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VI. Субъектная инфинитивная конструкция.

2022-10-27 73
VI. Субъектная инфинитивная конструкция. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Субъектная инфинитивная конструкция, иначе: Complex Subject или сложное подлежащее, представляет собой конструкцию, в которой инфинитив находится в предикативном отношении с существительным в общем падеже или личным местоимением.

Особенность этой конструкции заключается в том, что она не является отдельной частью целого предложения и не выполняет какой-либо отдельной функции в предложении. Один из компонентов конструкции (существительное или местоимение) является подлежащим всего предложения, а другой компонент конструкции выполняет функцию части составного глагольного сказуемого.

     My son is said to resemble me. - Говорят, что мой сын похож на меня.

Как правило, перевод предложений, содержащих субъектную инфинитивную конструкцию, начинают с той части предложения, которая не входит в конструкцию. В русском языке при переводе обычно используют неопределенно-личные предложения.


Употребление субъектной инфинитивной конструкции.

Субъектная инфинитивная конструкция употребляется со следующими группами глаголов в пассивном залоге:

1. глаголы чувственного восприятия

He was heard to leave for England -Слышали, что он уехал в Англию.

They were seen to play tennis. - Видели, как они играют в теннис.


а) если действие, выражаемое конструкцией, подразумевает под собой процесс, используется Participle I Indefinite Active.

They were seen crossing the street. - Видели, как он переходил улицу.

б) обратите внимание на то, что в предложениях с субъектной инфинитивной конструкцией после глаголов чувственного восприятия инфинитив следует употреблять с частицей "to".

2. с глаголами, обозначающими умственную деятельность

He was considered to be honest and kind. - Его считали честным и добрым.

This man is known to show promise. - Известно, что этот человек подает надежды.

3. глагол "to make" в значении "заставлять"

The child was made to go to bed. - Ребенка заставили лечь спать.

Примечание: обратите внимание, что в предложениях с субъектной инфинитивной конструкцией после глагола "to make" в значении "заставлять" инфинитив следует с частицей "to".

4. глаголы "to say" и "to report"

She is said to be a good mother. - Говорят, она хорошая мать.

He was reported to escape the danger.  - Сообщили, что он избежал опасности.


Субъектная инфинитивная конструкция употребляется после следующих выражений: to be likely (наверняка), to be sure, to be certain (бесспорно, несомненно). Выражения "to be likely" в отрицательной форме чаще всего переводяться на русский язык "вряд ли".

She is likely to pass the exam. - Она наверняка сдаст экзамен.

He is not likely to come to the party. - Он вряд ли придет на вечеринку.

She is sure to be a very talented person. - Она бесспорно талантливый человек.

Субъектная инфинитивная конструкция употребляется после следующих пар синонимов, стоящих в активном залоге: to appear (кажется, по-видимому), to happen - to chance (случайно), to prove - to turn out (оказывается).

They seemed / appeared to have known each other for ages. - Казалось, они давно знали друг друга.

We happened / chanced to see him only yesterday. - Мы только вчера случайно встретили его.

Her attempt to enter the University turned out / proved to be a failure. - Ее попытка поступить в университет оказалась неудачной.



I. Point out subjective infinitive constructions in the following sentences. Translate the sentence into Russian.

1. I don’t happen to find out the truth.

2. This play is sure to be interesting for you.

3. He is not likely to know anything about this case.

4. She was never seen to be so excited.

5. This person is known to be a good teacher and lecturer.

6. A new town is supposed to be built in this district.

7. They are believed to have already reached their place of destination.

8. He is not likely to be made to do anything if she doesn’t want to do it.

9. She was not expected to arrive so early.

10. Do you happen to know this man?

11. You don’t seem to like his offer.

12. We appeared to have met somewhere.

13. Now our investigations can be considered to be finished.

14. They turned out to be good friends.

15. This teacher is said to be working out a new method of teaching.

16. She is sure to pass her entrance exams successfully.

17. The experiment proved to be a failure.

18. He is sure to come.

19. This book seemed to be very interesting from the very beginning.


II. Paraphrase the following so as to use a subjective infinitive construction.

Model: Nobody ever saw him smile or look happy. -He was never seen to smile or look happy.

1. We know this writer to have been a very witty man.

2. My sister doesn’t allow me to touch her books.

3. People consider the rest at the seaside to be very healthful.

4. Nothing could make me change my mind.

5. Who do you suspect to have offered this plan?

6. Everybody heard him say that terrible story.

7. It is said that this book is popular with both old and young.

8. It seems that you don’t approve of the idea.

9. We are sure that everything will turn out all right.

10. It is likely there will be much snow this winter.

11. It is reported that the thunderstorm has caused much damage to the city.

12. It turned out that the language of the book was quite easy.

13. It so happened that I overhead their conversation.

14. We know you to have entered the University.

15. It is believed that the poem was written by an unknown writer.


III. Paraphrase the following with the help of the verb or expression in brackets so as to use a subjective infinitive construction.

