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Unit 1
advertising | рекламирование |
communication | коммуникация, общение; информационное взаимодействие |
publicist | специалист по связям с общественностью; агент по рекламе |
mutually beneficial | взаимовыгодный |
deliberate | тщательно спланированный; продуманный; заранее подго- товленный |
positive image | положительное представление; позитивный имидж |
public relations (PR) | связи с общественностью |
strategy | тактика; стратегия |
to spread information | распространять информацию |
to manage | управлять; организовывать работу |
advocate | адвокат; сторонник; защитник |
purpose | цель |
to achieve the goal | достигнуть цели |
to hire | нанимать; принимать на работу |
group discussion | групповое обсуждение |
dissemination | распространение |
E x erci se 1
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box
advertising | to manage | disseminating | spread of information |
publicist | advocate | public relations | strategy |
1. PR can also be described as the mechanism used to control and manage the
between any organization and the public.
2. is the act of creating messages to influence the public to pur- chase a company‘s products or services.
3. With the right expectations, the right team and the right tools, a company can ef- fectivelyits public relations needs in house.
4. A is a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall
5. Key tasks in this area include answering questions, press releas- es, arranging interviews and placing the right news reports or the right publications at the right time.
6. An is a person who works to make things better for another person or a group of people.
7. A is a person responsible for publicizing a product, person, or company.
8. The ultimate goal of the department should be to increase the number of clients or customers of a business through their activities.
E x erci se 2
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian
1. Grunig and Repper advocate a strategic approach to managing public relations based on research into stakeholder perceptions.
2. This method allows the company to completely keep PR strategies on track with
the company philosophy and long-term goals.
3. PR usually involves communicating with the media and through the media to pre-
sent the clients in the most favorable way possible.
4. Examples of the knowledge that may be required in the professional practice of
public relations include communication arts, psychology, social psychology, sociology, po- litical science, economics and the principles of management and ethics.
5. As for PR, it aims to create a positive image of organization and prevent spreading
unfavorable rumors and information.
6. He also noted that groups are not equal in wealth and while some can hire public
relations consultants, others cannot.
7. The managements of institutions need to understand the attitudes and values of
their publics in order to achieve institutional goals.
8. Public relations is the creation, distribution and dissemination of messaging and
communications for the purpose of promoting and fostering positive awareness, associa- tions, imagery, perception of a person, place or thing among a particular target audience to effect a desired behavior
E x erci se 3
Do the crossword puzzle
2. The act of spreading information throughout a group of people.
7. A set of actions that is used to complete a job in the best way possible.
6. Done consciously and intentionally.
1. The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
3. Have the position of supervising (staff) at work.
4. Someone whose job is to make sure that people know about a new product, film, book etc. or what a famous person is doing.
5. Someone who publicly supports someone or something.
8. Telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it.
9. The process of sharing thoughts or information, and can be done through speech, writing, or other methods.
department | отдел; структурное подразделение |
marketing communications | маркетинговая коммуникация; работа с потенциальными клиентами |
position | должность; вакансия; направление деятельности |
background | опыт работы/трудовой деятельности |
employee | лицо, работающее по найму; сотрудник; служащий |
network | сеть; рабочие связи |
to disperse | распространять; распределять |
governmental | государственный; относящийся к публичной власти |
consumer affairs department | управление по делам потребителей/по вопросам обслу- живания потребителей |
community relations | связь с гражданскими органами и местным населением; отношения с местным населением |
responsibilities | выполняемые функции; обязанности; сфера ответствен- ности |
an applicant | кандидат на должность; претендент; соискатель |
skills | профессиональные навыки |
to build relationships | устанавливать отношения |
experience | опыт; навык |
field | область; сфера деятельности |
E x erci se 1
Match the words with their definitions
1) employee | a) a person who answers an advertisement for a job vacancy |
2) department | b) a person's education, experience, and social circumstances |
3) skills | c) a person employed for wages or salary, especially at non- executive level |
4) background | d) a particular branch of study or sphere of activity or interest |
5) position | e) things which one is required to do as part of a job, role, or le- gal obligation |
6) responsibilities | f) a job |
7) field | g) a division of a large organization such as a government, uni- versity, or business, dealing with a specific area of activity |
8) applicant | h) the ability to do something well; expertise |
E x erci se 2
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian
1. The field of sociology is quite expansive, and most sociologists specialize in a par- ticular area of interest.
2. A person with a master‘s degree in sociology is normally considered qualified to work as a high school, college or university instructor or as a social worker for a public or government agency.
3. In all of these positions, a sociologist is generally expected to have good commu- nication and research skills.
4. Successful applicants would also welcome the opportunity to teach courses in one or more of the following specializations: the sociology of culture, sociology of family, soci- ology of work, and research methods – qualitative, quantitative, or network analysis.
5. Sociologists are aware of their professional and scientific responsibility to the communities and societies in which they live and work.
6. Sociologists delegate to their students, supervisees, or employees only those re- sponsibilities that such persons, based on their education, training, or experience, can reasonably be expected to perform.
7. The sociological imagination allows sociologists to make connections between personal experiences and larger social issues.
8. Small organizations will have a small multi-skilled public relations department, in- deed public relations may be subsumed into another department, typically marketing, or be a part of a single individual‘s job.
E x erci se 3
Find the answers to the crossword
2. A group of people, organizations etc. that are connected or that work together.
3. Someone who has formally asked, usually in writing, for a job, university place etc.
4. One of the groups of people who work together in a particular part of a large or- ganization such as a hospital, university, company, or government.
