Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...

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To be, to receive, to fill in, to make, to pay, to check, to send, to write, to finish

2020-05-07 578
To be, to receive, to fill in, to make, to pay, to check, to send, to write, to finish 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Our bank ………… some payment instructions from our clients last Friday and on Monday we ……… the payment.

2. We …………..this sum to our customer in St.Petersburg.

3. Yesterday, ………….. an ordinary day. In the morning I ………. a few payment documents and ………………. some standard forms. After lunch I ………..several letters to our customers and …………… them. I ……………. my work at 6 o’clock.

III. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе:

1. company………………………………

2. newspaper…………………………….

3. businessman…………………………..

4. accountant……………………………

5. cheque……………………………….

6. date…………………………………..

7. day…………………………………….

IV. Одно слово в каждом ряду отличается от остальных. Найдите и подчеркните его:

1. company concern office organization

2. banking insurance manufacturing tourism

3. beneficiary client customer partner

4. e-mail letter message telephone

5. to advise to ask to inform tosay

Контрольное задание № 4

Вариант 1

1. Read and translate the sentences:

1. Richard remembered very well the first day he began to work in the accounts department of the shipping company.

2. He knew his parents were proud of him now.

3. If he found some cheques or papers with the letters he pinned them to the letters so they did not get lost.

4. When the working day was over Richard was tired but happy.

5. He realized that the work he did was very monotonous.

6. But he hoped the work of an accountant was certainly different.

II. Найдите синонимы

exhausted, to begin, to ring, to realize, certainly, to call, of course, tired, exhausted, to start, to understand,

III. Найдите антонимы

far, individual, to work, broad, to forbid, to allow, close, to buy, narrow, to sell, to relax, to work, to allow, public,

IV. К главным предложениям, данным слева, подберите соответствующее придаточное предложение, данное справа и заполните ими пропуски в предложениях в левой колонке:

1. Therefore at nights and during holidays …, the City looks dead. a) before the offices start work
2. A lot of people work in the City b) when the offices are empty
3.But on working days,…. At lunch time and soon … the City looks different. c) but not many live there.
3. They concern…. which are…or….. to some accounts d) some sums…… debited …. credited
  e) after the work is over

Вариант 2

1. Read and translate the text:

Imagine we are in the City now. It’s the oldest part of London. It’s the financial centre. Numerous banks, different exchanges, insurance offices, shipping and other companies have their head offices in the City.

The City only covers one square mile and its resident population is less than five thousand people. Therefore at nights and during holidays, when the offices are empty, the City looks dead. But on working days, before the offices start work, at lunch time and soon after the work is over, the City looks different.

Imagine it’s lunch time in the City now. All the cafes, snack bars and restaurants are open. People are coming and leaving. Some people are still having lunch inside. Some are reading newspapers. Some are discussing things. They are all having some rest from their work. Soon they will return to their offices.

That is the City of London, and London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

II. Восстановите последовательность предложений в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. All the cafes, snack bars and restaurants are open.

2. They are all having some rest from their work.

3. Numerous banks, different exchanges, insurance offices, shipping and other companies have their offices in the City.

4. Imagine we are in the City now.

5. That is the City of London, and London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

6. The City only covers one square mile and its resident population is less than five thousand people.

7. But on working days the City looks different.

8. Imagine it’s lunch time in the City now.

9. At nights and during holidays the City looks dead.

10.people are coming and leaving.

III. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Со ссылкой на ваше письмо от 3 марта сообщаем номер счета бенефициара.

2. Со ссылкой на ваш телекс от 21 октября сообщаем наименование и адрес плательщика.

3. По просьбе бенефициара прилагаем к письму наше платежное поручение.

4. Пожалуйста, кредитуйте наш счет вышеуказанной суммой и подтвердите платеж.

5. Сообщаем, что внимательно изучаем ваши платежные инструкции.

6. Пожалуйста, заметьте, что все документы компании Royal Insurance International внимательно проверяются.

IV. Запишите английские эквиваленты:

А) выписка по счету……………………….

неоплаченный счет……………………

номер счета……………………………

вышеуказанная сумма……………….

платежное поручение……………….

платежные документы………………

подробные платежные инструкции….

Б) подтверждать платеж……………………

ссылаться на дебетовое авизо от………

информировать о следующем………….

прилагать к письму…………………….

внимательно изучать……………………

вернуть все документы………………….

просить, сообщать о………………………


Вариант 3

1. Read and translate the text:

The first bankers in Britain were Italians who came to do business in the City of London a few centuries ago. They came from Lombardy, a region in Northern Italy where there was a group of in dependent cities. This group was called the Lombard League.

The Lombards settled down in the part of the City of London which was later called after those Italians, Lombard Street.

The Lombards did not stay in London long. After a century or so they left London because they were made bankrupt. It happened mostly because they loaned money to kings who did not repay the loans.

So the Lombards left, but their name is still alive in London. Lombard Street is still the centre of British banking. This is the street where the head offices of the biggest English and foreign banks are located.

II. Answer the questions:

1. Where did the first bankers come?

2. Where did they settle down?

3. Why did they have to leave London?

4. Do Londoners remember the Lombards?

III. Подберите к главным предложениям, данным в столбике А, придаточные предложения из столбика Б:


1. The first bankers in Britain were Italians… a) which was later called after those

Italians, Lombard Street.

2. They came from Lombardy, a region in b) where the head offices of the biggest Northern Italy … English and foreign banks are located.

3. The Lombards settled down in the part of c) who didn’t repay the loans.

the City of London……

4. They loaned money to kings… d) where there was a group of independent


5. This is the street…. e) who came to do business in the City of

London a few centuries ago.

IV. Определите, верны (Т) или неверны(F) следующие предложения:


1. The first bankers in Britain were Russians.

2. The first bankers settled down in the centre of London.

3. Lombard Street is called after the first customers of British bankers in Lombardy.

4. The Lombards left London because they didn’t do good business there.

5. The Lombards were made bankrupt because English kings did not repay their loans to them.


Вариант 4

1. Образуйте существительные от следующих глаголов и переведите их на русский язык:

to pay

to confirm

to instruct

to refer

to remit

to address

to note

II. К словам из первого столбика подберите слова аналогичного значения из второго столбика:


To confirm to send

To advise to enclose

To forward to acknowledge

To attach to inform

III. Запишите английские эквиваленты:

со ссылкой на ваше письмо от ………………………..

наименование и адрес плательщика……………………

со ссылкой на условия аккредитива…………………..

в соответствии с вашими платежными инструкциями..

прилагать к письму……………………………………..

подтверждать получение денежного перевода……….

принимать на инкассо…………………………………….

наименование, адрес и номер счета бенефициара………

в соответствии с условиями контракта………………….

направить документы в банк…………………………….

подтвердить аккредитив………………………………………

отправить необходимые документы…………………………

IV. Translate the sentences:

1. 21 января мы произвели платеж вышеуказанной суммы в соответствии с вашими платежными инструкциями.

2. Сообщаем, что вчера бенефициар подтвердил получение необходимых документов.

3. Со ссылкой на ваш телекс от 31 мая сообщаем вам наименование и адрес плательщика.

4. Мы получили ваше письмо 10 июля. К сожалению, вы не приложили к нему ваш неоплаченный счет №…

5. К письму мы прилагаем ваше кредитовое авизо, которое было передано нам 22 августа.

6. Сообщаем, что ваш перевод был получен 13 апреля и принят на инкассо.

7. В соответствии с вашими инструкциями 30 июня мы кредитовали вышеуказанную сумму на счет страховой компании WARTA в Варшаве.

Контрольное задание № 5

Вариант 1


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