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И.А. Шерсткова
Учебное пособие
Рекомендовано Учебно-методическим объединением
по образованию в области лингвистики Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации
в качестве учебного пособия по английскому языку
для магистрантов неязыковых направлений подготовки
УФА – 2014
УДК 811.111 (07)
ББК 81.2 Англ.
Ш 49
д. филол. наук, проф. Т.Д. Шабанова (кафедра межкультурной коммуникации и перевода Башкирского государственного педагогического университета им. М.Акмуллы)
канд. филол. наук, доцент Л.М. Яхиббаева (кафедра иностранных языков Уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета)
Шерсткова, И.А.
Ш 49 Essential Business English Practice – Практикум по основам делового общения на английском языке: Учебное пособие / И.А. Шерсткова. – Уфа: Изд-во УГНТУ, 2014. – 137с.
Данное пособие в первую очередь предназначено для работы со студентами магистерской подготовки, изучающими дисциплину «Деловой иностранный язык». Целью пособия является формирование и закрепление коммуникативной компетенции делового общения на английском языке, что позволит выпускнику вуза интегрироваться в международную профессиональную среду и использовать иностранный язык как средство межкультурного общения.
Пособие построено по тематическому принципу и состоит из семи основных разделов с подразделами, посвященных различным профессионально-бытовым (знакомство с коллегами, деловая беседа по телефону, командировка и т.п.) и профессиональным ситуациям общения (прием на работу, подготовка презентации, ведение переговоров). Задания пособия построены по принципу нарастающей трудности, предлагается обилие коммуникативно ориентированных упражнений, позволяющих вывести в речь тренируемые языковые единицы и закрепить полученные знания на практике. Также представлены образцы деловой документации на английском языке (форма таможенной декларации, карта прибытия в страну, бланк регистрации в отеле и т.п.). Работа с данными упражнениями способствуют формированию навыков письменной коммуникации на английском языке.
Не будучи увязанным ни с одним учебником по техническому английскому языку, практикум может гибко сочетаться с любым базисным курсом английского языка, используемым в учебном процессе со студентами-магистрантами неязыковых специальностей, либо выступать в качестве основного учебного пособия по курсу делового иностранного языка. Работа с пособием возможна и на начальных этапах изучения делового иностранного языка со студентами лингвистических специальностей и магистрантами языковых факультетов, которые изучают курс делового английского как второго иностранного языка.
Материалы пособия позволяют преподавателю варьировать объем и степень их проработки в зависимости от количества аудиторных часов и уровня языковой подготовки студентов.
Пособие может также представлять интерес и быть практически полезным широкому кругу лиц, изучающих деловой английский язык.
УДК 811.111 (07)
ББК 81.2 Англ.
© И.А. Шерсткова, 2014
© Уфимский государственный нефтяной технический университет, 2014
Practice makes perfect.
Предлагаемая вашему вниманию книга Essential Business English Practice представляет собой учебное пособие – практикум по основам делового общения на английском языке. Идея создания книги возникла в ходе работы автора со студентами магистерской подготовки по дисциплине «Деловой иностранный язык». В соответствии с требованиями учебной программы одной из основных базовых компетенций, приобретаемых студентами-магистрантами в рамках изучения данной дисциплины, является коммуникативная компетенция – способность пользоваться иностранным языком как средством делового общения. Для формирования этой способности, иными словами, нужных знаний, умений и навыков необходима их многократная тренировка, отработка с использованием большого количества учебных упражнений. Однако существующие на сегодняшний день пособия зачастую ограничиваются всего лишь несколькими упражнениями по тематике, что, в свою очередь, дает студенту возможность только понять функционирование изучаемых лексических единиц в контексте, но, к сожалению, не позволяет активно усвоить требуемый лексический материал, выработать и вывести в речь полученные знания и навыки. Не секрет, что при отсутствии языковой среды добиться более-менее удовлетворительных результатов в овладении иностранным языком можно только целенаправленной, упорной отработкой фонетического, лексико-грамматического материала через систему специально подобранных упражнений. Данное пособие призвано решить эту задачу. Цель практикума – помочь студенту активно овладеть необходимым языковым минимумом, который позволит учащемуся эффективно «функционировать» в типичных ситуациях делового общения на английском языке.
