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Exercise 3.7. Use the first or second conditional.

2017-09-27 1200
Exercise 3.7. Use the first or second conditional. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Условные предложения выражают: 1) реальные, осуществимые предположения, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени, 2) маловероятные предположения, относящиеся к настоящему или будущему времени, 3) нереальные, невыполнимые предположения, относящиеся к прошедшему времени. Выделяют следующие типы условных предложений.

Types of Conditionals Models Translation
Zero Conditional Present Indefinite Present Indefinite  
If I get up late, my Dad gives me a lift to school. Если я встаю поздно, мой отец подвозит меня до школы.
First Conditional Present Indefinite Future Indefinite  
If you give me a message, I shall meet you. Если вы известите меня, я вас встречу.
Present Indefinite Imperative Mood  
If you want to see me, сall me up. Если вы захотите увидеть меня, позвоните мне.
Second Conditional Past Indefinite Should (would, could, might) + Indefinite Infinitive  
If you gave me a message, I should meet you. Если бы вы известили меня, я бы вас встретил (сегодня, завтра).
Third Conditional Past Perfect Should (would, might, could) + Perfect Infinitive  
If you had given me a message, I should have met you. Если бы вы известили меня, я бы вас встретил (вчера).
Mixed Conditional Past Perfect Should (would, might, could) + Indefinite Infinitive  
If you had given me a message in advance I should meet you today. Если бы вы извес-тили меня зара-нее, я бы сегодня встретил вас.
Past Indefinite Should (would, might, could) + Perfect Infinitive  
If I knew her well, I should have gone to her party yesterday. Если бы я знал ее хорошо, я бы пошел на ее вечеринку вчера.

Примечание. Для выражения длительного действия вместо форм Indefinite и Perfect могут употребляться формы Continuous и Perfect Continuous.

Запомните следующие союзы и союзные слова, вводящие условные предложения:

if – если

unless – если … не

in case – в случае, если

provided, provided that – при условии

providing, providing that – если (что)

on condition – при условии

on condition that – если (что)

suppose, supposing – предполагая, что; предположим, что

given – если (есть, имеется)

granted (that) – если допустить, что; при условии, что.

I. Условные предложения нулевого типа выражают ситуацию, которая происходит всегда. Союз if может переводиться если, когда, когда бы ни. В обеих частях предложения глагол-сказуемое употребляется в the Present Simple Tense.



If I finish my homework, I always have a rest Когда я заканчиваю мою домашнюю работу, я всегда отдыхаю.

Exercise 1.1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. If you go to America, you have to have a visa. You can get one from the Embassy. 2. If I read too much, I get a headache. 3. If you drop an egg, it breaks. 4. If you spend over $ 20 at that supermarket, you get a 5% discount. 5. If you boil water, it evaporates. 6. If the soil is dry, practically very little, if any, water absorption takes place. 7. If glycogen is in solution, and if there is some sodium chloride iodide present, the glycogen colors itself a deep brownish–red color. 8. Provided the stimulating current is localized to one region, the form of burst responses is independent of stimulus strength.

Exercise 1.2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Если мне нужна помощь, я обращаюсь к друзьям. 2. В выходные мы всегда ездим за город, если погода хорошая. 3. Я всегда чувствую усталость, если не высыпаюсь. 4. Если цветы не поливать, они завянут. 5. Если у вас достаточно денег, вы можете обедать в ресторане, когда захотите. 6. Если я опаздываю на работу, мой муж подвозит меня. 7. Если у вас болят зубы, вы должны идти к зубному врачу. 8. Если вы нагреваете воду, она закипает. 9. Если вам надо поменять деньги, вы идете в банк. 10. Если вы хотите преуспеть в учебе, вы много работаете.


II. Условные предложения I типа выражают реальные, осуществимые предположения, относящиеся к будущему времени, и переводятся на русский язык будущим временем. В главной части предложения глагол-сказуемое употребляется в the Future Simple Tense, а в придаточной – в the Present Simple Tense.


I’ ll give you the book on condition (that) you return it next week. Я дам вам эту книгу при условии, что вы вернете ее на следующей неделе.

Примечание. В придаточном предложении иногда встречается сочетание will + the Indefinite Infinitive. Глагол will является в данном случае модальным и служит для выражения просьбы.


We shall be grateful if you will send us your catalogue of Diesel engines. Мы будем благодарны, если вы нам пришлете (будете любезны прислать нам) ваш каталог дизелей.

Exercise 2.1. Paraphrase the sentences according to the example.

Example: Come home in time or else Mother will be angry with you.

If you don’t come home in time, Mother will be angry with you.

1. Listen to the teacher attentively or else you won’t understand anything. 2. Work at the language laboratory or else you won’t improve your intonation. 3. Do your homework properly or else the teacher won’t be pleased with you. 4. Read these books or else you won’t be able to prepare a good report. 5. Speak English every day or else you won’t master it. 6. Help her with English or else she won’t pass her exam. 7. Do your best or else you won’t catch up with the group. 8. Explain the rule to him or else he’ll make more mistakes. 9. Put down your homework or else you won’t remember it. 10. Lend her some money or else she won’t buy this dictionary.

Exercise 2.2. Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.

If we can afford it, I’ll be late for school. You can put my supper in the oven.
If you go to Paris, step aside. The views are fantastic.
If I don’t hear from you tomorrow, tell him I never want to see him again. The one we have now is very unreliable.
If the pain gets too bad, we’ll buy a new car soon. That should help.
If the bus doesn’t come soon, I’ll let you know. That’ll be the second time this week.
If you can’t see what you want in the window, take another dose of painkillers. And don’t tell him where I’ve gone!
If I’m going to be late, you must go up the Eiffel Tower. I need to speak to you again soon.
If Peter rings, I’ll expect a call the next day. Here are lots more things to see in the shop.

