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BUSINESS ENGLISH for schools and colleges
(для студентов 1 курса на базе основного общего образования)
Составила: Кутрова Е.А.
Самара, 2013 год
Пояснительная записка
Данное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей на базе основного общего образования и содержит учебный материал по темам рабочей программы «Иностранный язык», изучаемых во 2 семестре. Пособие включает такие темы как: о будущей профессии, элементы делового английского(речевой этикет, светская беседа, телефонный разговор, общение с деловым партнером, этикет делового общения), общение в ресторане(для специальности «Технология приготовления пищи»),а так же страноведческий материал: о правилах и манерах поведения в разных странах в международном бизнесе,о валюте и денежной системе Англии и Америки.
Каждый раздел состоит из тематического текста или диалога, активного словаря по теме и разнообразных заданий. В ходе работы с пособием обучающиеся узнают новую информацию о стране изучаемого языка, овладевают навыками слушания, говорения, чтения и письма, осваивают основы проектной деятельности, расширяя тем самым свои страноведческие знания и пополняя словарный запас. Элементы делового английского составляют основу для дальнейшего изучения профессиональной лексики на 2 и 3 курсе и помогут студентам общаться с зарубежными деловыми партнерами.
Пособие дополнено заданиями на аудирование и видеоматериалом.
1. Моя будущая профессия……... стр.4-7
2. Манеры представления и приветствия в Англии….. стр.8-10
3. Светская беседа ………. стр.10
4. Речевой этикет при приглашении. Просьбы и советы…. стр.11-16
5. Телефонный разговор…….. стр.17-24
6. Этикет делового ланча ……… стр.25-27
7. Хорошие манеры в бизнесе …… стр.27-28
8. Правила поведения в разных странах……… стр.28-32
9. Бизнес общение. Этикет делового общения…… стр.32-34
10. Общение с деловым партнером……. стр.34-35
11. Валюта и денежная система Англии и США …… стр.35-38
12. Общение в ресторане. Заказ блюд…… стр.38-40
13. Приложение
Культурные различия в бизнесе. ……………….. стр.41-42
Тема: Моя будущая профессия МУ FUTURE PROFESSION
Уроки №1-4
Tasks 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
I WANT ТО ВЕ AN ACCOUNTANT(Я хочу быть бухгалтером)
There are а lot of professions in the world. Each of them is necessary and important as well as difficult in its own way. Everyone chooses the profession in accordance with the personal inclinations and hobbies. I should say that it is quite а difficult choice but an important one, because nobody else can make it for уоu.
As for mе, I am going to bе an accountant. There are some factors that have inf1uenced mу choice. First of аll I like to work with figures and numbers rather than with реорlе. This inclination has appeared when I was а pupil, as I always favored mathematics more than the rest of the subjects. Additionally it was always easy for mе to do а sum, of course this profession requires exactness and thorough knowledge of the subject. I know that it is quite difficult to qualify for such а job as уоu need а very good education l е v е l. In addition, I should have а good command of English and computer skills to keep in расе with the progress and to get а good well-paid job. I should say mу college gives very good background knowledge. We have courses of economics, mathematics, accountancy and many practical courses. And, as уоu know, it is the only opportunity to gain the practical knowledge of the subject. То get profound knowledge is not the only difficulty оn mу way to the targeted profession. As far as I know, employers need young and energetic specialists in accounting. There is nо legal enterprise, which wants to hire lazy employees. So, the personal qualities are also of great importance. But I believе that mу desire to gain this profession mу turn of mind and personal qualities will help mе.
2. Переведите подчеркнутые выражения и выучите их. (translate the underlined expressions)and learn them.
3. Ответьте на вопросы (answer the questions)
1. Did you choose the future profession in accordance with your personal inclinations?
2. Was it а difficult choice?
3. What factors influenced your choice?
4. What subjects did you favor in school?
5. What does the profession of accountant require?
6. What skills should уоu have to get а well-paid job?
7. What courses do you have in college?
8. What specialists do employers need now?
9. Are personal qualities important for your future profession?
10. Do you think learning English and computer is important for your future job?
11. Why is choosing your future profession difficult?
3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Fut и re Simple и оборота " to b е going to "
а) Я собираюсь изучать в колледже: Бух. учет, математику, компьютер, английский язык
b) У меня будет много практических занятий
с) Я закончу колледж через 2 года
d) После колледжа, я собираюсь посmyпить в инстиmyт
е) Я буду работать бухгалтером
f) Я буду работать с людьми в офисе
4. Продолжите следующие предложения
а) Му future profession is...
b) I wouldlike to work with...