Пособие построено по тематическому принципу. Условно практикум можно разделить на два блока: первый охватывает профессионально-бытовые ситуации общения (знакомство с коллегами, деловая беседа по телефону, командировка и т.п.); второй блок, более профессионально-ориентированный, представлен тремя темами: прием на работу, подготовка презентации, ведение переговоров. Специфика рассматриваемых вопросов второго блока обусловила характер предлагаемого материала: помимо упражнений в этот блок включена информация ознакомительно-обучающего характера, например, о правилах написания резюме или ведения переговоров.
В начале каждой темы в отдельном упражнении предлагается список слов и выражений для запоминания. Все дальнейшие упражнения направлены на отработку этого вокабуляра. Автор, насколько это было возможно, постарался разнообразить предлагаемые типы упражнения, чтобы избежать рутинности материала. Каждый раздел построен по принципу нарастающей трудности, что позволяет учащемуся в итоге перейти на уровень собственного словотворчества в переводных упражнениях с русского на английский, при составлении тематических диалогов, в ролевых играх.
Отдельно следует остановиться на методике работы с переводными упражнениями – карточками. Они построены на материале предшествующих им упражнений. Учащемуся ничего не нужно заполнять в карточках. Если необходимо, перевод можно записать в отдельной тетради, но не в пустых строчках карточек. Пустые строки – это реплики партнера по диалогу. Где это было технически возможно, карточки собеседников расположены на разных страницах. Если обе карточки находятся на одной странице, то во время парной работы с данными упражнениями (и со всеми другими карточками) студент должен смотреть только в свою карточку, закрыв «сценарий роли» собеседника. После однократного выполнения упражнения нужно обязательно поменяться ролями. При индивидуальной работе студента дома или в классе карточку собеседника не закрывают, необходимо задействовать обе карточки сразу, переводя по строкам поочередно реплики из двух ролей.
Не лишним будет напомнить учащимся, что при работе в парах нужно не только думать о том, как правильно сказать / перевести свою роль, но и внимательно слушать собеседника. Основным мотивирующим фактором должна быть не оценка, а уровень усвоения материала. Уважаемые студенты! Помните, вы учитесь, прежде всего, ради «себя – любимого», ради своих знаний, ради своего успешного будущего!
В отдельных упражнениях практикума также представлены образцы бланков документов, которые необходимо заполнить и с которыми студенту придется столкнуться в реальных жизненных ситуациях, например, форма таможенной декларации, карта прибытия в страну или бланк регистрации в отеле.
Данное пособие, в первую очередь, направлено на студентов вузов, изучающих дисциплину «Деловой иностранный язык». Однако в целом или отдельные темы пособия могут представлять интерес и быть практически полезны широкому кругу лиц, изучающих деловой английский язык. Практикум рассчитан на учащихся, которые уже имеют начальные знания по английскому языку и хотели бы специализироваться в области делового общения.
В зависимости от уровня знаний и подготовки студентов, а также количества аудиторных часов преподаватель может варьировать объем и степень проработки предлагаемого материала. Рекомендуется дополнительно использовать на уроках различные ролевые игры (коих найдется немало в арсенале каждого преподавателя) для создания максимально реалистичной ситуации общения.
Материалы пособия апробированы в работе с магистрантами факультета трубопроводного транспорта и института экономики уфимского государственного нефтяного технического университета.
Автор надеется, что работа по предлагаемому учебному пособию будет для Вас полезной и приятной. Успехов!
‘If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life,
he will soon find himself alone.’
Samuel Johnson (1709 – 1784), English writer
1. Match the greetings with the most likely responses.
Greeting Response
How do you do?
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
Hello, there.
Glad to meet you.
Good morning.
Glad to meet you, too.
How do you do?
Good evening.
Good afternoon.
2. Joan Robertson is a Personnel Department manager at Travel With Us tour agency. She is introducing Pamela to her new co-workers.
Starting conversations
People often start with an ice-breaker. The weather is a good topic (unless you’re somewhere like the desert where it never changes!) because it’s neutral. People comment on the weather to be friendly and to see if the other person wants to speak.
If you’re traveling, the ice-breaker is usually to talk about the journey. (‘ It looks like we’re going to be late / on time / early.’) At a reception or party, the food or drink is a good topic for an ice-breaker.
Be careful with question intonation. Sound as if you’re interested and making friendly conversation. Don’t sound like a police detective! If you do, ‘Why are you here?’ may sound rude.
