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Правила поведения в разных странах.

2020-05-07 235
Правила поведения в разных странах. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Rules of behavior in different countries.

Уроки № 23-26

Body  language
Перед прочтением текста попробуйте определить,  на какие манеры поведения мы должны обращать внимание при деловом общении с иностранцами. Заполните понятийное колесо, обсудив в паре.

Rules of behavior



Read and translate the text:

To avoid problems in international business we should be aware of body language, gestures, dress code and attitude to punctuality in different countries.

While speaking to each other people stand different distances from each other in different cultures. In America it’s about one arm length, about this length in Japan, Arabs stand nearer.

During conversation, Americans use hands and arms to emphasise their ideas, in Southern Europe to give personal opinion. While speaking to a Chinese person, avoid making exaggerated gestures and they do not use their hands when speaking.

In America eye contact shows sincerity, the Japanese find eye contact rude and look to the side while listening and down while speaking.


Handshakes are the only acceptable physical contact for the men and women in the business arena. Hugs and kisses are taboo in business. It is useful to know that British shake hands less often than other nationalities.

Extend a hand when:

- Meeting someone for the first time

- Greeting guests

- Saying good-buy to people

- Someone else extends a hand


Be aware of- знать, быть знакомым с

Attitude- отношение

Emphasise- подчеркивать

Exaggerated- не естественный, преувеличенный

Sincerity- искренность


1. Find in the text and learn: правила поведения, личные контакты, подчеркивать идею, высказывать личное мнение, грубый, искренность, смотреть в сторону, рукопожатие, объятия и поцелуи, протянуть руку

Прочитайте текст и заполните маркировочнyю таблицу, написав не более 3-4 предложений в каждом пункте.

         V       +    -        ?
Я это знал   Это для меня абсолютно новое   Это противоречит тому, что я знал   Я хочу знать об этом больше  
·.   · · ·

2. Answer the questions:

1. What information should we be aware of in international business?

2. Do Americans stand near or far from each other while speaking? And Russian people?

3. What does using hands during conversation mean in different cultures?

4. Do you use eye contact while speaking and listening?

5. What is the only acceptable physical contact for the men and women in the business arena?

3. Work in pairs. Read the rules of business etiquette, and match them with the country you think they come from.

                          Russia                    Britain

1. People that have worked together for years still shake hands each morning as if it were the first time they met.

2. Business can be conducted during any meal, but lunch is best.

3. Punctuality is treated very casually in this country.

4. Good topics of conversation include the current (текущий, современный)changes taking place in the country, and the current economic situation.

5. Do not stand with your hands in your pockets. This is considered rude.

6. Business is viewed as being very serious, and people do not appreciate (ценить)humour in a business context.

4.Заполните таблицу по странам, согласно прочитанному тексту. Найдите недостающую информацию самостоятельно.

Rules of behavior and business etiquette


1.Body language     America or  Britain    Japan or  China   Russia  
c)Eye contact      
2.Attitude to punctuality        
3.Topics for a social conversation      


5. Rules of people’s behavior. Agree or disagree with them. (Согласитесь или не согласитесь) Use the phrases:

I think so too -Я тоже так думаю

I agree with you -Я согласен с вами

You are right -Вы правы.

You are wrong -Вы ошибаетесь

I don ’ t think so -Я так не думаю

I don ’ t agree with you -Я с вами не согласен.

· Don’t judge a situation immediately. Take your time and try to look at it as an outsider.

· If you don’t understand something in another person behavior, never ask questions

· Never put yourself in other person’s shoes

· Respect and honour other’s opinions.

· Be ready for a discussion. Don’t be impatient.


6. Translate the sentences.

1. Он очень грубый и нетерпеливый. 2. Я не понимаю его поведение. 3. Уважай и почитай старших. 4. Ты должен быть знаком с правилами поведения в разных странах. 5. При встрече иностранного гостя протяни руку и поздоровайся.

7. Подготовь выступление(мини-проект) о правилах поведения в разных странах(Россия, Великобритания или Америка, Япония или Китай) по плану:

1. Personal contact: greeting people, body language (eye contact, gestures)

2. business etiquette: attitude to punctuality, topics for a social conversation, rules of behavior

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