Exercise 2.3. Complete the following sentences.

1. If she cuts her hair short …. 2. If the boy takes after his father …. 3. If he grows a beard …. 4. If her dress is ready in time for the party …. 5. If she wears her new dress …. 6. If the woman pays more attention to her appearance …. 7. If you arrange your hair in a different way …. 8. If the girl makes up heavily …. 9. If you describe your sister to me …. 10. If you try these shoes on ….

Exercise 2.4. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1.I shall go to the theatre if I buy tickets. 2. If she doesn’t come in time, they’ll be late for the concert. 3. If I get tickets for the evening performance in advance, I’ll ring you up. 4. He will write a letter today if he has free time. 5. Will you call me up if you come back early? 6. If you don’t tell me the truth, I shall never speak to you. 7. If you go to bed immediately, we’ll take you to the cinema tomorrow. 8. If they take a taxi, they won’t miss the train. 9. If you lend him the book, he’ll read it quickly. 10. The child will catch cold if he stays longer in the wind. 11. I’ll finish the work in time if you stop interrupting me. 12. If I get money, I’ll buy this watch.


1. In case you find some inconsistencies in my treating the subject, let me know what they are. 2. If similar phenomena occur in other organisms, we may expect to find DNA synthesis as a regular nuclear feature, independent of mitosis or polyploidization. 3. Unless mold spores have an opportunity to germinate, they will die. 4. If this somewhat surprising explanation is confirmed, it may challenge the idea of electrocardiographic coronary insufficiency. 5. The core cable theory will be rejected unless reasons are produced for believing that the divergencies are due to the sheath. 6. Unless purely artificial limits are drawn, the designation alga will include all holophytic organisms. 7. The chilled slices will swell unless they are placed in medium of almost twice the osmolar concentration of the extracellular fluids. 8. If a direct current voltage is used, the dipoles in the liquid will have a long time in which to line up with the field. 9. The cells will shrink if the osmolarity of their cytoplasm is reduced to one-half or less of normal. 10. If we use the method I propose for determining the valency of species, we shall of course obtain an entirely different result, which, however, is certain to vary with size of the areas concerned.

Exercise 2.5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Если пойдет дождь, нам придется искать укрытие. 2. Если мороз усилится, дети останутся дома. 3. Он не ответит по телефону, если будет занят. 4. Я опоздаю на автобус, если останусь дольше. 5. Если погода ухудшится, они отложат свою поездку за город. 6. Вы будете очень расстроены, если густой туман помешает вам увидеть наш город? 7. Он вам позвонит, если будет в городе. 8. Вы не пожалеете, если посмотрите этот фильм. 9. Я буду участвовать в концерте, если не уеду в Москву. 10. Если она не ответит на мое письмо, я не буду ей больше писать. 11. Вы опоздаете на поезд, если не поспешите. 12. Что вы будете делать, если не застанете его дома? 13. Вы не получите никакого удовольствия, если начнет моросить дождь.


III. Условные предложения II типа выражают маловероятные предположения. Они относятся к настоящему или будущему времени и переводятся глаголом в сослагательном наклонении (т.е. глаголом в форме прошедшего времени с частицей бы). В главной части предложения употребляются формы should (would,could, might) + the Indefinite Infinitive, а в придаточной – the Past Simple Tense. Глагол to be употребляется в форме were для единственного и множественного числа. Форма was также возможна для единственного числа.


If my brother had time now, he would help them. Если бы у моего брата было время сейчас, он бы помог им.

Примечание. Для выражения малой вероятности осуществления действия могут употребляться следующие структуры: 1) в придаточном предложении - were to + the Indefinite Infinitive, а в главном предложении - would (should, could) + the Indefinite Infinitive, 2) в придаточном предложении - should + the Indefinite Infinitive, а в главном – the Future Indefinite Tense или глагол в повелительном наклонении (чаще всего),но может встречаться - should (would) + the Indefinite Infinitive. Подобные структуры переводятся на русский язык: “Если бы случилось так …”, “Случись, что …”, “В случае, если …”, “Если вдруг …”. Структура 1) переводится “Если бы, допустим …”


If he should come in the morning, ask him to wait. В случае, если он придет, попросите его подождать.
If I were to pass the exam, everyone would be astonished. Если бы, допустим, я сдал экзамен, все бы удивились.

Exercise 3.1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. If she … of the article now, I … it to the newspaper (approve, send). 2. If he …, they … the letter in the wall newspaper (want, publish). 3. If the work … twice as difficult, I … to do it (be, refuse). 4. If we … him to go on with the experiment, we never … any peace (allow, have). 5. If it … summer, we … for a run in the country (be, go). 6. If he … himself, my answer … the same (come, be). 7. If our talk … my brother who is working in the next room, I … you so myself (disturb, tell). 8. If you … in my place, tell me, what … you … (be, do)? 9. If my friend … to me that way, I … offended (speak, feel). 10. If he … ordinary, the girl … him (be, not love). 11. If it … oftener, it … good for the garden (rain, be).

Exercise 3.2. Make second conditional sentences for the following situations.