Here is a list of sample breaking-the-ice questions:
How was your trip?
How was the traffic (from the airport)?
Do you like (this city)?
Did you find our office easily?
How is your family?
Is this your first visit to (Chicago)?
Nice weather, isn’t it?
NB: if people know each other well, after an informal or a friendly greeting often comes the question: ‘How are you?’/ ‘How are things?’/ ‘How are you getting on?’ The reply to this question is normally positive: ‘ Fine, thank you. And you?’ / ‘ I’m all right, thank you.’ / ‘Not bad.’
Saying goodbye
Student A
Student B
Name | Bill Stone |
Origin | Canada, Ottawa |
Age | 52 |
Marital status | married, wife – 50, housewife; 2 sons |
Work for | Nissan Company |
Job | mechanic |
Phone number | 3265400 |
Favourite sport | football |
Hobby | listening to classical music |
Pet | 2 cats |
Communication activity.
‘The words you choose to say something are just as important
as the decision to speak.’
Author Unknown
Putting Someone Through
Receptionist: Jonson Wine Importers. Good Morning. How can I help you?
Caller: Could I speak to Mr Rowling, please?
Receptionist: Who’s calling please?
Caller: This is Jack Brown from Lookout Vineyards.
Receptionist: Sorry, I didn’t get your name.
Caller: Jack Brown. That’s B- R- O- W- N.
Receptionist: Thank you. And where are you calling from?
Caller: Lookout Vineyards.
Receptionist: OK Mr Brown. I’ll try and put you through.
Caller: Thank you.
Receptionist: You’re welcome.
Study the dialogues.
Taking a Message #1
Receptionist: Janson Wine Importers. Good Morning. How can I help you?
Caller: Could I speak to Mr Adams, please?
Receptionist: Who’s calling please?
Caller: This is Anna Beare.
Receptionist: Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.
Caller: Anna Beare. That’s B- E- A- R- E.
Receptionist: Thank you. And where are you calling from?
Caller: Sun Soaked Vineyards.
Receptionist: OK Ms Beare. I’ll try and put you through. … I’m sorry but the
line’s busy. Would you like to hold?
Caller: Could I leave a message?
Receptionist: Certainly.
Caller: Could you tell Mr Adams that our shipment will be postponed and that the
200 cases ordered should arrive next Monday.
Receptionist: Shipment delayed … arriving next Monday.
Caller: Yes, and could you ask him to call me back when the shipment arrives?
Receptionist: Certainly. Could you give me your number please?
Caller: Yes, it’s 503-589-9087.
Receptionist: OK… I’ll tell Mr Adams that you called as soon as he’s available.
Caller: Thanks for your help. Goodbye.
Receptionist: Goodbye.
Taking a Message #2
Caller 1: Hello, how can I help you?
Caller 2: Hello. May I speak to John Bird?
Caller 1: I’m afraid he’s not in at the moment.
Caller 2: Oh dear! It’s an urgent order - we need five hydraulic pumps by 22 June. Could you take a message?
Caller 1: Sure, just a moment let me get a pencil... OK. Could you tell me your name, please?
Caller 2: Yes, sorry. It’s Elena Moretti from Stern Hydraulics in Switzerland.
Caller 1: Right, I’ll take down the details and get John to contact you. Did you say five units?
Caller 2: Yes, the reference is SG 94321.
Caller 1: SG 94321-five units.
Caller 2: Yes, that’s right. But the important thing is the delivery date - 22 June.
Caller 1: I don’t think that will be a problem.
Caller 2: Good, it’s for a new customer.
Caller 1: I see. Right, when John comes in, I’ll tell him immediately. Could you confirm the order by e-mail?
Caller 2: Yes, of course.
Caller 1: Is there anything else?
Caller 2: I’ll leave my telephone number just in case he doesn’t have it. My cell phone number is 439 908 7754.
Caller 1: OK. That’s 439 808 7754.
Caller 2: No, it’s 439 908 7754.
Caller 1: Ah, sorry.
Caller 2: No problem. Thanks for your help. Good bye.
Caller 1: Good bye.
Answer the questions.