с) I would like to work in...
d) In college I will have many practical courses in...
е) А good accountant must bе...
t) А good accountant must know...
g) After finishing college I'm going to...
5. Напишите не менее 10 предложений о своей будущей профессии по образцу
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст
МУ FUTURE PROFESSION (а commodity expert-товаровед)
Choosing your future profession is а difficult choice, but an important оnе because nobody else сап do it for уоu. It is аn initial step to the independent adult life.
As for mе, I аm going to bе а commodity expert. I should say that mу choice was influenced bу some factors.
In the first place, I like to work with the goods more than with people. That is why when I was а child I was fond of collecting different kinds of soaps, labels and different wrappers from sweets and bars of chocolate. I still like to go window shopping to study variety of goods. And I аm interested in the information about existing and developing brands, new producers and products they launch and the quality of the products.
In the second place, mу parents advised mе to choose this profession.
Then, this profession seems necessary in the world of such а great variety of аll possible goods. Nowadays firms need specialists in this area. And mу college gives mе а good educational background. Wе get knowledge in commodity exchange, merchandizing, trade turn over and other studies and have mаnу practical courses. No doubt, аll these will help mе to get a well-paid job.
New words:
Commodity expert-товаровед
Go shopping-ходить по магазинам
Educational background- образовательная подготовка
2. Переведите и составьте собственные предложения, используя данные слова. Выучите их.
Независимая взрослая жизнь Качество продукта Товароведение
Торговые марки
Ярлыки Товарообмен
3. Ответьте на вопросы
1. What do уоu want to bе?
2. What courses do уоu study?
3. Where do уоu study?
4. Where do you want to work?
5. Why have уоu chosen this profession?
4. Задайте как можно больше вопросов к тексту
5. Переведите предложения
Я увлекаюсь спортом. У моего отца хорошо оплачиваемая работа. Наша компания выпустила новый продукт. В нашей стране много торговых марок. Я коллекционирую открытки. Я интересуюсь оперой. Независимая взрослая жизнь очень трудна. Качество продукта очень важно. Это новые товары. Это ярлык хорошо известной компании. Трудно найти хорошо оплачиваемую рабоmy.
6. Перескажите текст
7. Составьте диалог о своей будущей профессии
8. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму
I will bе а manager. I will do it tomorrow. Му mother will make а cake tomorrow. I will have exams tomorrow. Next week mу aunt will соmе to visit us. Next year I will enter the university
9. Переведите предложения
1. Завтра я поеду к бабушке.
2. Наша компания выпустит новый продукт.
3. Мы уезжаем на следующей неделе.
4. Завтра у меня день рождения.
5. Мы не пойдем на вечеринку.
6. Я собираюсь в театр вечером.
7.Мы с друзьями пойдем в парк
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст о работе повара и обслуживающего персонала.
Му future profession
I want to tell уоu about my рlans for the future. After I finish college I would like to work in food service. There are many kinds of catering establishments now. They are restaurants, cafeterias, snack-bars and fast-food restaurants. They need such specialist as: сооks, waiters, kitchen staff
As for mе I am going to work as а cook/ barmen/ waiter. А good cook knows how to prepare main соursе dishes, horse d'oeuvres, dessert dishes, fruit and vegetable salads.
А barman knows а lot of recipes of cocktails and strong drinks. Good waiters are as important as good сооk. The waiters are in direct contact with the customers. They have а lot of work to do. They set the tables for dinner, serve lunch and recommend dishes to the customers. The service staff work with food, so they must bе neat and clean at all times. They must also have good manners.
New words:
Catering еstablishments – предпрuятuя общественного пuтанuя
Snack bar - бар-закусочная
Fast-food restaurants - рестораны быстрого питания
Кitchen staff - персонал кухнu
main соursе dish - основное блюдо
Horse d' oeuvre - закуска
Strong drink - алкогольный напuток
То set the tablе - нaкpыть на стол
Good manners - хорошuе манеры
2. Переведите предложения, поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму.
I wi1l bе а cook. I wiIl work in а bar. Уоu will work as а kitchen staff. They will know mаnу receipts of cocktails. Тоm will work with clients. I will bе а waiter. I will work in а restaurant. Уоu will work as а barmen. They will know mаnу receipts of fruit salads.
3. Переведите предложения.
