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V. Установите правильную последовательность событий

2020-05-07 439
V. Установите правильную последовательность событий 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. He hopes that one day he’ll be promoted and he’ll be able to become the head of the accounts department.

2. Now Richard’s beginning to handle payment documents.

3. For more than six months Richard has worked under Mr. Brown’s supervision.

4. He feels he can do much more than he’s doing now.

5. Richard’s an ambitious person.

a) ____ b) ____ c) _____ d) _____ e) _____.


Вариант 4

I. Прочитайте текст и переведите:

Very often papers in banking, like invoices, bills of collection, bills of exchange, drafts, promissory notes, letters of credit, letters of guarantee and many others specify different amounts of money. The currency can be stated in different ways, either in words, or by the ISO code, or by an old symbol, for example:

l. One hundred and thirty six thousand English pounds – can be written as: GBP 136,000.00 or & 136,000.00

One can easily find ISO code of each currency in a special publication of the International Standard Organization. Operation people of a bank often use the ISO codes. If they do not remember this or that code they can easily refer to the ISO publication which they usually have ready at hand.

II. Запишите следующие существительные в форме единственного числа:

  1. invoices ………………………………………………………..
  2. drafts ………………………………………………………….
  3. Promissory notes ……………………………………………..
  4. Amounts ……………………………………………………….
  5. Currencies ……………………………………………………..
  6. Codes ………………………………………………………………...
  7. Symbols ……………………………………………………….
  8. Publications ……………………………………………………:
  9. Countries………………………………………………………..
  10. Pounds …………………………………………………………..
  11. Dollars…………………………………………………………...
  12. Cents ……………………………………………………………..
  13. Pence …………………………………………………………….

III. Измените в предложении форму глагола из активной в пассивную и переведите:

1. One can state the currency in different ways.

2. One can easily find the ISO codes of these currencies in this publication.

3. They can send the telex after lunch.

4. They cannot translate this letter without a dictionary.

5. We cannot remit this sum in November.

IV. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:

1. Я думаю, это письмо можно перевести без словаря.

2. Они обещают, что этот счет-фактуру можно приложить к нашему письму..

3. Боюсь, что в их письмах можно найти несколько ошибок.

V. Одно слово в каждом ряду отличается от остальных. Найдите и подчеркните:

1. direct effective quickly total

2. as soon as after if when

3. in due course duly in due time late

4. answer ask reply respond

5. instruction regulation request rule

Контрольное задание № 10

Вариант 1

I. Прочитайте предложения и переведите на русский язык:

1..We cannot trace receipt of this letter.

2. Please confirm to us in which currency we can effect payment.

3. Please supply a copy of the said cheque in order that we could investigate further.

4. Kindly investigate your records and advise how we can go about collecting these funds..

5. You can debit this amount to our account with you less our cable charges..

6. We will be able to credit these charges to your account.

7. Bill No. 134 cannot be presented for payment.

8. In the event you are unable to trace receipt of this item please advise us accordingly.

9. We regret to inform you that we cannot authorize you to debit our Tokyo account with yourselves with the amount of USD 441.

II Подберите пары по смыслу:

1. произвести платеж……………………………… less our cable charges

2. дебетировать сумму на наш счет у вас ………… to present for payment

3. за вычетом почтовых расходов…………… to credit this sum to the account

4. проследить получение суммы………………….. to investigate the records

5. представить к платежу…………………………. to effect payment.

6. найти сумму… в своих записях………………… debit amount to our account with you

7. кредитовать счет суммой………………………... to trace receipt of this item

III. Определите какими частями речи являются следующие слова:

1. financier ………………

2. to lead …………………

3. central …………………

4. economy……………….

5. to finance ……………..

6. money ………………..

7. importance …………..

8. to issue ……………….

9. prosperous ……………

10.investor ……………..

11.to insure …………….

12.manager …………….

IV Выберите правильный вариант:

1. I ….. read this letter as I have never learned French.

a) can

b) cannot

c) could

d) not able

2. I hope I’ll soon ….. to write letters in English.

a) be able

b) can

c) may

d) must

3. If you ………… to find this amount in your records please advise us accordingly.

a) are able

b) unable

c) will be unable

d) cannot

4. Last week we received ……….. business letters from our business partners.

a) a lot

b) a lot of

c) much

d) one

5. We ……….. to inform you that we cannot effect payment of the above sum as we have not got your payment instructions.

a) are afraid

b) are pleased

c) have

d) must

6. The financial services this bank offers to its clients are similar to …….. offered by other banks.

a) anything

b) something

c) that

d) those

7.The meeting is expected ……….. in half an hour.

a) starting

b) will start

c) to start

d) to have started

Вариант 2

I Прочитайте и переведите следующий текст:

The role of banks in foreign economic relations is increasing from year to year. Banks finance export-import operations, grant bank guarantees, make various payments and do a lot of other things. They cooperate with other banks, foreign trade companies and organizations.

Every day hundred of telexes, letters and payment documents are received in banks. The documents are checked and handled and letters, telexes and cables are answered. For experienced operation people it does not present any difficulty. Many of them know or are learning foreign languages to do their job effectively. They can help newcomers to learn the most important things about banks very quickly.

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