6. A subject that people study or an area of activity that they are involved in as part of their work.
8. Someone‘s family, education, previous work etc.
1. Someone‘s or something‘s level, authority, or importance in a society or organiza-
5. Knowledge or skill that you gain from doing a job or activity, or the process of do-
ing this.
7. Someone who is paid to work for someone else.
9. Particular abilities.
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services | сервис; сфера услуг |
branding | брэндинг; разработка и продвижение торговой мар- ки; укрепление имиджа |
events management | организация мероприятий; организация специаль- ных мероприятий для создания привлекательного образа фирмы |
speech training | речевой тренинг; исправление недостатков речи |
counseling | консультирование |
agency | фирма; агентство; организация |
an adjunct | приложение; дополнение; помощник |
in-house | служебный; корпоративный; штатный; внутренний |
financial relations | финансовые отношения |
perception | восприятие; репутация; представление (о чем-л.) |
to specialize in | специализироваться на/ в области |
to offer | предлагать |
corporate reputation | корпоративная репутация |
to prepare | подготавливать |
to perform | выполнять; исполнять |
to improve | улучшать; совершенствовать |
E x erci se 1
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box
services | branding | to offer | agency |
to perform | counseling | in-house | to improve |
1. is all of the ways you establish an image of your company in your cus- tomers' eyes.
2. Rubin says he will resign when he is no longer able his duties.
3. We undergraduate training that covers a broad range of sociological inquiry, including ethnicity, sociology of education, sociology of religion and global social change.
4. Our free credit service can help you reduce debt and manage your expenses.
5. Sociology is a science of social activities that are used the knowledge of human activity.
6. A wide range of financial are available.
7. This company, at first attached to an advertising , later became an in- dependent public relations consultancy.
8. All our artwork is done by designers; we don't normally use freelance people.
E x erci se 2
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian
1. Branding is the expression of the essential truth or value of an organization, product, or service.
2. Was the ad created in-house or by an outside advertising agency?
3. Social activities and institutions may be an important adjunct of study – as with many professional courses.
4. We offer a bespoke event management service for our clients who don't have the resources or the time to run events themselves.
5. A company's corporate reputation is often confused with its product brand.
6. Based on thorough research, companies can develop strategies and initiate tar- geted activities to manage and improve customer perceptions.
7. Although sociologists often specialize in one approach, many sociologists use a complementary combination of design types and research methods in their research.
8. A number of groups offer their services free of charge.
E x erci se 3
Find the answers to the crossword
2. A business that provides a particular service for people or organizations.
3. Someone who has formally asked, usually in writing, for a job, university place etc.
7. The way you think about something and your idea of what it is like.
8. To provide something that people need or want.
1. The process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers' mind.
4. Carry out, accomplish, or fulfill (an action, task, or function).
5. Connected or added to something.
6. Actions of helping or doing work for someone.
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marketing | маркетинг |
campaign | кампания; операция; поход |
third-party endorsement | рекомендация третьих лиц |
integrated | объединѐнный; комплексный; интегрированный |
sales lead | потенциальный покупатель; информация о потенциаль- ных покупателях |
awareness | информированность; осведомлѐнность; узнаваемость |
sales literature | коммерческая литература; рекламные материалы; торго- вые каталоги |
audience | целевая аудитория; целевая группа |
credibility | надѐжность; уровень доверия; убедительность |
approach | метод; способ; принцип; подход |
to review | делать обзор; рассматривать |
timely | актуальный; современный; своевременный |
to update | актуализировать; предоставлять обновлѐнную информа- цию; обновлять данные |
tactic | тактика; поведение |
to gain trust | войти в доверие; завоевать доверие |
benefit | преимущество; польза; благо; выгода; прибыль |
E x erci se 1
Fill in the blanks with the words from the box
to gain trust | sales literature | marketing | awareness |
credibility | integrated | audience | approach |
1. Reporters can't just report lies to their enormous _ , and sociological ex- periments cannot trespass on the rights of its subjects.
2. This has eventually helped community products and popularity among the local and international markets.
3. Such training includes environmental carried out in conjunction with the Environmental Department.
4. The sociological goes beyond everyday common sense by using systematic methods of empirical observation and theorization.
5. Europe continues its effort to build an market with uniform tax and business regulation.
6. But that would damage the of the government further and certainly affect the financial markets, analysts said.
7. The reason their cars sold so well was that they had a brilliant strate-
8. is the collection of materials businesses use to educate custom-
ers and help them make buying decisions.
E x erci se 2
Translate the following sentences from English into Russian
1. A sales lead is a prospective consumer of a product or service, created when an individual or business shows interest and provides contact information.
2. The company has launched an advertising campaign in the hope of attracting new customers.
3. Third-party organization endorsement can be defined as a positive evaluation of products or services made by a third-party organization (for-profit or nonprofit).
4. Businesses and publications are leaving on-line services for the Internet as a way to reach a wider audience.
5. Tourism has brought many benefits to the area.
6. Holbrook has a position in marketing for a large department store.
7. The finance committee is reviewing the budget proposal.
8. It opens up opportunities to supply a wide variety of users with information that is timely, accurate, significant and relevant.
E x erci se 3
Find the answers to the crossword
2. An organized course of action to achieve a goal.
3. Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
4. The quality of being trusted and believed in.
5. Done or happening at exactly the right time.
1. With various parts or aspects linked or coordinated.
6. The activity of deciding how to advertise a product, what price to charge for it and
7. A method of doing something or dealing with a problem.
8. The people giving attention to something.
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