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Слово-заместитель ранее стоящего существительного this (these) переводится личным местоимением в именительном или косвенном падеже.

2017-09-27 345
Слово-заместитель ранее стоящего существительного this (these) переводится личным местоимением в именительном или косвенном падеже. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Also, the Schiff-Sherrington phenomenon is of interest; this involves the increase of... Представляет также интерес явление Шиффа-Шерринтона; с нuм связано увеличение...

Примечание 1. После слова-заместителя this (these) никогда не употребляется существительное.

Примечание 2. Иногда слово-заместитель this (these) удобно переводить (этот) последний, (эти) nоследние.


Gas molecules move faster than liquid molecules. They are more agitated than these. Молекулы газа двигаются быстрее, чем молекулы жидкости. Они находятся в более возбужденном состоянии, чем эти поcледние.

Exercise 5. Translate into Russian.

1. Тhе elements of the Periodic Group IA are called the alkali metals. Тhеsе are alike in having а single electron оn the outermost shеll. 2. The chief use of diffusion and thermal diffusion results is to determine the forces between unlike molecules. These can also be determined by methods like those used earlier for like molecules. 3. The speed of fast molecules means that they slip past the molecules which they meet without these having time to deflect them in their course. 4. If a gas molecule imparts energy to a wall molecule, this passes it on to other wall molecules. 5. We keep the ice-cream machine in the spare room. This is mainly used by the children. 6. Most American families are traditional. These comprise a father, mother, and one or more children. 7. Teenagers want independence. These feel that working parents are a benefit. 8. What does the word “politics” mean? This comes from the Greek word “police”, meaning the state or community as a whole.


6. Глагол do - заместитель сказуемого

Глагол do заменяет предшествующее сказуемое, которое при переводе или повторяется, или опускается.


Sugar dissolves in water. So does common salt. Сахар растворяется в воде. Поваренная соль тоже (растворяется в воде).

Примeчание 1. Отрицательные союзные наречия nor, neither - ине, такженe употребляются только тогда, когда первое предложение отрицательное.


Gold does not react with oxygen, nоr dоеs platinum. Золото не реагирует с кислородом, и платина тоже (платина тоже не реагирует с кислородом).

Запомните союзы, после которых употребляется глагол-заместитель do:

as – как; так же; так же как … и so - тоже; также
if – ecли; ecли бы nor, neither – и … нe; так же … нe

Exercise 6. Translate into Russian.

1. The pressure changed, so did the temperature. 2. The pressure did not change, nor did the temperature. 3. The velocity of a falling body increases exactly as does the time that it has been falling. 4. A dense gas offers no more viscous resistance to a body moving through it than does a rarefied one. 5. Van der Waals equation represents the behaviour of actual gases a good deal more closely than does the Boyle - Charles equation. 6. Suppose water is heated in a kettle. As the temperature rises, so does the pressure of water vapour required to stop further evaporation. 7. The molecules of a liquid, at any given temperature, do not all have the same speed. If they did, no evaporation would take place below a definite temperature. 8. There is no certainty that molecules in a gas must behave in the same way as in a liquid; but if they do, the forces between two molecules must be attractive at sufficiently great distances, but violently repulsive at small.

7. Глаголы-заместители значимой части сказуемого

При повторении составного сказуемого, состоящего из глагола связки be и именной части, выраженной существительным или прилагательным, повторяется только глагол-связка, a именная часть опускается. При повторении сказуемого, состоящего из вспомогательного глагола и значимого, повторяется только вспомогательный глагол (bе, have, shall, will, should, would); при повторении модального сказуемого повторяется только модальный глагол (саn, could, mау, might). В русском переводе сказуемое или повторяется, или опускается.



Bush is ап eпgiпeer. So are Grey and Miller. Буш - инженер. Грей и Миллер - тоже (инженеры).
Dr А. has written an interesting paper. So has Dr В. Д-р А. написал интересную статью и д-р. Б. тоже (написал интересную статью).
Dr А. caп't соте here. Neither саn his collegues. Д-р А. не может сюда приехать. И его сотрудники тоже не могут.

Exercise 7. Translate into Russian.

1. The volume of а gas is dependenton temperature and so isthe reaction rate. 2. If a body is at rest and starts to move, its velocity is changed. So is its speed. 3. Euclid did not attain this ideal or anything even distantly approaching it, although it was assumed for centuries that he has. 4. H2 undergoes fusion at a much slower rate than would deuterium or tritium under the same conditions. 5. A thin liquid film, such as a soap-bubble, tries to pull itself together and reduce its area, much as a stretched elastic sheet would. 6. Apart from kinetic evidence there is little, if any proof of the production of free oxygen atoms by photolysis of any oxide. 7. The backward extension, being due to light, travels much faster than even an electron would. Its speed is actually about ten times that of the original avalanch.



1. There is no question of anything solid or liquid or living surviving on the incandescent surface of the sun. 2. A negative ion is one which has gained an electron. 3. Our old laboratory equipment was much worse than the new one. 4. We shall replace the old machines by new ones. 5. This method is the one which is much spoken about. 6. We found new routes of synthesis, the older ones being unsatisfactory. 7. This process is the one to be associated with reaction in alkaline solution. 8. One can make matter vibrate in different ways. 9. Due to radioactive elements one can measure the thickness of various materials. 10. One should pay more attention to the use of artificial satellites for communication. 11. The more one learns the more one knows. 12. One spent much time in cooling the mixture. 13. One can never say that the decision was the best possible solution to the problem. 14. The following example indicates the main features to be considered when one decides whether to use correlation or spectral analysis for a particular problem. 15. The optimum temperature for cotton is higher than that for the smaller grains. 16. The measured optical constants are therefore those associated with the ordinary ray. 17. We again see that the period of oscillation is the same as that of the forced oscillation. 18. These corpuscles have either no electric charge and mass, or at any rate a charge and mass negligible as compared with those of the electrons, minute as the latter are. 19. Their emission spectrum whether excited by light or by alpha particles is quite different from that of pure luminescent zinc-sulphate, the colours being green and blue respectively. 20. The pressure does not lower. If it did,it would indicate that...



1. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge. 1998. 350 p.

2. Prodromou L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate. Essex. England. 1999. 319 p.

3. Swan M. Practical English Usage. Oxford. Oxford University Press. 1997. 654p.

4. Vince M. English Grammar and Vocabulary. Oxford. 2003. 326 p.

5. Барабаш Т.А. A Guide to Better Grammar. Москва. 2000. 329 с.

6. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. Москва. Юнвес. 2001.717с.

7. Крылова И.П., Крылова Е.В.. Английская грамматика для всех. Москва “Высшая школа”, 1989. 271с.

8. Михельсон Т.Н., Успенская Н.В.. Сборник упражнений по основным разделам грамматики английского языка. Ленинград “Нука”, 1989. 247с.

9. Стрельцова В.И. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для биологов. Ленинград. 1975. 235 с.

10. Трофимов В.Н. Грамматические упражнения и тесты. Москва. 1998. 200 с.

11. Христорождественская Л.П. Intermediate English Course. Минск. 1998. 400 с.

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