1. Who do you make appointments with?
2. What things do you have to arrange when you make an appointment?
3. Do you often have to cancel or postpone your appointments?
4. Have you ever missed an appointment without having informed your partner? If yes, why?
5. What is the worst appointment you’ve ever had?
Martin’s words:
a) What about Friday?
b) After lunch is more convenient.
c) Of course. What day suits you?
d) Yes, speaking.
e) Hi, Lisa. What can I do for you?
f) Great. I look forward to it.
g) Yes, that’s fine.
h) No, I’m afraid I’ll be attending a sales conference. Is Thursday convenient?
4. Three people telephone the company Lawson and Fowles to change their appointments. They bring forward, postpone or cancel their appointments. Read their conversations and say who brings forward, postpones or cancels their appointments.
A: Lawson and Fowles. Good morning.
В: Good morning. This is Andrew Sands. I’ve got an appointment with you on
Thursday at half past four.
A: Yes, Mr Sands.
B: Well, unfortunately I've now got an important meeting in London that
afternoon. Could I change my appointment to Wednesday morning?
A: Well, I’m afraid the morning’s completely full up. How about Wednesday
afternoon, at the same time - at four-thirty, I mean?
B: Yes, that’s fine. OK, Wednesday at half past four, then.
A: Lawson and Fowles. Good morning.
B: Good morning. This is Mr Watson of EGC. I’m afraid I have a problem with
my appointment next week – I’m away all week.
A: Okay. Sorry did you say Mr Watson or Mr Whiteson?
B: Mr Watson. W-A-T-S-O-N.
A: Fine, so you’re cancelling your appointment on Wednesday at 12 midday, then.
Would you like to make another appointment now?
В: No. I haven’t got my diary here. I’ll call next week.
A: OK, Mr Watson. Thank you. Goodbye.
A: Lawson and Fowles. Good morning.
B: Hello. This is Sarah Roach of Technos. I’m sorry to bother you, but it’s about
my appointment - the one on Thursday.
A: Yes, Mrs Roach.
В: Could I postpone it until later in the day? I have to collect my car from the
A: We’ve got a free slot at half past four now. Is that convenient for you?
B: That’s perfect. Four-thirty on Thursday. Thank you very much. Goodbye.
A: Goodbye, Mrs Roach.
5. It’s time for the role-play activity. Work in pairs. Student A calls to postpone, bring forward or cancel an appointment. Student В is a secretary and answers a phone call.
6. Below is a schedule for your week in London. Before you leave for London you receive some telephone calls from people you are going to visit. They want to change their appointments. You would prefer not to meet them on the day they want, suggest a different time on the original day. Role-play the dialogue and complete your new schedule. Your partner will play the roles of all callers.
Student A (you)
Your original schedule | Your new schedule |
Monday, 12 November Morning: arrive London airport 8.30 a.m. Afternoon 3 p.m.: meet Tim Brown (agent) at hotel | |
Tuesday, 13 November Morning 10 a.m.: Mr White Afternoon: | |
Wednesday, 14 November Morning: Afternoon 2 p.m.: Lund & Lund Associates (Mr Lund) | |
Thursday, 15 November Morning: Afternoon 3 p.m.: Ann Kinn+colleagues (B.I.G. Distribution) | |
Friday, 16 November Morning 11 a.m.: Harry Thompson Afternoon: Flight 390, depart London 6 p.m. |
Student B (caller)
Caller | wants to meet you on (day, time) |
Tim Brown | 13 November, 10 a.m. |
Mr White | 14 November, 2 p.m. |
Mr Lund | 15 November, 3 p.m. |
Mrs Kinn | 16 November, 11 a.m. |
Harry Thompson | 15 November, 3 p.m. |
You are the manager of a rapidly growing company. When you returned to the office after a recent conference, eight messages had been left for you. Which should you return first? Put the calls in order of importance.
Sometimes, there may not be anyone to answer the telephone and you will need to leave a message. Follow this outline to make sure that the person who should receive your message has all the information he/she needs.
‘Both optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane and the pessimist the parachute.’
Author Unknown
At Air Line Travel Office:
- Good morning sir, how may I help you?
- I’d like to make a ___________________for a ________________ to Paris on the 1st of July, please.
- Yes, do you want a single or return ticket?
- A single _________________ please, but I was wondering whether I could get a really low fare.
- I have got a discount ticket for Paris, but, _________________ is June 30 at six in the morning, _________________ in Paris at eight-thirty.
- Well, that’s OK, but I was wondering whether I could change the departure date if necessary.
- I’m afraid that’s impossible madam and the rate will be 280?.
