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Уроки № 9-10
Invitations and suggestions
Would уо u like to... – Не хотите ли …
Go dancing-
Go for a drink-
Go out for a meal-
Go for a walk-
Go shopping-
How about... ing – Как насчет …
going to the theatre-
going to the cinema-
going to the restaurant-
Would уо u care for а с u р of tea? – Не хотите ли чашку чая?
A cup of coffee--
A cheese sandwich
Would уоu like to join us – Не хотите присоединиться?
Let's go to а restaurant – Давайте пойдем в ресторан
To the café-
Have lunch -
Why not having а holiday? – Почему бы не взять выходной
A break
Read and translate small dialogues
Dialogue1 Invitation to the restaurant
- I am hungry. How about you?
- I am so hungry that I could eat a horse
- I heard there is a good Chinese restaurant near here. Would you like to go there for lunch?
- Ok, with pleasure!
Dialogue2 Invitation to the cinema
- Are you doing anything tonight?
- Not really.
- So let’s go to the cinema?
- I’d love to, thanks. Well, do you like comedies?
- Oh, yes. I do. How about American pie?
- That’s a great idea!
Запомните фразы: Accepting invitation (принять приглашение)
I’d love to-С удовольствием
With pleasure
That’s a fine idea!-Это прекрасная идея
All right-Хорошо
That would be fine-Было бы замечательно
Refusing invitation(отказаться от приглашения)
Sorry, but I’m busy.Извините, но я занят
I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. С удовольствием, но боюсь, не смогу
That’s very kind of you but I’m tired…Очень мило с вашей стороны, но я устал
Match the following phrases with the correct responses
a. How about going to the theatre b. No, I don't feel like seeing it. c That would suit me fine. d. Yes, I'd love to. e What a pity! er day |
1. Would you like to go to the cinema tonight?
2. What shall we do tonight?
3. I'd love to, but I'm afraid I can't. I've got to work.
4. All right. How about Thursday?
5. What about going to the ballet?
6. Sorry, I'm busy on Monday
Make up conversations from the cues below. You may follow these patterns:
a) A: Are you free tonight?
B: Yes, I think so.
A: Would you like to come to my house for dinner?
B: Yes, I'd love to. Thanks.
Cue words:
join me for lunch
go to a disco
play tennis with us
see that new action film
next weekend
this afternoon
on Tuesday
b) A: I'd like to invite you to a party this weekend.
B: Thanks. I'd like to, but I'm afraid I can't. I'm going away for the weekend
A: That's a pity!
Cue words:
go swimming with us this afternoon going to visit my parents
my house on Tuesday very busy
a barbecue next Friday have got an appointment
Rewrite the following sentences beginning with How/What about + Ing ...? Accept or decline the suggestions.
Model: Let's go to a variety show —> A: How about going to a variety show?
B: Sorry, I'm too busy.
1. Would you like to join us for lunch?
2. Let's go out for a meal.
3. What if we have a barbecue this weekend?
4. What do you say to seeing a good fantasy film?
5. Why not go to a concert tonight?
Act out the following role play:
Student A
You want to do something fun this weekend. Call your partner and suggest some activities for those days. Agree or refuse. Give reasons.
Friday night: Saturday afternoon: Saturday night: Sunday afternoon: Sunday night: Useful expressions: Would you like to...? How about going...? Why don't we.? Let's meet...
go to a disco
go to a football game at 3 o'clock
go to a birthday party at X's place
go on a picnic
see a horror film
EXERCISE 5 Выуч um е д u алог.
Clive Harris: So, what kind of food do you like? Italian? Оh, here is а very good French restaurant nеаг the office.
Мr. Sakai: Whatever you recommend. I like eating аll kinds of food.
Clive Harris: Then let's go to the French restaurant. Ву the way, аге you frее this evening?
Мr. Sakai: Уes. I аm.
Clive Harris: Му wife and I are going to the theatre this evening. Would you like to join us?
Мr. Sakai: That's very kind of you, but nо, thank you. I love going to the theatre, but traveling makes mе very tired. Tonight I must sleep.
Урок № 11-12 Просьбы и советы.
Просьба или приказание принимают оттенок большей доброжелательности, если в начале или конце предложения добавить please:
Please, hurry up
Hurry up, please
Приказание прозвучит как вежливое пожелание или просьба, если фраза начинается словами: Would you, Could you, Would you mind…
При употреблении Would you mind к глаголу прибавляется -ing:
Would you close the door?
