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Test-papers for Public Relations by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Max Bloom, Book 1: Units 11-15

2022-11-27 82
Test-papers for Public Relations by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Max Bloom, Book 1: Units 11-15 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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survey, survey questions соцопрос, исследование
questionnaire перечень вопросов анкеты
familiar обычный, привычный, знакомый
closed-ended questions закрытые вопросы
range перечень
follow-up question уточняющий вопрос
open-ended questions вопросы открытого типа, подразумевающие множество ответов
respondents респонденты
context контекст, ситуация
loaded questions наводящие вопросы, провокационные вопросы
wording форма выражения, содержание
to be courtesy bias зд. быть предвзято вежливым; необъективным
politically correct политкорректный
anonymity анонимность
encountered встречающийся
to admit признаваться, допускать
to contain содержать
to be eager to…. хотеть, гореть желанием
survey accuracy точность наблюдений


E x erci se 1                   

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

closed-ended questionnaire wording context
courtesy bias respondent anonymity familiar

1.                                     is a state of being unknown, and refers to people whose names are not released publicly.

2. If a question is                                    , it is used to get a brief, specific answer.

3. A                                      is the set of events or circumstances that something ex- ists with.

4.                                      is a person‘s tendency to give the ―right‖ or politically cor- rect answer to a survey question, even if that answer is not honest.

5. If something is                                     , someone knows it or has encountered it before.

6. A                                       is a list of questions that someone answers, usually as part of a survey or other data collection process.

7. A                                      is a person who answers questions in a survey or poll.

8.                                    is a selection of particular words to express an idea.


E x erci se 2

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian

1. For people born in Britain before the Second World War, child deaths – mainly from infectious diseases – were a familiar experience.



2. In order to ensure their anonymity, none of their details are obtained.



3. She admitted robbery and three charges of shoplifting and asked for five other of- fences to be taken into consideration.



4. So all of our information is contained within our IT systems.



5. Completion of the questionnaire constituted informed consent from the respond-




6. The age range varied from 18 to 92 years of age.



7. Its title and introduction lead readers to expect a general survey of global environ- mental history.



8. Where on the social ladder a person was born predicted, with depressing accura- cy, where they would end up.



9. Is the source of my social ineptitude my use of politically incorrect terms and faux- feelings of identification with minority groups?



10. We thank the many women who completed questionnaires for this study.








E x erci se 3

Find the answers to the crossword



1. Persons who re- ply to something, especially one sup- plying information for a questionnaire or responding to an advertisement.

6. The ability to do something in an ex- act way without making a mistake.

7. Sentences or phrases that are used to ask for in- formation or to test someone‘s knowledge.

10. A number of people or things that are all different, but are all of the same general type.

12. Having no mis- takes.

2. Free from error; in accordance with fact or truth.

3. An investigation of the opinions or experience of a group of people, based on a se- ries of questions.

4. To agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right.

5. To be well-known to you and easy to recognize.

8. When other people do not know who you are or what your name is.

9. The situation, events, or information that are related to something and that help you to understand it.

11. A written set of questions which you give to a large number of people in order to collect information.

13. To experience something, especially problems or opposition.

14. The words and phrases used to express something.

Unit 12



to count считать
to estimate оценивать
message exposure воздействие рекламного сообщения
advertising equivalency рекламная равнозначность
to determine определять
outlets информационные источники
tough стойкий, упорный
actual audience фактическая аудитория
measurable значительный, значимый, измеряемый
media impressions зд. Рекламные публикации
to cover покрывать, распространять
to track сопроводить, следить
to assess давать оценку, определять цену
measurement измерение
to be worth стоить, заслуживать
hit зд. просмотр
to decrease уменьшать
reliable methods надежные методы
to air the story передавать историю
potential потенциальный, возможный
to launch выпускать
to expand расширять
campaign кампания


                                             E x erci se 1

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

hit advertising equivalency message exposure to evaluate
media impression potential actual measurable

1. If something is                                     , it exists and is real, rather than being po- tential or imaged.

2.                                     is a measurement of how much a new story is worth to a person or organization. It is calculated by determining how much an advertisement of the same size or duration would cost.

3. To                                      something is to examine its qualities and make a deci- sion or judgement about it.

4. A                                      is a measurement indicating that someone has visited a particular website.

5. If something is                                     , it can be assessed with specific numbers or quantities, and can be compared quantitatively to other similar things.

6. A                                      is a measurement indicating that someone has been ex- posed to a particular message through the media.

7.                                     is a measure of how many people likely saw a message, and is based on how many places the message appeared.