- Never mind, I’ll take it.
- Here is your ticket, _________________ will be at five-thirty, the latest _____________ at five o’clock. Enjoy your stay over there madam.
Communication activity.
Situation 1.
Student A.
You are a traveller in Vancouver. Student B is a travel agent. You want to get to Ufa on Thursday morning. You can be at the airport only at 12:00 the earliest. Ask for direct flights, if there aren’t any take a transfer flight. Ask about departure / arrival time, check-in time, price, discount. Tell the travel agent your seating preference.
Student B.
You are a travel agent. Student A is asking you about flights from Vancouver to Ufa. You have this information:
UFA: WEDNESDAY Direct flight: Delta, 11:45 No other direct flights Evening: Russian Airlines to Moscow DEPART: Vancouver, 18:15 ARRIVE: Moscow International Airport, 23:30 Transfer to: Taiga Airlines to Ufa DEPART: Moscow International Airport, 5:05 ARRIVE: Ufa, 7:15 (local time) |
Situation 2.
Student A.
You are a travel agent. Student B is asking you about flights from Vancouver to Samara. You have this information:
TO SAMARA: THURSDAY Direct flight: Samara Airlines, 8:30 No other direct flights Evening: Air Canada to Moscow DEPART: Vancouver, 16:30 ARRIVE: Moscow International Airport, 20:00 Transfer to: Ural Airlines to Samara DEPART: Moscow International Airport, 21:15 ARRIVE: Samara, 23:30 (local time) |
Student B.
2. You are a traveller in Vancouver. Student A is a travel agent. You want to get to Samara on Thursday night. You can be at the airport only at 9:00 the earliest. Ask for direct flights, if there aren’t any take a transfer flight. Ask about departure / arrival time, check-in time, price, discount. Tell the travel agent your seating preference.
12. Ask your partner these questions:
Study the dialogue below.
A: InterAir, can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I’d like some information about a flight arriving from Munich.
A: Yes. Do you know what the flight number is?
B: The flight number? I’m not sure. I know it leaves Munich at 17:30.
A: Oh, yes, that’s IA 345.
B: Yes, that’s it. Could you tell me what time it gets in?
A: Yes, the arrival time is 19:10.
B: 19:10. Do you know if there’s any delay?
A: No, the flight is on time.
B: Right, thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome. Goodbye.
‘In the space age, man will be able to go around the world in two hours – one hour for flying and one hour to get to the airport.’
Neil McElroy (1904 - 1972), US Secretary of Defense
Choose the correct answer.
1) You meet someone at the (customs/ arrivals/ departures) section.
2) You leave via the (departure/ customs/ arrivals) gate.
3) At the (customs/ boarding gate/ arrivals) section, an officer may check your bags.
4) At the (customs/ boarding gate/ immigration) section, an officer may check your passport.
5) When you get onto the plane, you (board/ mount/ hop) it.
6) The place where you wait to get on the plane is the (customs/ check-in/ boarding) area.
7) When you first arrive at the airport, you need to (check in/ check out/ check).
8) When you check in, you exchange your ticket for (luggage/ a boarding pass/ money).
9) The plane has to (fly up/ take off/ take out) to leave the ground.
10) The plane has to (land/ fall down/ drop in) when you reach your destination.
Communication activity.
You are at an information desk. Ask questions and complete the missing information in your card. Then check and compare your information with your partner.
Sample questions:
When (What time) does flight BA21 depart / leave?
What’s the gate number for the Moscow flight?
Is the American Airlines flight to Moscow boarding yet?
