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The International Sociological Association is a non-profit organization dedicat- ed to scientific purposes in the field of sociology and social sciences.

2022-11-27 56
The International Sociological Association is a non-profit organization dedicat- ed to scientific purposes in the field of sociology and social sciences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Is the International Sociological Association a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific purposes in the field of sociology and social sciences? (general).

2. What is a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific purposes in the field of so- ciology and social sciences? (special).

3. Is the International Sociological Association a non-profit or for-profit organization dedicated to scientific purposes in the field of sociology and social sciences? (alternative)

4. The International Sociological Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to scientific purposes in the field of sociology and social sciences, isn‘t it?

1. I am a first-year student of the Sociological Department of Volgograd State Uni- versity.




2. Social ties within networks are strong.




3. Communication is the most important skill in life.




4. Her aim was to make English grammar clear to everyone.




5. After graduating from the university I‘ll be a consultant social worker.




6. In my opinion the conducting of this research will be of no interest.




7. It was the dominant theoretical stance in American sociology.




8. Durkheim and Mauss were influential in cultural anthropology.




9. A social science is very different from a discipline such as physics.




10. Perhaps the most important function of education is socialization.




E x erci se 4

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the appropriate form of the verb «to be»

1. Студенты второго курса социологического факультета не были вчера на лек-



2. Социология – инструмент для эффективной деятельности и поведения в со-

временной жизни.


3. Научные результаты социологии – рекомендации, предложения, методики,

оценки различных характеристик субъекта, его практики.


4. Одним из предшественников социологии был арабский мыслитель Ибн



5. Социальная система – целостное образование, основными элементами ко-

торого являются люди.


6. Будут ли результаты этих опросов актуальными через несколько лет?


7. Кто является автором этой статьи по социологии?


8. Профессор уверен, что студенты будут на социологическом эксперименте



9. Подходит ли господин Джонс для этой должности?



10. Выпускники находятся в лаборатории.


social relationships социальные отношения, социальное взаимодействие
social institutions социальные институты; общественные институты
subject matter предмет изучения; предмет науки
academic field научная область
founder основатель
social ties социальные связи; общественные связи
to contribute делать вклад (в науку и т. п.); способствовать; со- действовать
research исследование; изучение; научно- исследовательская работа
anthropology антропология
political science политология; политическая наука
psychology психология
statement утверждение; положение
questionnaire анкетирование; опрос
interview интервью; социологический опрос
economic sociology экономическая социология
to explain объяснять; толковать; разъяснять
community сообщество; объединение; общность
consultant social worker социальный работник-консультант
to conduct research проводить исследование
socialization социализация

Unit 2



Positive Negative Interrogative
There is a lecture today There is not a lecture today Is there a lecture today?
There are many lectures today There is no lecture today Are there many lectures to- day?
  There are not many lectures today  
There‘s a lecture today There isn‘t a lecture today  
There‘re many lectures today There aren‘t many lectures today  


Positive Negative Interrogative
There was a lecture yes- terday There was not a lecture yesterday Was there a lecture yes- terday?
  There was no lecture yes- terday  
There were many lectures yesterday There were not many lec- tures yesterday Were there many lectures yesterday?
  There wasn‘t a lecture yes- terday  
  There weren‘t many lec- tures yesterday  


Positive Negative Interrogative
There will be a lecture to- morrow There will not be a lecture tomorrow Will there be a lecture to- morrow?
  There will be no lecture tomorrow  
There will be many lec- tures tomorrow There will not be many lec- tures tomorrow Will there be many lectures tomorrow?
There‘ll be a lecture tomor- row There won‘t be a lecture tomorrow


There‘ll be many lectures tomorrow There won‘t be many lec- tures tomorrow


The constructions ―there is (are)‖ in the Present, Past and Future Simple Tense are used when people talk about the existence of people, things, etc. The constructions have the  meaning  ― есть ‖,  ― имеется ‖,  ― существует ‖  in  the  Present  Simple  Tense,  ― б ыло ‖,

существовало ‖ in the Past Simple Tense, ― б удет ‖ in the Future Simple Tense.

The corresponding Russian sentences begin with adverbial modifiers.


English Russian
There is a new library at our university В нашем университете есть новая биб- лиотека


E x erci se 1                  

Read and translate the following sentences with the construction «there is (are)»

1. There are always many exceptions to any generalization, because people are not totally determined by their social environment.


2. Was there a seminar on Comparative Sociology yesterday?


3. There will be a lot of sociologists at the conference.


4. There is a close connection between sociology and other disciplines.


5. There are three primary models of ethnic integration that have been adopted by multiethnic societies in relation to these challenges.


6. There are circumstances which cannot be avoided.


7. How many students were there at the conference yesterday?


8. There were many questions to be discussed.


9. There were a lot of subjects to learn last semester.


10. Were there any changes in those documents?



E x erci se 2

Use the appropriate form of ―three is (are)‖ construction.

Translate the sentences into Russian

1.                     no lectures and seminars tomorrow.

2.                     any conferences on the problems of sociology next year?

3.                     an interesting interview on TV yesterday.

4.                     often a great deal of crossover between social research.

5.                     no laws in social science that parallel the laws in natural science.

6.                     another discussion in a week.

7.                     evidence of early sociology in medieval Arab writings.

8.                     a new library at our university?

9.                     many organizations studying social change?

10.                 _ a strong consensus regarding the central problems of sociological theory.


E x erci se 3

Ask questions of 4 types (general, special, alternative and disjunctive) about each sentence


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