1. We won’t have a holiday because we haven’t got any money. 2. I don’t know the answer, so I can’t tell you. 3. There are no eggs, so I won’t make an omelette. 4. We have three children, so we won’t take a year off and travel the world. 5. I’m not very clever, so I won’t be a doctor. 6. He spends all his money gambling. He isn’t a wealthy man. 7. I haven’t got any spare time. I won’t learn Russian. 8. Jim works very hard. He has no time to spend with his family. 9. I’ve got a headache. I can’t go swimming. 10. We haven’t got a big house. We can’t invite friends to stay.

Exercise 3.3. Answer the following questions.

1. What would you write about if you were a writer? 2. What would you do if it drizzled? If it looked like raining? if the weather were fine and frosty? 3. What would you be doing if you were at home? in the library? in the kitchen? in the street? 4. Who would you consult if you fell ill? 5. Who would you like to be nursed by if you were ill? 6. Who would you complain to if you had a toothache? 7. Where would you be treated if you had a catching disease?

Exercise 3.4. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. What would you do if you won a million pounds? 2. They would be offended if I didn’t go to the party. 3. I would be very frightened if somebody pointed a gun at me. 4. If you took more exercise, you’d probably feel healthier. 5. If it stopped raining, we could go out. 6. If you were more attentive, you wouldn’t make so many mistakes. 7. If I were interested in the topic, I’d choose it for my course-paper. 8. If she worked regularly, she wouldn’t have any difficulties with English. 9. If I were you, I’d study Spanish. 10. If you were practising hard, you would improve your intonation. 11. If you didn’t pass the exam, would you take it again?


1. If this soil were friable, the roots would grow more freely. 2. If it were not for the roots, the plant would not be able to absorb water and mineral substances. 3. A seed would not germinate if the soil were not warm enough. 4. If the soil were not fine, the plant would not develop so quickly. 5. If there were too much water in the soil, it would cause rotting of the seeds. 6. If I were a botanist, I should know the difference between these roots. 7. If this new method of work were applied, we should succeed in obtaining better results. 8. If this were not so, then the properties would be described by test results as in the case at room temperature. 9. If the ozone were suddenly withdrawn from the atmosphere, we should all be killed within a few minutes by the sun’s ultra-violet light. 10. If there were no air, the stone and the piece of paper would fall together. 11. If the air molecules were stationary, we should expect the smoke particles to remain stationary also. 12. These properties would fit them very precisely to act as mediators of the effects of autonomic impulses to effector cells if there was any acceptable evidence of their being liberated at the nerve endings. 13. If the action of light were direct, de-epoxidation under all light intensities would be expected to cease when light was turned off. 14. If the rate was higher than it was, the excess orthophosphate would be expected to appear in the medium since the pyrophosphatase is located at or on the cell wall. 15. This would be the case of course if the intermediate states were less stable than either one of the symmetrical states. 16. If the direct detection of mutations occurring in nucleic acids were possible, this section would be of less importance for molecular geneticists. 17. There would be a mean negativity if an action potential caused depolarization. 18. If a systematist were seeking a type species for the whole assemblage, he would be compelled to choose vaccinia virus. 19. If cells were superinfected with partially adapted particles, recombination might lead to emergence of virulent progeny. 20. The results would be hard to explain if we assumed that this form of afterdischarge were due to any of the other mechanisms. 21. Suppose that stimulation of point A within the motor cortex produced a movement while some stimulus applied to a remote point E outside the motor cortex would produce none. 22. If this were true and followed the above equation, then there would be some point of which the external concentrations would be identical to the internal K+ concentrations. 23. If no such repair occurred, the effect of successive doses would be strictly additive, which is seldom found to be the case. 24. There is every reason to believe that if one could obtain an absolutely pure gas, an ion in this gas would have a unique mobility. 25. To put the question in another way, how can the presence of a slit through which a photon does not go prevent that proton from reaching a part of the screen it would be likely to reach if that slit were closed?


1. We don’t expect him to come, but if he should come, ask him to wait. 2. If all the people of the world should count the atoms in a drop of water, they would not be able to finish their work even in ten thousand years. 3. If you should see Ann, could you ask her to call me? 4. If you should happen to change your mind, let me know. 5. If we should stand motionless and hold a weight in our arms, we would not be performing work in physical sense of the term. 6. If this substance should be a mixture, it would decompose. 7. If there should be an abundance of nutrients, a thick myceliae mat will be formed. 8. If all the individuals of an assemblage should be similar, then a serious change in some environmental value would have the most serious consequences. 9. If this response should travel across the cortex, it will cause relative negativity. 10. If water should be added to these lipids, the X-ray periods will be enlarged. 11. If one should ever find ticks with their heads buried in the skin, it would be better not to try to remove them. 12. If later research should show a relationship between these clinical phenomena and experimental depression, then the latter would immediately acquire great academic importance. 13. If you should get this job, I would be able to pay off my debts. 14. If there should be room for you in the car, I would give you a lift. 15. If you should find my book, pop it in the post to me. 16. If you should see a ghost, what would you do? 17. If you should give this matter serious attention, I would be grateful.


1. If we were to remove one electron by some means, a net positive charge would be left. 2. If you were to give up smoking, you would stop coughing. 3. If a nuclear war were to start, the whole world would be destroyed. 4. If you were to find that your friend had betrayed you, what would you do? 5. If the boss were to find out her background, he would never employ her. 6. If I were to find a well-paid job, my whole life style would be changed. 7. If you were to fix the car this weekend, you could go for a drive. 8. If the police were to look in the attic, they would find him. 9. If our football team were to win the game, we would be invited to take part in the country championship. 10. If you were to see the eruption of a volcano, you would never forget the event. 11. If I were to get a driving-licence at last, I would buy a car immediately.