Key to airlines:
AA – American Airlines
BA – British Airlines
AC – Air Canada
RA – Russian Airlines
CARD (Student A)
Flight No | Destination | Time | Gate | Status |
AA123 | LONDON | 3:45 | DELAYED – 6:30 | |
BA243 | PARIS | 4:30 | 17 | CLOSED |
AC45 | TORONTO | 5:30 | CANCELLED | |
RA27 | MOSCOW | 3 | ||
BA897 | BERLIN | 5:45 | 8 | DELAYED – 8:30 |
RA453 | KAZAN | 6:00 | NOW BOARDING | |
AA55 | PRAGUE | 6:10 | 10 | |
BA321 | ATHENS | 6:15 | 15 | NOW BOARDING |
RA234 | SOCHI | 6:45 | 9 |
CARD (Student B)
Flight No | Destination | Time | Gate | Status |
AA123 | LONDON | 3:45 | 23 | DELAYED – 6:30 |
BA243 | PARIS | 17 | CLOSED | |
AC45 | TORONTO | 5:30 | 2 | |
RA27 | MOSCOW | 5:30 | 3 | CANCELLED |
BA897 | BERLIN | 5:45 | DELAYED – 8:30 | |
RA453 | KAZAN | 6:00 | 12 | |
BA321 | ATHENS | 6:15 | NOW BOARDING | |
AC785 | BEIJING | 6:30 | 6 | |
RA234 | SOCHI | 6:45 | 9 | NOW BOARDING |
8. Work with a partner. Role-play the situations:
1) You’re at the airport. Find out the following information at the information center:
2) You’re meeting a foreign partner at the airport. Find out the following information at the information center:
At the Check-In Desk
Agent: Good afternoon! Where are you flying to today?
You: Los Angeles.
Agent: May I have your passport, please?
You: Here you go.
Agent: Are you checking any bags?
You: Just this one.
Agent: OK, please place your bag on the scale.
You: I have a stopover in Chicago – do I need to pick up my luggage there?
Agent: No, it’ll go straight through to Los Angeles. Here is your boarding pass –
your flight leaves from gate 15 and it’ll begin boarding at 3:20. Your seat
number is 26E.
You: Thanks.
Communication activity.
Extra questions in the U.S.
On flights going to or inside the U.S., you will probably be asked some extra security questions before or during check-in. Here are some sample questions and the correct responses:
Agent: Did you pack your bags yourself?
You: Yes.
Agent: Are you carrying any firearms or flammable materials?
You: No.
Agent: Has your luggage been in your possession at all times?
You: Yes.
Agent: Has anyone given you anything to carry on the flight?
You: No.
Agent: Are you aware of the regulations regarding liquids in your carry-on, which must 3.4 ounces or less and placed inside a single quart-sized transparent plastic bag?
You: Yes.
Airports are divided into terminals (the major sections of the airport) and each terminal has many gates. The gate is the door you go through to enter the airplane.
16. Here are a few announcements you might hear while you are at the gate, waiting for the plane to board. Study and translate them.00:0000:00
1) “Attention passengers of United Airlines flight 880. There has been a gate change. United Airlines flight 880 will now be leaving from gate 12.”
2) “United Airlines flight 880 to Miami is now boarding.” (this means it’s time for passengers to enter the plane)
3) “We would like to invite our first- and business-class passengers, Star Club Premium members, and passengers requiring special assistance to board at gate 12.” (this means that passengers who are “special” (first class, business class, or in the Star Club) or passengers who are elderly (old), disabled, pregnant, or with small children can go into the airplane first.)
4) “We would now like to invite all passengers seated in Zone 2 – that’s rows 16-35 – to begin boarding United Airlines flight 880 at gate 12.” (look at your boarding pass to know your “zone number” and what “row” your seat number is)
5) “We would now like to invite all passengers to board United Airlines flight 880 to Miami at gate 12.” (this means everyone can enter the plane)
6) “This is the last call for United Airlines flight 880 to Miami, now boarding at gate number 12.” (this means it is the FINAL OPPORTUNITY to enter the plane before they close the doors)
7) “Passenger John Smith. Passenger John Smith, please proceed to the United Airlines desk at gate 12.” (sometimes the announcement will call a specific passenger by name. The word “proceed” in this context is a formal way to say “go.”)
‘There are only two emotions in a plane: boredom and terror.’
Orson Welles (1915 –1985), American actor, film director, writer
1. You are on the plane. You may have the following conversation:
Conversation A
Flight attendant: Good morning, ma’am. What’s your seat number?
You: Uh, 34D.
Flight attendant: That’s on the right side of the airplane. It’s by the aisle.
You: Thank you.
Conversation B
You are near your seat.
You: Excuse me. You’re in my seat.
Man: Sorry?
You: That’s my seat 34D.
Man: This is 35D.
You: No, it isn’t.
Man: Well, where is 35D?
You: That’s 35D here.
Man: Oh, yes. It is. Sorry.
Conversation C
You are near your seat.
You: Excuse me. You’re in my seat.
Man: I don’t think so.
You: That’s my seat 34D.
Man: This is 33D. Look here!