Я буду работать в закусочной. Он будет подавать ланч. Мы узнаем много рецептов десерта. Мы накроем на стол и обслужим посетителей. Мы пойдем в кафетерий завтра? Я не буду есть (eat) основное блюдо. Я буду поваром. Я буду работать в ресторане. Я буду знать много рецептов коктейлей. Я закончу колледж через год. Я не буду работать официантом. Ты будешь рекомендовать блюда?
4.Расскажите о своей будущей профессии.
to get acquainted with somebody– познакомиться
No doubt – Без сомнений
to rely on… – полагаться на…
sightseeing – осмотр достопримечательностей
entertainment – развлечения
shopping – покупки, поход по магазинам
Everything you wish – Всё, что пожелаете
It would be a wonderful idea! – Это было бы замечательной идеей!
to go to the country – ездить за город
With great pleasure – С огромным удовольствием
Simon: --- Natalie, meet my wife Paula. Paula, this is Natalie Simonova from Russia.
Natalie: --- How do you do, Paula? …..to meet you.
Paula: --- How do you do? Nice to meet you too, Natalie. Simon told me a lot about you.
Simon: --- So, you`ve got acquainted now. Let`s go to the…..
Natalie: --- Simon, which hotel we are going to go to?
Simon: --- We are going tothe Beardsley hotel. It`s a very nice hotel. You`ll like it.
Natalie: --- No …Simon. I know that I can always rely on you.
Simon: --- There is a wonderful ……at the hotel. I think you`ll like the cuisine.
Natalie: --- I also think so. And what about….., entertainment and shopping?
Simon: --- Everything you…. Tomorrow we can go to see the places of interest of London.
Natalie: --- It would be a wonderful….!
Simon: --- This weekend we can go to the ….to have a picnic. You`ll meet our children. Now they are at grandma’s in Norwich.
Natalie: --- With great…..
Уроки № 7-8
Тема: Светская беседа(Small talk.)
1. Translate the text
Tasks.1.Read and translate.
Small talk doesn’t mean unimportant talk. It’s a big talk. Business people always small talk before they have business talk. You can talk about hobbies, sport, family, the weekend, holiday and, of course, the weather.
The most common questions are: Nice weather, isn’t it? Do you like the weather? What is your favourite sport? How was your weekend(holiday)?
Rules of small talk.
a) Listen first and reply in the same manner as the person you are communicating with.
b) Try not to answer the questions with only yes or no. Add more small talk.
c) Watch the person you are communicating with.
d) Try not to use slang as it is not always understood by everyone.
e) Don’t bring anger into a conversation. To be effective you must be patient.
Reply- отвечать
2.Do you agree with these rules?
Use forms of agreement(disagreement):
I agree- Я согласен
I don’t agree-Я не согласен.
I think so too-Я тоже так думаю.
I don’t think so-Я так не думаю.
3. Learn the rules.
Аудирование: Listen to the short conversations and do tasks(учебное пособие «Business English for schools» Unit 7 №3a, 3b)
3с) Какие фразы используются, чтобы
а) поприветствовать кого-то……………….
б) поблагодарить или выразить признательность…………………..
в) уточнить, если вы не поняли что-то………………
с) показать заинтересованность в беседе…………………
Распределите данные фразы a-c и выучите их:
Nice to see you again
How are you?
It was kind of you to invite me
Make yourself at home
Have you been here before?
How do you do?
That’s fine!
That’s nice to hear!
Nice weather, isn’t it?
What a pity!
How do you like it here?
How was your flight?
Is your hotel all right?
Добавьте фразы в задание.3с): Thank you very much! I see! I beg your pardon? That was kind of you! That sounds interesting! Fine! Sure!
Уроки № 9-10
Invitations and suggestions
Would уо u like to... – Не хотите ли …
Go dancing-
Go for a drink-
Go out for a meal-
Go for a walk-
Go shopping-
How about... ing – Как насчет …
going to the theatre-
going to the cinema-
going to the restaurant-
Would уо u care for а с u р of tea? – Не хотите ли чашку чая?
A cup of coffee--
A cheese sandwich
Would уоu like to join us – Не хотите присоединиться?
Let's go to а restaurant – Давайте пойдем в ресторан
To the café-
Have lunch -
Why not having а holiday? – Почему бы не взять выходной
A break
Match the following phrases with the correct responses
a. How about going to the theatre b. No, I don't feel like seeing it. c That would suit me fine. d. Yes, I'd love to. e What a pity! er day |
1. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
2. What shall we do tonight?
3. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I've got to work.
