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XIV . Преобразуйте (если необходимо) слова в скобках так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста:

2022-10-29 98
XIV . Преобразуйте (если необходимо) слова в скобках так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Medical research has found that happiness has a strongly beneficial effect on health. The healing properties of 1(laugh) are such that humor is now being used alongside more 2(tradition) courses of 3(treat) in some hospitals. In a London children’shospital, for example, two clowns are provided for the 4(entertain) of patients. Doctors say that these clowns are 5(success) in making the children feel better.

It seems that when we laugh, there can be a 6(reduce) in blood pressure and the amount of 7(tense) in our muscles. Although it is 8(possible) to prove it at the moment, this may also mean that people who feel unhappy and who are, therefore, 9(likely) to laugh so much, suffer more often from physical 10(ill).


If you’re interested in getting fit, then what you need is a training programme. Although aimed at improving physical 1(fit), this programme can also be 2(design) in such a way that it helps in the 3(develop) of particular athletic skills. There’s a range of different 4(active) to choose from and growing amount of scientific 5(know) to explain the effects of each one.

When you begin training, it is important to start 6(gentle), rising the 7(intense) of the programme in a gradual way. Although it is important to work sufficiently hard to make an 8(impress) on your physical condition, the activities shouldn’t be 9(pain). It is 10(wise) to ignore warning symptoms such as sharp or persistent pain in particular muscles.


XV. Переведитетексти подготовьтесь к его аудиторному изложению:


1. Kip, nap,doze,forty winks,shut-eye and snooze are all expressions we use to describe that mysterious state, sleep. We all do it,we can’t get by without it and by the time we reach old age most of us have spent 20 years sleeping. Yet,nobody knows why we do it.

2. Most scientists reckon that by resting our bodies, we allow time for essential maintenance work to be done.Any damage can be put right more quickly if energy isn't being used up doing other things. Injured animals certainly spend more time asleep than usual while their wounds are healing. And quite a few illnesses make us feel drowsy so our body can get on with curing us.

3. Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals. These build up during the day, eventually reaching levels that make us tired. We can control the effects of these chemicals to some extent.Caffeine helps to keep us awake while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.

4. By using electrodes,scientists are able to study what goes on in people’s heads while they sleep.They have discovered that when we first drop off everything slows down. The heart beats more slowly and our breathing becomes shallow. After about 90 minutes our eyes start to twitch and we go into what is called REM sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement,and it’s a sign that we’ve started to dream. We all become irritable and depressed without it.We now know that dreaming can happen at any time during sleep.The only difference seems to be that it’s easier to remember dreams that happen during REM.Babies have a lot more REM activity than adults, but research shows that they dream less.The same may be true of animals.We know that they have REM activity but that doesn’t mean they dream.It also seems that dreaming is a skill that develops as you get older.

5. You have dreams every night,even if you don’t remember them.There are all sorts of theories about why we dream.One is that it gives the brain a chance to sort out the day’s activities, filling everything away in the right place. Another is that the brain gets bored while we’re asleep and organizes its own entertainment - a sort of late - night cinema!

6. A lot of people say they have to have eight hours` sleep every night while others seem to manage on a lot less. One thing’s for sure, we all need some sleep and going without it can have some very strange effects. An American disc-jockey,who stayed awake for 200 hours to raise money for charity,thought things were bursting into flames all around him after 120 hours without sleep.He survived the ordeal but was depressed for three months afterwards.

7. Humans are unusual in the way they sleep. Most animals have a sleep during the day and tests have shown that a siesta can be beneficial for us too. It’s even been recommended that airline pilots should have a nap during long flights so that they are more alert for the tricky business of landing.

Ø Choose the best answer:

The text is: -  a report

                  - an article

- a narrative

Ø Are these statements true or false? Justify

 1. Human beings can go without sleep.

2.Body chemicals that cause tiredness are not fully controllable.

3.The heart beats increase noticeably while sleeping.

4.During dreams,the brain is said to list the day’s events in a disorderly way.

Ø Answer the following questions:

1.When do wounded animals need much sleep?

2.How can scientists know about the brain’s reactions during sleep?

3.What happened to the American D.J?


Ø Complete these sentences:

1.According to scientists we start to dream ____.

2.Pilots on long distance flights would be more attentive to landing if ____.

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