You: Oh, yes. It is. Sorry.
Man: No problem.
4. Here’s a conversation you might have on the plane:
Flight attendant: Fish, chicken or vegetarian?
You: What’s the fish?
Flight attendant: It’s tuna.
You: Chicken, please.
Flight attendant: Anything to drink?
You: Yes. Water, please.
Flight attendant: Still or sparkling?
You: Still, please.
Flight attendant: Here you go. Enjoy your meal.
You: Thanks.
Read the dialogue.
Flight attendant: Would you like something to drink?
You: Could I have Coke with no ice?
Flight attendant: Here you are. Please fill in this form before the plane lands.
You: What is this form for?
Flight attendant: It’s a Customs and Immigration form. You will use that in the
airport before you can enter the country.
Answer the questions.
1. Is it important to have customs at international borders? Why / why not?
2. What kind of items do people try to smuggle?
3. Could more be done to stop smugglers?
Study the dialogue.
At Passport Control
Immigration officer: Good evening. Where have you come from?
Traveller: Moscow, Russia.
Immigration officer: May I have your passport and form I-94, please?
Traveller: Here you are.
Immigration officer: What’s the nature of your visit? Business or pleasure?
Traveller: Pleasure. I’m visiting my relatives.
Immigration officer: How long are you going to stay in the United States?
Traveller: Three weeks.
Immigration officer: Have you ever been to the United States?
Traveller: No, it’s my first visit.
Immigration officer: What is your occupation?
Traveller: I work as an accountant for a Russian chemical company.
Immigration officer: Do you have a return ticket?
Traveller: Yes, here it is.
Immigration officer: That’s fine. Thanks. Enjoy your trip.
Traveller: Thank you.
Study the conversation.
At Customs
Customs officer: May I look at your passport and customs declaration form, sir?
Traveller: Certainly. Here you are.
Customs officer: Do you have anything to declare?
Traveller: No, nothing. Just the normal allowance.
Customs officer: What do you have in this suitcase?
Traveller: Books, clothes, personal belongings and a bottle of wine.
Customs officer: Okay, do you have anything else besides these?
Traveller: No, I don’t.
Customs officer: How much money do you have on you?
Traveller: I have four thousand US dollars and eight hundred euros.
Customs officer: That’s fine, thank you. You can proceed. Have a nice stay in
the United States.
Traveller: Thank you. I’m sure I will.
Study the dialogue.
Boris: | Excuse me, what is the exchange rate for Euro? |
Bank clerk 1: | I’m sorry, sir. I don’t know. You must go to the foreign exchange desk. |
Boris: | Where’s that? |
Bank clerk 1: | Over there, on your left. |
(...) | |
Boris: | Excuse me, what is the exchange rate for Euro? |
Bank clerk 2: | Do you want to buy Euro or sell it, sir? |
Boris: | I want to buy. |
Bank clerk 2: | At today’s exchange rate one euro is 48 rubles. |
Boris: | I’ll take 500 euros, please. |
Bank clerk 2: | And how would you like your money? |
Boris: | Hm, let’s see. Can I have 300 euros in 50s and the rest in 20s and 10s? |
Bank clerk 2: | Sure. |
Boris: | Thanks. |
Lloyds Bank
‘Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.’
Seneca (4 BC – AD 65), Roman philosopher
Answer the questions.
1. How often do you stay at hotels?
2. What things about hotels do you like and don’t like?
3. Have you ever had any problems with hotels?
4. What hotel facilities are most important for you? Choose from the list or add your own ones:
· internet access
· air conditioning
· television
· swimming pool
· sauna
· gym
· beauty salon
· lift
· car park
· easy access to public transport
· laundry facilities
Choose the correct variant.
1. Welcome to the Blue Star Hotel. How may I help you? – I’d like to book a room / check in / check out for two people, for two nights.
2. Do you have any rooms available for June 10th? I’d like to make a room / books / reservation.
3. We stayed in the comfortable, spacious, newly renovated suite / single room / mini bar for our wedding night.
4. How much is the small bottle of liquor in the reservation / charge per night / mini bar?
5. A room in which only one person should sleep is a single room / double room / suite.
6. When making a reservation at a hotel, Sue was asked if she’d prefer to stay in a single or double room / fully booked room / mini bar.