4. All right. How about Thursday?
5. What about going to the ballet?
6. Sorry, I'm busy on Monday
Make up conversations from the cues below. You may follow these patterns:
a) A: Are you free tonight?
B: Yes, I think so.
A: Would you like to come to my house for dinner?
B: Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.
Cue words:
join me for lunch
go to a disco
play tennis with us
see that new action film
next weekend
this afternoon
on Tuesday
b) A: I'd like to invite you to a party this weekend.
B: Thanks. I'd like to, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm going away for the weekend
A: That's a pity!
Cue words:
go swimming with us this afternoon going to visit my parents
my house on Tuesday very busy
a barbecue next Friday have got an appointment
Rewrite the following sentences beginning with How/What about + Ing ...? Accept or decline the suggestions.
Model: Let's go to a variety show —> A: How about going to a variety show?
B: Sorry, I'm too busy.
1. Would you like to join us for lunch?
2. Let's go out for a meal.
3. What if we have a barbecue this weekend?
4. What do you say to seeing a good fantasy film?
5. Why not go to a concert tonight?
Act out the following role play:
Student A
You want to do something fun this weekend. Call your partner and suggest some activities for those days. Agree or refuse. Give reasons.
Friday night: Saturday afternoon: Saturday night: Sunday afternoon: Sunday night: Useful expressions: Would you like to...? How about going...? Why don't we.? Let's meet...
go to a disco
go to a football game at 3 o'clock
go to a birthday party at X's place
go on a picnic
see a horror film
EXERCISE 5 Выуч um е д u алог.
Clive Harris: So, what kind of food do you like? Italian? Оh, here is а very good French restaurant nеаг the office.
Мr. Sakai: Whatever you recommend. I like eating аll kinds of food.
Clive Harris: Then let's go to the French restaurant. Ву the way, аге you frее this evening?
Мr. Sakai: Уes. I аm.
Clive Harris: Му wife and I are going to the theatre this evening. Would you like to join us?
Мr. Sakai: That's very kind of you, but nо, thank you. I love going to the theatre, but traveling makes mе very tired. Tonight I must sleep.
Просьба или приказание принимают оттенок большей доброжелательности, если в начале или конце предложения добавить please:
Please, hurry up
Hurry up, please
Приказание прозвучит как вежливое пожелание или просьба, если фраза начинается словами: Would you, Could you, Would you mind…
При употреблении Would you mind к глаголу прибавляется -ing:
Would you close the door?
Could you speak up?
Would you mind passing the salt?
1. Напишите следующие предложения в вежливой форме, используя слова и выражения, данные в скобках
Help me with the suitcase (please)
Show me how this photocopier works (could you)
Pass me a pair of scissors (would you)
Open the door (could you)
Get me a cup of coffee (would you mind)
2. Найдите правильный ответ на каждый вопрос
Could you make me a coffee, please? | I am coming |
Please, hurry up | Help yourself. Have a big piece, if you like |
May I come in | Yes, take a seat |
Could you listen carefully? | Of course, black or white? |
May I have a piece of cake? | OK. I'm all ears |
Настоятельная просьба к собеседнику не делать чего-либо приобретает более вежливый оттенок, если прибавить please:
Please, don't smoke in here
Требования приобретают вежливую просьбу при употреблении оборота
Would you mind not + глагол в ing-форме.
Вы проявите еще большую вежливость, добавив I'm sorry, but would you mind not smoking
3. Преобразуйте требования в вежливую просьбу, употребив выражения, данные в скобках
Don't touch the computer (please) Don't talk to me like that (would you mind) Don't open the window (would you mind \ please) Don't interrupt me (I'm sorry, but \ would you mind) Don't open this door (please)
4. Прореагируйте на просьбы
1. Wil1 you help mе with mу translation?
2. Could you cut some bread, please?
3. Wil1 you lend mе this book?
4. Would you pass mе this newspaper, please?
5. Would you mind leaving your dog outside?
6. Could you find out what time the train leaves, please?
5. Переделай m е у m верждения в вежливые просьбы.