8. If something is                                    , it is possible, but has not yet become real.


E x erci se 2

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian

1. Secure with rubber band and then cover with a decorative hair ornament.




2. He was strong and brave, a happy-go-lucky person but also tough and able to live on his own.




3. Many supermarkets now provide free buses to carry potential customers into their premises.




4. But error is a normal part of science, skepticism is its conscience, and control ex- periments uncover flaws in reasoning or measurement.




5. While employment figures continue to fall, their rate of decline has decreased.




6. In the absence of reliable sources, we can only guess at the process of societal formation.




7. The software company believes that the speller engine can be expanded into oth- ers areas of language learning and teaching.




8. He also played a key role in the campaign against the care home.




E x erci se 3

Find the answers to the crossword


1. Large or important enough to have an effect that can be seen or felt; able to be measured.

4. A series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement.

7. Likely to develop into a particular type of person or thing in the future.

10. Consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted; dependable.





2. To start something, usually something big or important.

3. To find out the facts about something.

5. To become less or go down to a lower level, or to make something do this.

6. To become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become larg-


8. Means of expressing one's talents, energy, or emotions.

9. To try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc. of something, without calculating it






























































Unit 13



to reach достигать
to measure измерять
to find out обнаруживать
systematic систематический
day-after recall право отзыва через сутки, припоминание на следующий день (после контакта с рекламой)
to be aware быть в курсе
to conduct проводить
baseline study изучение исходного состояния
attitude отношение
to compare сравнивать
action действие
attendance присутствие, обслуживание
request просьба, требование, запрос
survey people опрашиваемые люди
to inquire спрашивать, узнавать, исследовать
ROI экономический эффект, прибыль на инвестированный капитал
to occur случаться, происходить
memorable незабываемый, памятный
to evaluate оценивать
evaluation оценка, определение, анализ
explanation объяснение
to determine определять


E x erci se 1                   

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

attitude attendance systematic day-after recall
request ROI action baseline study

1. An                                      is the process of doing or changing something.

2.                                    is a measurement of how much money a person or compa- ny earns as a result of spending money on something.

3. An                                      is the general way that someone feels about something, and may include his or her opinions, emotions, or both.

4.                                      is a measurement of people‘s awareness of something one day after they have learned about it.

5.                             is a measurement of how many people are present at an event.

6. A                                    is the act of monitoring an audience‘s attitudes before and after a campaign in order to measure the changes, if any, in response to the campaign.

7. Is something is                                    , it occurs in a controlled, specific way.

8. A                                      is the act of asking someone for something.


E x erci se 2

Insert a suitable preposition where necessary

1. We received 400 applications in response              one job advertisement.

2. We spent too much money              people that hate us.

3. Their survival depended             the continued support of powerful group leaders.

4. Demonization usually occurs only            certain areas of a person's life.

5. Persons 16 years and older can make an advance written statement containing a request          termination of life‘ which the physician may carry out.

6. But the married father-of-three, who has 22 years' experience, is confident that ar-

rangements will go according

7. I have to say that I don't agree



this from a moral viewpoint.

8. We are aware              he situation and we are seeking to gather information and evidence.


Exercise 3

Find the answers to the crossword


1. The reasons you give for why something happened or why you

5                                                                                          did something.

5. Very good, enjoyable, or unusu- al, and worth remembering.

8. To find out the facts about some- thing.



2. The action or state of going regu- larly to or being present at a place

3. Done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.

4. The opinions and feelings that you usually have about something, especially when this is shown in your behaviour.

6. A judgment about how good, useful, or successful something is.

7. To consider two or more things or people, in order to show how they are similar or different.



to pay for платить за …
publicity firms разрекламированные фирмы
basic package базовый набор, основная упаковка
affordable допустимый, приемлемый
flat rate единая ставка для расчѐта суммы косвенных из- держек накладных расходов, твѐрдая ставка; фиксированная процентная ставка (of interest)
fee плата, вознаграждение
to allocate предназначать, назначать, распределять
appropriately соответственно, должным образом
salary зарплата
staff time трудозатраты
out-of-pocket expenses подотчѐтные суммы; подотчѐтные расходы
unexpected contingencies непредвиденные обстоятельства, незапланиро- ванные расходы
leftover остаток
reimburse reimbursement возмещать оплата, выплата
custom package упаковка по индивидуальному заказу
to afford позволять, иметь возможность
to estimate оценивать
expenditures расходы, издержки
beforehand заранее
to assign назначать, определять
to repay возвращать, погашать
to purchase покупать


E x erci se 1

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

cost advertising staff time budget
out-of-pocket expense contingency fee flat rate

1.                                     is the act of creating messages to influence the public to purchase a company‘s products or services.