7. I need a room. What is the charge per night / book a room / vacancies?
8. Carol paid the additional charges on a bill, reservation / motel / checked out and left the hotel.
9. When Sam arrived at the hotel, the receptionist greeted him and checked him in / checked him out / checked him off.
10. We are pleased to offer you full charge per night / room service / wake-up call as a part of our package.
11. When young persons travel, they often find cheaper accommodation in reception area / suites / youth hostels.
12. I’m afraid they’re check out / check in / fully booked here because of the Trade Fair. We’ll need to find another hotel.
13. A nice room service / bellboy / reception took my suitcase with a smile and brought it to my room.
14. We are fully booked and have no vacancies / half board / service for the upcoming weekend.
15. I’d like a charge per night / reception desk / wake-up call for seven o’clock tomorrow.
16. You’ll have to check in at the bellboy / suite / front desk.
Study the dialogue below.
Operator: | Holiday Inn Express Hotel. This is Kevin speaking. How can I help you? |
Maria: | Good afternoon. Do you have any vacancies for tonight? |
Operator: | Yes, ma’am. What kind of room are you looking for? |
Maria: | Just a single. |
Operator: | Hold on a moment, please… Yes, we have that. Would you like a room with a bath or shower? |
Maria: | Whatever is cheaper. |
Operator: | Shower then. |
Maria: | How much is it? Is breakfast included? |
Operator: | 100 euros per night, B&B. |
Maria: | Great. I’ll take it. |
Operator: | Could you give me your name, please? |
Maria: Operator: Maria: | Maria Brown. That’s B-R-O-W-N. OK. And how long will you be staying for? Just three nights. |
Study the dialogue below.
Receptionist: | Good evening, sir. |
Patrick: | Good evening. I want to check in. |
Receptionist: | Do you have a reservation? |
Patrick: | Yes, I do. |
Receptionist: | What name? |
Patrick: | Nelson. Patrick Nelson. |
Receptionist: | Just a moment… I don’t have your name on the computer, I’m afraid, sir. |
Patrick: | Try my company. That’s Cherry Retailers. |
Receptionist: | Ah, yes. I have it here. Cherry Retailers, 34 Apple Street, Paris. Mr Nelson. A single room for seven nights. |
Patrick: | That’s right. |
Receptionist: | And how will you be paying? |
Patrick: | Is Visa OK? |
Receptionist: | That’ll be fine. I just need you to complete this registration card. |
Patrick: | Thank you. Uh, sorry, what’s the date today? |
Receptionist: | June 15th. You’re in Room 345. Would you like a wake-up call? |
Patrick: | Yes, I’d like a wake-up call for 6:30. |
Communication activity.
Student A. You are a receptionist at a hotel. Choose any hotel from the cards below and study the information on the card. Student B is a traveller. Help student B to check in at your hotel. Ask student B questions about:
- his/her name
- room size and type
- number of nights
- wake-up call
- method of payment
Price | Available Rooms | |
Single sea view | $130.00 | 235 |
Single garden view | $120.00 | 802, 1107, 1108 |
Double sea view | $160.00 | None |
Double garden view | $165.00 | 708, 710, 904 |
Suite | $220.00 | 1201 |
Checkout |
Price | Available Rooms | |
Single sea view | $135.00 | 356,786 |
Single garden view | $125.00 | 203,204,206 |
Double sea view | $165.00 | 604, 605, 708 |
Double garden view | $170.00 | 555,423 |
Suite | $230.00 | None |
Checkout |
Am |
Price | Available Rooms | |
Single sea view | $125.00 | 102, 103, 104 |
Single garden view | $130.00 | None |
Double sea view | $165.00 | 201, 203 |
Double garden view | $180.00 | 303 |
Suite | $210.00 | 501 |
Checkout |
Am |
Price | Available Rooms | |
Single sea view | $95.00 | 604, 605, 708 |
Single garden view | $85.00 | 302,402 |
Double sea view | $125.00 | 203,204,206 |
Double garden view | $110.00 | None |
Suite | $150.00 | 501 |
Checkout |
Am |
Student B. You are a traveller. Choose any of the cards below for your background information. Now check in at a hotel. Student A is a hotel receptionist.
Don’t forget to ask about room prices and checkout time.
You are traveling alone. You would like a single room with a shower and a garden view. You would like to pay in cash. You will be staying for 2 nights. You would like a wake-up call for 7:00 am. You would like to have a late checkout at 4 pm. |
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