1. Close the door.
2. Tell mе the time.
3. Switch the light оn.
4. Pass the sugar.
5. Put mу suitcase uр оn the rack.
6. Lend mе your реn.
7. Sign this form.
8. Give mе your telephone number
Giving advice
Если вы считаете действие желательным, рекомендуете что-то сделать, употребляйте глаголы should или ought to + инфинитив глагола:
You should go to bed earlier
You ought to see a dentist
1. Соедините части мини-диалогов
1. This jacket is really old | I'm not surprised. You spend too long on your computer |
2. I've got a terrible headache | That's true. You should get the new one |
3. I'm tired all the time | In this case, how about moving to a warmer country |
4. I think it might rain | It is getting very cloudy. You should take an umbrella with you |
5. I hate this terrible weather | Of course you are! You work too hard |
2. Дополните предложения так, чтобы получились мини- диалоги
= You should go to bed
- I'm
= How about watching some television
- I don't feel very...
= You should go to the doctor
- I'm.........
= Why don't you make yourself something to eat
- This hat is really............
= Why don't you buy a new one?
3. Выполните тест по разделу Речевой этикет и индивидуальные задания на карточках.
Тема: Telephoning
Уроки №13-16
Лексика к уроку
1. speak - говорить, разговаривать:
Саn I speak to...? - могу я поговорить с...?
I ‘d like to speak to... - я хотел бы поговорить с...
2. Hold on!- - Подождите.
Саn you hold on? - Не могли бы вы подождать
3. put through
I'll put you through to Мr. Hunt - Я соединяю вас с г-ном Хантом
4. call smb. up = ring smb. up = telephone smb. = phone smb. - звониmь
5. Who shall I say is calling? - Как мне вас предсmавиmь
6. urgent саll- срочный звонок
I'd like to make аn мне нужно сделаmь срочный звонок
7.Dial the number - набupаmь номер
8.Wrong number - неверный номер:
Yоu have dialled the wrong number = Уоu have got the wrong number-
Вы набрали неверный номер
9.Message - сообщение:
Will you leave а message? - не могли бы вы осmавиmь сообщение?
Could you take а message? - не могли бы вы приняmь сообщение?
Can I leave а message? - Могу я осmавиmь сообщение?
I0. Call back-перезвонить
Will you ask her to call mе back? - Не могли бы вы пonросиmь ее перезвониmь мне?
I'll call back later (again) -я перезвоню позже (снова).
11. engaged-занято-The line is engaged.-Линия занята.
1. Просмотрите 2 диалога из учебного пособия “ Business English for schools”и расставьте реплики в правильном порядке. Прослушайте диалоги и проверьте себя. Выучите один диалог на выбор.
2. Отгадайте зашифрованное на доске слово.
Vocabulary Practice
3.1- And now match the verbs to the prepositions(Соедините глаголы и предлоги).Translate the words.
1)call a)to
2)put b) on
3) hold c) through
4) speak d) back
3.2- Match the word and explanation: (Подберите определение к понятию)
a. Engaged 1. A phone number you dial by mistake
b. National call 2. Busy – someone is using the line you want
c. Wrong number 3. A person who helps you to make a call
d. Operator 4. A call to a different part of the country
Grammar Revision
Посмотрите правило образования будущего времени, вежливых просьб и предложений ниже и выполните задание.
1. Я позвоню в 5 часов.
2. Он перезвонит позднее.
3. Я бы хотел поговорить с менеджером.
4. Могу я позвонить завтра?
5. Вы хотите подождать?
6. Я оставлю сообщение.
Грамматический комментарий:
EXPRESSING INTENTION (выражение намерения в будущем)
She'll + VERB (глагол)
I'll put you through.
I'll ring back.
I'll ring tomorrow
I'll try his mobile.
I'll talk to you later.
I'll ask her to call you back
POLITE REQUESTS (вежливые просьбы)
Iwould like to speak to Mr Smith, please.
I'd like to speak to Mr Harris, please.
Can I talk to Phil, please?
Can I speak to Peter?
I would like to
I'd like to
Can I
Would you like to
Can I + VERB
Would you like to ring him on his mobile phone?
Can I take a message?
Просмотрите 3 эпизода из видеокурса “Starting Business English” и выполните задания
Диалог-ситуация №1(00:37)
Make up your own dialogues
Ситуация 1. Instructions.
Person A.(secretary) Answer the phone, say the name of the company (Macdonald’s company)
Person B. Introduce yourself and ask to speak to the manager.
Person A. Answer the call, say that the manager is out, ask to leave a message.
Person B. Say you’ll call back later.
Ситуация 2. Instructions.
Person A. Call Nestle company and ask to speak to Mr. Black.
Person B.(secretary) Ask who is calling (be polite)
Person A. Introduce yourself (Mr. Petrov from Chocolate factory)
Person B. Ask to wait for a moment
Person A. Say ok.