Exercise 3.5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я был бы вам очень признателен, если бы вы подписали этот документ и отпустили меня как можно скорее. 2. Если бы у меня был диплом университета, я бы сейчас находился в удобном офисе, а не стоял бы на углу улицы и продавал газеты. 3. На вашем месте я бы выучил сначала слова. 4. Если бы он не был занят, он помог бы нам. 5. Если бы она не была так упряма, она пошла бы с нами. 6. Если бы у меня был номер его телефона, мы могли бы ему позвонить. 7. Я научился бы водить машину, если бы она была у меня. 8. Если бы он вернулся, вы не узнали бы его, ведь прошло много времени. 9. Если бы он был сейчас в городе, он бы поздравил тебя с днем рождения. 10. Кто бы еще мог это сделать, если бы тебя не было здесь? 11. Она чаще ходила бы в музеи, если бы у нее было больше свободного времени. 12. К кому бы вы обратились за помощью, если бы попали в беду? 13. На твоем месте я не просил бы его остаться. 14. Вы знали бы грамматику лучше, если бы уделяли ей больше внимания.

Exercise 3. 6. Translate the following sentences. Follow the model given in the note.

1. В случае, если мы используем метод, который я предлагаю, мы получим совершенно другие результаты. 2. В случае, если я буду жить ближе к месту работы, я сэкономлю много времени. 3. Если вдруг я опоздаю, не жди меня. 4. Если бы случилось так, что ты пошел с нами на экскурсию, ты бы не пожалел. 5. Если вдруг я выучу немецкий язык, я попробую найти работу в Германии. 6. Случись, что он поступил бы в мединститут, он стал бы хорошим врачом. 7. Если ты вдруг встретишь Пола, скажи ему, чтобы он позвонил мне. 8. Что бы ты делал, в случае, если бы ты опоздал на самолет. 9. Ты помог бы мне починить машину, если бы у тебя вдруг появилось свободное время? 10. Было бы надежнее, если бы вы все-таки доставили эту ценную посылку сами. 11. Если бы у нас, допустим, была с собой карта, мы бы знали, где мы сейчас находимся. 12. Если бы, допустим, перестал идти дождь, мы бы поиграли в бадминтон. 13. Если бы, допустим, я выиграл этот приз, я бы открыл свой ресторан. 14. Если бы, допустим, он изменил свое мнение, все уважали бы его гораздо больше. 15. Если бы, допустим, он на ней женился, он был бы несчастлив всю жизнь. 16. Если бы, допустим, я разбогатела, я отдала бы все деньги тебе. 17. Если бы, допустим, мы опоздали на последний автобус, нам пришлось бы пойти домой пешком. 18. Если бы, допустим, она увидела эти фотографии, она рассердилась бы на тебя. 19. Если бы, допустим, я переехала жить в деревню, я бы начала выращивать цветы. 20. Если бы, допустим, тебе понадобилась моя помощь, я бы сделала все, что в моих силах.

V. Условные предложения смешанного типа – это когда действия придаточного и главного предложений относится к разным периодам времени. В таких случаях в каждой части условного предложения употребляются формы сослагательного наклонения, требуемые по смыслу.


If you had worked harder last year, you would know English well now. Если бы вы работали усерднее в прошлом году, вы бы теперь хорошо знали английский язык.
If he knew English well, he would have translated the article without difficulty yesterday. Если бы он знал хорошо английский язык, он перевел бы вчера эту статью без затруднений.

Exercise 5.1. Change the sentences using conditionals. Follow the example.

Example: My brother is put out. He lost his new camera.

My brother wouldn’t be put out if he hadn’t lost his new camera.

1. You look sun-tanned. You have been to the South. 2. I invited Helen to my birthday party. She is one of my best friends. 3. She refuses to go with us. She hasn’t done her homework. 4. I didn’t go to the concert. I don’t like pop-music. 5. He didn’t take part in the discussion last week. He does not speak English. 6. I can’t say anything on the subject. I haven’t read the book. 7. She missed the train and she is upset.

Exercise 5.2. Complete the following sentences.

1. You wouldn’t have a sore throat … (если бы вы не съели так много мороженого). 2. He wouldn’t be in hospital … (если бы он обратился к врачу вовремя). 3. We shouldn’t feel cold …(если бы мы не промокли). 4. She wouldn’t have a headache …(если бы она вовремя приняла лекарство). 5. The girl wouldn’t walk …(если бы ей не сделали операцию). 6. You’d have found the book sooner …(если бы вы всегда держали свои вещи в порядке). 7. They wouldn’t have furnished the room in such a way … (если бы у них было хоть немного вкуса). 8. He would have repaired the radio-set long ago … (если бы он не был ленивым). 9. You wouldn’t have said that … (если бы знали меня лучше).

Exercise 5.3. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. I would be angry if you had brought the company here. 2. You would be well now if you had consulted the doctor in time. 3. She wouldn’t be pale and thin if she hadn’t been ill quite for a while. 4. He would know now what to do if he had followed his father’s advice. 5. Just think, if I’d bought those pictures, then I should be a rich man now. 6. If you had gone to see them yesterday, you’d know now what the matter is. 7. If Janet had had a lot of practice in English last year, she would speak it perfectly now. 8. I shouldn’t be angry with you if you had answered my questions properly. 9. If he were a kind man, he wouldn’t have spoken to the girl in such a way. 10. If I knew her well, I should have gone to her party too. 11. If you had a better command of English, you would have translated the text better.

