Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

I. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

2020-05-07 487
I. Переведите с английского языка на русский: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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At the beginning of the year an export credit insurance agency began its activity in Poland. This was necessary because Polish trade with the former CMEA countries is now calculated in convertible currency. In order to protect Polish exporters effectively against economic as well as political risks the Korporacja Ubezpieczen Kredytow Exportowych/ KUKE (Export Credit Insurance corporation) was established in Warsaw.

The company operates on a commercial basis. It comprises the State (Ministry of Finance and Ministry for Economic Cooperation with Foreign Counties), the National Bank of Poland, Bank Handlowy w. Warszawie SA, the Bank for Export Development, the Tourist Bank, the WARTA insurance company and several foreign trade organizations.

The starting capital was zl. 30 bn. The company planned to increase it to zl.100 bn during the first year. In the first instance only an office in Warsaw was opened. Later, however, KUKE intends to establish branches in some other major Polish cities.

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why was it necessary to start an export credit insurance agency in Poland?

2. What basis does the company operate on?

3. Which banks does it comprise?

4. What was the starting capital of KUKE?

III. Сгруппируйте следующие слова в группы синонимов и антонимов:

To begin, to set up, beginning, to finish, commercial, to establish, first, to close, to start, export, last, end, import, non-commercial

IV. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующим фразам:

1. в начале года………………………………………………….

2. начать свою деятельность……………………………………

3. в течение первого года………………………………………

4. подсчитывать в конвертируемой валюте………………….

5. защитить против рисков……………………………………

6. создать отделения…………………………………………..

7. действующий на коммерческой основе……………………..

Вариант 2

I. Выберите правильный вариант (a), (b), (c) или (d):

1. I ….. this letter yesterday.

a) write

b) wrote

c) am writing

d) was written

2. Did you ….. the e-mail I sent you on Monday?

a) get

b) got

c) have

d) had

3. The payment was made…..

a) next week

b) last week

c) in two weeks

d) two weeks ago

4. How many letters ……. Last week?

a) you received

b) were you received

c) did you receive

d) do you receive

5. ….. was this company established? – in 2001.

a) When

b) Where

c) Why

d) How

6. With reference …. Your payment order of 23rd February we sent you our confirmation yesterday.

a) at

b) for

c) on

d) to

7. Please be advised that our outstanding bill No 142 was sent to you in accordance … your request.

a) for

b) of

c) to

d) with

8. Yesterday we ….. our bank to pay you $ 100 000.

a) confirmed

b) informed

c) instructed

d) remitted

9. On the 26th September the Export-Import Bank of Korea ….. a representative office in Sofia.

a) was opened

b) opened

c) opening

d) opens

10. The established office is the first South Korea ….. of this kind in Bulgaria.

a) organization

b) concern

c) credit institution

d) establishment

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are the oldest Universities in the UK?

2. What types of banks do you know?

3. What are the main political parties in Britain today?

4. What is the final stage in creating a contract?

5. What documents one must have to open an account?

III. От слов policy, to act, to insure, calculator, protectionism образуйте новые слова и переведите их на русский язык

IV. Заполните пропуски соответствующими местоимениями:

I my me

He … him

… her her

It its …

… our us

You …. You

They … …

Вариант 3

I. Употребите данные в скобках глаголы в подходящей по смыслу временной форме:

1. I usually … (to check) various payment documents before lunch.

2. Our accountants … (to handle) payment instructions, debit advices, credit advices and other documents now.

3. Yesterday the head of our department … (to look through) statements of accounts of our customers from Motorolla company.

4. We are busy just now. We … (to enclose) credit and debit advices with our letters.

5. We usually … (to send) detailed payment instructions to various banks to make payment.

6. We … (to acknowledge) receipt of your letter of 19 September an hour ago.

7. This … (to confirm) our telephone conversation of 10th November and we … (to thank) you for your cooperation.

8. I … (to have) a lot of work to do in my office yesterday. I … (to check) few payment documents, … (to study) terms of payment and prices of a contract and … (to send) a few letters to our customers.

9. We … (to send) this telex to the bank on the 19th of October 2012.

10. She … (to check) a few payment orders at the moment.

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the state system of Great Britain?

2. What branches of power are there in the Russian Federation?

3. What factors stipulate air pollution in transportation industry?

4. What kind of republic is the Russian Federation?

5. What languages do they speak in the United Kingdom?

III. Вспомните эквиваленты следующих банковских терминов:

Кредитовое/дебетовое авизо………

Платежное поручение…………….

Платежные инструкции…………….


Счет в банке………………………….

Номер счета………………………….

Неоплаченный счет………………….




4. К словам из первого столбика подберите определения из второго столбика

1. со ссылкой на a. an early reply
2. в соответствии с b. fail to confirm
3. скорый ответ c. in accordance with
4. не подтвердить d. with reference to

Вариант 4

1. Переведите с английского языка на русский

1. At the beneficiary’s request please return all the documents to their bank.

2. With reference to your telex of 7th August we are informing you of the following……

3. We are enclosing the necessary documents in accordance with the credit terms.

4. ‘Access time’ refers to the average time required for the recording heads to move and access data.