Ситуация 3. Instructions.
Person A. Call Mr Jones’s office and ask to speak to Mr Jones.
Person B. Say that you’ve got the wrong number.
Person A. Ask if it is 2246768?
Person B. Say no, it is 2246868.
Переведите диалоги по вариантам
- Information. Саn I help уоu?
- Could уоu please give mе the phone number of the manager’s office at Stevens Travel Ltd.?
- Just а moment, sir... The number is 07I-221708.
- Oh-seven-one-double two-one-seven-oh-eight.
- That's right.
- Thank уоu very much.
- Неllo! John here. Саn I speak to Магу?
- Hold оn, please.
- ОК
- Магу, there's а саll for уоu.
- Thanks. Магу speaking.
- Нi, Магу. John here.
- Glad to hear уоu.
- How about going out to а dance tonight?
- I'm аll for it. When?
- I'll pick уоu uр at 7.
- ОК
- Dr Bell's office.
- I'd like to speak to Dr Вell.
- Who shall I say is calling?
- Philip Stewart, from Lawrence Hospital.
- Hold оn а moment. I'll just ask if he саn speak to уоu right now. Dr Stewart? Уоu are through
- Operator here.
- City, please.
- Уes, what’s number?
- Well, can't I dial the telephone number myself?
- Sorry, but guests can't dial the city numbers from their rooms. Give mе your number and I'll put уоu through.
- Аll right. Put mе through to the City Information.
- ОК.
- Неllo! I'd like to speak to Мr. Lawrence.
- Мr. Lawrence? There's nobody of that nаmе here. You've dialed the wrong number.
- Isn't that 07 I-445 I48?
- Oh, nо. Уоu'vе got the wrong number.
- Sоrrу for the trouble.
Выполните проверочный тест
Telephone calls
Task1 Who says this?
1. Can I help you? a) The caller b) The operator (secretary) c) The person who is receiving the call
2. Can I speak to Ms Dupont, please? a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
3. Who's calling, please? a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
4. This is Jane Coolimoor from Apex Industries. a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
5. One moment, please. a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
6. Hold the line, please. a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
7. Putting you through. a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
8. I'm afraid she's out of the office today. Can I help you? a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
9. Can I take a message? a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
10. Tricia Mellor speaking. a) The caller b) The operator c) The person who is receiving the call
Тема: Этикет делового ланча
Уроки №17-20
Переведите выражения
Alcohol - free; to conduct business lunch; to conduct the deal; the purpose of the lunch; to finalize the deal; to exchange the business cards
3. Ответьте на вопросы
1. How does the modern business lunch look like?
2. Business lunch is an important part of any business, isn't it?
3. Do уоu have to phone in advance to the restaurant, if the lunch is particularly important?
4. What other tips for business lunch success can уоu nаmе?
Перевед um е
1. Учumесь nроводumь деловые обеды nравuльно.
2. Ознакомьmесь с целью делового обеда заранее.
3. Огранuчьmесь однuм бокалом вuна.
4. Позвонumе заранее u закажumе обед.
6.До n олн um ельные n редложен u я на n еревод:
1. Современный бuзнес-ланч безалкогольный.
2. Дайmе мне coвemы, как nроводumь бuзнес-ланчu.
3. Выберumе хорошuй ресmоран u забронuруйmе сmолuк.
4. Забронuруйmе оmдельное месmо (кабuнку) для большой груnnы.
5. Закажumе кофе в конце ланча.
6. Не забудьmе обменяmься вuзumкамu.
Переведите предложения
1. Тебе лучше оmказаmься оm алкоголя.
2. Не nанuкуй nеред особо важным деловым ланчем (обедом).
3. Я совеmую вам uзучumь nрuвычкu (habits) клuенmа.
4. Не mороnuсь u закончu сделку.
Напишите свои советы.
Лексика к уроку
Good manners in business.
Уроки №21-22
Task 1 Translate the text.
Good manners are more than a code of behavior. It’s a methodology by which people can get along with each other. Well-mannered person is polite and it is pleasant to do business with him. Nowadays, etiquette is becoming very important. There are lots of signs of it: multicultural ways of doing business, e-mail manners, table manners. Businesses spend hundreds of thousands dollars for seminars with such name as: “Customs and Protocol for Doing business in the Global marketplace.” They teach anything from how to place a napkin to how a present a business card to a Japanese businessman.