Exercise 5.4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Если бы он умел ходить на лыжах, он уехал бы с друзьями в горы еще на прошлой неделе. 2. Если бы я знала его лучше, я бы поговорила с ним об этом еще вчера. 3. Если бы мы заказали билеты заранее, мы бы не стояли сейчас за ними в очереди. 4. Если бы мы заказали номер в гостинице по телефону, нам не пришлось бы сейчас ждать. 5. Если бы дороги не были такими плохими, мы бы уже давно добрались до места назначения. 6. Если бы они любили друг друга, они бы давно поженились. 7. Если бы он был честным человеком, он бы не сделал это. 8. Ты бы себя хорошо сегодня чувствовал, если бы принял лекарство вчера. 9. Если бы мы больше работали вчера, наш проект был бы сейчас готов. 10. Если бы мы послали письмо вчера, они получили бы его завтра утром. 11. Если бы мы не шли так быстро, мы не были бы такими усталыми сейчас и могли бы продолжить наш путь. 12. Если бы я нуждался в помощи, я бы еще вчера позвонил другу. 13. Если бы я принял его предложение, я бы сейчас не искал работу. 14. Если бы я вчера не ел мороженое, у меня не болело бы горло. 15. Если бы он так много не работал вчера, он не был бы сейчас таким усталым. 16. Не будь он таким рассеянным, он не забыл бы свой чемодан в поезде. 17. Не будь он таким ленивым, он бы сдал все экзамены. 18. Если бы ты не пригласила меня на вечеринку, я бы не был здесь сейчас.


VI. Союз if и др. может быть опущен в придаточных предложениях II и III типа. Главное предложение соединяется с придаточным посредством инверсии сказуемого, т.е. глаголы were, had, could, should ставятся перед подлежащим в придаточном предложении. Такие предложения переводятся на русский язык обычно с помощью инверсии, что делает предложение более эмфатичным.


Had I time, I should go to the club. Будь у меня время, я пошел бы в клуб.
Could he come tonight, we should be very glad. Если бы он мог придти сегодня вечером, мы были бы очень рады.

Exercise 6.1. Omit the conjunction in the following sentences making all the necessary changes.

1. If I had time, I should study French. 2. If you should find them, kindly let me know. 3. If they had called at the office yesterday, they would have found me there. 4. If I had seen him yesterday, I should have told him about it. 5. If he were here, I should speak to him. 6. If he were in town, he would help us. 7. If he should come, tell him to wait. 8. If I had enough money, I would travel. 9. If I were you, I should go there immediately. 10. The accident might not have occurred if they had been more careful. 11. If I were in his place, I should refuse. 12. If you had seen him, you wouldn’t have recognized him.

Exercise 6.2. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. Were he a sensible boy, he’d behave in a different way. 2. Were I in your place, I’d do the same. 3. Were she one of my best friends, I’d share my secrets with her. 4. Weren’t it raining, the children wouldn’t be staying at home. 5. Had she the time, she would be able to join the excursion. 6. Had she many children, she wouldn’t be so lonely. 7. Had we been told about it yesterday, we’d have come earlier. 8. Had she known he would be here, she wouldn’t have gone away. 9. I don’t know what you would have done, had you been in my place. 10. Were she cleverer, she wouldn’t have said such a silly thing. 11. Were Mum with us, she wouldn’t have let you do so. 12. Hadn’t he been badly wounded, he would have reached the other bank sooner. 13. Were the intensity of all the beams alike, we should get an opposite result. 14. The heating elements can be easily exchanged, should the need arise. 15. Were the Earth stationary, the movements of the atmosphere would he controlled almost entirely by temperature differences. 16. Were the observations rigorously correct and the values of the unknown quantities finally determined affected by no error, they would be many times more accurate than we can hope to make them.

Exercise 6.3. Translate and comment on the types of the following Conditionals.

1. If the intracellular K were replaced by choline, no K uptake could take place afterwards. 2. Were the intracellular K replaced by choline, no K uptake could take place. 3. If the potential had been suddenly increased, very little current would have flown through the membrane. 4. Had the potential been suddenly increased, very little current would have flown through the membrane. 5. If water should be added to these lipids, the x-ray periods will be enlarged. 6. Should water be added to these lipids, the x-ray periods will be enlarged. 7. The surge of ingoing current would be reversed if Na in the medium were replaced by choline. 8. The surge of ingoing current would be reversed, were Na in the medium replaced by choline. 9. Stimulation would produce different results if some of the experimental conditions could be changed. 10. Stimulation would produce different results, could some of the experimental conditions be changed. 11. We shall be greatly surprised, should the deflection increase at all. 12. Had we any reasons, we might refuse the offer of the Columbia group. 13. Could such an ion be in the steady state, it would be distributed according to a Donnan equilibrium. 14. Had it not been for the powerful microscopes, our investigation of minute particles of the living organism would have been limited.

Exercise 6.4. Complete the following sentences.

1. (Знай я об этом раньше) … I’d have spoken to him. 2. (Не будь дождя) … we’d have had a sail by sea. 3. (Будь они сейчас здесь) … they would come to see us. 4. (Сдай она уже экзамены) … she could go to the Crimea. 5. (Будь он совершенно одиноким) … we’d invite him oftener. 6. (Поступи он так) … everybody would have turned away from him. 7. (Не будь река так глубока) … we should cross it here.

