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Answer these multiple-choice questions about science and technology.

2021-12-11 1147
Answer these multiple-choice questions about science and technology. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. When does a theory become a part of scientific knowledge?

A. After experiments. В. After tests.

с. After it has been tested experimentally and proved to be true.

2. What do scientific theories consist of?

A. Different technologies. В. Observations and facts.

с. General principles and laws.

3. Why have many new fields of science appeared?

A. Because scientific knowledge has grown and become more complicated.

В. Because sciences influence our lives. с. Because it proved to be true.

4. When did industrial technology begin?

A. With the development of the radio.

В. With the development of the computer.

с. With the development of the steam engine.

5. Where are IBMCʼs headquarters?

A. In Washington. В. In Las Vegas. с. In New york.

UNIt 8


Theme:   Arts

Texts:     1. Theatre

2. Music

Dialogues: 1. About Painting

2. Film Industry

Grammar Structures:

Subjunctive Mood. Conditional Clauses (сослагательное наклонение. Условные придаточные предложения)

  Test 8                                                                                          

EXErCISE 1. a) read, translate and study the use of the new words to read and discuss the texts and dialogues:

1) a stage, to stage. Performances are staged at the theatre;

2) a script. Theatre includes everything that is involved in produc- tion, such as the script, the stage, the performing company and the audience;

3) a playwright. The theatre specialists include a playwright, per- formers, a director, a scene designer, a costumier, a lighting de- signer and various technicians;

4) make-up. A director of the theatre integrates all aspects of pro- duction including scenery, costumes, make-up, lighting, sound effects, music and dancing;

5) a puppet, a puppet theatre. There are different kinds of theatres, such as drama theatres, musical theatres, puppet theatres, opera and ballet houses;

6) as soon as. People probably started singing as soon as language developed;

7) activities, social activities. People use music in personal and social activities;

8) to create. A famous playwright has created this play;

9) an awe, to awe. People use music in religious services to create a state of mystery and awe;

10) painting, to paint. I enjoy painting for many reasons;

11) to arrange. I like the way different artists arrange the paint on the surface;


12) fear, grief. The artists express some human emotions, such as fear, grief, happiness or love;

13) to reveal. The pictures reveal different human emotions;

14) justice. It is interesting to know what the artists felt about impor- tant events, including death, love, religion and social justice;

15) the plot. Do you remember the plot of this novel?

16) film. He tried to load the film into the camera;

17) an award. This film won several awards;

18) mood. Music helps set mood.

b) Watch out!

as soon as  

People probably started singing as soon as language developed. He got married as soon as he left university.

EXE r CISE 2. a) read the words following the rules of reading. Pronounce correctly. Practise aloud:

[e] s e nse, e ff ect, succ e ssful, ev e nt, r e pertory, orch e stral; [æ] tr a gedy, a spect, b a llet, the a trical, l a nguage, j a zz, b a nd; [ɑ:] dr a ma, a rt, a rtist, st a rt;

[ʌ] p u ppet, j u stice, c u lture, prod u ction, c o me, c o mpany, l o ve; [ɔ:] perf o rmance, aw e, aw a rd, au dience;

[ɒ] pl o t, c o medy, c o mplex, c o stume, o pera, chore o grapher; [u:] s oo n, cost u mier, incl u de, m oo d;

[i:] gr ie f, rev ea l;

[ɪ] script, activity, film, musician, religious, s y stem; [ɜ:] w or d, w or ld, ref er;

[eɪ] st a ge, pl a ywright, m a ke-up, cre a te, p a inting, arr a nge, a ncient; [еǝ] v a rious;

[aʊ]s ou nd, h ou se, ar ou nd;

[əʊ] th ou gh, em o tion, comp o ser; [ɪǝ] th ea tre, f ea r, exp e rience;

[aɪ] kind, designer, lighting, exciting; [аɪǝ] requ ire, ch oir.

b) look at the following pairs of words and think if the underlined letters are pronounced in the same way, or if they are pronounced differently:

tr a gedy — a rt, b a llet — a we, pl o t — o pera, rev ea l — f ea r, ev e nt — ex- p e rience, designer — religious, w or d — perf or mance, v a rious — a rtist, or-


ch e stral — ref e r, s ou nd — ar ou nd, kind — exciting, m a ke-up — arr a nge, s oo n — m oo d, c o stume — c o stumier.