Some tips to have success in business:
Mind that at a business lunch meeting you should not start eating until your host starts eating.
Don’t salt your food before tasting, because it shows a tendency towards hasty decision making.
Don’t order expensive food at the restaurant.
Get along- преуспевать, ладить, делать успехи
Polite- вежливый
Decision making- принятие решения
Place a napkin- положить салфетку
Task 3.Translate:
1. Хорошие манеры- это не только код поведения.
2. Ты знаешь манеры поведения за столом?
3. Хорошие манеры помогут преуспеть в бизнесе.
4. Правила этикета требуют, чтобы гости не приступали к еде раньше хозяина.
Task 4. Напишите свое мнение, опираясь на данные вопросы(7-10 предложений)
1. Do you agree that etiquette is important in doing business?
2. Do you think many people have good manners?
3. Is it pleasant to do business with polite people?
4. Are good manners in different countries different?
5. Can you give an example of good manners.
Task 5. Просмотрите фильм и ответьте на вопросы в конце фильма.
Тема: Деловое общение.
Уроки № 23-26
Body language |
Rules of behavior |
Read and translate the text:
To avoid problems in international business we should be aware of body language, gestures, dress code and attitude to punctuality in different countries.
While speaking to each other people stand different distances from each other in different cultures. In America it’s about one arm length, about this length in Japan, Arabs stand nearer.
During conversation, Americans use hands and arms to emphasise their ideas, in Southern Europe to give personal opinion. While speaking to a Chinese person, avoid making exaggerated gestures and they do not use their hands when speaking.
In America eye contact shows sincerity, the Japanese find eye contact rude and look to the side while listening and down while speaking.
Handshakes are the only acceptable physical contact for the men and women in the business arena. Hugs and kisses are taboo in business. It is useful to know that British shake hands less often than other nationalities.
Extend a hand when:
- Meeting someone for the first time
- Greeting guests
- Saying good-buy to people
- Someone else extends a hand
Be aware of- знать, быть знакомым с
Attitude- отношение
Emphasise- подчеркивать
Exaggerated- не естественный, преувеличенный
Sincerity- искренность
1. Find in the text and learn: правила поведения, личные контакты, подчеркивать идею, высказывать личное мнение, грубый, искренность, смотреть в сторону, рукопожатие, объятия и поцелуи, протянуть руку
Прочитайте текст и заполните маркировочнyю таблицу, написав не более 3-4 предложений в каждом пункте.
V | + | - | ? |
Я это знал | Это для меня абсолютно новое | Это противоречит тому, что я знал | Я хочу знать об этом больше |
·. | · | · | · |
2. Answer the questions:
1. What information should we be aware of in international business?
2. Do Americans stand near or far from each other while speaking? And Russian people?
3. What does using hands during conversation mean in different cultures?
4. Do you use eye contact while speaking and listening?
5. What is the only acceptable physical contact for the men and women in the business arena?
3. Work in pairs. Read the rules of business etiquette, and match them with the country you think they come from.
Russia Britain
1. People that have worked together for years still shake hands each morning as if it were the first time they met.
2. Business can be conducted during any meal, but lunch is best.
3. Punctuality is treated very casually in this country.
4. Good topics of conversation include the current (текущий, современный)changes taking place in the country, and the current economic situation.
5. Do not stand with your hands in your pockets. This is considered rude.
6. Business is viewed as being very serious, and people do not appreciate (ценить)humour in a business context.
4.Заполните таблицу по странам, согласно прочитанному тексту. Найдите недостающую информацию самостоятельно.
Rules of behavior and business etiquette | Countries | ||
1.Body language | America or Britain | Japan or China | Russia |
a)distance | |||
b)gestures | |||
c)Eye contact | |||
d)handshake | |||
2.Attitude to punctuality | |||
3.Topics for a social conversation |
5. Rules of people’s behavior. Agree or disagree with them. (Согласитесь или не согласитесь) Use the phrases:
I think so too -Я тоже так думаю
I agree with you -Я согласен с вами
You are right -Вы правы.
You are wrong -Вы ошибаетесь
I don ’ t think so -Я так не думаю
I don ’ t agree with you -Я с вами не согласен.
· Don’t judge a situation immediately. Take your time and try to look at it as an outsider.
· If you don’t understand something in another person behavior, never ask questions
· Never put yourself in other person’s shoes
· Respect and honour other’s opinions.
· Be ready for a discussion. Don’t be impatient.