Exercise 6.5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Будь сейчас каникулы, я бы поехал в Москву. 2. Позвони она мне вчера, мы бы не выглядели так глупо сейчас. 3. Приди он вовремя, они бы уже закончили работу. 4. Будь это правда, он не стал бы отрицать этого. 5. Предупреди он нас, мы никогда бы не вмешались в это дело. 6. Будь он художником, он написал бы мой портрет. 7. Скажи он об этом раньше, все было бы теперь иначе. 8. Имей я тогда деньги, я прилетела бы самолетом. 9. Будь я снова в этих местах, я обязательно бы сходил на охоту. 10. Положи вы письмо в сумку, вы не потеряли бы его. 11. Я купила бы своему сыну коньки, умей он кататься.

VII. Маловероятные и нереальные условия, помимо придаточного предложения условия, могут быть выражены еще двумя конструкциями: 1) if it were not (if it had not been) for …, 2) but for + существительное (местоимение). Такие структуры переводятся на русский язык если бы не ….


If it were not for his friend (but for his friend), he would feel very lonely in this big city. Если бы не его друг, он чувствовал бы себя очень одиноко в этом большом городе.
If it had not been for the rain (but for the rain), he would have gone to the country on Saturday. Если бы не дождь, он уехал бы за город в субботу.

Exercise 7.1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. If it had not been for his advice, you would have wasted a lot of time. 2. But for the late hour I’d stay a little longer. 3. The child wouldn’t have begun crying but for your severe look. 4. But for your help I should never have finished my work. 5. Nobody would have noticed him but for his innumerable questions. 6. The girl would have lost her job but for her father’s help. 7. But for the girl he would have left immediately.


1. But for the very slow growth rates of lichens and our ignorance of their natural modes of reproduction, their deliberate sowing and cultivation would be possible. 2. Since the DNA double helix is only about 20A thick, this strand, were it not for its division into sections independent of one another, would have a slenderness ratio of 10 million. 3. The species would not have developed normally had it not been for the restoration of normal conditions. 4. Different gene symbols are used in different plants for the same biochemical effect. Plainly, the situation would be much clearer but for the quantity of symbols used for the same effect. 5. Were it not for the ability of nonchloroplyllous plants to decompose waste organic material, the earth in a very short time would be covered to an astonishing depth with an accumulation of vegetable debris. 6. The latter explanation might have been correct but for the presence of intact virus during the lag period. 7. But for the striking changes in the structures of the matter one could have predicted the resulting concentration. 8. But for the use of serial sections and the phyllotactic leaf-trace relationship the procambium could be missed. 9. But for the experimental contribution of Professor T. we should have ascribed this phenomenon to the electrostatic repulsion of similarly charged molecules. 10. Some investigators go so far as to state that if it were not for bacteria and allied microorganisms, you and I might not even be here. 11. The work of Wieland might have remained of academic interest if it had not been for the discovery in 1945 that an important vitamin is a pterin-containing compound.

Exercise 7.2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Если бы не дождь, дети спали бы на открытом воздухе. 2. Если бы не постоянная забота матери, он никогда бы не поправился. 3. Если бы не ужасная жара, мы могли бы прогуляться немного. 4. Если бы не его улыбка, мы бы поверили всему, что он говорил. 5. Девушка не привлекла бы к себе внимания, если бы не ее прекрасные большие глаза. 6. Если бы не вы, я бы не пришла сюда. 7. Если бы не война, его судьба могла сложиться иначе. 8. Если бы не тишина, которая царила в доме, она ничего бы не услышала. 9. Если бы не будильник, мы бы проспали сегодня. 10. Если бы не ваше письмо, он ничего бы не узнал о нашей поездке в Москву. 11. Она давно бы пришла, если бы не сильный дождь. 12. Если бы не эта погода, она бы чувствовала себя неплохо. 13. Если бы не плохие дороги, мы бы уже давно добрались до места назначения.


VIII. Союзы even if, even though, соединяющие главное предложение с придаточным в сложноподчиненных предложениях нереальной уступки переводятся на русский язык даже если бы. Употребление глагольных форм в обеих частях предложения зависит от отнесенности действия к прошлому, с одной стороны, или к настоящему или будущему, с другой.


Even if he had known about it, he wouldn’t have told us anything. Даже если бы он знал об этом, он не сказал бы нам ничего.
Even if you were right I would not defend you. Даже если бы ты был прав, я бы не стал защищать тебя.

Exercise 8.1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. If you aren’t going to live in the house why you (not sell) it? Even if I (have) a house I couldn’t use, I (not sell) it. 2. Even if I (realize) how awful the job was going to be, I (accept) it. I didn’t have another way out. 3. Tom: The plane was on fire so we baled out. Ann: I don’t think I (have) the nerve to do that even if the plane (be) on fire. 4. Even if we (work) all night, we (not finish) in time. 5. Even if someone (ring) my doorbell at 3 a.m., I (be) very unwillingly to open the door. 6. Even if I (have) heaps of money, I (not drink) champagne with every meal. 7. I recognized him at once. Even if he (wear) dark glasses, I (recognize) him immediately. 8. Even if you had been there, what you (do)? 9. I was so tired yesterday. Even if I (have) more time, I (not have) talks with you. 10. Even if I (want) to, I (can do) nothing about it now. 11. We’ve got only ten minutes left. We (not make) it even if we (hurry up). 12. I (cannot go) today even if you (ask) me.

Exercise 8.2.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Даже если бы у меня был билет, я бы не смог вчера пойти на хоккей. 2. Я не сказал бы вам ничего, даже если бы и знал что-нибудь. 3. Даже если бы меня пригласили на вечер, я бы не пошла. 4. Даже если бы ты позвонил мне вчера, я бы не смог придти. 5. Даже если бы у меня был словарь, я бы не смог перевести статью к завтрашнему дню. 6. У меня грипп. Даже если бы я принял лекарство, я бы все равно не смог пойти в университет. 7. Даже если бы он и пришел вчера, я бы с ним не разговаривала. 8. Даже если бы шел дождь, я бы не осталась дома. 9. Даже если бы я и захотел, я ничего не смог бы сейчас сделать. 10. У нас осталось 10 минут. Мы бы не успели, даже если бы и поспешили. 11. Я не смог бы сегодня пойти, даже если бы ты меня попросил.