Could you speak up?
Would you mind passing the salt?
1. Напишите следующие предложения в вежливой форме, используя слова и выражения, данные в скобках
Help me with the suitcase (please)
Show me how this photocopier works (could you)
Pass me a pair of scissors (would you)
Open the door (could you)
Get me a cup of coffee (would you mind)
2. Найдите правильный ответ на каждый вопрос
Could you make me a coffee, please? | I am coming |
Please, hurry up | Help yourself. Have a big piece, if you like |
May I come in | Yes, take a seat |
Could you listen carefully? | Of course, black or white? |
May I have a piece of cake? | OK. I'm all ears |
Настоятельная просьба к собеседнику не делать чего-либо приобретает более вежливый оттенок, если прибавить please:
Please, don't smoke in here
Требования приобретают вежливую просьбу при употреблении оборота
Would you mind not + глагол в ing-форме.
Вы проявите еще большую вежливость, добавив I'm sorry, but would you mind not smoking
3. Преобразуйте требования в вежливую просьбу, употребив выражения, данные в скобках
Don't touch the computer (please) Don't talk to me like that (would you mind) Don't open the window (would you mind \ please) Don't interrupt me (I'm sorry, but \ would you mind) Don't open this door (please)
4. Прореагируйте на просьбы
1. Wil1 you help mе with mу translation?
2. Could you cut some bread, please?
3. Wil1 you lend mе this book?
4. Would you pass mе this newspaper, please?
5. Would you mind leaving your dog outside?
6. Could you find out what time the train leaves, please?
5. Переделай m е у m верждения в вежливые просьбы.
1. Close the door.
2. Tell mе the time.
3. Switch the light оn.
4. Pass the sugar.
5. Put mу suitcase uр оn the rack.
6. Lend mе your реn.
7. Sign this form.
8. Give mе your telephone number
Giving advice
Если вы считаете действие желательным, рекомендуете что-то сделать, употребляйте глаголы should или ought to + инфинитив глагола:
You should go to bed earlier
You ought to see a dentist
1. Соедините части мини-диалогов
1. This jacket is really old | I'm not surprised. You spend too long on your computer |
2. I've got a terrible headache | That's true. You should get the new one |
3. I'm tired all the time | In this case, how about moving to a warmer country |
4. I think it might rain | It is getting very cloudy. You should take an umbrella with you |
5. I hate this terrible weather | Of course you are! You work too hard |
2. Дополните предложения так, чтобы получились мини- диалоги
= You should go to bed
- I'm
= How about watching some television
- I don't feel very...
= You should go to the doctor
- I'm.........
= Why don't you make yourself something to eat
- This hat is really............
= Why don't you buy a new one?
3. Выполните тест по разделу Речевой этикет и индивидуальные задания на карточках.
Тема: Telephoning
Уроки №13-16
Лексика к уроку
1. speak - говорить, разговаривать:
Саn I speak to...? - могу я поговорить с...?
I ‘d like to speak to... - я хотел бы поговорить с...
2. Hold on!- - Подождите.
Саn you hold on? - Не могли бы вы подождать
3. put through
I'll put you through to Мr. Hunt - Я соединяю вас с г-ном Хантом
4. call smb. up = ring smb. up = telephone smb. = phone smb. - звониmь
5. Who shall I say is calling? - Как мне вас предсmавиmь
6. urgent саll- срочный звонок
I'd like to make аn мне нужно сделаmь срочный звонок
7.Dial the number - набupаmь номер
8.Wrong number - неверный номер:
Yоu have dialled the wrong number = Уоu have got the wrong number-
Вы набрали неверный номер
9.Message - сообщение:
Will you leave а message? - не могли бы вы осmавиmь сообщение?
Could you take а message? - не могли бы вы приняmь сообщение?
Can I leave а message? - Могу я осmавиmь сообщение?
I0. Call back-перезвонить
Will you ask her to call mе back? - Не могли бы вы пonросиmь ее перезвониmь мне?
I'll call back later (again) -я перезвоню позже (снова).
11. engaged-занято-The line is engaged.-Линия занята.
1. Просмотрите 2 диалога из учебного пособия “ Business English for schools”и расставьте реплики в правильном порядке. Прослушайте диалоги и проверьте себя. Выучите один диалог на выбор.
2. Отгадайте зашифрованное на доске слово.
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