2. A                                      is an amount of money that is available to pay for some- thing.

3. A                                      is a situation or event that might happen in the future, but is not certain to happen.

4. A                                      is the amount of money that someone must pay in order to buy or complete something.

5. A                                      is an amount of money that a person or company charg- es for a service.

6. A                                       is a fixed amount of money that a job or service costs, and does not change based upon the time required to complete it, the number of people involved, or other factors.

7. An                                       is something that someone must pay for immediately, and may or may not receive reimbursement for later.

8.                                     is the amount of time that employees of a company spend working on a particular job.


E x erci se 2

Insert a suitable preposition where necessary

1. It's so wonderful that you included me                     your quest to inform!

2. I know that you have questions                     the rates.

3. For the amount of money they charge                     the ticket, the service should be much better.

4. Regardless                           her position, she won the conference.

5. Do you have a question                       your PR manager?

6. This firm reviewed a client‘s expenditures                       previous agent.

7. Thank                        _ your help in the research work.

8. I don‘t want you include a flat rate                       all services.



E x erci se 3

Find the answers to the crossword


1. The total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends dur- ing a particular period of time (plural).

5. Cheap enough for most people to afford.

7. To give someone a particular job or make them responsible for a particular person or thing.

8. Something wrapped in paper, packed in a box, and then sent by mail or delivered.

10. To pay back money that you have borrowed.



2. To buy something.

3. Before something else happens or is done.

4. Correctly or suitably for a particular time, situation, or purpose.

6. Money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month.

9. Remaining after all the rest has been used, taken, or eaten.

11. The action of repaying a person who has spent or lost money.






to concern about волноваться о чем-либо
voter избиратель
fluctuating колеблющийся, неустойчивый, переменный
to increase увеличиваться
to decrease уменьшаться
response ответ
initiative инициатива
to expand расширять, развивать
additional tax дополнительный налог
to climb подниматься
improvement улучшение
to plummet быстро падать, рухнуть
stable устойчивый, стабильный, постоянный
rise подъем
to target намечать, планировать
shrink уменьшение
decline падение, спад
awareness информированность, узнаваемость
to focus on сфокусироваться на.., обратить внимание


                                             E x erci se 1

Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

to decrease to fluctuate to rise to expand
to plummet decline to increase shrink

1. A                                      is a process of increasing in a quality or amount.

2. A                                      is the process of becoming worse or smaller in amount.

3. To                                    something is to make it grow larger.

4. To                                    is to get smaller.

5. To                                    is to become smaller in number or value.

6. To                                    is to become larger or greater in number or value.

7. To                                    is to change regularly.

8. To                                    is to fall very low very quickly.

E x erci se 2

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian

1. To be a single-issue voter, especially in this election, is ignorant and selfish.



2. The workforce has shrunk by 1,000 over the last two years.



3. Inequality in our society is increasing and for those at the bottom things are getting worse.



4. Moods and emotions are varied and fluctuating as you deal with rivals or friends.



5. He has the qualifications, reputation and awareness of what should, and should not, be.



6. I don't have enough confidence and initiative to ever earn her respect.



7. Focus on your own feelings and share them with your psychologist and you won't lose the focus of your own body.



8. She is anxious to receive any other suggestions which can lead to further im- provements.


E x erci se 3

Find the answers to the crossword


1. The ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do.

6. The act of improving something, or the state of being improved.

7. To increase in number, amount, or value.

9. To suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount.



2. Become or make smaller in size or amount.

3. Something that you are trying to achieve, such as a total, an amount, or a time.

4. Rising and falling irregularly in number or amount.

5. Steady and not likely to move or change.

8. A decrease in the quality, quantity, or importance of something.

10. Knowledge or understanding of a particular subject or situation.












              2   9              


































To be + V3 (ed)

  Simple to be + V3 (ed) Continuous to be + being +V3 (ed) Perfect have + been +V3 (ed)
Present am is + asked are am is + being asked are have /has + been asked (writ- ten)
  usually, always, often, every..., sometimes, seldom at this moment, these days already (-,?) yet just, never today, this week (month, year)
Past was + asked were was + being asked were had + been аsked (written)
  yesterday, last time, in 1999,...ago at 10 a.m. from 5 till 6 p.m. at that moment, this time yesterday, when I came by (the time...) when (I came)
Future will + be asked (written) tomorrow next year in a week will + have been written by this time next to-morrow


1. We use the Passive Voice when it is not so important (or unknown) who or what did the action:

· My research was published yesterday.

2. We use by only when we need to say who or what is responsible for an event:

· The window was broken last night. (We don‘t know or want to say who or what

did it.)

· The window was broken by a slate that fell off the road. (We wish to give the in- formation.)