Exercise 1. Read the following sentences. Define the types of Conditionals and translate them into Russian.

1. Marked change in RNAP of the system would be expected if the DNAP increase were to reflect the increase in bacterial number. 2. Over most of the area of England, there is little doubt, oak forest would again extend, perhaps in a couple of centuries, if the country were to be completely abandoned by man and his flocks and herds. 3. If fungi and bacteria were not to be active in the destruction of leaves at the end of the growing season, the dead leaves would fall to the ground and eventually would accumulate to such an extent that the tree might be completely covered. 4. If account is taken of the illustration given in figure 9, both the principles will apply. 5. Provided a fourth molecule of water were added to the left in figure 17, an almost equilateral triangle would appear. 6. Were several small bivalents present, they were to be found in the center of the plate. 7. If we knew how the gene arose, we probably should know how life itself arose from the inorganic. 8. Unless cystitis sets in, which is frequently the case, the animal may live in spite of the disturbance of some functions. 9. Were the H-O-H angle equal to 120o, this could give rise to a monomolecular layer of H2O molecules. 10. On condition all these factors were taken into account, the 1.4 axis would be calculated as 5.15A, rather than 5.94A. 11. Were it not for the ability of non–chlorophyllous plants to decompose waste organic material, the earth in a very short time would be covered to an astonishing depth with an accumulation of vegetable debris. 12. Provided all particles keep as far away as possible from their neighbours, a regular arrangement will necessarily result owing to particle morphology. 13. This sort of thing would hardly be expected, were crossing over to take place in the ordinary manner as, for example, in Drosophila. 14. If we were asked what influence a given gene had, all by itself, on development, we would not be able to answer the question. 15. Should evisceration be performed in addition to the administration of an anesthetic, the following course of events may be envisaged. 16. If we had given the culture the very high dose initially, we should most likely have killed it completely, since there would have been little likelihood that the original culture would have contained a cell in which several mutations had occurred at the same time. 17. This persistence of added or lost chromosomal material would hardly be expected provided the chromosome number were determined by the nature of the cell. 18. This is precisely the result, one would expect on the basis of chromosomal segregation during gametogenesis provided the genes in question resided on different chromosomes. 19. No such degree of differentiation and specialization of tissues as we see in higher organisms could be attained, were it not for adequate means of keeping various parts fully correlated in action.

Exercise 2. Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

1. If the machine stop/will stop, you press/will press this button.

2. I can’t understand what he sees in her! If anyone treats/will treat/treated me like that, I am/will be/would be extremely angry!

3. If you help/helped me with this exercise, I will/would do the same for you one day.

4. According to the timetable, if the train leaves/left on time, we will/would arrive at 5.30.

5. If it is/will be fine tomorrow, we go/will go to the coast.

6. If we find/found a taxi, we will get/would get there before the play starts.

7. It’s quite simple really. If you take/will take/took these tablets every day, then you lose/will lose/lost/would lose weight.

8. I don’t like this flat. I think I am/I will be/I’d be happier if I live/will live/would live/lived in a house in the country.

9. I don’t know how to play baseball, but I’m sure that if I will do/did, I play/will play/would play a lot better than anyone in this awful team!

10. If I phone/will phone/phoned you tonight, are you/will you be/would you be in?

11. Why didn’t you tell me? If you told/had told me, I had helped/would have helped you.

12. If Bill didn’t steal/hadn’t stolen the car, he wasn’t/wouldn’t be/hadn’t been in prison now.

13. If Ann wasn’t driving/didn’t drive/hadn’t driven so fast, her car didn’t crash/wouldn’t crash/wouldn’t have crashed into a tree.

14. Let me give you some advice. If you smoked/would smoke/had smoked less, you didn’t feel/wouldn’t feel/wouldn’t have felt so tired.

15. What bad luck! If Alan didn’t fall/hadn’t fallen/wouldn’t fall over, he won/would win/would have won the race.

16. If you invited/had invited me last week, I was able/had been able/would have been able to come.

17. I’m sure your letter hasn’t arrived yet. If it came/had come, I’m sure I noticed/had noticed/would have noticed it.

18. We have a suggestion to make. How do you feel/would you feel if we offered/would offer/had offered you the job of assistant manager?

19. If you lent/had lent us the money, we paid/would pay/had paid you back next week.

20. Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches/caught/had caught a fish, he throws/would throw it back!

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the verbs in the necessary form.

1. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certainly have told her all about it. 2. If you (to do) your morning exercises every day, your health would be much better. 3. If he is not very busy, he (to agree) to go to the museum with us. 4. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I should not have understood this difficult rule. 5. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly. 6. If they (to know) it before, they would have taken measures. 7. If I (to get) this book, I shall be happy. 8. If you really loved music, you (to go) to the Philharmonic much more often. 9. If you had not wasted so much time, you (not to miss) the train. 10. If you (not to miss) the train, you would have arrived in time. 11. You (not to miss) the teacher’s explanation if you had arrived in time. 12. You would have understood the rule if you (not to miss) the teacher's explanation. 13. If you (to understand) the rule, you would have written the test paper successfully. 14. If you had written the test paper successfully, you (not to get) an unsatisfactory mark. 15. Your mother (not to scold) you if you had not got an unsatisfactory mark. 16. If your mother (not to scold) you, you would have felt happier.