5. When you save a file, the operating system moves the read/write heads of the disk drive towards empty sectors.

6. You have to distinguish between access time and ‘data transfer rate’ (the average speed required to transmit data from a disk system to the RAM).

7. In a defragmented disk, a file is stored in neighbouring sectors.

8. A hard disk drive stores data on a stack of metal rotating disks, called platters.

9. Some systems allow you to back up your entire PC on one disk.

10. A disk drive works very much as a tape recorder that can both play and record.

2. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the state system of the Russian Federation?

2. What branches of power are there in Great Britain?

3. What environment problems are caused by railways?

4. What chambers are there in the British Parliament?

5. What are the names of houses in the Parliament of the Russian Federation?

3. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Наши платежные инструкции были приложены к письму от 20 января.

2. Прилагаем кредитовое авизо, которое было направлено нам 13 февраля.

3. Пожалуйста, проверьте ваши выписки по счетам.

4. Вчера мы проверили несколько платежных документов и произвели платежи.

5. Он сейчас проверяет платежные инструкции банка Северсталь.

6. Мы проверяем условия контрактов, чтобы знать условия платежа, цены и валюту.

4. К главным предложениям из первого столбика подберите подходящие придаточные предложения из второго столбика

1. I think a. my German was of help.
2. I was afraid b. it’s a rather long period.
3. I am happy c. I would never make much progress.
4. I am glad d. I understood them.

Контрольное задание № 6


Вариант 1

I. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

Richard Wattson lives in London. He works in one of the biggest British banks, National Westminster Bank. He is a junior accountant. Now his job is to acknowledge receipt of letters, telexes and various payment documents from their customers. The letters are in different foreign languages. Richard reads French, German and Spanish. It helps him in his work very much.

It was Monday yesterday and Richard had a lot of work in his office. They had a lot of letters and telexes from foreign banks after the week-end. Richard read all the letters and telexes. He checked the documents which were enclosed with them. After lunch one of his colleagues asked Richard to help him. They studied two or three contracts in Spanish. They paid special attention to the terms of delivery, terms of payment, prices and currencies. Richard thought the work was very interesting. He was tired but happy.

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Where does Richard Wattson work as a junior accountant?

2. What foreign languages does he know?

3. What day of the week was it yesterday?

4. What did Richard have to do in the office?

5. Who asked Richard to help after lunch?

III. Напишите на английском языке вашим корреспондентам, что:

1. вы получили письмо от 14 апреля………………………………..

2. вы в своем письме ссылаетесь на их дебетовое авизо от 17 декабря…………..

3. вы прилагаете к письму ваш оплаченный счет № 2689543/12…………………

4. они, к сожалению. Не прислали вам свои платежные инструкции………………….



Вариант 2

I. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

London is one of the biggest centres of banking in the world. The first bankers in Britain were Italians from Lombardy. They loaned a lot of money to British kings, but the loans were not repaid. So they went bankrupt and left London. But their name is still alive there. The street where Lombards settled down a few centuries ago is called Lombard Street. This is the street where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks are located. Moscow Narodny Bank has its head office in 81 King William Street which is very close to Lombard Street.

II. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

1. Сообщаем, что 5 мая мы получили вашу долговую расписку.

2. Пожалуйста, сообщите бенефициару, когда сумма в триста тысяч американских долларов была дебетирована на счет покупателя.

3. Мы будем благодарны, если вы передадите эти тратты покупателю к немедленному акцепту.

4. Пожалуйста, подтвердите бенефициару, что платеж от 2го февраля аннулирован.

5. Им было сообщено, что им необходимо связаться с Венгерским кредитным банком для получения дополнительной информации.

III. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a promissory note?

2. What is a hire purchase?

3. Who were the first bankers in Britain?

4. How is the UK national flag called?

5. What are the main sources of the air pollution?


Вариант 3

1. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

1. We have received your letter of 21st August.

2. Your telex enquiry of 22nd January has been received.

3. Their bill No 18 has not reached us.

4. Please be advised that the promissory note has been sent to yourselves by AMRO Bank, London.

5. We have referred your enquiry to the collection division in Bankers Trust Company.

6. Please also confirm to us that you have presented the drafts to the buyers for their immediate acceptance.

7. In addition, please be advised that this draft has been cancelled and we shall be grateful if you confirm that you have not debited this item over our London office account.

8. We have today instructed our New York correspondent to credit your account with Barclays Bank, New York with forty thousand US dollars.

9. Please be advised that we have contacted with this bank corporation in New York for additional information.

10. They have been advised by us that it is necessary to contact Lloyds’ Bank.

2. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык:

to receive

to enquire

to refer

to contact

to inform

to instruct

o correspond

to confirm

to accept

to buy

III. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. How do we call the Parliament of the Russian Federation and its chambers?