Model: My fears were to be groundless (to prove) - My fears proved to be groundless.

1. This test was to be the final one (to suppose).

2. This part of the land was under the sea (to believe).

3. Hardly anybody noticed his departure (to appear).

4. She was to have come home before Christmas (to expect).

5. The truth will come out (to be sure).

6. I don’t think my words will please him (to be likely).

7. He is the best candidate to the post (to consider).

8. One could see that she was in a good frame of mind (to seem).

9. The negotiations are reaching a decisive stage (to say).

10. I would not have agreed to it but for the circumstances (to make).

11. The Crimea is visited by many tourists every summer (to know).

12. He didn’t have any money on him (to happen).


IV. Define the meaning of the verb and word groups with which subjective infinitive constructions are used.

1. This sportsman is certain to be the first at the competition.

2. He could be made to follow any advice easily enough.

3. Your health appears to be all right.

4. He was expected to leave for London soon.

5. She seemed to know all the novels by this writer.

6. The child was not allowed to leave the playing spot alone.

7. Perhaps he was made to remain silent.

8. They were seen to touch each other’s hands.

9. Your plan proved to be a success.

10. He is said to be a person of weak character.

11. She is not likely to believe you.

12. The remains of the tsar’s family were supposed to be buried in Peter-and-Paul’s Cathedral.

13. We happened to learn about his arrival.

14. The girl was heard to laugh heartily.

15. He is known to be a young man with great fortune.


V. Complete the following so as to use subjective infinitive constructions.

1. The weather appears...

2. Our friends are sure...

3. He was made...

4. This person is known...

5. Everything seemed...

6. They are supposed...

7. People are expected...

8. They are not likely...

9. The girl is said...

10. This boy is likely...


VI. Translate the following sentences into English using subjective infinitive construction.

1. Известно, что многие писатели пишут свои произведения под псевдонимом.

2. Сообщалось, что погода изменится в ближайшее время.

3. Его статья оказалась такой интересной, что привлекла внимание широкого круга читателей.

4. Одно время об этом случае очень много говорили, а затем, казалось, совершено забыли.

5. Мой попутчик оказался очень интересным собеседником.

6. Эти картины будут обязательно выставлены на ближайшей выставке.

7. Предполагают, что второй роман этого писателя будет интереснее первого.

8. Ожидают, что фестиваль будет успешным.

9. Полагали, что концерт был отменен из-за болезни солиста.

10. Никто не слышал, чтобы они когда-нибудь сорились.

11. Казалось, никто не заметил его отсутствия.

12. Я был случайным свидетелем этой сцены.

13. О твоем поступке, безусловно, все узнают.

14. Многие считали моего друга незаурядным человеком.

15. Было видно, как крупные хлопья снега покрывали землю белым ковром.

16. Его заставили явиться в суд и дать показания.

17. Вряд ли он согласиться помочь вам.

18. Она, казалось, уже совершено забыла его.


VII. Point out and define the type of infinitive constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I just don’t seem to care about it.

2. When do you expect the translation to be finished?

3. Who you consider to be the most outstanding artist?

4. She seemed to look at him from many miles away.

5. A young man was reported to be a flop.

6. I watched the engine come nearer.

7. His remark made everybody feel uneasy.

8. The lady turned out to be a very nice person.

9. One could hardly believe him to be 80 years old. He looked much younger.

10. They appeared to be wealthy people.

11. The girl was talking and talking but he didn’t seem to hear her.

12. They were supposed to wait until he let them enter the room.

13. She couldn’t make herself forget about him.

14. I only want it to be as soon as possible.

15. He was seen to kiss her.


VIII. Insert the particle “to” where required in the following sentences with objective and subjective infinitive constructions. Explain your choice.

1. She heard the front-door bell... ring once or twice.

2. I want you... go away as soon as possible.

3. He was made... follow her orders.

4. This dog seems prefer playing with little children.

5. We like to watch the sun... sink from the glistening sky.

6. He was heard... win the Hobal prize.

7. What makes you... believe this man?

8. The ship was seen... disappear somewhere in the horizon.

9. She has made him... play according to her rules.

10. I heard somebody... mention my name.

11. He appeared... know everything about our plan.

12. He is supposed... known more than he has said.


IX. Complete the following so as to use objective or subjective infinitive constructions.

1. He appeared...

2. Do you expect me...

3. She was supposed...

4.  I don’t want him...

5. I made her...

6. The students are expected...

7. He saw her...

8. He would permit me...

9. Many famous people are believed...

10. They seemed...

11. I hear her...


X. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use subordinate clauses instead of the objective and subjective infinitive constructions.