Exercise 4. Use the verbs in appropriate forms.

1. If you (to ring) me up, I shall tell you a secret. 2. If you (to be) a poet, you would write beautiful poetry. 3. If he did not read so much, he (not to know) English literature so well. 4. If he (to come) to our house yesterday, he would have met his friend. 5. If he (not to pass) his examination, he will not get a scholarship. 6. If she (not to help) me, I should have been in a very difficult situation. 7. My father would have more free time if he (not to read) so many newspapers. 8. If only you had let me know, I (to go) there immediately. 9. If you (not to buy) coffee, we shall drink tea. 10. If he is free tomorrow, he certainly (to come) to our party. 11. My brother would not have missed so many lessons if he (not to hurt) his leg. 12. If my friend (to work) in my office, we should meet every day. 13. If you spoke English every day, you (to improve) your language skills. 14. If she (to return) earlier, she would have been able to see him before he left. 15. If these shoes were not too big for me, I (to buy) them.

Exercise 5. Use the verbs in brackets in the necessary forms.

1. I should be very glad if he (to come) to my place. 2. If he (to live) in St. Petersburg, he would go to the Hermitage every week. 3. If you (to go) to the theatre with us last week, you would have enjoyed the evening. 4. You won’t understand the rule if you (not to listen) to the teacher. 5. If he weren’t such a bookworm, he (not to spend) so much time sitting in the library. 6. I should not have bought the car if my friend (not to lend) me money. 7. If he did not live in St. Petersburg, we (not to meet) so often. 8. If he had warned me, I (to do) the work in time. 9. If my brother (to be) in trouble, I shall help him, of course. 10. If I don’t manage to finish my report today, I (to stay) at home tomorrow. 11. If she were more careful about her diet, she (not to be) so stout. 12. You would not feel so bad if you (not to smoke) too much. 13. If he (to learn) the poem, he would not have got a bad mark. 14. If you gave me your dictionary for a couple of days, I (to translate) this text. 15. If I (to be) a musician, I should be very happy. 16. If Barbara (to get) up at half past eight, she would have been late for school. 17. If you had not put the cup on the edge of the table, it (not to get) broken.

Exercise 6. Change the sentences using Conditionals.

1. You did not ring me up, so I did not know you were in trouble. If... 2. You left the child alone in the room, so he hurt himself. If... 3. They spent a year in the tropics, so they got very sun-tanned. If... 4. It rained heavily, so we got drenched to the skin. If... 5. Why didn’t you watch the cat? It ate all the fish. If... 6. A huge black cloud appeared from behind the forest, so we had to turn back and hurry home. If... 7. The travellers had no camera with them, so they could not take photos of the beautiful scenery. If... 8. There was no sugar left, so we had to go to the shop late in the evening. If... 9. This house is very nice and comfortable, but it is not very good for living because it is situated close to a chemical plant and the air around is very bad. If... 10. He is an excellent specialist, but I cannot ask his advice because I am not acquainted with him. If... 11. You cannot enjoy this merry evening party because you have toothache. If... 12. You know the material well enough, but you are very absent-minded, and that’s why you always make many mistakes. If... 13. We shall not go to see them because it is very late. If... 14. Naturally she was angry because you were in her way. If...

Exercise 7. Change the sentences and use Conditionals.

1. Не always gets top marks in mathematics because it is his favourite subject and he works a lot at it. If... 2. I did not translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary. If... 3. We lost our way because the night was pitch-dark. If... 4. The box was so heavy that I could not carry it. That’s why I took a taxi. If... 5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that’s why I did not come to see you. If... 6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that’s why it struck a rock. If... 7. He was not in town, therefore he was not present at our meeting. If... 8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If... 9. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If... 10. It is late, and I have to go home. If... 11. I was expecting my friend to come, that’s why I could not go to the cinema with you. If... 12. The sea is rough, and we cannot sail to the island. If... 13. He is busy and does not come to see us. If... 14. The girl did not study well last year and received bad marks. If... 15. He broke his bicycle and so he did not go to the country. If... 16. He speaks English badly: he has no practice. If...

Exercise 8. Make up conditional sentences. Don't forget about the mixed type of Conditionals.

1. Не is not a first-class sportsman now because he did not train enough last year. If... 2. The pupils did not understand the homework because they were inattentive. If... 3. The pupils worked hard and did well in their examinations. If... 4. She won’t try to enter the foreign languages department because she is not good at foreign languages. If... 5. I shall go to the dentist because I have a toothache. If... 6. He is groaning with pain now because he did not go to the dentist to have his tooth filled. If... 7. She does not go to the polyclinic because she does not need any treatment. If... 8. He will not go to see the play as he was present at the dress rehearsal. If... 9. He went to Moscow specially to hear this famous singer because he is fond of him. If... 10. We did not go to the refreshment room to have a glass of lemonade because we were not thirsty. If... 11. She could not mend her dress herself because she had no needle. If...

Exercise 9. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вы бы улучшили свой английский, если бы больше работали. 2. Если бы вы не помогали друг другу, вы бы не добились таких успехов. 3. Если бы я знала ее адрес, я бы сообщила ей об этом раньше. 4. Если бы не предстоящие экзамены, мы поехали бы сейчас за город. 5. Если бы вы выучили все правила, вы могли бы сейчас писать контрольную работу. 6. Я бы с удовольствием съездила в Москву, если бы не была там летом. 7. Она

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