EXErCISE 3. a) read the international words, mind the stress:

′theatre, pro′duction, ′company, ′human, ′culture, ′drama, ′literary, form, ′tragedy, melo′drama, ′comedy, ′complex, ′specialist, di′rector, de′signer, cos′tumier, com′poser, mu′sician, chore′ographer, ′integrate,

′aspect, ′costume, ef′fect, ′music, ′opera, ′ballet, ′centre, ′repertory, ′sys- tem, ′regular, pro′fessional, start, re′ligious, ′ceremony, ′classical, ′sym- phony, jazz, com′bine, film, ′personal, ′social, ′distance, ′instrument, e′motions, ′absolutely,  infor′mation, ′history, ′period, ′interest, style,

′visit, ′gallery, ′journalist, ′million, ′actress, ro′mantic.

b) find the English eguivalents for the following words and arrange them in pairs:

For example: human — человеческий

эмоции, интерес, абсолютно, период, информация, история, начинать (стартовать), профессиональный, церемония, класси- ческий, симфония, религиозный, стиль, романтический, посе- щать (наносить визит), галерея, актриса, журналист, миллион, театр, драматургия, культура, производство, компания, джаз, ин- струмент, расстояние (дистанция), общественный (социальный), сочетать (комбинировать), фильм, личный (персональный), хо- реограф, объединять (интегрировать), музыка, эффект, костюм, аспект, сложный (комплексный), комедия, трагедия, форма, ли- тературный, мелодрама, регулярный, опера, система, репертуар, балет, центр, музыкант, специалист, композитор, костюмер, ди- зайн, директор.

EXErCISE 4. a) translate, analyse the words with different suffixes and divide the following words into the three groups: nouns, adjectives and adverbs:

performance, production, audience, addition, human, culture, an- cient, frequently, interchangeably, different, serious, artist, creation, spe- cialist, performer, director, designer, costumier, composer, choreogra- pher, creator, musical, successful, theatrical, experience, royal, national, professional, probably, language, religious, classical, orchestral, dancer, important, personal, social, distance, satisfaction, enjoyable, emotion, happiness, absolutely, pleasure, information, picture, producer, journal- ist, famous, beautiful, direction, motion.


b) Make up as many words as you can by combining different parts of the words:

inter-  perform  -ance

change   -er

differ     -ent

art         -ist

creat(e)  -ion

design    -or

music     -al

success   -ful

nation    -able person

enjoy journal

c) the words in capital at the end of each of the following sentences should be changed to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. These words are used... CHANGE.

2. This... was a success PERFORM.

3. Theatre involves different kinds of... ART.

4. Margaret Mitchell is a... from Atlanta JOURNAL.

5. This actress was very... in her career SUCCESS.

EXErCISE 5. a) try to match up the adjectives in column A with the nouns in column В to form meaningful phrases:

А                    В

1) Greek           a) theatre

2) ancient         b) sense

3) literary         c) event

4) broad           d) service

5) human          e) cultural

6) classical        f) times

7) religious       g) part

8) theatrical      h) centre

9) major           i) music

10) musical        j) word

b) Decide which of the verbs on the left collocate with the nouns on the right:

to refer to...    a role

to need...        people



to integrate...  the space

to include...    a choreographer to visit... aspects

to use...          emotions

to play...        a theatre

to provide...   the paint

to arrange...    scenery

to express...    music


EXErCISE 6. a) translate the following word combinations. Pay attention to the prepositions.

