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Now you are going to play a game in which you have to negotiate the price, quantity, delivery time, payment terms and guarantee period of a product to gain points. Look at the instructions below.

2019-11-19 287
Now you are going to play a game in which you have to negotiate the price, quantity, delivery time, payment terms and guarantee period of a product to gain points. Look at the instructions below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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NB! Don’t forget to use ‘negotiating vocabulary’ from ex.6 above!


Speaker A: Buyer

Negotiate with your partner to get the best deal possible. You get points for each category of the deal - price, quantity, delivery time, and so on. For example, if you agree on a price of 6 euros, you get 2 points or 3 points if the price is 5.5. Add your points for each category to get your score. To be a successful negotiator you have to get at least ten points.


Points         1 2 3  
Price            6.5 6 5.5  ?
Quantity     200 150 100 units
Delivery      3 2 1 weeks              
Payment     30 60 90 days
Guarantee   6 12 18 months

Speaker B: Seller

Negotiate with your partner to get the best deal possible. You get points for each category of the deal - price, quantity, delivery time, and so on. For example, if you agree on a price of 6 euros, you get 2 points or 3 points if the price is 6.5. Add your points for each category to get your score. To be a successful negotiator you have to get at least ten points.


Points         1 2 3  
Price            5.5 6 6.5  ?
Quantity     100 150 200 units
Delivery      1 2 3 weeks              
Payment     90 60 30 days
Guarantee   18 12 6 months

Work in pairs. Student A is the customer; student B is the supplier. You are negotiating the sale of some bricks. These are the negotiators’ objectives in the beginning.

  Price per thousand bricks Discount for bulk orders Delivery Payment currency
A: customer ?830 25 percent 6 weeks Euros
B: supplier ?950 15 percent 3 months US dollars

Start the negotiation using the sentences given. Then use the expressions from ex.6 above to continue the negotiation, following the instructions.


A: ‘So you’re offering a price of?950 per thousand bricks and, as I told you, I’m

only willing to pay?820.’

B: ‘Yes. There seems to be quite a gap here.’

Calm A down and suggest a compromise: a price of? 855.

A: Accept the solution.

Move on to discount.

B: You can only offer a higher discount if A accepts a longer delivery time.

Suggest a specific discount and a delivery time.

A: You can’t accept B’s proposal.

Create another solution.

B: Accept A’s proposal.

Move on to currency.

A: Insist on paying in euros.

B: Calm A down. Suggest half the payment in euros and half in dollars.

A: Accept.

Go over the agreement.

B: Accept or disagree with A’s summary. Clear up any disagreements.

A: Close the negotiation.

B: Reply.







1. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь – справочник. – М.: Логос», 2011. – 351с.

2. Васильева Л. Деловая переписка на английском языке. М.: Айрис-пресс, 2004. – 352с.

3. Вестон Л. Деловой английский за 30 дней. – М.: Астрель, 2008. – 254с.

4. Кисунько Е.И., Музланова Е.С. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Деловое общение и документация. – М.:ЮНВЕС. – 2001. – 368с.

5. Содовова Е.Н., Солокова И.Е. State Exam Maximiser. Английский язык: подготовка к экзаменам. Pearson Education Limited, 2007. – 223p.

6. Ashley A. Oxford Handbook of Commercial Correspondence. – Oxford University Press, 2004. – 304p.

7. Badger I. English for Work: Everyday Business English. – Pearson Education Limited, 2003. – 94p.

8. Clarke S. In Company: Elementary Student’s Book. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013. – 158p.

9. Clarke S. In Company: Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2013. – 159p.

10. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. Market Leader: Pre-Intermediate Business English Course Book. – Pearson Education Limited, 2006. – 160p.

11. Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. New Market Leader Intermediate Course Book. – Pearson Education Limited, 2010. – 176p.

12. Gomm H., Clarke S. In Company Pre-intermediate Teacher’s Book. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2003. – 176p.

13. Harding K. Going International: English for Tourism Upper-Intermediate. – Oxford University Press, 2004. – 200p.

14. Lloyd A., Preier A. – Business Communication Games: Photocopiable Games and Activities for Students of English for Business. – Oxford University Press, 1996. – 128p.

15. Mascull B. Market Leader: Pre-Intermediate Business English Teacher’s Resource Book. – Pearson Education Limited, 2013. – 159p.

16. Viney P. Basic Survival: international Communication for Professional People. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2011. – 95p.

17. Viney P. Survival English: international Communication for Professional People. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2010. – 95p.

18. Wyatt R. Check Your English Vocabulary for FCE+. – Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2004. – 122p.

19. Wyatt R. Check Your English Vocabulary for TOEFL. – A & C Black Publishers Ltd, 2007. – 126p.

















GETTING ACQUAINTED....................................................................................5
TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF..............................................................................9

MAKING TELEPHONE CALLS........................................................................15
MAKING APPOINTMENTS.................................................................................31
LEAVING VOICEMAIL MESSAGES.................................................................38


GOING ON A BUSINESS TRIP BY AIR..........................................................39
BUYING AIR TICKETS.......................................................................................39
AT THE AIRPORT.................................................................................................50
GOING THROUGH SECURITY...........................................................................60
AT THE GATE.......................................................................................................61
ON BOARD............................................................................................................62
IN-FLIGHT MEALS...............................................................................................63
PASSPORT CONTROL & CUSTOMS.................................................................67
CURRENCY EXCHANGE....................................................................................74


HOTEL RESERVATIONS....................................................................................78
HOTEL CHECK-IN..............................................................................................80
HOTEL ROOM SERVICE.....................................................................................86
HOTEL PROBLEMS..............................................................................................87
CHECKING OUT...................................................................................................88


JOB HUNTING.....................................................................................................90
JOB INTERVIEW..................................................................................................93
APPLYING- FOR- A- JOB CORRESPONDENCE...............................................99
CURRICULUM VITAE.......................................................................................106


MAKING PRESENTATIONS...........................................................................114



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