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1 | a consultingroom | a | отделениенеотложнойпомощи |
2 | a nursery | b | психиатрическаябольница |
3 | a clinic | c | родильный зал |
4 | a surgery(Br.E.); a doctor’s office (Am.E.) | d | отделениереанимации |
5 | a ward /wɔː(r)d/, a sickroom | e | крупная больница, в которой есть стационар |
6 | a high dependency unit | f | палата, где лежат новорожденные |
7 | an asylum /əˈsaɪləm/, a psychiatric hospital | g | операционная |
8 | ICU (intensive care unit) | h | дом престарелых |
9 | a deliveryroom | i | общая комната отдыха в госпитале |
10 | a hospital | j | приемнаяврача |
11 | a dayroom | k | отделениеинтенсивнойтерапии |
12 | accident and emergency department, casualty (Br.E., A&E) ER (emergency room) (Am.E.) | l | небольшаяклиникабезстационара |
13 | an operating theatre/room; surgery | m | кабинет врача, в котором он осматривает |
14 | a care home | n | палата |
III. Запомните названия областей медицины и специальности врачей, заполнив пропуски нужными буквами:
otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology /ˌəʊ.təʊ.raɪ.nəʊ.lær.ɪŋˈɡɒl.ə.dʒi/ | an otolaryngologist |
c_ _ _ _ _logy | a c _ _ _ _ _logist |
dentist_y | a dentist |
de _ _atology | a de _ _atologist |
anesthesiology /æn.əsˌθiː.ziˈɒl.ə.dʒi/ | an anaesthesiologist, an anasthesiologist, an anesthesiologist /ˌæn.əsˌθiː.ziˈɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ |
e_ _ _crinology | an e _ _ _crinologist |
_as_ _ _enterology | a _as_ _ _enterologist |
_ _necology | a _ _necologist |
obstetrics /əbˈstetrɪks/ | an obstetrician /ˌɒb.stəˈtrɪʃ.ən/ |
p _ _ _ _trics | a p _ _ _ _trician |
_n _ _logy | an _n_ _logist |
ophthalmology /ˌɒf.θælˈmɒl.ə.dʒi/ | an ophthalmologist /ˌɒf.θælˈmɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ |
orthopedics/orthopaedics | an orthopedic /ˌɔr•θəˈpi•dɪks/surgeon |
surgery | a surgeon /ˈsɜː(r)dʒ(ə)n/ |
_r_logy | an_r_logist |
orthodontics /ˌɔː.θəˈdɒn.tɪks/ | an orthodont |
IV. Замените слова из текста синонимами (при необходимости меняя конструкцию предложений):
The first time you visit a new doctor, you should talk about your medical history - the illnesses you have had, any operations you have had and so on.
Your doctor might want to give you a check-up. A check-up will include monitoring your blood pressure, as high blood pressure is serious and can lead to life-threatening conditions. Your doctor will probably also take your pulse to check that your heart rate is normal. A doctor uses a stethoscope to listen to your breathing - particularly if you have a heart or chest infection, or a condition such as asthma.
Of course, you can also visit the doctor for a huge range of other reasons.Children need to have their injections and if you are going abroad on holiday, you might also need to have injections against infectious diseases.If you need medication, a doctor will write you a prescription.
You can get your prescription filled at a chemist. For more serious medical conditions, you can get a referral to a clinic or a hospital. You might need blood tests done, or an X-ray, or you might need to see a specialist.
V. Соединитесловоизпредложения-примера с его описанием:
1 | When she used the soap her skin came out in a rash. | a | an irritation or infection that makes the skin rise |
2 | I've got a terrible itch where the mosquito bit me. | b | when something sharp breaks your skin and you bleed |
3 | It's only a little bump - nothing serious | c | allergic reaction which makes your skin go red |
4 | After the wasp stung her, she had a swelling on her leg for days. | d | slight cut - not enough to bleed much |
5 | He cut himself badly on the bread knife. | e | dry skin that forms over a cut |
6 | She sprained her ankle when she slipped on the ice. | f | twist a part of your body |
7 | Don't pick at your scab - you might make it bleed. | g | when a part of your body makes you want to scratch it |
8 | When she was little, she was always grazing her knee. | h | when you hit yourself and get a slight swelling |
VI. Преобразуйте, если необходимо слова в скобках так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста:
Health has 1 (tradition) been defined as the freedom from disease.Disease is a 2(disorder) state of a tissue, organ, system or organism during which this part can’t function normally. In many cases, the terms disease, disorder, morbidity and illness are used interchangeably.
Humans have suffered from illnesses since they 3(one) appeared on the earth about 2,5 million years ago.In those times treatment was based largely on superstition and guesswork. Medicine has made tremendous progress in the last several hundred years. Today, it is possible to cure, control or prevent hundreds of diseases. Nowadays there are about sixty thousand diseases. It is quite clear that if we want to put an end to at least a small part of them it is necessary to organize a process of training doctors and pharmacists at a high level.These 4 (specialist) must have good knowledge in order to avoid mistakes in the process of diagnosing and treatment.
There are 5 (differ) types of diseases.Such as inherited, infectious, allergic, nutritional, toxicdiseases that make patients suffer.Diseases can strike almost any part of the body.Besides diseases can be 6(classify) as contagious and non-contagious, inherited and non-inherited, and as diseases, which have different causes, such as 7 (poison), or immunologic.Many diseases are tightly connected with our lifestyle or profession (e.g.illnesses caused by the lack of 8 (move) as most office workers have).
And of course we can also speak of illnesses, which occur chiefly in certain climates and 9 (geography) regions (e.g.tropical disease – malaria).
Each type of diseases should be treated by specially trained specialists.Medical specialists, psychologists, social workers help patients and their families cope with chronic, acute or terminal illnesses and handle problems that may stand in the way of recovery or rehabilitation.They also advise family caregivers, counsel patients, and help plan for their needs after discharge by arranging for at-home services – from meals-on-wheels to oxygen equipment.
But we can help our body to fight and prevent many diseases ourselves.Organism itself is a complicated machine and has barriers against infections.And as the best treatment is 10 (prevent) we should carefully look after ourselves, keep a healthy lifestyle.
VII. Подберите факты к каждому мифу:
История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...
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Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...
Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...
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