Comes from a Greek word, a place for seeing, in this sense, refers to the space, in a broad sense, in production, in addition, a part of hu- man culture, in ancient times, forms of drama, for its creation, a director of the theatre, all aspects of production, different kinds of theatres, a lot of theatres, around the world, in Russia, one of the oldest arts, in reli- gious ceremonies, dates from about 2500 ВC, in other arts, other forms of dancing, in all cultures, in ceremonies, in work, a state of mystery, a feel- ing of distance from the daily world, for their own satisfaction, in a choir, in a band, provides with, for many reasons, first of all, on the surface, interested in some paintings, at work, at rest, a source of pleasure, about important events, agree with you, about the history, during which, about the customs, the people of past societies, for me, with you, based on the novel, written by a journalist, gone with the wind, search for two years, for the best actress of the year.

b) fill in the gaps with the proper prepositions.

... more traditional sense, theatre is an art form... which a script is acted out... performers. The performers, usually... the assistance... a di- rector, interpret the characters and situations created... a playwright. The performance takes place... an audience... a space designed... the pur- pose.


EXErCISE 7. Divide the following words into three groups which describe:

a) theatre, b) music, c) painting:

theatre, music, painting, a musician, drama, tragedy, a playwright, a band, costumes, symphony, to sing, theatrical, jazz, popular, the paint, colours, a performance, to be staged, the script, comedy.


EXErCISE 8. a) Decide which word is the odd one out in each of the fol- lowing groups of words:

1) theatre, music, painting, telephone;

2) classical, theatrical, rock, orchestral;

3) the Egyptians, the Chinese, India, the Babylonians;

4) circus, symphonies, operas, ballets;

5) the script, the audience, the stage, activities.

b) find the names for the groups of words. fill in each of the spaces:

1) theatre, music, painting —...;

2) tragedies, melodrama, comedy —...;

3) a playwright, a scene designer, a costumier —...;

4) costumes, make-up, lighting —...;

5) drama, musical, puppet —....

EXErCISE 9. a) translate the following definitions of the words.

1. A stage is the raised floor on which plays are performed in a theatre.

2. A script is a written form of a play.

3. A playwright is a writer of plays.

4. A puppet is a toy like figure of a person or animal that is made to move by someone pulling wires or strings at a theatre perfor- mance.

5. A plot is the set of connected events on which a story, play, film is based.

b) the following words also appear in the texts and dialogues. Match each one with its correct definition:

awe, mood, fear, an award, make-up

1) powder, paint on the face for improving one’s appearance;

2) a feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder;

3) a prize or money, given as the result of an official decision;

4) a state of the feeling at a particular time;

5) an unpleasant and usually strong feeling caused by the presence or expectation of danger.

EXErCISE 10. a) Study the use of the Subjunctive Mood, the Conditional Clauses.

1. В простых предложениях:

It would be interesting to read this book. (Было бы интересно прочитать эту книгу.)



Without the Sun there would be no light and no heat. (Без солнца не было бы ни света, ни тепла.)

2. В сложных предложениях:

It is necessary that he should (would) visit this picture gallery. (необходимо, чтобы он посетил эту картинную галерею.)

It is desirable that he take part in this performance. (желательно, чтобы он принял участие в этом представлении.)

не recommended that you should read this book. (он пореко- мендовал, чтобы вы прочитали эту книгу.)

They wish you were there. (они хотели, чтобы вы были там.) не bought a CD player, so that you might listen to these songs. (он купил плеер, чтобы вы могли слушать эти песни.)

If I had time, I could visit this performance. (Если бы у меня было время, я бы смог посетить это представление.)

If I had had time last week, I could have visited this performance. (Если бы у меня было время на прошлой неделе, я бы смог посетить это представление.)

If I were you, I should tell him everything. (Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы сказал ему все.)

b) read  the  sentences,  point  out  the  Subjunctive  Mood,  translate  into russian.

1. I wish I knew them. 2. If he phoned me, I would tell him about it.

3. If you had told me about it yesterday, I would not have done it. 4. I wish it was not raining now. 5. It would be useful to read this book. 6. He sug- gested that we should go to the theatre. 7. He demanded that this problem be discussed by them. 8. It is important that you should read this article.

9. We study the grammar rules so that we might translate the sentences better. 10. It would be desirable to listen to this music.

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