1. You seem to forget my offer.

2. Everybody thought this man to be happy.

3. I supposed my brother to have done it.

4. It was supposed to be the only chance left.

5. She expected him to ask her to dinner.

6. This man was seen to enter the house.

7. It appeared to be my fault.

8. I’m sure you don’t want him to accept this invitation.

9. When we came back I made her explain me everything.

10. He is said to be a good fellow.

11. I saw them quarrel.

12. She is considered to know a lot of poetry by heart.


XI. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use subjective and objective infinitive constructions instead of subordinate clauses.

1. We thought that we were lucky.

2. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for health.

3. He found that he was thirsty.

4. I felt that it was true.

5. It is expected that they would like the performance.

6. It appeared that he was loosing patience.

7. He has surely noticed your mistakes.

8. Do you think it is useless to wait any longer?

9. Father likes it when his tea is strong.

10. I am certain this treatment will help you a lot.

11. It is likely there will be much snow this winter.


XII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using objective and subjective infinitive constructions.

1. Было слышно, как в саду щебечут птицы.

2. Вполне вероятно, что по характеру она похожа на своего отца.

3. Я хочу, чтобы мы все были друзьями.

4. Если он займется наукой, то, наверняка, станет хорошим ученым.

5. Мы много раз слышали, как он рассказывал эту историю.

6. Я вижу, вы меня понимаете и не сердитесь на меня.

7. Если ты случайно встретишь его, пригласи его к нам в гости.

8. Долгое время произведения подобного плана считались запрещенными.

9. Он слышал, как она плакала в соседней комнате.

10. Надеюсь, я не заставил вас долго ждать.

11. Она не любит, когда ей задают вопросы.

12. У нас оказалось много общих знакомых.

13. Полагают, что это открытие произведет фурор в мире науки.

14. Как известно, многие талантливые люди несчастны в личной жизни.

15. Она не заметила ни как я вошел, ни как я вышел.

16. Я слышал, что они переехали в другой город.

17. Он обязательно придет.


XIII. Read the text.

a) find the sentences with objective and subjective infinitive constructions. Translate them into Russian.

b) find the sentences with the infinitive and define the functions of the infinitives.

c) translate the whole text into Russian

d) retell the text so as to use as many objective and subjective infinitive constructions as possible.


The picture of Dorian Gray

(by Oscar Wild)

An Extract

Campbell took a chair by the table, and Dorian sat opposite to him. The two men’s eyes met. In Dorian’s there was indefinite pity. He knew that what he was going to do was dreadful.

After a strained moment of silence, he leaned across and said, very quietly, but watching the effect of each word upon the face of him he had sent for, “Alan, in a locked room at the top of this house, a room to which nobody but myself has access, a dead man is seated at a table. He has been dead ten hours now. Don’t stir, and don’t look at me like that. Who the man is, why he died, how he died, are matters that do not concern you. What you to do is this---”

“Stop, Gray. I don’t want to know anything further. Whether what you have told me is true or not true, doesn’t concern me. I entirely decline to be mixed up in your life. Keep your horrible secrets to yourself. They don’t interest me any more.”

"Alan, they will have to interest you. This one will have to interest you. I' a awfully sorry for you, Alan. But I can't help myself. You are the one man who is able to save me. I am forced to bring you into the matter. T have no opinion. Alan, you are scientific. You know about chemistry, and things of that kind. You have made experiments. What you have got to do is to destroy the thing that is upstairs - to destroy it so that not a vestige of it will be left. Nobody saw this person come into the house. Indeed, at the present moment he is supposed to be in Paris. He will not be missed for months. When he is missed, there must be no trace of him found here. You, Alan, you must change him, and everything that belongs to him, into a handful of ashes that I may scatter in the air.



 VII. Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for”.

(For-to-Infinitive Construction)


Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for” представляет собой конструкцию, в которой инфинитив состоит в предикативных отношениях с существительным или местоимением, которым предшествует предлог “for”.

На русский язык данная конструкция переводится либо придаточным предложением, либо инфинитивом.

It’s hard for me to understand you. - Мне трудно понять вас.

“I was waiting for you to call me Dorian ” (O. Wild). - Я ожидал, что вы назовете меня Дорианом.

Инфинитивная конструкция с предлогом “for” может выполнять в предложении различные функции.

1. Подлежащeе (часто с формальным подлежащими “it”)

I think it is a shame for people to betray each other. - Я думаю, что стыдно людям предавать друг друга.