2. What are strengths and weaknesses of Sberbank policy?

3. What are the characteristic features of Russia’s national economy?

4. What joint Russian-British banks do you know?

5. What are the most famous banks in Russia?

Вариант 4

1. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

1. A Russia-UK firm, called Pulsar, was set up on 18 April in Moscow.

2. The joint venture was registered with the Russian Ministry of Finance on 11 January and may be operating as soon as June.

3. Morgan Grenfell (UK) was appointed by the Vladivostok authorities to advise them of the development of the infrastructure and economy of the Far East. The bank’s role is to structure and arrange project financing. Vladivostok attracts considerable attention from East Asian countries, particularly Japan and South Korea, which are interested in developing the region’s natural resources.

4. The private enterprise, ICI Poland, owned by Imperial Chemical Industries of the UK was opened in Warsaw a few years ago. It is a starting point for the expansion of business in Poland. ICI is intending to trade in agricultural chemicals.

5. Prospects are promising for significant increases in minerals and energy cooperation between Russia and Asia, including trade, joint ventures and technology transfer, according to information from the East-West Centre in Honolulu, Hawaii.

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What firm was set up on 18 April in Moscow?

2. What organization registered the joint venture?

3. What field of industry is ICI Poland intending to trade?

4. What are the expected advantages of this joint venture?

5. Who informed about the increases?



1. В следующих предложениях используйте одно из данных в скобках местоимений:

1. (Some, any) letters are in Russian, others are in English.

2. We didn’t make (some, any, anything) payment last Wednesday.

3. It was Sunday yesterday. (Some, any, no, nobody) bank works on Sunday. So (some of, none of, everybody) my colleagues went to their offices yesterday.

4. He failed to translate (some, any, no) texts because they were very difficult.

5. (Everybody, anybody, everything) liked this postcard.

6. Have you read (something, anything, nothing) about this bank?


2. Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1. I …. as an accountant for three years.

a) work b) worked c) am working d) have worked

2. All these letters … this week.

a) received b) were receivedc) have received d) have been received

3. Have you checked all the payment documents? – Yes, I ….

a) did b) checked c) have d) had

4. This week we have received two letters in Russian and ….. letters in English.

a) any b) one c) some d) nothing

5. I have read …. about that bank, but I don’t remember what.

a) anything b) nothing c) something d)somewhere

6.I have answered two of these letters. And … ones will be answered tomorrow.

a) another b) other c) the other d) some

7. We shall be grateful if you …. this order by fax.

a) confirm b) confirmed c) will confirm d) have confirmed

8. Please, send us another payment order as your order of 10 July ….

a) did not receive b) was not received c) was not receiving d) has not been received

9. ….. can be automatically sorted.

a) records b) recording c) a recorder d) record holders


3. Закончите письмо Стива, который сейчас находится в Польше в командировке, его коллеге по работе Майку. Выберите правильный вариант из a, d, c или d


Sorry I haven’t contacted you (1) ….. last week, but I’ve been very busy. I’ve (2) ….. to Katowice in the south-west of Poland(3) …. a few days, and I’ve (4) …. returned to my hotel in Warsaw. I visited several banks when I was in Katowice and some of them look quite interesting. I’ve (5) …. got some information about their services and products which I’m going to show you when I come (6)…. to London.

So, the trip has been quite successful (7) …... Have you (8) …. been to Central Europe? (9) …. is changing very fast. I’ve (10) …….. seen so much building work going on. Anyway, I’ll email you (11) ……. Later in the week to let you know what’s happening.

1. a) for b) since c) just d) so far

2. a) going b) one c) being d) been

3. a) for b) since c) already d) so far

4. a) now b) yet c) just d) recently

5. a) yet b) already c) never d) ever

6. a) again b) back c) soon d) already

7. a) so far b) yet c) just d) now

8. a) yet b) since c) ever d) never

9. a) anything b)everything c) everywhere d) something

10. a) yet b) since c) ever d) never


11. a) again b) back c) never d) lately

4. Запишите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

в следующем месяце……………………………

единственное, в чем я уверен…………………..

другое место…………………………………….

что касается моей работы………………………

наиболее вероятно……………………………..

несколько раз…………………………………….

выполнить мою работу…………………………

очень опытный бухгалтер……………………….

делать какие-либо ошибки………………………

обработать все платежные документы…………

как следует………………………………………..

различные выписки по счетам…………………..

иметь какие-либо проблемы…………………….

после отпуска…………………………………….


5. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

SWIFT, the society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications, is a non-profit bank-owned, cooperative society. It was set up in Brussels in 1973 and now it has more than a thousand member banks in more than fifty countries including our country. Vnesheconombank has been a member bank since 1987.

SWIFT is a service organization which processes and transmits banking transactions electronically between member banks on all the five continents.

Electronic systems transfer large sums around the world quickly and effectively. In this way a new type of international banking is being established.

But payment procedures in international trade still rely heavily on paper-based documents. And specialists say that one day all the data of invoices, shipping documents, various receipts and other documents will be provided in computer form instead. No paper documents will be used any longer. All the information will be sent electronically.

This will certainly lead to a lot of technical problems.

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