3. We often use by+agent with the passive of verbs like build, compose, damage, design, destroy, discover, make and write to identify who or what is/was responsible:


Who designed St. Paul‘s? – It was designed by Christopher Wren.

4. We use the Passive Infinitive (to be done, to be committed) after modal verbs and a number of other verbs:

· I want to be left alone.

· Your bicycle may be stolen if leave it in the street.

5. Only the verbs which take on object (transitive verbs) can go into the Passive Voice.

Intransitive verbs can‘t be used in the Passive Voice. They are:


- to fly, to arrive

- to be, to become

- to have, to lack, to possess, to consist, to belong

- to hold, to suit, to resemble, to fit

- to appear, to seem, to come, to go, to last

E x erci se 1

Read and translate the following sentences into Russian. Find the passive construction in each sentence and define the tense

1. This lecturer is invited to deliver a course of lectures on Sociology at our University.


2. The mail is usually brought at 8 a.m.


3. Are the articles always prepared in time?


4. Promotion is used to create consumer interest in a product.


5. Mark, you are asked on the telephone.


6. Our appointment has been canceled, hasn‘t it?


7. Who has been appointed the head of the delegation?


8. A conference on sociological problems is being held now.


9. The papers are still being typed now.


10. Something important was being discussed, so I decided to listen to.


E x erci se 2

Put questions to the underlined parts of the sentences.

Translate the sentences into Russian

1. Sociology is taught in many higher educational establishments.


2. I‘m so sorry, your application has been rejected by the committee.


3. It‘s great that university graduates are offered a wide choice of jobs.


4. We hope, our new book will be published as soon as possible.


5. I am sure, the project will have been completed by the end of this academic year.


6. When we asked for the results, the information was being checked.


7. Don‘t worry. This issue will be discussed tomorrow.


8. When we joined the team, the solution had already been found.


9. Culture is learned, not inherited.


10. His report is being broadcast now.


11. You'll be informed about the change in the conference agenda.


12. We've been invited to participate in the conference on globalization.


E x erci se 3

Translate the sentences with modal verbs. Pay attention to the example This can be easily done. – Это можно легко сделать.

This can't be done. – Это нельзя сделать.

1. The answers must be written illegibly.


2. These books mustn't be taken away.


3. These questions can be easily answered.


4. His behavior can't be explained.


5. This result can be improved.


6. These mistakes must be corrected.


E x erci se 4

Open the brackets using the Passive Voice:

1. You                          (not/to allow) to buy cigarettes if you are under 16.

2. If he starts speaking the secret                            (to reveal).

3. These subjects                            (to teach) in many higher educational estab- lishments.

4. I think that this building                           (to build) in the 1970s.

5. Do you know when the new café                           (to open)?

6. Be quiet, please. My favorite show                            (to broadcast).

7. Do you know the news? The date of the meeting                            (to change)!

8. The seminar                           (to attend) by all our students.

9. The university lectures and seminars                            (to follow) by examina- tions.

10. The old methods of research                            (to replace) with the new ones.

11. He greatly                           (to influence) by other people's opinions

12. The summit                           (to follow) by a press-conference.

13. All his questions                           (to answer).

14. The demonstrators                            (to join) by their supporters.

15. A new questionnaire                           (to develop) in our sociological laboratory.

16. The research                            (to finish) by the beginning of the new academic



E x erci se 5

Express the following sentences in the Passive Voice


They invited himНе was invited.

Somebody has made the reportThe report has been made.

1. They will carry out this experiment next week.


2. She wrote that book ten years ago.


3. They've offered him a job.


4. Somebody has left the documents in the office.


5. One praises students when they work hard.


6. People will never forget his great contribution to science.


7. Somebody found those manuscripts last year.


8. They will discuss the changes in the agenda tomorrow.


9. They have opened the conference.


10. Nobody heard the news.


11. They will explain us the meaning of the concept.


12. They have given him all the necessary information.


E x erci se 6

Translate the sentences into English using the Passive Voice

1. Труд этого ученого была под влиянием идей Спенсера.


2. По этому вопросу было собрано много материалов.


3. Наше исследование будет проведено в следующем году.


4. На прошлой неделе была открыта ежегодная социологическая конференция

в Киеве.


5. Доклады были напечатаны до того, как событие началось.


6. Сейчас на конференции рассматриваются несколько новых предложений.


7. В нашей статье предлагается новое решение этой проблемы.


8. Этот проект будет закончен до конца этого года.


9. Старые методы исследования были замещены новыми.


10.Он сильно подвержен влиянию мнения других людей.




E x erci se 7

Translate the verbs with prepositions

a) to agree upon, to arrive at, to deal

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