For me to help you would be a great pleasure. - Помочь вам доставило бы мне большое удовольствие.

2. Предикативный член

That was for you to write her a letter. - Написать ей письмо должен был ты.

3. Сложное дополнение

She was anxious for him to be gone. - Она хотела, чтобы он ушел.

He asked for the tea to be brought into the parlour. - Он попросил, чтобы чай подали в гостиную.

4. Определение

The best thing for you to do is to hide somewhere. - Самое лучшее, что ты можешь сделать, - спрятаться где-нибудь.

There’s nobody here for him to speak with. - Здесь нет никого, с кем бы он мог поговорить.

5. Обстоятельство

а) цели

He interrupted his story for me to express my opinion. - Он прервал рассказ, чтобы я мог высказать свое мнение.

б) следствия

The teacher spoke loud enough for all the students to hear him. - Учитель говорил достаточно громко, чтобы все студенты могли его услышать.

The desire to see you again was too great for me to resist. - Желание вновь увидеть тебя было так велико, что я не мог ему сопротивляться.



I. Find the For-to-Infinitive constructions in the following sentences. Define the functions of the constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The boss ordered for him to come in.

2. It was easy for her to enter the University.

3. Do you want something for Jack Frost to gift you?

4. What I want is for you to understand my idea.

5. There is no need for us to stay here any longer..

6. Send a telegram for us to be met by anyone.

7. He waited at the receiver for her to answer his call.

8. It is impossible for him not to believe you.

9. The weather was too bad for us to go to the country.

10. The offer was not good enough for us to accept it.

11. She has a very good memory. You have to recite a poem only once for her to keep it in mind.

12. It’s high time for you to brush up upon your knowledge.

13. That is for me to choose.

14. My parents are anxious for me to find a good job.

II. Construct For-to-Infinitive constructions using words in brackets in the appropriate form.Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The simplest thing is for (he, to come and see) everything for himself.

2. Don’t you find it odd for (she, to keep) it a secret so long?

3. It is not necessary for (I, to explain) that we are sisters.

4. The text was easy enough for (we, to read) it without a dictionary.

5. I waited for some time for (he, to speak).

6. The foreigner was speaking too fast for (I, to understand) him.

7. Are you ready for (I, to marry) you?

8. It would be nice for (she, to come back) home after such a long trip.

9. He had a very nice house for (she, to live in).

10. She was impatient for (he, to tell)her the whole story.


III. Complete the following sentences so as to use For-to-Infinitive constructions.

1. The best thing for you...

2. I am very anxious for..

3. It is advisable for..

4. There is no need..

5. The idea was not clear enough for...

6. It’s time for me..

7. He expressed his wish for...

8. Do you find it possible for..

9. His suggestion was for...

10. We waited for..


IV. Respond to the following questions using For-to-Infinitive constructions.

Model: Whom is she waited for? - She is waited for her parents to arrive.

1. Why is it so necessary for you to go there?

2. Why is it so important for me to study languages?

3. Who told you to wait for us to come?

4. Why do you think it’ll be better for her to go to the seaside?

5. When is it time for me to call you?

6. Why is it time for you to trust this man?

7. Wouldn’t it be better for us to learn more about each other?

8. Why is it impossible for you to attend all the classes?

9. What does she seem to be waiting for?

10. Would it be pleasant for you to accompany me?


V. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use For-to-Infinitive constructions instead of the subordinate clauses.

Model: It is quite natural that he should act like this. - It’s quite natural for him to act like this.

1. It’s impossible that he should be such a lier.

2. The main thing is that we should work together.

3. Let us wait till they arrive.

4. This is a lesson which you shall remember for the rest of your life.

5. He is just the man whom you should trust.

6. I shall leave the book that you may read it.

7. The ice has become too thin, so the boys can’t go skating.

8. That a man of his age should be so active and full of vitality is something extraordinary.

9. This artist must be very talented since the museums have bought some of his paintings.

10. Why be so anxious that he should come to your party?


VI. Translate the following sentences into Russian using For-to-Infinitive constructions.

1. Она ждет, что ее дочка придет из школы.

2. Он уже согласился, и теперь было уже поздно менять решение.

3. Он отошел в сторону, чтобы я могла пройти.

4. Мне трудно понять твои поступки.

5. Матери очень хотелось, чтобы ее сыну удалось все, что он пожелает.

6. Ты должен был разобраться в этой истории.

7. Ее взгляд был достаточно выразительным, чтобы я разгадал ее намерения.

8. Она протянула мне руку, чтобы я мог помочь ей.

9. Есть кое-что, что вы могли бы сделать.

10. У нее много интересных идей, которые мы могли бы обсудить.


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