if you're going to have a treat, dark chocolate is probably a good choice, as long as it's in moderation.

Differences __ (in \ with) chocolate quality will affect the study's implications.Higher cocoa content is associated with greater heart benefits.Dark chocolate can contain as much as 75% cocoa while standard milk chocolate may have 25% or less cocoa.

Victoria Taylor, senior dietitian at the British Heart Foundation, said the study showed the importance of finding the right balance __ (from \ in) our diets."Before you rip open those sweet treats, remember that antioxidants in chocolate may be helpful __ (at\to) your heart, they can also be found __ (in\from) fruit and veg - foods which don't come with the saturated fat and high calories that chocolate does," she said.

Приложение 1


Make sure you give yourself a few attempts at our best English tongue twisters! Some of the tongue twisters on this page are the hardest to say and force you to make mistakes, good luck! For an additional challenge, try repeating some of the short ones multiple times in a row.

1. Betty Botter bought some butter

But she said the butter’s bitter

If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter

But a bit of better butter will make my batter better

So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter


2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,

 I won't wish the wish you wish to wish

3. How many cookies could a good cook cook

If a good cook could cook cookies?

A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies


4. A big black bear sat on a big black rug

5. Four fine fresh fish for you

6. Six sticky skeletons (x3)

7. Red lorry, yellow lorry (x3)

8. Thin sticks, thick bricks (x3)


9. She sees cheese (x3)

10. We surely shall see the sun shine soon

11. Fred fed Ted bread, and Ted fed Fred bread


12. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?


13. Eleven benevolent elephants (x3)


14. When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write


15. No need to light a night-light on a light night like tonight


16. Fresh fried fish,

Fish fresh fried,

Fried fish fresh,


Приложение 2


If you are you breathe.

If you breathe you talk.

If you talk you ask.

If you ask you think.

If you think you search.

If you search you experience.

If you experience you learn.

If you learn you grow.

If you grow you wish.

If you wish you find.

And if you find you doubt.

If you doubt you question.

If you question you understand and if you understand you know.

If you know you want to know more.

If you want to know more you are alive.

Приложение 3


Everybody loves to learn new idioms because they're used every day. Sometimes they're a little bit hard to understand. We're looking at colourful idioms, that use colour in their expression. Before I begin, "colourful", you'll notice I used "u". I'm Canadian, we use the "u" just like the British people. Americans use only the "o", no "u". So you understand, it's not a spelling mistake either way.

The thing about idioms, they never mean what the words say; you have to actually understand what the idiom means and how to use it. So, if someone sees the world or sees a situation " through rose-tinted glasses ". "Glasses" are glasses you wear on your head. "Rose-tinted", there's a little bit of a pink shade on the glass. So you're seeing the world a little bit pinkish, like the colour of the rose. That means you're very optimistic. Even in a bad situation, you're going to see everything as good.

You work at a company and they're about to layoff half of the staff; half of the people are going home, no more job. And you think: "Oh, this is a great opportunity for me to find a new job and advance my career." So I am seeing the situation through rose-tinted glasses. I don't see the bad economy, I don't see the fact that I'm 55 years old and I don't have any skills except for what I do in my job, but I will be okay.

" Give someone the green light. " You often hear this about governments giving the army the green light to attack. "To give the green light", to give permission. Go ahead, like a green light in traffic. You see the green light, press the gas, you go. So, for example: The board of directors gave the CEO the green light to layoff half his staff, even the ones wearing rose-tinted glasses. So everybody's going home; no more work.

" With flying colors ", we always add this expression to the end of an event or action. So, for example: "He passed his interview with flying colours." It means very, very successful; he did very, very well. He went to a job interview, he passed with flying colours.

If you're " tickled pink ", means you're very, very happy. You're tickled pink, you get all pink in the face. So, Tom's grandfather was tickled pink when he found out that Tom and his wife were pregnant. I say: "Tom and his wife were pregnant," because it's common for couples to think of themselves as pregnant, even though it's only the woman, of course.

" Paint the town red. "You're studying very, very, very hard. You finish your exams, you're free. This weekend, you're going to paint the town red, means you're going to have a party. You're going to have a very good time, you're going to spend all night partying, and clubs, and dancing, and people - do everything.

" Blue-collared worker/white-collared worker ".So, first of all, a collar, if you have a shirt with a tie let's say or no tie. If it's blue, means you're working in a factory or a garage; you're a mechanic or you're working in some skilled job. If you're a white-collared worker, if the colour of your collar is white, means you're working in an office, you're some kind of professional.

Now, if you're the type of person who " sees things in black and white " means you're very straightforward, very simple, very direct. Maybe a little bit lacking imagination, not necessarily. Things are black and white; there's no grey, there's no middle ground. It's like this or like that; no other way. Somebody comes across a problem and some people see things as possibilities. The guy with the rose-tinted glasses, he sees potential. The guy who sees things in black and white, he thinks: "I'm out of a job, I'm in trouble." He doesn't imagine beyond that.

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