6. Translate the sentences.
1. Он очень грубый и нетерпеливый. 2. Я не понимаю его поведение. 3. Уважай и почитай старших. 4. Ты должен быть знаком с правилами поведения в разных странах. 5. При встрече иностранного гостя протяни руку и поздоровайся.
7. Подготовь выступление(мини-проект) о правилах поведения в разных странах(Россия, Великобритания или Америка, Япония или Китай) по плану:
1. Personal contact: greeting people, body language (eye contact, gestures)
2. business etiquette: attitude to punctuality, topics for a social conversation, rules of behavior
Business Communication.
Уроки № 27-30
Тема: Общение с деловым партнером. Заключение сделки.
Concluding a deal
Уроки № 31-32
Соотнесите реплики диалога с переводом
-I will be glad if we agree on the details of delivery
-I believe we do. Our company orders
a very big consignment of your goods.
We expect to receive a discount of 20
-This discount is impossible. We estimate our cooperation. However the similar discount makes it un profit able
-We can offer you a discount of 10 percent.
-Well, but only if you can deliver the
goods earlier. It will allow us to start
realization at earlier date. We predict
great demand at this time.
-What terms are you interested in?
-We want to speed up the delivery to
two weeks.
-It is acceptable.
-Well. We accept your conditions.
Discount of 10%. Delivery-two
weeks earlier.
-It was pleasant to deal with you.
-Mutually. See you again.
-Хорошо. Мы принимаем условия.
Скидка 10%. Поставка на 2 неделе раньше.
- Какой срок вас интересует?
-Эта скидка невозможна. Мы ценим
наше сотрудничество. Однако подобная скидка делает его невыгодным. Мы
можем дать вам скидку 10 процентов.
- Было приятно иметь с вами дело.
- Я буду очень рада, если мы договоримся о деталях поставок.
-Хорошо, только если вы сможете
поставить товар раньше. Это позволит
Нам раньше начать реализацию. Мы
прогнозируем большой спрос на это
- Взаимно увидимся снова.
- Я на это рассчитываю Наша компания
заказывает очень большую партию вашей
продукции. Мы рассчитываем получить
скидку 20 процентов.
-Мы хотим ускорить поставку на 2
- Здравствуйте.
- Это приемлемо.
Выпишите подчеркнутые слова с переводом. Выучите их.
1. We are ready to pay 10 percent of the amount of order in advance.
2. We can offer you a special discount for the time of delivery not longer than 2 months.
3. We are realizing a big consignment of goods this month.
4. We can’t agree on your terms.
5. We deliver the goods on cif (fob) terms.(примеч. сиф- стоимость, страховка, фрахт) (фоб-франкоборт, свободно на борт)
6. We are looking forward to future cooperation with you.
7. There is a huge demand on our goods.
8. We prefer cash payment at discount of 20 per cent.
9. We accept your payment conditions.
10. If you want profit you should calculate it and work for it.
1. Меня интересует скидка в 20%.
2. Я надеюсь на взаимовыгодное сотрудничество.
3. Мы принимаем ваши условия.
4. Какие ваши сроки поставки и оплаты?
5. Цены на заказы возрастут (increase) в июле.
Лексика к уроку
1. А waiter--официант
2. Starters - начальные блюда
3. Hors' doevres = snack = appetizer - закуска
4. Мain course -основное блюдо
5. Dish- блюдо: Vegetable (vegetarian) dishes – овощные (вегетарианские блюда)
6. Delicious - вкусно, восхитительно
7. Orange juice -апельсиновый сок
8. Роrridgе - овсяная каша
9. Cereal- кукурузные хлопья
10. Bacon and egg - яичница с беконом
11.Наm and egg - яичница с ветчиной
12. Clear soup - бульон
13. Roast bееf\hаm - жареная говядина/баранина
14. Mutton/pork сhор - баранья/свиная отбивная
15. Fish and chips - рыба с жареным картофелем
16. Mashed potatoes - пюре
17. Beans\peas - бобы, фасоль/горох
18. Lettuce - зеленый салат
19. Dessert/sweet - десерт, сладкое
20. Apple pie/tart - яблочный пирог
21. Claret - красное вино
22. Snack-bar - закусочная
23. Sour - кислый
24. Таblе d'hote dishes - дежурные блюда
25. А lа carte dishes - порционные блюда
BUSINESS ENGLISH for schools and colleges
(для студентов 1 курса на базе основного общего образования)
Составила: Кутрова Е.А.
Самара, 2013 год
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